The workouts, schedule, up to date participant list, and all spectator information for The Outlaw Open will be posted Wednesday night. Until then, here’s a little teaser of at least the first half of workout #3 featuring Matt Link (and BP’s stopwatch)…


This, my friends, is the mythical “de-load” week you have all been dreaming of. We’ll test a few things (not expecting gigantic PRs), and take a week to transition into a full 16 week cycle that will lead up to the beginning of the season. Enjoy, maybe you can get out of the gym under an hour, or maybe you’ll still hump the foam roller for 30 minutes like a Burnese Mountain Dog in heat.

Epical, gigantical, Outlaw lifting/podiuming weekend . I don’t want to make the post a mile long, so I’ll save half of the pics/videos for tomorrow.

Caleb Williams: 345# Clean & Jerk at the South Georgia Throwdown (@ 150# BW). Caleb actually missed an attempt after this which would have been an un-official American Record @ 69kg… In a parking lot.

Ryan Sunshine: 17 Muscle-Ups in 1 minute at the South Georgia Throwdown. Ryan also finished 2nd overall after winning the first two workouts of the weekend. Ryan is 19 years old.

Christy Harper: 1st overall at the Deep South Shootout.

WOD 121029:

BB Gymnastics

15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch from blocks (just above the knee).

Conditioning (pain threshold training)

Compare to 120211

5 rounds for total time of:

Row 250m
10 Squat Clean to Thrusters 95/65#
15 Burpees

-Rest 3 minutes.

Notes: This entire WOD should be performed with a 20/10# vest.

101 responses to “121029

  1. This weekend was a bad one for my team. We placed middle of the pack at the local Battle of the Boxes for the Detroit metro area. Programming for the day made me think of the recent competition posts. We got our asses handed to us on the Tug-O-War and Football throw event. We did do well on the 1RM Snatch and C&J workout, where I pulled a #225PR snatch in a parking lot. Timed out before I could hit anything heavy on C&J, only #285.

    #175 – I wasn’t pulling very hard today, Off high boxes too.

    Totally understood what you meant by pain tolerance. This was a test of how long I could go before I dropped the bar or paused on my burpees.

    Rounds were around 2:30

    Total working time was 24:59

    • Tyler- What box do you train at? I’m out of CrossFit Reviver in Roch Hills. What were your thoughts about the programming at B.O.B.?

  2. BBG
    Hit 140 and failed 145 twice before running out of time. That’s light but its also 87% of my 1rm (160 from Saturday)

    20:16 rx


  3. BBG:) 195, Fail @ 205 twice

    Conditioning: 24:51 total time – 2:30ish work splits give or take 10 seconds per round.

  4. Is the rest 3 minutes meaning, lay on the floor in a puddle of your own sweat after the WOD for only 3 minutes before you MUST get up and move?

  5. BBG:
    250# off blocks. That’s a PR for any style snatch. My 1RM from floor is 240# which I hit 2 weeks ago.


  6. BBGym:
    1) 150(PR)

    -25cal AirDyne for row(miserable)

    5/7/2-feeling the effects of a weekend in NYC

  7. 160lb

    19:50- RX for 3 rnds (ultra gased post Deep South Shootout which was also my first Crossfit competition EVER)

  8. BBG 165#


    29.10 total time Rx

    That was the toughest wod I have ever done. I’m glad there is an AED at our gym, cause I was thinking about hooking it up after the last round. It was what got me through the end. I knew that I could crawl to the AED and find my cell and call 911. This 45 yr old wants to smack the crap outta that young 40 yr old whipper snapper coach. 30 mins after I finished and I’m thinking that I can drive home now. What’s next? Bring it on o bearded one….

  9. Pr at 225lb 15lb pr off the blocks!!
    Conditioning 27:24 rx vested lost twenty seconds total from the first round

  10. Never posted my results since I started doing Outlaw in September, but after competing in my first competition this past weekend (Banjo Beatdown) I see why this program works! Hit a PR of 163# in the power clean.


    Practiced bar muscle ups
    16:16 Rx for conditioning

  11. I get mad excited when Rudy says “Conditioning (pain threshold training)”

    I PR’d Snatch of the boxes today at 95kg

    Conditioning I ran out of time but did complete 2 rounds.

  12. BBG: Had to just practice the snatch technique some more. Snatched 88lbs with pretty good form. Went up to 121lbs but the form was not consistent.

    Conditioning: 4:45, 5:03, 5:40, 6:12, 5:46. Man this sucked but I got through it. I can feel myself starting to improve. No way I would get through this workout when it all started. I am loving the program. It challenges me everyday and just reminds me to I need to get better. This is the first crossfit program I have ever joined. I was a traditional weigh lifter. This destroys me in an entirely different way.

  13. No blocks, did snatching from the hang, just above knee. Unbelievable day! I matched my “from ground” PR.

    HSn 210: huge 20# RP at this position

    Did affiliate conditioning, 135lb pwr snatches and runs.

    MFS: 222

  14. BBG

    TWT 23:00 with vest.No rower so 200m run. Blew up on the third and 4th round clean thrusters, but recovered on the last round.

  15. Skipped BBG

    Conditioning (we work to a 12 min time cap so 4 rounds)

    No vest

    2:52/3:21/3:40/3:59 – total working time = 13:52

  16. No boxes so did hang.

    PR! 5 off from my floor max.

    Did other conditioning.

    Also competed this weekend at the Black Sheep Invitational in cedar city UT. Came in 8th( boo) but I got second in snatch max. (225 booya) We had to run 4.5 miles up a mountain at 7 in the am. It was 37 degrees. Worst thing I’ve ever done.


  17. BBG:
    1.) 215 lbs! New PR! Felt great.


    27:50 Rx with the 20 vest for entire WOD

    Total Working Time: 15:50

    Liked the WOD and the extra challenge of the vest.

  18. BBG

    265# (Tied ground PR)
    4 Attempts at 275 but misses got pretty ugly.


    With 20# vest but only had time for 3 Rounds

    16:20. Even doing three was brutal.

  19. Very little time tonight

    BBG – 85kg. Very close miss at 90kg, I would’ve gotten it had I had more time

    Conditioning – only did 3 rounds and without a vest

    2:38, 2:48, 2:50

    Very painful.

  20. 1RM OHS instead since I missed it last week. 255 lbs.

    Rx’d Conditioning


    TWT:14:49. Last time Rudy programmed this I was 16:22

  21. Only had time for conditioning:
    Used a 15# vest
    1)3:03(did lateral burpees-whoops)
    2)2:50(reg burpees)
    All squat clean thrusters ub; burpees were slower than I liked but I felt like I was movin…

  22. BBG: 135# (failed to catch 140# several times, plenty high enough, press-out is not aggressive enough)

    COND: no weight vest available, will have access to one on sunday- will do then

  23. BBG
    1. 195 felt good today. Ran out of time.
    1. 3:04, 3:24, 3:29, 3:43, 3:21 for total time of 28:51 that sucked!

  24. BBG
    95kg which is 95% of full snatch.. Hope a PB is on the way soon

    26.37 total time when finished

  25. did bb gymn from the other day
    e30sec 1snatch+1sn balance at 185 did 14attempts since i had 4 misses
    e40sec 1hang sq clean+1fs+1push jerk at 220lbs 10 reps

    emotm 5min
    4muscle ups
    6 hspu

    then wod
    without vest 24;38 incl rest

  26. Decided The Outlaw Way is the way to go but I am following a week behind. With life, just makes it easier to plan accordingly. However, I wanted to post my times for your data record purposes. Name is Nick, 6’0′”, 200#s and it’s a constant battle to get stronger being in the Army. I look forward to the success everyone else on here seems to be having!

    BBG: 215#
    COND: 2.30,2.40,2.47,2.44,2.54

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