No, this is not necessarily what yesterday’s Snatch complex was supposed to look like, but damn is this heavy. This is Chad Kibbey, from CrossFit Shifted, with 100kg (220#). Side note: Chad felt bad about not catching the second lift power, so he went ahead and did 5 OHS @ 220#… Cute.


WOD 120901:

BB Gymnastics

1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.

2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.

Notes: Treat these attempts as if you were at a meet. Do not count reps that are pressed out, and ONLY allow yourself the 3 attempts. Rest at least 3 minutes between attempts.


EMOM for 7 minutes:

2 1 1/4 Front Squats @ 75% DEMO VIDEO


“The Tears of a Spider Monkey”

Refer to 120114

7 rounds for time of:

20 Push Press @ 75/55lbs
20 OHS @ 75/55lbs

89 responses to “120901

  1. BBG

    Snatch 62.5kg, 65 (fail), 65 (fail) need to get under the bar faster
    C&J 65kg, 75, 85 (fail) need to get under the bar faster


    done @ 85 kg tough but felt good


    started with 20kg

    managed one very slow first round
    legs were smoked, might try it again tomorrow

    M/F/S 3/5/6 felt great at the start but just ran out of gas at the end

  2. On these 1 and 1/4 front squats and the front squats with a pause, do you want a bounce out of the bottom or regular tempo/no bounce? Some times it is specific, others not so much. I am assuming that since our goal is overall strength out of the bottom then the regular tempo/no bounce option is the way to go. Help a brother out.

    • You can bounce out of the bottom just make sure to always get past parallel for your 1/4 squat up and not just a shitty double bounce.

  3. BB Gymnastics
    Couldn’t put a total up anywhere near maximum. Worked up to 80/100 in warm up.



    M/F/S – 5/8/6

  4. BB Gymnastics
    No new PR ( second week on outlaw shoulders are fatigued beyond belief)
    Snatch 155
    Clean and Jerk 205

    Strength 180


    4rds ( extreme muscle fatigue, and had to stop due to work)

    Loving the programming though!

  5. BBG:
    1) 145-155(f)-155(f) going to get it one day. The pull is easy just can’t get the bar back.
    2) 185-195(pr)-205(f)


    5 rounds @ 19:23

  6. BBG
    1) 150(f) – 155(f) – 160 (technical fail – pressed out. but stood up with it, that’s a 5# PR)
    2) 185 – 200(failed jerk) – 200(f)

    I feel like I need a jerk cycle for a month or two, my shit sucks.

    EMOM @ 165#

    Conditioning 27:50 Rx

    That was absolutely 1,000 times worse than expected.

  7. 1. 107.5, missed 110kg on lock out
    2. 125, missed 130kg on jerk

    Front squat – 122.5kg

    WOD – 17:51…holy shoulders

  8. BBG
    Sn: 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 190 (+5lb PR), 195f, f, f (fuckin had the 2nd fail, but couldnt Jay Rhodes that shit, I pussy slow assed it) (pube bone very bruised from slamming the 185)
    C&J: 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 215, 225 (Clean +5lb PR, but failed jerk. Did not try anymore cause the 225 clean was rough getting up. I sat with it in the btm, then had to bounce twice to get it up)

    FS: 135, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 195 (took it ascending cause of my ugly 30second long clean PR)

    No metcon.

    Went to an hour yoga class, cuz I keep it hard core.


    MFS: 355 despite feeling like ass this morning, I felt strong and got some PRs. Fuk yeah!

  9. Snatch
    97.5, 103.5 lost behind me, 105kg PB by 2.5kg

    Clean and jerk
    127.5 lost the clean when I knelt down with it, 128.5, 132.5kg = PB

    Total = 237.5kg @ 90kg BW

    No squats as my knees were sore after doing extra silly shit last night

    Tears of the spider monkey
    52 seconds slower than last time – absolute shit show of a workout. Let’s just not talk about it

    Extra punishment
    For time
    Run 400m in a 10kg vest
    Row 500m in a 10kg vest
    Run 400m without the damn vest

    MFS = 246 funny shoulder feeling even before I started lifting

      • I love you all that’ll miss a lift, then proceed to increase weight, and make it, NICE! Im thinking the ‘fuck yeah’ will please him, but not as much not as much when his boy uttered them as his 1st words. doh!

  10. BBG
    1. 200, 210 (F), 210 (F)
    2. 260, 275 (F), 275 (F)

    Forward on all the misses. First sub par day on these in a while.

    1. Done w/ 262.5

  11. bbg

    Snatch. 275 miss, 275 miss, 295 5# p.r. missing 275 twice pissed me off, went into kill mode and nailed 295. need to figure out how to get that fired up for the first and second attempts, could’ve had a shot at 300 today.

    C&J. 275, 325 (press out on jerk), 325 missed jerk

    strength @ 225#

    20:14 rx

      • thanks, I’m gettin there. Not as mind blowing as some of these lighter guys like Spencer Arnold (I weigh about 240#) But really excited to hit a longtime goal of 300+ and keep progressing, all thanks to Rudy & The Way!

  12. Finally hit 110# after not even getting my old PR at 105# last week
    105# F, 105# hit, 110# F, 110# hit

    C&J just hit 130 again, can not get up with 135#

    strength: 100#

  13. Been slack on posting this past week.
    1) Missed 230×3
    2) MIssed 305×3
    Can’t wait to try these again.
    1) EMOM at 245

  14. BBG:

    Snatch. 155, 165(f), 165 (pr since I have never snatched until last week)

    Clean and jerk. 195, 205 (pr), 215 (f)

    Front squats 7 x 155

    5 rounds 17:12. Amazing to me how only 75 pounds could destroy my shoulders like that!!!

  15. BBGym:
    Snatch: tied PR, missed 155# in the hole
    C&J: Missed 195# 3 times, failed first attempt after about 30seconds of fighting it out of the hole, I need a bigger FS.

    1) 165#



    Snatch(kg) – 105(f), 105, 110(f) 15kg unPR
    C&J – 127.5, 132.5(f), 132.5(f) 12.5kg unPR
    Just felt like absolute shit lifting

    FS@ 110kg completed, these weren’t that bad surprisingly, after the awful lifting

    Conditioning – 12:29 26s PR, should have been more like 11:29 but I had no marbles today.

  17. Snatch – 185, 195F, 200

    5# under PR.

    C&J – 235, 250, 265F

    10# under PR. Had 265 overhead but couldn’t finish. Been stuck here a long time, always limited by the jerk, clean not an issue. Frustrating. Keep at it.

    Skipped FS, knees already weren’t happy and wanted to be able to get through conditioning.


    Eh. About what I expected. More muscle fatigue then breathing.

  18. Snatch – 210(PR)
    C+J – 255, easy but ran out of time


    FS @ 215, moderate

    5 rounds in 9:48

  19. Snatch: 210#, 57# under PR. Just began using the squat snatch style, been doing split snatches for 3 years. Giant step backwards as far as weight goes.
    Clean and Jerk: 320#. 15# under PR. Missed 345# twice.
    Front Squat: 315#
    Did a workout with my boss for conditioning involving:
    30m Prowler Push
    30m Prowler Push
    Descending HSPU and Pistols, Prowler push between each exercise.

  20. 1. 245 (went to my knee), 255(m), 255 (stuck it, 5# PR)
    3. 295, 315 (took three attempts at it and got under all of them but need more raw leg strength to stand up with it. Pull felt good though)



    No conditioning today.

  21. BBG:
    1)110(tie pr), 115(f- got it overhead but couldn’t stick it)

    2)150, didn’t go higher. First day back to squat clean so I’m ok with it.

    120×4, 125×3

    -didn’t want to do anything else with back so changed OHS to a 20s static hold with OHS grip and 20 air squats (per round).


  22. BBG
    1) Failed at snatch today (155, 160 x 2 all fails)
    2) BIG PR on C + J 245 (12.5 # PR), had more, but that was number 3


    19:46 RX


  23. Snatch 215…same PR for a month now. Can hit it everytime just can’t hit 220
    Clean and Jerk – sucked 20#s under PR today
    245 was all I had

    Front squat 230 no problem

    Conditioning 14:02

  24. BBG
    1) 125F-125F-125F
    2) 160- 165 (bad elbows)- 170F



    Felt pretty shitty all over today. On another note, set a 2.48mile PR of 18:56 last night.

  25. BBG: snatch 165 175f 175 5# pr
    C&J 220 230 240f jerk was horrible
    @225 felt easy
    17:00 that was miserable.

  26. Snatch 155#, 165#, 170#(fail)
    C&J 205#, 215#(fail), 215#(fail)


    Scaled to 65#
    5 rds 13:28

    Felt really fatigued and decided to stop at 5, lack of sleep and too much wine the night before.

    M/F/S. 3/8/3

  27. First week of outlaw programming complete… i’m impressed (with the programming, not my performance 🙂

    snatch: 120#
    C&J: 160#
    FS’s @ 130#
    Conditioning: 15:43…gosh that sucked.

  28. Did not do BB today cause after my first complete week of Outlaw there is no power left in my shoulder. Could not snatch 90# for OHS when had regular Crossfit class and could not push jerk 110#, so decided that I will just skip this part without getting frustrated about me being weak. Though at least got my OHS PR for 5reps: 110#.
    Strength: 110#
    Conditioning: 26:17min.
    After reading Talayna’s article about this WOD, decided to be no hero and break get it done, no matter what, although I never quit WOD. My knees were literally smoking afterwards.

  29. not a bad day.

    snatch – tied my 1rm from last weekend with 170

    C&J – tied my 1rm from last weeked with 225, hit a 230 clean but missed the jerk

    front squats – 205, all good lifts

    subbed angie instead of “comin at ya like a spider monkey” cuz my left shoulder was feeling pretty tweaked after the oly lifts. Ended up PR’ing on Angie by 1:21 with a time of 9:11. “…and I stand by my performance.” – Harry Dunn

  30. Programming in Afghan

    Snatch: stuck @ 170#
    C&J: 220# solid **PR

    1.25(s) @ 175#


    Only 2 months with the Pgram avg about 10lbs PR/mo so far… gettin’ it done the best way we can over here… Mmerica!!

  31. BBG

    Snatch – Up to 85kg, Fail on 90kg
    C&J – Up to 110kg, Fail on 115kg

    Olympic lifts weren’t there today

    Front Squats – All sets completed easily with 120kg

    Conditioning – Wrists and knees were hurting. Did an AMRAP with 40kg Push Jerks instead

  32. snatch
    160 hang snatch
    225,235pr,240pr 15lbs pr
    255 clean pr by 20lbs
    4 rounds
    500m row
    25 wall balls
    15 v-ups w/ 15lb plate

  33. BB Gymnastics..
    1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.
    90kg – 95kg – 102.5kg(F)

    2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean and
    105kg – 110kg – 117.5kg (PR)

    EMOM for 7 minutes:
    2 1 1/4 Front Squats (93.5kg)

    “The Tears of a Spider Monkey”
    7 rounds for time of:
    20 Push Press (35kg)
    20 OHS (35kg)
    00:19:55 – OUCH!!

    • Settle down mate.

      I realised that my (slightly injured) wrists and knees are feeling crap – and that doing 140 reps of Overhead Squats is not the best idea for them.
      In keeping with the spirit of the workout (muscular fatigue on the shoulders being a main point) I decided to substitute a movement that would get a similar effect.
      No I didn’t do it as RX’ed, but that’s not the be all and end all.
      You may see it as being a pussy, I see it as training intelligently. Each to their own

  34. Bbg

    1) 245 (finally, hadnt got this again since regionals when it was a 20lb pr)
    2) 280 (pr)


    1) complete @ 235


    14:17 rx

  35. Today was super rushed because I had to get into the gym to help move; we are moving CF Gwinnett from a 1000sqft facility to one that has almost 4000 sq ft usable space. 🙂

    Snatch: I felt this today; widened my grip a little and that seems to be causing less wrist pain, which has been a debilitating factor. Numbers are still in the range of an 11 year wheelchair bound child, but whatev: Nailed 80, fast, caught in the hole. I almost lost it because i was so shocked I was in the hole. Then decided that was easy and jumped to 88, fail. Well, actually I caught it but fell to my knee, that feels great this morning. backed of to 84 and had just lost intensity. So 80 for the day.

    CJ: worked up to 115 (3kg off PR), cleaned 120, barely missed the jerk. Then decided to keep working the jerk and worked up to a 10kg PR @ 130. 🙂

    Skipped squats (TIME)

    Did three rounds of conditioning before having to leave. It sucked and my shoulders are sore after only three rounds so I can only imagine how everyone else if feeling. Damn spider monkeys! LOL

  36. Snatch
    Bar high enough just didn’t have the balls to drop under it….Pissed!
    My overhead movements suck period. Clean is easy and no jerk…..pissed x 2!
    First time on this one and I know it will be better next time. I wanted to quit but stuck it out.

  37. BB Gymnastics
    Snatch: 205 (tied pr)
    Clean and Jerk: 245 (did way too much snatch and was exhausted. Saw this yesterday and had plans to go to 300 but the bod wasn’t feeling it.)

    EMOM with 275

    5 rounds plus 20 push presses in 15 mins

  38. Back for another Saturday. I know you all can be hard on noobs so please don’t flame me for the long post.

    1RM Snatch 130 (5# PR) missed with 135.

    I’m okay with this. I started doing outlaw crossfit on June 14th. I had a 17 day layoff from everything in July. I had never done a power snatch prior to switching to Outlaw and had only recently started doing any power cleans. I’m 6′-0″ and have gone from a weak 185lbs to a slightly less weak 180lbs following the other side of the site.

    1RM Clean and jerk 175#. 185# miss. I had a previous PR of 185# but looking at the video realized it wasn’t close to being legit. No squat on the catch and lots of press. Despite this I’m not happy with it. My form is shit. I’m pulling with the arms very early which explains the tendonitis in my right elbow that is really starting to kick my ass. If I don’t fix my form soon I’m going to be out of commission for awhile.

    Can someone please teach my how to do a proper effing power clean?

    Strength and conditioning. Did my own stuff today to prep for an Army APFT next weekend. I don’t usually do this but needed it today just to make sure I’m mentally comfortable next weekend. I’ll spare you those details. It’s the least I can do.

    Thank you Outlaw for keeping the other side of the site going. It fits my schedule well, never fails to challenge me (code for kick my ass), and I’m making some great gains on it. Can’t wait to see the new site and programming.

  39. Snatch – 205, 220, 240(f) pull felt good, didn’t drop fast enough and it turned into ugly failed power snatch.

    Clean –
    285, 305, 325(f) – had no pop

    Front sq –

    Tears of SM:
    9:00 on the dot

  40. BBG.

    Thank you Rudy.

    1) 210# (5# PR) Age 17. Body weight 158#

    Didn’t feel like doing the C&J so I did.

    7 x 2 1 and 1/4 Front squats – 75% + 2 Jerks
    Had to work with 225#. This was tough.

    3 x 10 GH raises
    3 x 10 Strict toes 2 bar.

  41. Strength done @ 290.

    Conditioning 8:45. I am strong overhead when it comes to light weight, I thought I miscounted rounds at first, but our group debated otherwise. Very happy.

    1/3/6 (Still very tight in lower back, lats and abs)

  42. Participated in a weightlifting meet in Denmark

    Snatch: 63 kg/139 lbs-66 kg/145 lbs-70 kg/154 lbs (fail)
    C&J: 73 kg/161 lbs – 77 kg/169 lbs – 80 kg/176 lbs (fail – press out in the jerk)

    1st place

    Strength @ 75 kg/165 lbs

    Conditioning: 12:30 lbs RX (can pace myself more)

  43. I Start to jump my feet way too wide when the weight gets heavy or i start to get fatigued on the snatch and sometimes the clean, any tips on how to correct this? im ready to bolt my fuckin shoes to the platform

  44. 1) 5×5 OHS up to 100×5
    2) C&J 120, 125 (5# PR), 130 (failed clean)

    Strength @ 105

    I gave myself a 15 min time limit (oot) and completed 4 rounds.

  45. Barbell Gymnastics
    1) 145 – 155x – 155x – 155x –> Barbell is getting to far away from body to be able to make these lifts. I’ll have to practice some high pulls for this.
    2) 185x – 185 – 195 –> Clean and jerk felt good. Actually power cleaned the 195.

    145 lbs across

    Subbed 55 lbs
    5 rounds in 19:57
    Tried to pace myself and just went too slow. Managed to do reps of 10 everytime I got to the bar.

  46. Short on time.
    Front squats: 160#
    TOASM: 5 rounds at 75#: 17:29 (first two rounds mistakenly did shoulder press, not push press)

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