As promised I’d like to discuss the methodology behind programming longer conditioning efforts, despite advocating for mostly working in the sub-12-minute range. I’m also trying to become more concise with writing, so I promise to TRY to do this just shy of dissertation level.

The conditioning effort which brought up this question/discussion was from 120824. Before we get to the discussion of the actual workout, let me explain a programming detail that I’ve shared with many people privately, but have never actually stated on this site. The conditioning work is likely written with Jason Hoggan in mind. That doesn’t mean it’s programmed for him specifically; it means that the end-goal, the absolute best-case-scenario number that I’m looking for, is based off of what I think he’ll do. Here’s why: for the better part of two years Jason was the absolute fastest person who I coached. Eventually I could literally tell you to within 30 seconds (he and many others can attest to this), exactly what his time would be on a WOD. It basically got to the point where, based on my goals for the effort, I would simply tailor the reps-rounds-loads of the WODs knowing almost exactly where Jason would finish the effort. Yes, now that I program for quite a few “fastest people”, it gives me a more broad scope to draw from. But what doesn’t change is the fact that these WODs are written for an ideal time, and many of you are VERY close to that time every day.

Last Friday’s work was written with a 16-18 minute ideal time in mind. Jason actually had the fastest time I know of in the low 17s—anything much faster than that, and I would have known I had short-changed the work. This is probably double the amount of time that I’d normally like for someone like Jason on their work, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t effective or was some sort of a long-slow aerobic piece. Here were the exact goals I had for that WOD, and the reasoning behind them:

Conditioning (breakdown)

9 Muscle-Ups (UB 25-40sec)
Row 500m (1:35-1:45)
40 Slapping Pushups (2:00-3:00)
30 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg (UB 40-60sec)
20 Stone to Shoulder 120/80# (1:15-1:45)
30 Slapping Pushups (2:00-3:00)
20 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg (UB 40-60sec)
10 Stone to Shoulder (1:00-1:30)
Row 500m (1:40-1:55)
9 Muscle-Ups (1:30-2:00)

-Put together a traditional timed conditioning effort that acts like interval work, and is slowed down by a high lactic movement after performing two completely different high intensity/anaerobic efforts. In other words, I wanted this effort to act like a 2 minutes on/2 minutes off interval piece, but instead of a complete 2 minutes recovery, the Slapping Pushups were used because there is almost no one that can just power through 40 of them without some significant rest. Jason actually told me his pushups were somewhere in the 6-7 minute range—which fits right into the breakdown above. The laying on the ground waiting to do more pushups was the rest portion of the interval.

-Use two-arm OH KB Walking Lunges to punish those who have lack of should mobility and proper lockout position (single arm are nowhere near as penalizing). After pre-fatiguing the arm extensors, pectoralis, and anterior deltoid with the pushups, the KB OH Lunges would be seemingly impossible for someone who tended to let lockout movements drift forward and away from the much larger and more effective trapezius. Whether this be an issue with mobility or simply laziness, the goal is to punish poor lockout by using an implement that will not allow the athlete to reinforce possible bad habits they’ve formed with a barbell.

That’s all you get for today. I guess if you can’t make it concise, just make it to be continued. More tomorrow night.

Spencer sent me a legitimately jaw-dropping video over the weekend. This video features Russell Aldredge, from CrossFit Deep/Outlaw Texas. Russell started the year with a 225# Snatch. This lift comes after spending the better part of the year following The Outlaw Way, and a whole lot of coaching from Spencer. Russell weighs just under 185#, has never competed in the sport of weightlifting, and performed a legitimate 7:38 Helen not long after this lift. This is not supposed to be possible.

Russell Aldredge – 275# Snatch (15# PR):


WOD 120827:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X3 Hi-Hang Snatch (knee extension only)- medium/heavy but VERY fast, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

Notes: These are UB reps. If you have to drop the bar then lower the load.

2) 7X3 Hi-Hang Clean (knee extension only) + 1 Jerk – medium/heavy but VERY fast, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

Notes: Perform 3 Tall Cleans THEN 1 Jerk. These are UB reps. If you have to drop the bar then lower the load.


1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict Pullups – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

Notes: Use a weight that allows for at least 3-4 UB Pullups. These should not be all singles, but a few breaks are acceptable. If the total set takes more than 30 seconds then lower the weight.

1b) 3X8 Shoulder Press – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.


4 rounds for total reps of:

In 90 seconds Row 250m then with the remaining time perform AMRAP of OHS @ 115/75#.

*Rest 90 seconds after each round (including the final round).


400m Run for time (absolutely all out effort).

117 responses to “120827

  1. The FAQ’s say that ‘Today’ is a good day to start. I picked 120824 to start and got well and truly smashed. Had to scale everything and still ended up with a time just over 30 minutes. That said, I have enjoyed the programming and am looking forward to making some serious gains in both strength and fitness.

    I enjoy reading Rudy’s musings and found the explanation of the programming very helpful in understanding how much I should have scaled the workout to be closer to the ideal time.


    Hi-Hang snatch 45-50kg
    Hi-Hand clean + jerk 60-65kg

    I liked these really felt that they were helping me develop my speed under the bar


    Strict pull-ups Body weight only (85kg) managed the first set UB, last set was a combination of singles and some doubles.

    Shoulder press 35-45kg


    completed with 35kg OHS. Only managed 8 reps and got my timer all screwed up on the run, but I was starting to cramp in my calf so I didn’t break any records!

  2. I guess it’d be too much to ask (haha) for you to post the *”ideal”* time… something to shoot for? to gauge where we are…. HAHA! I know you’ll never do it.

  3. BBG
    High Hang Power Snatch: 65, 70, 75, 135 (2 sets).
    Only 20 minutes to work, limited bumpers, hence the big jump. Had to drop and reset on the last two.

  4. Snatch work
    2 x 3 @ 60kg
    5 x 3 @ 70kg

    7 minutes to row 1000m then AMRAP wall balls = 67

    1 = 10 reps
    2 = 8 reps
    3 = 9 reps
    4 = 9 reps
    400m run = 1:22 with both calves cramped up

    Press 52.5kg, 57.5kg 60kg x 6
    Pull ups 16kg across

  5. Been lurking for the summer and following for a week (now that I have access to bumpers), and I’ve got a question for the more experienced: is serious fatigue and muscle and joint soreness normal? If so, when does it go away? My wrists, elbows, and shoulders hurt from BB gymnastics, and my legs are sore from everything. My technique on the Oly lifts isn’t the best yet, but I’m working with light weights and will hopefully have access to a coach soon.

    I’m 28, 5’10” and 170 lbs. BS: 325. DL: 405. BP: 265. OHP: 180. Power clean: 225. Power snatch: 150. (No true maxes yet for full lifts.) Sleep and diet are good.

    Advice? HTFU? Acknowledge that it’s not for me and go drink a skinny latte?

    • Make sure you are drink plenty of water and look at taking omega’s for joints. A lot of people will mistake joint soreness for muscle soreness around the joints. Bottom line, listen to your body, go hard when you can, ease up when you have too. May want to look at Amino supplements as well. I find it hard to take in enough calories for the amount of volume we do. By the way, the soreness never goes away if you are pushing hard enough…

    • I struggled (and still do) with the volume. I began taking BCAA’s and upped my calories big time and that has seemed to help. I know it can take a while to get through these training days and the last thing you want to do is “extra” work but you should really be doing some kind of post wod movement (low intensity row); it can really help decrease soreness.
      -Two cents (or as we say “pence”) from an old guy

  6. BBG:

    1) Hang Snatch 35-35-45
    2) C&J 55

    1a) 1 green band pull up
    1b) 45# strict shoulder press

    Strength: 5×3 Sumo DL 95-115-125-130-125

    WOD: 3RFT
    12 Hang Power Clean – 65# (RX 95)
    12 Walking Lunges Front Rack Pos – 65# (RX 95)
    7 Muscle Ups – Blue band


    CF bday 3/12


  7. BBG
    1) 7×3 Hi Hang snatch
    2) 7×3 Hi Hang clean + 1 Jerk

    1) 3×8 weighted pull-up
    50# – 5 # heavier than last week
    2) 3×8 shoulder press
    115# for all

    Shoulder still feeling tweaked

    1) 1…fell on my ass 3 times trying to go straight into a snatch…felt like a gimp
    2) 9
    3) 7
    4) 9

    400m -1:45

  8. BBG
    1) 115# fuckin killed my wrist
    2) Stayed light 135# no Jerks due to wrist

    a) 25# on Pullups
    b) 95# all sets

    Conditioning – later

  9. BBG hhpc 115/115/125/135/135/145/145 no jerk
    STR 1a 2×8 5# 1×8 15#
    1b 3×8 30#
    Cond ohs 42@45#, 400m 1:40

  10. ****HELP****

    When I get to just before lockout in the jerk and thruster (the last 1/4 of the lift) I have pain in my rear delts, both on my right and left arm but more so on the left. It does not hurt when pressing. It seems to be the more explosive movements that cause this. I have been foam rolling my lats and stretching. Has anyone had experience with this?

  11. Dynamic bench press

    7x 1 Power Snatch + 1 heaving snatch balance + 1 OHS (185/185/195/195/205/205/205)

    7 x 3 UB hang power clean + 1 jerk

    3×8 Shoulder press (155/155/155)
    3×8 weighted strict pull-up (55/55/55)

    3 rounds:
    15 GHD raises (from parallel to floor-up)
    UB muscle-ups (9-7-7)

    Reps: 18-14-14-15
    400m run: 1:11

  12. BB Gymnastics
    1) 7X3 Hi-Hang Snatch

    2) 7X3 Hi-Hang Clean
    255-255-255-265-265-275-285 FJ

    1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict Pullups

    1b) 3X8 Shoulder Press

    4 rounds for total reps of:
    In 90 seconds Row 250m then with the remaining time perform AMRAP of OHS @ 115/75#.
    *Rest 90 seconds after each round (including the final round).
    400m Run for time (absolutely all out effort).

    46 OHS Reps

    1:09 400 M

  13. BBG: 7×3 Snatch @ 185lb…wrist is still a bit messed up so muscle snatched these.

    7×3 heavy high-hang clean pull 275lb (still cant catch much weight in the rack position while wrist is on the mend)

    Strength: 1a. 3×8 weighted pullup: 40lb DB got 4 UB each set then sets of 2 after to finish

    1b. 3×8 Shoulder press @ 155lb UB

    Conditioning: Will do after shift tonight

  14. Back after a deload week. Feeling good 🙂

    7×3 hi-hang snatch @185#

    7×3 hi-hang clean+1 jerk @135# (went light here, could’ve muscled through lots more weight, however, technique needs lots of work)

    1a) 3×8 weighted pull ups with 20# weight vest
    1b) 3×8 shoulder press @135, 145, 145

    35 reps
    1:52 400 m.. yes this was my all out effort, yep i’m slow.. legs were dead after the conditioning even with the 90 sec rest.

  15. M/5’5″/152lbs/31yrs.

    1. 100, 105, 110×3, 115×2
    –felt fast pulling under, stuck more to the ‘medium’ weight
    2. 135×3, 145×3, 150
    –elbows were fast, as were drops

    1a. 20# weight-vest
    1b. 110, 115×4
    –cut if after the 2nd rd., only got half the presses. Felt twinge shoot up scapular into neck. Whole upper back into neck feels stiff. I might have to lay off.

    –Lost major time transitioning from 1st to 2nd floor after row. Too stupid/lazy to move rower (not much room either). Added 15 secs. to each round to try & offset.

    16 total o/h squats, 1’32” 400M on treadmill. (torrential thunderstorm kept me inside. boo.)

  16. BBG:

    1. 95, 100, 105, 4×110
    2. 2×135, 5×140


    1a. 20lb weighted vest (lighter than last week, but UB)
    1b. 100 (5# lighter than last week when I failed on 4th rep during last set at 105)


    At home, no rower. Subbed 12 burpees (~ 45 – 50 seconds) per round

    21 reps

    400m — 73 seconds

    On vacation for next week. Will maybe be able to get some running or bodyweight stuff in while away, but some legitimate rest should serve me well (no matter how much I hate it).

  17. BBG
    1) 115×4 then 125×3
    2) 155 x 4 then 165 x 3

    Only cleans, forgot all the jerks. Fucking mondays.

    1a) 17.5# across
    2a) 110# across


    1-1-2-4 for a total of 8 OHS reps.
    Got under the bar the first round and crumbled like a fucking rice cake. Actually mildly amusing.

    1:15 400M run.

    Fucking mondays.

  18. BBG:

    1. 75, 2×85, 90, 3×95#
    2. 95, 2×105, 4×110 #

    Started low as I was a bit scared after Saturday WOD that maybe I am aiming to high and would not be able to lift heavier, but as each weigh did not felt medium/heavy, I kept adding.


    1a. 15lb weighted vest (made it for the first time weighted pull ups, hardest was the last one.)
    1b. 70 (5# heavier than last week, tried 75# but after first 3 reps I saw that there is no way I am gonna make 3×8.)

    3-1(droped thebar and just could not snatch fast)-3-5=12

    400m — no idea, did not check time, just ran as fast as I can. My calves were burning afterwards, so I suppose that the effort was good.

  19. BBG:
    (Power) Hi-hang snatch: 65×3, 70×2, 75×2
    Hi-hang clean and jerk: 85×1, 90×2, 95×4

    Pull-ups within 30 sec: 4 body weight + 4 red band; 2 body weight + 3 red band; 2 body weight + 2 red band
    Shoulder press: 65×3

    0; 1; 2; 2

  20. BBG
    1) 115#
    2) 145#

    1a) 25# vest
    2a) 120# press
    Both are 5# more than last week

    Scaled OHS to 95#
    10 each round
    :82 sec run. Felt good and hard, full out effort!


  21. BBGym:
    1) 7×115
    2) 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 145, 145-Started to slow down towards the end so took 5# off

    1a) 30, 30, 25
    1b) 105, 100, 100

    Conditioning: Subbed 30sec AirDyne sprint for row(15c, 25c, 15c, 18c)
    OHS: 6, 7, 5, 5
    400m run: 1:30


  22. BB Gym:
    1) 145 lbs and 150lbs on the last set. Dave- new grip worked. You might know a few things.
    2) 185 lbs for first 6 205 last set. Brain not engaged could have gone heavier.

    1a) All sets completed with 53 lbs KB
    1b) 145 lbs

    Total reps 55.

    400 meter run:
    i forgot my watch..so maybe 60 seconds.

  23. BBG:
    1) 70kg, missed 75 – really felt good and fast today, even though my mind wasn’t feeling it. I’m ok with this since my platform snatch PR is 80! (I’m a weak bastard, but I drink my coffee black!)
    2) 95kg – fast.

    1) 20, 24, 26kg
    2) 55, 62, 64kg

    Reps: 6, 6, 7, 8,
    400 m run: 0:55 – fastest ever, because I am slow!

      • WOD GUY you are probably right. however, last time we measured it was just about 1/4 mile, 0.23 or something. I mean come one, look at my piss ant snatch, it’s not like I lie about my data. as a scientist I know fake data helps no one!

        we are moving the gym then we will make sure the new track is a legit 400, probably.

  24. 1. 95, 115 , 125 , 130 ,135
    2. 155 175 185

    strength .. 35 40 40
    95 105 115
    conditioning 8,6,7,6
    400m 1:17 slow for me ..

  25. FInally! I can view the page at work again. FU interwebs.


    1) 95×2, 115×2, 125×2, 135×1

    2) 135×2, 155×3, 185×2


    1a) 45lbs all sets

    1b) 115lbs all sets

    Conditioning (only 3 rounds)

    5, 6, 7

  26. BBG:
    1) 7×55 kg
    2) 2×70 kg (felt bad in the shoulder)

    1a) 12 kg across
    1b) 45 kg across

    1) 1 rep (fucked up first set, and dropped the bar)
    2) 5 reps
    3) 4 reps
    4) 5 reps

    400 M run: 1:20,5 (cramped up on the run)

  27. BB Gymnastics
    1)135-155-160-165-170-175-190×2(lost hook grip)

    1a)55# all sets

    400m Run-1:37 calf cramped up


  28. BBG

    Snatch – done at 165, few misses
    C+J – done at 215, only 5 sets


    Pullups – 53,53,58
    SP – 115,135,135

    11,11,11,12 reps = 45 total
    400m run = 54 sec (short course)

  29. BBG
    1)75# for all
    2)115# x 3, 120# x 4

    1a)10# all

    400m Run-1:56

  30. BBG
    1) 95-95-100-100-100-105-105-110(x2)
    2) 125-125-130-130-130-135-135

    1a) 10-20-20
    1b) 75-85-90

    1) 9
    2) 9
    3) 10
    4) 12
    (Course is out and back- WAYYYYY too slow on the first 200m. Didn’t hurt enough. Pissed.)

  31. BBG
    Snatch work 95#
    Clean work 115#

    Still not able to do unassisted pullups (did banded pullups)
    95# Should press 8,7,4

    2@ 95#, 8@ 75#, 6@ 75#, 7@ 75#

    2 min. 15sec

    I was dead, luckily the tropical rains down here in FL slacked off just in time to run.

    Oh yeah, mine and my wife’s Romaleos come this week!!!

  32. BBG.
    1) 75,95,115,125,135,140,140

    1a) 40# throughout Kept it UB
    1b) 115,125,135 This was a fight but 5# heavier than last week.

    Total of 46 OH squat reps
    Messed up on the first round and that jacked my whole score up.

    400 Meter “sprint”
    1:24, Legs were GONE.

  33. BBG: 1) 135 and 145
    2) 155 to 185
    1a) 45
    Conditioning :
    49 reps rx
    400m run @ 1:14 almost threw up

  34. BBG
    Snatch work 135#
    Clean work 185#

    Pull Ups 55lbs
    135lbs Press

    Didn’t have access to a rower so caught up on the 20minutes ME from last week.

    Biked 8 miles. I hate cycling.

  35. 120827
    1) 7×3 high hang snatch knees only: 2@95#, 4@115#, 1@135#
    2) 7×3 high hang clean + 1 jerk all sets @ 135#
    I went lighter today because I was having trouble using knee bend only. I definitely felt i was using hips. It got better as I went along.
    3) 3×8 weighted strict pullups: 58#
    4) 3×8 shoulder press 115# all sets

    total reps =31
    run 400 = 1:07

  36. BBG
    1. 115, 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 165 (Fail Rep 3)

    These were easier than I expected them to be. Grip was starting to go on the rep that I missed on. Picked it up and did another one after.

    2. 135, 155, 155, 165, 175, 185, 205

    Confidence built after the snatches, these were good.

    1a. 35 across
    1b. 142.5 across, only got 6 reps on sets 2 and 3

    37 Overhead Squats (12, 9, 8, 8)

    400- 1:19

  37. BBG:
    1) 65×4, 70,75,80 (low balled it. Starting to add squatting back in!)

    1a) BW
    1b) 65,65,70

    20 OHS
    1:16 run

  38. BBG:
    1) 65kg, 65, 70, 70, 70, 75, 75. Felt awesome.
    2) 90kg.

    1a) 60lbx8, 60×8, 60×6,2
    1b) 60kg, 60, 60×7.
    Should have started lighter on this stuff last week.

    11, 10, 12, 12 OHS

    Calf cramped on the run.

  39. BB Gym
    Hi Hang Snatch
    Hi Hang Clean + 1 jerk

    Weighted Pullups
    Shoulder Press
    65-75-75 (L-shoulder snapped up a bit)


    400m Run

    *First Outlaw workout. Tough, but needed!

  40. BBG..
    1. 7X3 Hi-Hang Snatch (kg)..
    50 – 60 – 60 – 65 – 65 – 70 – 70

    2. 7X3 Hi-Hang Clean + 1 Jerk (kg)
    60 – 70 – 80 – 85 – 85 – 85 – 85

    1a) 3×8 Weighted Strict Pull-ups..
    All sets with 2.5kg plate hanging between my legs. (I suck balls at this)

    1b) 3×8 Shoulder Press (kg)
    60 – 60(7,3/4 lol) – 60(7)

    4 rounds for total reps of:
    In :90s, Row 250m then with the remaining time perform AMRAP of OHS @ 52.5kg.
    *Rest :90s after each round (including the final round).
    400m Run

    1. 8 Reps
    2. 9 Reps
    3. 8 Reps
    4. 7 Reps
    Total – 32 Reps

    400m – 00:01:14.. Ouch.

  41. BBG
    Snatch – 95-95-105-105-105-105-105 Felt good, hard to keep the hips out of it.
    Clean & Jerk – 95-95-105-105-105-115-115

    Pull up – BW
    Shoulder Press 135-135 (failed last rep)-125

    95# 5-5-5-4

    400M Run

  42. BBG:
    1) 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155, 155 (1 fail)
    2) 155, 155, 165, 175, 185, 185, 185
    1a) 45#, 55#, 70#
    1b) 145#, 145#, 155# (5 reps, then fail…then 3 reps)
    7, 8, 9, 10. 34 OHS total.
    1:20 400m…slow.

  43. bbg
    snatch- 95-115-135-145-155-165f-165
    clean/jerk- 135-155-185-205-205-205-225

    pullups- 35-40-45
    press- 125-135f-135

    400meter run- didn’t time it but it sure did suck. last 200 meters was better after i got feeling back in my legs.

  44. BBG
    1) 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 143, 148
    2) 154, 176, 176, 187, 187, 187, 198(Failed Jerk)

    1a) 70#
    1b) 110#

    5-4-3-3 (my shoulder mobility needs some serious work)
    400 Meter Run – 1:14

  45. Bbg 1. 145 Bbg 2. 195. 25# on the pullups, 135# on the sp. Conditioning ohs 11/9/10/10. 400m run 1:24.

  46. BBG
    1) 2X154, 2X163. 3X187 Couple of misses here and there. Felt good
    2) 2×187, 2×198, 3×220 felt strong and fast.

    1a) 55#>
    2a) 155#>

    9, 11, 11, 10=41 row stayed around 1:34
    400m run-1:23

  47. RESULTS: 
    3-5-2. 18hr days on deck last 3 straight with 5-6hr of sleep. Legs are drained

    1) 115-135×2-145×4
    2) 155-185×6 (body drained from cargo)

    1a) @25 4/4-4/4-8. Push harder earlier
    1b) 105-105-105 same as last week, harder

    1) 26; 5-6-6-9. Wore 25lb vest
    2) 1:11 (roughly 440 w/ 3 turn around on rolling deck of ship so not all out)

  48. BBG:
    Snatch Work: #125 Solid Speed Under Bar
    C&J: #175 Fast Catches

    1) 25lbs
    2) 145

    400m: 1:08

  49. BBG
    1) 2×135, 2×145, 3×155
    2) 2×165, 2×175, 3×185

    1a) 30, 35, 35
    1b) 155, 155, 155(5)


    run = 1:24

  50. First day.
    1) 83
    2) 123

    1a) body weight (130?)
    1b) 75

    4, 5, 5, 6. Need to work on rowing as a short girl.


  51. BBG
    1) 115,120,125,130,135,135,145 felt good and fast
    2) 145,165×5,175 light tech work

    1a) 80,45,40
    1b) 95 light

    4/5/6 shoulder bugs me a little still

  52. Snatch: 108/113/118/118/123/123/118
    C&j: 123/133/138/143/148/153/153

    1a) 5#
    1b) 83/88/93

    Skipped conditioning due to time

  53. BBG
    1. 95, 100, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120
    2. I did a few sets at 135 but i’ve been having some issues with my wrist so I cut it short.

    1. 10# all sets
    2 95 x 7, 90 x 8, 90 x 8

    8, 9, 9, 9
    Run: 1:08

  54. BBG
    HI-hangSnatch 75kg,75kg,kg,80kg,80kg,85kg,85kg,90 kg
    Hi-hangCl.jk. 95kg, 95kg, 100kg,105kg, 110kg, 115kg, 120kg,

    1a) 66kg, 66kg, 66kg,
    1b 20kg, 20kg, 20kg

    1) 14
    2) 14
    3) 12
    4) 14
    Run 1:21

  55. I’m back.


    165 oox

    Could have gone heavier, left it there

    No cleans, something in upper back/traps bothering me.


    wtd pullups


    115 x 8
    135 x 8
    125 x 8


    No C2’s in the gym yet, ran 200m (100m turnaround)

    19-16-16-15 – 66 reps
    400m – 1:13 – had nothing on the run. Round 4 hit me pretty hard.


  56. 1) 155 165 175 175 175 180 180

    Only stood up on the last rep. Felt solid today.

    2) 185 185 205 205 205 215 225

    Stood up on these.
    For as trashed as my legs felt from this comp saturday, today felt great.

  57. Snatch
    115# 7×3
    155# 7×3
    This was a great way to make me get under the bar fast (just knee ext)

    body weight only, did 4 at a time dead hang no band
    115, 125, 125

    1) 4 @ 115
    2) 5 @ 95
    3) 5 @ 95
    4) 4 @ 95

    400m 1:47

  58. Day 1 of trying this program out, will see how it goes!

    HHS – 3×3 @ 125lbs, 4×3 @ 135lbs
    HHC+jerk 7×3.1 @ 185lbs – dropped weights between each clean though as my wrists are all messed up and I can’t lower anything remotely heavy.

    Pull-ups, 53lbs – 4/2/2; 45lbs 5/3; 45lbs 5/1/2
    Press 3×8 @ 115lbs

    12,12,12,14 (scaled to 95lbs, in retrospect, probably could have stuck to 115), then completely forgot there was a run after until just now. Oops…


  59. BBG
    snatch 135 155 165 175 180 185X1 185X1
    cj 185 205 205 215 225 235 240

    pull 35×3
    press 135 135 140×5

    13,13,12,13 51 total
    1:24 run

  60. BBG:

    1.) 62 kg x 4, 65 x 2, 68
    2.) 80, 85 x 2, 90 x 2, 92


    1a.) 2 pood KB
    1b.) 64 kg


    Row- 0:47, 0:47, 0:48, 0:48

    5, 6, 7, 7 = 25 total 115#

    400m run 1:35, limped the last part of the run. (Had cramps in both calves with about 200m to go)


  61. BB Gymnastics

    1- 155,155,155,175,185,185(2),185
    2- 185,185,185, 205, 205, 225, 225

    New Romaleo 2 felt great.


    1a- 26# all sets
    1b- 135# all sets


    – 10,9,10,11 – 40 total, then 1:24 on run.

    Legs pretty gone here from a comp over the weekend.

  62. Six weeks in and I still can’t do the Olympic lifts with my damn wrist. Just lots of work on pulls. So frustrating!

    Pull-ups – 53lbs, not at all UB.
    Press – 165 lbs -the most I’ve put overhead since my injury, but still depressing how much I’ve lost here. Taped up real tight and the wrist actually felt pretty good.

    23, 22, 20, 18 = 83
    Kept the row about 1:40. OHS felt good and fast.

    400m – 1:19
    Legs were smoked!

  63. BB GYM

    Muscle snatch up to 3X3 reps @ 42,5 kg/94 lbs

    Front squats up to 3 reps @ 85 kg/187 lbs (light)

    (Smoked from a competition in the weekend)


    Pull-ups: 3X5 reps @ 7,5 kg/17 lbs
    Shoulder press 3X8 reps @ 35 kg/77 lbs


    OHS: 10-10-10-10 reps
    500 m. row at the end: 1:52 min.

  64. BBG
    1) @60kg – dropped the bar two times
    2) @70kg

    1a) @10kg – UB/4,2,2/4,2,2
    1b) @65kg – UB/6,2/3,2,3

    15,13,12,12 = 52
    Run = 1:25

  65. BB
    Snatch 95, 115, 125, 135, 135, 145 145
    Clean. 145, 185, 185, 205, 205, 215, 215f
    1a) 45, 55,55
    1b) 135, 175,175
    45 reps ohs
    1:21 400

  66. BBG
    Snatch- 155, 165, 175,175, 180, 180, 185
    Clean- 175, 185, 185, 195×4

    PUs-45(UB), 45(6,1,1)
    SP- 135×2

    OHS – 14,13,12,12
    400m run- 1:03 a little short

  67. Snatch 145/145/155/155/165/165/165
    Clean & jerk 165/165/175/175/185/185/185

    Pullups 53# kb
    Strict press all 155

    43 reps and a sorry 1:30 400 run

  68. Second day…f/29/5’3/155
    Snatch 75-85-85-85-95-95
    Cleans 135 straight across

    pull ups
    only 10# still working on getting pullups back to old strength

    5-6-6-7….nearly fell over on the first set.

    run 1:51. terrible, but actually better

  69. BBG – Kept it light tonight due to a sore wrist. All sets were fast

    Hang Snatch – 60kg all sets
    Hang C&J – 80kg all sets

    Pullups – +5kg, +5kg, bodyweight – I hate pullups
    Press – 65kg all sets – Easy


    8, 6, 7, 9 OHS – wrist was bothering me.
    400m run – 1:24

  70. BBG

    Snatch – up to 60kg
    Clean+Jerk – up to 85kg


    Pull ups – 12kg, 12kg, 8kg
    Strict Press – 50kg, 52.5kg, 55kg


    Rds – 14, 10, 9, 9 = 42 OHS
    Run – 1.34

  71. 1) 85, 95, 95, 115, 115, 125, 135×1 (Did Muscle snatch starting at hip as I still cannot drop with OLY)
    2) 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135 (Did Tall Clean starting at hip cannot drop fast on knee so used front squat in place of fast drop full clean)

    1a) 45, 45, 45 (would get first 4-5 than broken until 8 total
    1b) 75, 80, 80 lb dumbells

    Made up the Back squat of 2,2,1,1,1 from earlier in the week used 365 to try and make up for not dropping on oly. Knee was borderline on these.

    5,5,5,5 ( ran 200 m instead of rower)
    400 m in 2 min. Felt fast looked at clock not so much!

  72. BBG:
    Snatch 135 155 160 165 170/2 175 180 185 190 200ff
    C&J 135 165 185 205 225 240 250

    Shoulder Press 125/8 130/8 135/8pr
    Chin-up +25/8 x3 sets. All ub

    OHS: 11, 13, 13, 14 = 51 total
    400 = 1:13

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