I’d like to thank Christian Harris for creating this. It gave me the lulz.

I actually hate myself for thinking it’s funny. Stupid internets.

WOD 120824:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).

Notes: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements.

2) 7X1 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).

Notes: Hang should be just above the knees. These should be UB reps, if you cannot perform them UB then lower the load.


9 Muscle-Ups
Row 500m
40 Slapping Pushups
30 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
20 Stone to Shoulder 120/80#
30 Slapping Pushups
20 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
10 Stone to Shoulder
Row 500m
9 Muscle-Ups

Notes: KB Lunges should be performed with TWO KBs held overhead. Each step counts as 1 rep.


1a) 3X15 “Strict” GH Raise – rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video
1b) 3XME L-Sit Hold – rest 60 sec.

70 responses to “120824

  1. BB Gymnastics
    1) 7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS

    2) 7X1 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk

    9 Muscle-Ups
    Row 500m
    40 Slapping Pushups
    30 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
    20 Stone to Shoulder 120/80#
    30 Slapping Pushups
    20 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
    10 Stone to Shoulder
    Row 500m
    9 Muscle-Ups

    No stone sets.


    1a) 3X15 “Strict” GH Raise

    1b) 3XME L-Sit Hold

  2. BBG
    1) 115 across
    2) 145 across

    1) 0#
    2) 10-10-10


    20 min timecap, got 8 stones up. Fucking pathetic.

  3. Snatch: 70kg,75kg, 80kg, 85kg for remainder

    Cleans: 100kg, 100kg, 100kg, 105kg, 105kg, 110kg, 115kg

    Conditioning: suck! 22:59…anyone else having trouble stabilizing KB over head?


  4. BBG
    Snatch 95#
    Cleans 115#
    (felt weak today)


    Row 500m
    40 HR Pushups
    15 Walking Lunges with 25# plate overhead
    10 Power Cleans
    30 HR Pushups
    10 Walking Lunges
    7 Power Cleans
    Row 250m

    About puked, it’s my 2nd week of the outlaw way, scaled obviously, but I will get there. I’ve never felt better. My first competition will be at the local box used to go to. It’s called the Thanksgiving Throw Down in November.

  5. bbg
    1) 135, 135, 155,165,175,185f,185
    2), 155,185,185,205,205,225f,225f


    18:48 subbed 88# kb swing for stones

  6. BBG
    1: 45 failed-35-35-35-35-35-45
    2: 65-65-65-65-65-65-65 (1RM 75)

    Skill: 12 min to hit 1RM Snatch 60# (5#PR)
    WOD: 12 min Amrep
    8 PU (3 sec pause w chin over bar)
    6 Hang Snatch @ 50% 1RM
    14 Smash Balls F-RX 20#

    114 reps Mod: 1 band PU 😦

    Ran out of time for Midline-will try to go back to gym later today


    CF bday 3/12

  7. BB Gymnastics
    1) 7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS

    7X1 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk –
    200-210-225-225-225-225-230 missed jerk

    Time: 29:54
    116# stone. Felt like def…

    1a) 3X15 “Strict” GH Raise – RX
    1b) 19-22-20 secs

  8. 1. 135 across
    185 across

    conditioning 25min
    kbs were rough ..had to hold them on shoulders
    sub big tire flips for stone

    midline done
    21 20 20 sec

  9. BBG
    1. 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 175, 180
    2. 165, 195, 205, 215, 225, 230 (Failed 2nd HPC), 215

    1a. Done
    1b. :12, :12, :17

  10. BBG

    used 72# kb for a stone
    scaled to 5 MU’s at the beginning, could only get 1 at the end

    1a) done
    1b) 33-37-35 sec

  11. BBGym:
    1) 115, 115, 120, 120, 120, 125, 130
    2) 150, 150, 150, 150, 155, 165, 165

    Just bought an AirDyne so I did the “300FY” for fun

    1a) did some RDL’s and str. leg DL’s
    1b) Skipped


  12. Sn- 80kg,80kg,85kg,85kg,90kg,90kg,90kg
    Cl- 100kg, 100kg,105kg,105kg,110kg,110kg,115kg
    30:24 used a heavy bag for a stone

  13. So I’m going to start trying to post my results! I forget to everyday

    1)190, squat snatched 195
    2)230,failed the push jerk at 240

    Conditioning-27:45 Those KB lunges had me all fucked up. Also used a 116# stone


    Do most of you do all of programming in one session or break it up into two sessions a day? I tend to prefer splitting it up into BBG/strength in the morning and conditioning/midline later on.

  14. BBG: 1) up to 155
    2) 185 only a few sets, cut my hand pretty bad
    22:35 with 110 # sandbag for stones
    1a) done
    B) 34,32,33

  15. M/5’5″/152lbs/31yrs.

    1. 115×2, 120×2, 125, 130×2
    –might of be able to go heavier earlier, but felt a good rhythm by the end
    2. 155×2, 165×2, 165: got 2 cleans, then missed 3rd + no jerk, 155×2
    –grip got sloppy, poor pulls by end

    Majorly modified the conditioning for a number of reasons/excuses: lack of equipment, poor sleep, jacked-up neck from rugby, too many skiny lattes. Took a little over 26 mins.

    9x bar muscle-ups
    500M row=1’56”
    40x chest-slap pushups
    20x double KB o/h lunge @ 16kg
    10x double KB power-clean @ 24kg
    10x double KB o/h lunge
    5x double KB power-clean
    500M row=2’04”

    –NA. out of time.

    Looking for a little redemption tomorrow.

    • There should be 30x chest-slap pushups after the 10x KB power-clean. I didn’t bitch-out that much.

  16. BBG:

    1.) 62 kg x 2, 65, 73
    2.) 82 x 2, 85 x 2, 91 x3

    Still going light b/c of my wrist injury, but feeling a lot better.


    29:30 – KB lunges smoked me! Used a 110# atlas stone.


    1a.) used a 15# plate
    1b.) 0:28, 0:30, 0:27


  17. BBG:

    1. 60kg
    2. 70kg

    Conditioning: Did outlawcrossfit.com conditioning, subbing 500m row for 400m run —



    Skipped, no time

  18. Snatch balances. 235(5)-265(4)-285(2)-300(4)-285(1)-265(1)
    ***all single reps. (:60 rest)

    Rxd – 14:37

  19. bbg
    1) 145, 145, 150, 155 (f), 155 (failed to rerack for snatch balance), 155 (squat snatched it), 155 (made it)

    2) 155, 165 for the rest of the sets

    stopped after fifteen minutes as I started getting dizzy. Wanted to pass out. Pukie visited me on the way home. Really pissed off that I’m not doing well with my conditioning. I’m not blaming the program, as I’m getting better, but my conditioning has always been bad. My strength has gone through the roof.



  20. Does anyone here have any experience improving a stubbornly bad deadlift? This most basic lift really holds me back, and I am very frustrated with it.

    My stats are as follows.
    I’m 5’9″ and 160 lbs.
    Bench: 285×1
    Squat: 325×3
    Deadlift: 345×1 (WTF)

    I have to be clear: I spend much more time on squats and deadlifts than I do on the bench. And yet my bench is very solid, my squat is so-so, and my deadlift is decidedly weak. It’s holding me back in everything. I can only C&J 205, and I’m convinced it’s because of the first pull.

    Any help would be appreciated. If someone just wants to call me a puss, I guess that’s cool, too.

  21. Bbg
    1) 2 @ 85; 5 @ 95
    2) 5 @ 115; 2 @ 125

    3 MUs at beg, 1 MU at end
    Lightest stone we have is 100lbs (changed reps to 10 & 5)

    1) BW
    2) 30sec; 25 sec; 25 sec – all on rings

  22. Been having to modify/skip stuff lately because of the wrist issue.


    No snatch

    3 PC + PJ

    Had the 245 & 250 locked out, super tight shoulders from some stuff this past week, couldn’t get my head through and dropped it. Still decent. Haven’t really put weight overhead in a month.


    Modified, kind of a mix between Outlaw Way and Outlaw CF WOD

    6 Muscle Ups (again first time doing these in a long time, didn’t want to go crazy with them)
    Run 500m
    30 KB OH walking lunge (15L/15R)
    20 Power Cleans, 135
    30 Slapping pushups
    20 KB OH walking lunge (10L/10R)
    10 Power Cleans, 135
    Run 500m
    6 Muscle ups


    Still kinda of testing the wrist as I get back into things. Shoulders are very tight, putting two KB’s overhead may have put my wrist in harms way so just stuck with one at a time.
    Much easier than THE WAY version, but it was still tough.


    Feeling very good. Back to solid training

  23. bbg
    1) 135×2, 145×2, 155×2
    2) 185, 165×3, 135×2(bad tendonitis in wrists were preventing me from holding on to the bar on cleans)

    28:53 – subbed 165# power cleans for stones because I still have a hole in my shoulder from stones at a comp this past weekend. also bar MU instead of rings because of wrists

    1) gh raise done
    2) L-sit- :44, :34. :33

  24. BBG
    Snatch complex – 95 for all reps, focused on form, failed one HBS
    Clean and Jerk – 135 all reps good, again focused on being perfect

    Conditioning 22:10 scaled

    GHD – done
    L-Sit – 1,0,0 got some work to do here.

  25. BB Gymnastics
    1) 110#
    2) 130#
    Conditioning – modded a bit. Subbed single arm lunges for the 2 arm ones and did mostly clapping push ups as the slapping weren’t happening. Still working on Muscle Ups but managed all 18. Thanks for forcing me to do them. 43:29
    Midline – Did not complete, had to run class

  26. BBG
    1) 115-115-115-120-120-120-120
    2) 140-140-140-145-145-145-145

    Cut-off was 25 min
    Made it through the second 500m row
    Dawdled through the final muscle ups while cleaning up.
    Also 1/2 of the push-ups were on my knees. Like a bitch.

    1a) 15# rebar
    1b) 25s-24s-28s

  27. BBG: Had to sub all snatches and cleans with heavy snatch/clean pulls cuz I jacked my wrist up last week during max cleans.

    Conditioning: 32:59 (Sub’d 125# keg for stones)

    Midline: done

  28. 1) 185# to 205#
    2) 205# to 245#

    17:35, I think (sub’d a big-ass sandbag… think it was 100#)

    No time for the rest

    M/F/S – 3/5/4 (ef’d up both wrists today on the hang power cleans, so might have to take a few days off from oly stuff)

  29. 1) 135 to 185
    2) 155 to 225


    No midline

    First day on O.W. been doing Outlaw CrossFit for a while. I’ll be doing The Way full time when the new cycle starts.

  30. Snatch complex 70, 80, 80, 80, 82.5, 85, 85kg
    Clean and jerk complex 95, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 102.5, 105kg

    Nannie (Annie’s double unders with Nancy’s overhead squats) 6:57

    Felt like shit all day yesterday so kept my volume down today. And Nannie is a qualifier workout for an upcoming comp

    Mfs – 534

  31. BB Gymnastics..
    SN (kg).. 75-75-77.5-80-82.5-82.5-85
    CL (kg).. 90-95-97.5-100-100
    Ditched that after 5 sets, then did few Shankle complexes at 100 and 105 for lullz.

    00:26:14 Rx’d
    Push-ups raped me. Coulda been faster on the stones. Got comfy and lazy.

    Ditched. Fuck it. Needed food.

  32. Did conditioning only 24:56…rx
    Pr on linked MU @7 for me
    Coming off strain to back Wed and couple days off.

  33. Snatch: 115/115/120/120/125/125/130
    Clean: 135/135/140/145/145/150/155
    Conditioning: 21 flat
    Subbed stones for cullingan water jug thingy that weight about 50#.
    The muscle ups and the oh lunges were by far the most challenging. Last 9 mu were all singles. First 9 were mostly doubles since I couldn’t hold my false grip.

  34. Snatch complex: 105-105-110-110-110-115-115

    Clean complex: 135#

    COND: 26:15 (only modification was 70# stone instead of 80#)

    Kb lunge was hardest part- spent most time on that.

  35. BBG

    All sets with 145. Skipped heaving as knee is acting up on the drops so did power clean into overhead. Felt knee a little but made it.

    All sets 295 but only did pulls x3 versus full power clean just did not want to test knee with heavy weight if I was forced to drop. Used 255 for the Jerk each set (Behind neck). Some fails as I was a little hesitant to drop down on Jerk.

    Cond: 30:30. Did everything RX except muscle ups. I did 5 weighted negatives and 4 assisted muscle up with smallest band to get both movements. Muscle ups and OH lunges killed my time. Everything else tough but nothing else slowed me down really. 3/4 of time on those 2 movements.

    Midline: Skipped will make up on Deadlift/ Bench day.

  36. BBG:
    A. Power Snatch + Heaving Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 40 kg -> 84 kg by 2 (89 lbs -> 185 by 4.4 lbs jumps)
    B. “Bonus” Hang Power Snatch (below knee) + Overhead Squat (3 sec pause at the bottom) up to 190 lbs pr – hate this variation so wanted to practice some more

    C. 3x Hang Power Clean + 1x Push Jerk 50 kg -> 100 kg by 5 (110 to 220 lbs by 11 lbs jumps)

    9 Muscle-Ups
    Row 500m
    40 Slapping Pushups
    30 KB OH Walking Lunges (2×55, total steps)
    10 Tire Flips @ 550 lbs (subbed for stones)
    30 Slapping Pushups
    20 KB OH Walking Lunges
    5 Tire Flips
    Row 500m
    9 Muscle-Ups

    3×15 Glute Ham Raise @ BW
    3xME L-sit – 10-15 secs each.

  37. BBG:
    1.) NA Injury
    2.) NA Injury

    32:40 ~ 50# DB for OHL & 100# Plate for stone

    1a.) completed
    1b.) 9,7,6

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