We have just officially signed the contract that will allow Re-Evolve to carry ALL OUTLAW MERCHANDISE at the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games. Obviously we’re pretty fucking stoked about this, and will have more details in the coming weeks. The pic below is only the initial mock-up, but it’s all I had for tonight. Tomorrow we’ll get the final mock-ups, along with images of the women’s gear that we’ll have on site (the big R on the mock-up is Re-Evolve’s watermark, you don’t have to tell us it’s there—we know). We’ll be doing some giveaways, and hopefully convincing some of the Outlaw Games competitors to stop by the booth and spend some time hanging out with you guys.

Honestly, I don’t know why I think this is so cool, but I think this is so cool. Can I get a FUCK YEAH?

WOD 120620:

BB Gymnastics

1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch (w/ hips) – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec. DEMO WITH INSTRUCTION

Notes: Set up 2 bars to complete this piece. The 3-Stop Snatch Pull should be significantly heavier than the High-Hang, but every one of the 3 positions should be perfect and paused for at least 2 seconds. PLEASE WATCH THE DEMO VIDEO, and notice exactly how close the bar is to Caleb’s body on every step of the movement. High-Hang Snatch does not have to be unbroken.


1a) 4 X ME Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Kipping Deficit HSPU – more deficit than last week, rest 45 sec.
1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Suppinated Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
1c) 4 X 10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.

138 responses to “120620

  1. Hey y’all- Tim here, the Outlaw gear guy. Would love to have you guys stop by the
    Re-Evolve booth and say hey, buy some cool stuff and help send Rudy’s kids to community college. Re-Evolve will be the sole supplier of Outlaw gear at the Games, so stop by early and get what you want. You can take your picture with me if you want, but I don’t have a cool beard like Rud…oh wait. nevermind.

  2. Yep..FUCK YEAH.

    Side note, got my third warning this week at my gym for “Outlawing”. Evidently, The Way poses some kind of harm to others in the gym and/or our equipment. What does everyone have against progress? Anyone know of an Outlaw friendly gym near Hilton Head, SC?

    • Do what I am doing. find a basement, buy a rack, a bar and some plates, a GHD and a pull up bar. then go watch braveheart. then return to basement shouting FREEDOM and hit some good lifts.

    • Last night was my first official warning to stop my Outlaw ways. The coach said clients are complaining that we are “Distracting” and pose a potential liability to the owner. She gets back from vacation in a few days and I can’t wait to see what she has to say about all this. I may be looking for a gym as well.

      • I just suggested on Rudy’s Facebook to perhaps provide a list of “The Way” friendly gyms by state or region. Seems like this is a growing issue. Fucked up if you ask me, although no one ever asks me.

        At CFG people generally are interested in what we’re doing; some people will try to do part of a Way WOD and the whole think is scalable so anyone could do it. I don’t get what people have against progress and programming. Every good training program (ha!) is based on a designed, well thought out program. (<the worst sentence ever, but you know)

  3. It would be a louder Fuck Yeah if I was going to be at the Games this year. Thanks Outlaw Way for fucking that up.

    Love you Rudy.

    • Mr. Cornthwaite,

      Go to CrossFit.com, click the Affiliates tab, scroll down and click FLORIDA, Scroll down to JUPITER and….Find a Fucking Box u Pussy!! If they make you do their wrkout…cry me a fukin River! If you are able to do “The Law”…COOL! whatever happened to traveling and getting to checkout other CF’s Boxes, meeting other Athletes, and Throwing Down!?!?

    • Crossfit Epidemic in Palm City. A few of us follow, ” The Law.” it’s about 30 mins from Jupiter. BTW… “The Law”, should be a t-shirt.

  4. If anyone is looking to Outlaw in Charlotte, NC, Crossfit Strength is supportive. I just started a couple of weeks ago and we’re looking to add to the core group.

  5. I’m headed to Lakeland FL. the week of July 2-9. Looking for an Outlaw friendly gym. Anybody know of one in that area?

    • If you’re gonna be in Lakeland ride on over to Auburndale and check out The Auburndale Gym and fuck shit up with the Eat The Weak Crew.

    • Crossfit Lakeland is legit, there is a group that does Outlaw throughout the day. The owner will not mind as long as we don’t interrupt his OPT training. 😉

  6. BB Gym:
    High Hang Snatch: 60, 60, 65 (1), 65, 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 80, 80 (1)
    3 stop Snatch pull: 80, 100, 110, 110, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120

    HSPU (full deficit): 2+1, 1+1, 1+1, 1+fell over, 1+1
    Chins: 20kg, 20kg, 20kg, 20kg
    Good mornings (no R-hyper): 50,60,60,60

  7. BBG:

    1a. 2×95#, 2×100, 2×105, 2×110, 2×115
    1b. 185# across


    1a. (All strict / standard HSPU) 12, 6, 8, 8
    1b) 45#
    1c) 115# good mornings

  8. BBG:
    1a) 95-95-95-105-105-115-115-115-120-120
    1b) 185-185-185-195-195-195-195-195-195-195

    1a) 45lb high temp plates: 3+7/3+6/2+5/1+5
    1b) 25/30/30/40
    1c) 95/115/115/115


    • AC, did you ever get an answer or find an Outlaw friendly box near El Segundo? I’m currently at Paradiso Crossfit, but am moving further south, so I need a good box.

  9. I can’t wait to fucking move back to America, get a house and buy my own equipment. I was doing the 3-stop snatch pulls today and 4 “experts” came by and told me I was doing my snatch pulls wrong, and I shouldn’t pause like that….. Then they had to demonstrate 100 times the right way to do a snatch pull, each of which had a different’ style than the other, as I tried to explain that this is a 3-stop, which they said they had never heard of….. CrossFit Military people are double the annoying as a regular know it all CrossFitter.

  10. BBG:
    1) 95 x 3, 105 x 2, 115 x 4, 120 x 1
    2) 185 x 3, 195 x 7

    a) 25# plate : 1+2, 2+2, 0+1, 1+2
    b) 25, 35, 44 x 2
    c) 40, 55 x 3

    M/F/S – 1/6/4

  11. BBG
    1a – 95-105-105-110×7
    1b – 145 for all sets

    1a – 4/4, 3/5, 4/5, 3/5 all to a 2 inch deficit.
    1b – 15#
    1c – subbed good mornings

  12. High Hang Snatch
    3 position stop snatch

    Subbed hspu for strict dumbbell shoulder press 25 lbs
    9, 10,9,8
    14lbs on pull ups and rigged revers hyper


  13. BBG:
    1A.) 115-125-135-135-145-145-155-155-165(pr)-165
    1B.) 185-205-225-225-225-235-235-235-255-255

    1A.) 9-11-10-10 (No kip)
    1B.) 53-53-53-53
    1C.) 180-180-180-x

  14. BBG:

    Used Straps for high hang snatches and 3 stop snatch pull

    1a) 165, 175, 175, 185, 185, 195, 195, 195, 195, 205

    1b) 225, 245, 245, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265


    1a) 3.5 inch deficit (45# recycled rubber plates head to floor)
    3+3, 4+5, 4+3, 3+3

    1b) 2 pood KB all 5 sets strict and UB

    1c) Just did modded on a GHD no weight just for tech work

    Felt good today

    • I’m transferring duty stations. Will be in lejeune in 10 days. I know crossfit Wilmington is within driving distance, not sure if they are outlaw friendly or not.

      • What unit are you going to? I went to CF Wilmington for the CF Open, but it is WAY too far of a drive for daily workouts. I go either in the mornings/lunch time/after work…the HITT center here has pretty much everything you need with some jerry rigging (for a yoke/prowler) etc

    • 32. My cell number is 540-748-7220. I’ll definitely be interested in training with somebody else that follows. Checking in July 1st.

  15. BBG

    1a)135lbs all sets (only went 7×2 short on time)
    1b)225lbs all sets

    1a) skipped-right shoulder needs rest
    1b) 45lbs no missed reps
    1c) subbed weighted good-morning 4×10@135lbs

  16. BB Gym:
    1a) 110
    1b) 155

    1a) 45# bumper + 25# “fluffy” bumper on both sides w/ABMAT in middle – 4+10, 5+8, 3+14, 5+10
    1b) Not weighted
    1c) 70

    MFS – 3/2/1

  17. Snatch (high hang): 55-55-55-55-55 kg (2 reps)
    3 stop snatch pull: up to 85 kg
    Reverse hyper: check
    HSPU: 7-5-5-5 (negative down + kip up) 2 x 15 kg bumper plates on each side
    Pull-ups: was tired In my shoulders but did 6 strict

    Extra work from yesterday:

    Yoke-WOD: check

    2 cleans + 1 jerk off high boxes @ 65-65-65-65-65-65 kg (technique practise)

  18. BBGym:
    1a) 95, 95, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105, 105
    1b) 215 all sets

    1a) 2+1, 2+0, 3+0, 2+0
    1b) 35, 30, 25, 15
    1c) Skipped


  19. WOD 120620:

    BB Gymnastics

    1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch (w/ hips) – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.

    1) 114, 2) 114, 3) 124, 4) 124, 5) 129, 6) 129, 7) 129, 8) 129, 9) 129, 10) 129 (high-hang on all reps using very small dip. Tried to emulate second rep of the catalyst demo. 129 was a challenging weight, but reps were solid)

    1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.

    1) 204, 2) 204, 3) 214,  4) 214, 5) 219, 6) 219, 7) 219, 8) 219, 9) 219, 10) 219 (pretty good weight; lumbar definitely close to breaking, but held steady)


    1a) 4 X ME Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Kipping Deficit HSPU – more deficit than last week, rest 45 sec. (3″ last week, 5″ today)

    1) +3, 2) 3+4, 3) +4, 4) +1

    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Suppinated  – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec. 

    1) 32, 2) 37, 3) 42, 4) 47 (not heavy enough)

    1c) 4 X 10 Reverse Hypers (subbing good-mornings) – heavy, rest 45 sec.

    1) 114, 2) 134 (too heavy), 3) 114, 4) 114

  20. Question for The Outlaw Nation:
    I am planning on buying a high quality barbell. Thoughts on
    The Rogue Bar
    Again Faster Team Bar
    Pendlay Nexgen Bar
    Or going all the way to a Needle bearing bar?


    • I really like the rogue bar. I haven’t used any of the others, but I’m really happy with what I have.

    • Between the rogue bar and again faster team bar, I’d go with the rogue bar. Both are high quality but I feel like the rogue bar has better spin/action. Never used the pendlay nexgen bar or a needle bearing bar so I can’t speak to those.

    • The rouge bar doesn’t spin quite as freely as some of the $900 bars, but for the money and the warranty it’s all you need. Plus if your competing that’s what their using until reebok builds one.

  21. BBG
    1a) 95×6/105×3/105(f)
    1b) 165/185×9

    1a) 2/2/1/F
    1c) 65/85×3 – subbed good mornings

  22. BBG
    1a) Worked up to 145
    1b) Worked up to 185

    1a) 3+3 x 4
    1b) 25lb
    1c) Set up poor mans version on 2 stacked plyo boxes with an abmat on top and 25lb DB in between legs

  23. BBG – 1a. 145
    2a. 205

    1a. 2x 45lb plates. Ended up with ears below hands 6, 5, 4, 5
    1b. 25lbs UB
    1c. Subbed Romanian DLs. 4x 5 @ 185

  24. BBG
    1a) High-hang Snatch 5×185, 3×195, 2×205
    *Missed catch of second rep on each of the last three sets
    1b) Position Sn Deadlift 5×225, 3×245, 2×265

    1a) Strict + Kipping HSPU -> 15+10, 8+7, 6+3, 5+5
    1b) Wt Chins -> BW + 45, 50, 55, 60
    1c) Reverse Hypers

    It was one of those days where I didn’t want to be in the gym

  25. bbg
    1c)cambered bar good morning 75,125,146,165

  26. BBG:
    1a.) 115 – 125 – 125 – 135 – 135 – 135(f) – 125
    b.) 225 throughout

    1a.) 4+3, 4+2, 4+3, 4+3 no deficit
    1b.) 65 lb. dumbbell hanging from waist: 7 – 7 – 7 – 6
    1c.) subbed

  27. I am compiling a list of Outlaw friendly affiliates/home gyms/prisons on my blog. I will create a spreadsheet like thingy and link it when I get some feedback.

  28. CFG Data:

    60 kg (stuck with this, because form was breaking down and speed slowing at higher weights)
    115×4; 120×4; 125×2 for 3stop
    1+3; 2+3; 3+3; 4+6
    18; 27; 41kg x2

    115×4; 120×4; 125×2 for 3stop
    8+10; 10+6; 8+10; 6+12
    18; 27; 41kg x2

  29. I can power clean 260 but have a hard time cleaning anything over 200. Other than stop being a pussy, what else can I do to help me go up in weight!?

  30. BBG
    1a) 95-115-135-145-150(1)-150(1)-150(1)-150(F)-150(1)-150
    1b) 185 x 10

    1a) Skipped
    1b) 35-40-45-55
    1c) Skipped

  31. whats the outlaw thought on working weaknesses? do we just follow what comes up and not do much else or should we work on the weaknesses that we know we have aka volume training or recon ron type extra work?

    • Just use some common sense… When your body can take it and you have time, work in some skill stuff on the weaknesses. If something comes up that you blow at spend some extra time on. Rudy’s not going to fly through the doors and whip your ass. If its a strength problem, eat more and lift heavier.

  32. 1st time trying HHS heavy and 1st ever on DL cluster. Felt like I was trying to poop in the woods on the DL, very awkward.

    1a.) 3×2 90kg, 7×2 100kg – missed 2nd rep in 9th but hit in time.
    1b.) 10×2 125kg

    Already had planned, but similar.
    15min AMRAP
    3 HSPU on P-Lettes, ear below hand.
    3 Bar Muscle Ups.

    Failed first round of Bar Muscle Ups but then made all rounds.

    Please help with HHS form.

  33. BBG:
    1a) 70×6 sets, 75, 75, 80, 80
    1b) 100×3 sets, 105×7 sets

    1a) 10+4, 10+4, 7+4, 9+2 at 4&1/4″ deficit. Had same plates stacked as last week but this week got rid of the abmat so it was true 4&1/4.
    1b) 50lb, 65, 75, 85
    Skipped Good Mornings.

  34. BBG:
    1a. 155lbs
    1b. 205lbs

    2a. 4/4, 3/5, 3/4, 2/5 (deficit w/ 45lb recycled rubber bumpers)
    2b. BW, 20, 30, 30 (lbs)
    2c. 70, 90, 110, 110 (lbs)

  35. BB Gymnastics

    1a) 45/65/75/85/95/115/135F/115/115/115/125
    1b) 135/155/175/185/185/205/205/225/225/225


    1a) 1 plate (45#): 6/5, 2 Plate: 4/3, 12″ (DB): 1/3 // 1/1
    1b) 70#/70#/90#/90#
    1c) Sub Good Morning at 135.

  36. BBG: 1a) 135
    1b) 205
    Strength: 1a) 5/7,4/8,4/7,5/4. 45 and 10 # hi temps to ground
    1b) 45#
    1c) 135 # good mornings

  37. Can I get some feedback on my hang snatch?

    Prior to starting Outlaw 2 weeks ago I hadn’t snatched in over a year, and my OHS/snatching has never been strong. It’s one of my goats that I want to work on so any and all feedback is appreciated. Yes, this is only 95#

    • I’ll try..

      So your torso is vertical but it looks like you’re actually dipping FORWARD instead of a)straight up and down or b) sending your hips BACK. Pick one of those, but forward is not an option. This is pushing the bar a bit too far away from your body too.
      Looking at your shoulders, it doesn’t look like your rhomboids or lats are engaged – the bar is just hanging there. You gotta pull that shit in towards your body and ‘push’ the chest out for full engagement.
      Also, speed under the bar could be better.

      That’s all I got. Not a bad looking lift overall though.

  38. BBG
    A) 95 95 105 105 105 115×5
    B) 135 155×2 185×5 205 225

    A) sub “L” HSPU off 48″ box 15 10 8 7
    B) BW 10×4
    C) BW 10×4

  39. BB Gymnastics
    1a. 135 across
    1b. 225 across

    1a. 1/5, 0/5, 0/6, 0/6 (6″ Deficit)

    Bit off a little more than I should have with the height here. Basically just stripped the weight off my bars and stacked them against the wall with an ab mat. Wanted to do these at about 4.5 or 5 inches but didn’t bother measuring until the end.

    1b. 30 across
    1c. 115 across (Subbed good mornings)

  40. High Hang Snatch: worked up to 195 x 1 (F) – PR though

    Did Drop Squats 4 x 3 – Up to 135
    SN Halting DL 4 x 3 – 235 x 4 x 3

    1a) 8/3, 7/4, 8/3, 4/5
    1B) 53, 58, 63, 70

    Track active rest day tomorrow

  41. BB
    1a) 165
    1b) 255
    Form got better as sets went on. prob cause of shitty warmup.
    1a) used hi-temp 45,25 and 10
    7/5 5/5 4/4 5/2
    1b) 45,50f,45,50. Pullups done in tuck.
    1c) no weight, slow on way up and 2sec pause at top.

  42. BB Gynastics
    1b) 185,185,195,200×7
    1a) 54×4
    1b) 6/5 4/5 3/3 3/4 45lb bumpers
    1c) no weight

  43. BB Gymnastics
    1b)245# all sets

    1a)2+4/3+2/2+2/1+2-(2 45# plates each side and a 25# plate w/ abmat in the middle)
    1b)53# KB all sets
    1c) 20#


  44. BBG:
    1a) 155×4, 165×4, 185×2
    1b) 5×275, 5×295

    1a) on 7″ parallete pipes 5+5, 6+4, 5+3, 4+3 doesnt make sense, but better w/o kip
    1b) 80#>
    1c) check 14#

    6min AMRAP
    3 cleans, 5 push press, 7 bar facing burpees
    9rd+1 PP

  45. WOD 120620:
    BB Gymnastics

    1a) 135lbs x 10×2
    1b) 185lbs. x 10×2


    1a) 3+3, 3+2, 2+4, 2+3 reps (about 5.5 inch deficit)
    1b) 24kg x 4×5
    1c) no reverse hyper, so I did them on hanging off my refrigerator with no weight.

  46. BBG:
    115, 155

    no strength today. Feeling super tore-up and I have a “friendly” in San Francisco on Sunday.

  47. BBG:

    1a. 70-70-75-75-80-80-80-85-85-85
    1b. 2x 135, 8x 140


    1a. 4+2 / 4+3 / 3+3 / 2+3
    1b) 15#
    1c) subbed 80# good mornings

  48. BBG
    1a. 155, 155, 165, 165, 165, 170, 170, 175, 175, 180 felt really good. 15lbs off Full Snatch PR
    1b. 215, 235x 9 These were hard
    1a. 5+1, 7+3, 6+3, 5+1
    1b. 44, 53, 55, 55
    1c. 115 all 4


  49. BBG:
    HHSn – did a bunch of sloppy sets at 175. felt totally off today.
    3 Stop Sn Pull – worked up to 305 for final set.

    HSPU (2 plates to abmat) – 6+1, 6+2, 5+2, 5+1 (up from 4s last week)
    Suppinated PUs – 45,60,70,80
    Rev Hypers – 225,225,225,225

  50. BBG:
    1a. Worked up to 130 (no misses)
    1b. Most sets were 155, first couple were lighter

    HSPU: w/ a 25 and 45 rogue hi-temp plate and a ab mat between. 1/2, 1/6. 1/8, 1/8
    PU’s: body weight
    Rev Hypers- subbed

  51. 1a) 115,125,135,155×4,155(f),135,135
    1b) 225×5,255×5
    1a) 4 plate: 7/4 3 plate: 5/4 3 plate: 5/4
    3 plate: 4/3
    1b) 45# plate 65# vest x 3

  52. BBG: 1a.) 125, 135, 135, 135, 135, 145, 145, 150, 150, 150 -Went light to focus on cleaning up my technique.

    1b.) 255 x10

    Strength: 1a.) 12+4, 10+4, 10+4, 9+3 -used 45 # plates and 10# plate stacked on top.
    1b.) 53# KB
    1c.) 225×4


  53. BBG –
    1a) 65, 85, 95, 115×7
    1b) 135, 185×9

    1a) 35lb plate and 10 lb plate: 4+3, 3+3, 3+3, 3+1
    1b) 35lbx4
    1c) 20lb

  54. One of those days where you feel like a bag of double dickheads
    1a. 155, got ugly passed that
    1b. 245
    5/6 4/6 4/4 3/5 no def big goat

  55. 1a) Worked up to 4 sets of 70kg for doubles. Felt good
    1b) Worked up to a few sets of 90kg for double. Felt terrible – couldn’t get the movement to feel right and my thumbs were very sore.


    HSPU’s on a 20kg bumper (approx 10cm thick)
    Subbed 60kg Good mornings for Reverse Hypers

    1a) 6+1, 4+2, 5+1, 4+2
    1b) 0kg, 10kg, 10kg, 0kg
    1c) 60kg good mornings

    HSPU’s felt pretty good, glad to do that amount at such a deficit.
    Weighted pullups felt good for first 2 rounds. 3rd round were all singles so I went back to bodyweight last round. Good mornings were ok.

  56. BBG
    1a) 125,135, 140, 145,150,150,155, 155, 160, 165, 170
    1b) 145, 155, 160,165,170, 170,175,180,185,190,195
    1a) 25 plate on 35 plate with ab-mat in middle – 1+7, 1+6, 0+7, 0+5
    1b) Hung 55# KB from belt 5,5,5,5
    1c) 160″ RH (bit too light) 10s

  57. BBG
    1a) 135,135,135,135,135,145,145,145,145,145
    1b) 225,225,225,205,205,205,205,205,205,205
    1a) 45 plate on 35 plate with ab-mat in middle – 4+1, 3+4, 3+3, 2+3
    1b) Hung 35# KB from belt 5,5,5,5
    1c) Good Mornings 135, 145, 155, 165

  58. BBGym:
    1a) 115*2, 125*2, 135, 145*2, 150, 155, 160
    1b) 185*2, 195*2, 205, 215*2, 225*3

    1a) 5+5, 5+5, 4+4, 4+4 (deficit = 45+35+25 recycled rub bumper to abmat – about 7/ 7.25 inches from abmat to bumper)
    1b) 35, 55, 65, 65
    1c) sub good mornings @95

  59. BB Gymnastics

    1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch (w/ hips) – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.
    1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull – heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.



    1a) 4 X ME Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Kipping Deficit HSPU – more deficit than last week, rest 45 sec.
    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Suppinated Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
    1c) 4 X 10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.

    1a-(3 inch deficit) 7+4,6+3,7+3,5+4
    1c-Unweighted all sets

  60. BB Gymnastics
    1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch – 60, 60, 60, 65, 65, 65, 70, 70 x 1, 70, 75kg
    1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull – 80, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90, 100, 100, 100, 110kg

    1a) 4 X ME Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Kipping Deficit HSPU – 15kg + 10kg next to an abmat for 3 sets, then parallettes either side of an abmat on the 15 + 10. 1 + 3, 2 + 2, 2 + 3, 0 + 2
    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Suppinated Pullups – 15, 25, 25, 25kg
    1c) 4 x 10 Banded Iron Cross Good Mornings – heavy bands
    1d) 4 X 10 Reverse Hypers – bodyweight

  61. BB Gymnastics

    1a) 115, 120 (1), 120, 125, 130, 135, 140 (1), 135, 140 (1), 135 (1)
    1b) 165, 175, 185, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 225, 225

    Also did some bench presses (because I miss them); 5×3 @: 175, 195, 215, 230, 245

  62. Strength:

    1a)*purple band as harness for strict
    *big 45″s on each side of abmat~1/2in deficit
    2/1, 2/1, 2/1, 1/1

    1b)BW, 10#x3

    1c) GM’s @95#

    BBG: (had to switch order today)

    1a) 75, 65×4, 75, 70×4

  63. BBG
    1a) 115 x10x2. no misses wanted to work on technique. Could go a little heavier next time.
    1b) 225 x10x2. no misses pretty good weight. Form good but still felt weight.

    1a) 5+1, 7+2, 7+5, 6+4 (used 3 – 45lb bumper plates stacked on each side. Has to be at least 9-12 inch deficit.
    1b) 45lb weight around waist all sets. Just enough pushed me but completed all sets.
    1c) used green thick band behind neck

  64. BB Gymnastics:
    1a) 135lbs x 3, 145lbs x 3, 155lbs x 4. Focus on technique

    1b) 205lbs for all sets

    1A) 12 strict 4 kipping, 9 strict 2 kipping, 7 strict 2 kipping, 6 strict 2 kipping need to practice kipping

    1b) 45lb plate on all sets

    1c) 25lb plate on all sets

  65. HiHangSquatSnatch – worked up to 145, had 155 and wasn’t patient with in in the hole
    3 stop — 225

    HSPU – 4+2 whole way hands on 25s
    Pullups – 53

  66. BBG:
    1a) 115, 115, 135, 155, 135, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155
    1b) 225

    1a) 2-4, 0-2, 1-2, 2-2 (2 hi-temp 45’s each side, abmat in the middle)
    1b) 20-75-55-55
    1c) 4 sets of 5 BW GHraises

  67. BBG:
    1b) same only have 1 bar

    1a) 2,2,3,2 on 35lb bumper plates
    1b) 45llb
    1c) 25lb dumbell

  68. BB Gymnastics
    1a) 95/115/115/135/135/135/135/135/135/145
    1b) 185/185/185/205/205/205/205/205/205/215

    1a) average 5 + 2, best rounds was 7+3 (kip is inefficient but getting better)
    1b) 35#
    1c) 10#

  69. BB Gym:
    1a)95×2, 105×6, 95×2 these were High Hang Power snatch knee is still killing me on full squats
    1b)165×2,185×2, 205×6

    1a)4+3, 10+8, 10+8, 8+8
    1b)35lb vest for all
    1c)blue band on GHD


  70. BBG
    1a) 115×2, 125×2, 135×6
    1 b) 225, 245×6, 265×3

    1 a) 4/0,3/0x2,5/0 still working kipp
    1b) 4×5 body weight
    1c) red band


  71. All #’s

    1a.)155, 145, 145, 145F, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145
    1b.)225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225

    1a.)2+2, 2+3, 3+3, 2+3
    1b.)45, 45, 45, 50
    1c.)35, 37.5, 40, 40

  72. 7/28/12
    WOD 120620:

    BB Gymnastics
    1a) 10X2 High-Hang Snatch (w/ hips); rest 45 sec – used 165lbs for all sets.
    1b) 10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull; rest 45 sec – used 205lbs for all sets

    Strength/Skill (compare to 7/21/12)
    1a) 4 X ME Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Kipping Deficit HSPU; rest 45 sec – At 5.5 inch deficit: 9+0, 7+1, 7+1, 5+1
    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Chinups; rest 45 sec – 40, 50, 60, 60lbs
    1c) 4 X 10 Reverse Hypers; rest 45 sec

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