Hey guys, what are you doing tomorrow?

Cool, cool.

Oh… Me?

I’m going to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to coach some BAMFs on how to be the best athletes exercisers on earth. I mean, it’ll be pretty cool to hang out at CrossFit Rutherford with Jeremy Murdock, Elisabeth Akinwale, Talayna Fortunato, the super-dreamy Mike Poppa, and 20-25 of the best exercisers athletes in the Mid-South-Central-What-The-Fuck Region. There may be a few 300# Clean and Jerks this weekend. There may be a few 170# Snatches (the LADIES that is). I don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen, but I bet it’s going to be a FUCK YEAH type of weekend.

I hear there’s a bottle of Jameson waiting for me in Murfreesboro—here’s to winning EVERYTHING.

How many of you are “big name CrossFitters“?

Noah Ohlsen and Dylan Malitsky on 120118:

WOD 120120:


*If last week’s High-Bar work seemed easy you may raise your base number approximately 5%. If it was difficult stay right where you are.

1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X8 @ 65%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X8 @ 75%, 1X8 @ 80% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.

Notes on performing the High-Bar Squat.

2a) 5X3 Bench Press – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.

Notes: This should end up being a 3 rep max. We will be basing numbers off this for the next 3 weeks so make sure to get a true 3rm. Yes, there’s one more set of BP than FS. This means you’ll finish on BP.

2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.


5X200m Sprints – ALL OUT

Notes: You may rest the amount of time it takes to walk back to the start of your 200. This should be a SLOW stroll back. Rest enough to allow yourself to go absolutely 100% on every sprint. MAKE SURE you warm up well before beginning these sprints.

(more) Strength

1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict HSPU – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

Notes: Regionals standards for setup, kipping is NOT allowed. Vests are the best weighting option. These DO NOT have to be unbroken.

1b) 3X8 Bent Over Rows (Clean Grip) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

87 responses to “120120

  1. I am not a big name CrossFitter, but I sure like doing these workouts (even though today I feel like somebody beat the sh#t out of me).

    You guys will clean up; the Jameson will go down smoothly; and Throwdowns may start trying to “outlaw” Outlaws from competing…

    Thanks, Coach!

  2. so i may be stupid but in regards to part 2 of strength work is it alternating between bench and front squat or complete all sets of bench then move to fs.

  3. Hey guys, I was hoping for some intervals and now I got them. Also I have been throwing down with my gym and have been consistently closer to the big dawgs.

    I am thinking about my weekly schedule for working out. The gym I go to does two-three days of heavy work and a metcon.
    Here are my thoughts. All of the BB gymnastics, strength, midline stuff I will do as planned and then I will follow the gym’s stuff also.
    Here’s a rough idea of what I want to do.
    Monday: BB Gym. Gym wod.
    Tuesday: WOD, Strength
    Wednesday: Rest
    Thursday: WOD, Strength
    Friday: Strength, Intervals
    Saturday: WOD. BB Gym
    Sunday: Rest

    Let me know how this looks. Any comments or adjustments are highly valued.

    • For those of you who don’t want to search through the book, it’s on page 13:

      i. Week of April 23-29 (South East, South Central, Canada West)
      ii. Week of April 30 – May 6 (Mid Atlantic, South West, Africa, Asia)
      iii. Week of May 7-13 (Central East, SoCal, Canada East, Latin America)
      iv. Week of May 14-20 (North Central, NorCal, Australia)
      v. Week of May 21-27 (North East, North West, Europe)
      vi. On-site check-in will take place on Thursday of event week

      So… not exactly sure WTF this means exactly. Are they going to be Fri-Sun again? Pretty certain regionals aren’t going to be a full week long. At least I hope not.

      • You’re trying to tell me you don’t already schedule your entire life around CrossFit? Bullshit, Jason.

      • Oh, don’t worry — I do. It’s these inconsiderate assholes at my lawl school that schedule stupid finals right around Regionals… not to mention the punks that schedule the bar exam right after the CF Games. I mean, honestly… didn’t they see the Reebok CF ads?! Helicopter takeovers > stupid career tests.

      • Ya you’d think they would know that lots of university students compete. But no lets just schedule the Canada west regional right during finals. That’s awesome.

  4. Looking forward to getting cockpunched all weekend long by some real Elite Exercisers. I will be spending most of my time in the corner watching the elite do things I will never be able to do. But it will be an awesome sight to see.

  5. 1) HBBS 130kg, 140kg, 150kg, 10kg. All felt really good and fast
    2a) bench 3rm: 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 125kg (f) wasn’t going to hit 125 so called it at 4 as elbow was playing up
    2b) FS 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 120kg

    Sprints all done, but untimed

    Had to get out for work but will try and make up the rest tomorrow

  6. 1. High-Bar Back Squats – 160, 170, 185, 200

    2a. Bench 3rm – 130, 135, 137 (failed on #3), 125, 125 – decreased the weight on last 2 sets and focused on tourque and keeping my ass on the bench (not air humping)
    2b. front squats – 125, 140, 150, 150

    Conditioning – went 100m down and back so I could see the timer (need to get a watch). The turnaround definitely slowed me down. :36; :36; :37; :38; :38

    1a. HSPU – first set unweighted, but strict, and did all 8 unbroken (PR!); second set, strapped a kilo plate to me and went 3/3/2; third set unweighted 7/1
    1b. 95, 105, 115

    M/F/S – 2/6/6 feeling a little battered

  7. 1) Skipped High Bar Back Squat-(heavy single 2 days ago in prep for meet next weekend)
    2a) 5X3 Bench Press: 245-265-275-295-305
    2b) Front Squats: 245-265-285-285

    5X200m Sprints – all approx. 30 seconds (100m out and back)

    1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict HSPU: 20 lb vest on first set-4-2-2, then went unweighted on the next two sets-5-3 on both.

    1b) 3X8 Bent Over Rows: 135-225-225

  8. High Bar Back Squat – 205, 225, 245, 260

    2a) Bench Press – 3RM 250

    2b) Front Squat – 170, 185, 200, 200

    5 x 200m sprint – 25, 25, 28, 27, 27

    3 x 8 Strict HSPU – no weight options available, just did 3 sets unweighted, unbroken

    3 x 8 Bent Row – 185, 185, 185

  9. 1) High bar back squats. 100, 110, 115, 125. am going up next week 🙂

    2a) 85, 95, 105, 110 (fail on 2), 110 (fail on 2)
    2b) 95, 100, 105, 105

    Conditioning: outside of road. not sure of times

    1a) no weight. just strict w/regional standards
    1b) 75#

    MFS- 232

  10. Crazy pressed for time this morning. Coming back this evening for FS, BP, HSPUs, and Row

    Back squats: 160, 170, 180, 195 -will increase weight next week.

    200m sprints with 100 turnarounds in a field – :30, :30, :30, :30, 30. Not too impressed with my times, but was pleased all my splits were the same.

    • 2a) 75, 95, 115, 120 (f), 115 – is it obvious that I never bench?
      2b) 125, 135, 150, 150 – these felt really good. Will increase weight next week

      1a) weighted HSPUs with 15# vest. Failed on last 2 reps of 3rd set
      2a) 75,95,105 – 105 got kinda ugly by rep number 5

      I’m also doubting my distance on the 200m sprints. I’m think maybe I was a few meters short.

  11. All weights in kg’s today.

    1) 102.5, 110, 117,5, 125 (PR)
    Last set actually wasn’t too bad. Could have done a bit more methinks. Hatch squat is awesome.
    2a) 90, 95, 100, 105, 107.5(f last rep)
    2b) 80, 87.5, 95, 95
    Not sure why I failed last rep on bench. Bad setup maybe. 105 actually wasn’t too bad. Spotter said he barely touched it; but he still did.

    Skipped sprints, track meet at school today.

    More strength
    1a) All unbroken and unweighted. Took away ab mat to add depth.
    1b) 70, 80, 80
    Ok so I should have weighted the hspu. Honestly I’m surprised how easy they were. With no vest I’m not sure how to weight them though. Was running outta time so I didn’t feel like being creative.

  12. Strength
    1.) 230#, 250#, 265#, 285#

    Started to wonder if the last rep might not happen on the 5th rep of the last set but I willed it to happen with mind bullets.

    2a.)225#, 235#, 240#, 245#, 250#f(x2)
    2b.)205#, 220#, 240#, 240# Got challenging but never questioned being able to complete them. Might need to bump up a bit?

    30sec, 28sec, 30sec, 30sec, 31sec…I saw God at the last 50ft everytime. These hurt.

    Strength again.
    a.)20#UB, 25#(6/2), 25#UB’ish(started coming off the wall on the last rep.)
    b.)185#, 175#, 175#

    Picked the bar up about 2-3 inches off the ground and rowed from there. Tried to keep a really flat back w/no bounce, correct?

  13. A: 170#, 185#, 195#, 210# (knees come in a bit, good depth)
    B1: 155#, 165#, 175#, 180# x 1 (f)
    B2: 135#, 145#, 155#
    Tredsled Sprints – 75m @ 50# resistance
    Times – 0:19, 0:20, 0:19, 0:20, 0:20
    A1: Bodyweight HS Pushups – 6/1/1, 5/3, 5/3 (getting better)
    A2: 3 x 8 @ 131#

    M/F/S – 2/4/3

  14. Back squat 140, 150, 155, 155

    1a) 105 on all 5
    1b) 105, 115, 120, 125

    33, 30, 29,30, 28

    gotta do the other strength tonight at the gym. Nap time is over…


  15. Question for anyone out there… Has anyone ever had a massage and the next day found it hard to lock in for a lift ? I felt like the bar was even heavy and a disconnect with all my squats.

    HBBS: 150×8,155×8,165×8,175×8 felt super hard! Like a little blackout;) knees rolling in.

    2a. 95,105, 120, 135 all for 3. Started really light bc Shoulder hurts on these. Kept elbows angled out, keeping them close made my shoulder scream. 1 rm is 150#.

    2b. 135x 5,150×4, 155x 3, 145×3…felt a odd pull in lower lat. I just felt weak.

    Ran out of time before class. Will do the rest this p.m.

  16. High Bar Back Squat – 76, 82, 87.5, 93

    2a) Bench Press – 90, 91, 93 PB, 94 F 2 reps

    2b) Front Squat – 60, 65, 70×2

    5 x 200m sprint – 30, 31, 31, 31, 30

    3 x 8 Strict HSPU – no weight weakness of mine – 6-1-1, 3-2-1-1-1, (last set 1 ab mat) 4-1-1-1-1

    3 x 8 Bent Row – 50, 55, 60

    M/F/S – 2/3/1

  17. 1. lbs: 231, 248, 267, 285 (using calculation from KG 3RM).
    2a. 205, 225, 245, 265, 275 (resetting this as 3RM, done 10lbs more 3 y ago with a lot of skyhumping..).
    2b. 185, 195, 215, 215

    2h later, 200m’s:
    27.7s, 26.8, 27.3, 27.8, 28.1 (4-7min rest b/t set)

    No extra strength, did some stuff from gymnasticswod instead, because tomorrow I’m doing 4 wods from the Optathlon construction series to prepare for a local competition in 3 weeks time.

  18. Strength

    1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X8 @ 65%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X8 @ 75%, 1X8 @ 80% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.

    1 = 110kg, 120kg, 127.5kg, 137.5kg

    2a) 5X3 Bench Press – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.

    2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.

    2a = 100kg, 110kg, 115kg, 120kg, 125kg x 1
    2b = 90kg, 97.5kg, 105kg, 105kg


    5X200m Sprints – ALL OUT

    Done – no timer, just on the road, uphill into the wind

    (more) Strength

    1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict HSPU – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

    1b) 3X8 Bent Over Rows (Clean Grip) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

    1a = hands on floor, head to floor. Set 1 = unbroken, set 2 = 5 + 3, set 3 = 3+1+1+1+1+1
    1b = 70kg, 80kg, 80kg

  19. First time doing high-bar squats, they were easier than I thought, played it safe and set my percentages off of a 300# max, it was good to go lighter and get the feel for them, will go heavier next time.

    Bench press-3s 275, 275, 275, 300, 310
    Front squat-5s, 210, 225, 240, 240

    5×200 m sprints, kept around 40 sec. no excuses, need to get faster.

    3×8 hspu-did 3 strict ring hspu (new pr) finished with strict against wall, 230# of my bodyweight was enough at this point.

    3×8 bent over row 135, 155, 175

  20. Strength:
    1) 245, 265, 285, 205
    2a) 255, 275, 285, 290, 290(fail on 3)
    2b) 185, 205, 215, 215

    30, 30, 31, 30, 31

    More Strength:
    1a) 30 (4+4), 21 UB, 21 UB
    1b) 225 for all

  21. HB Back Sq: 160-170-180-185 was too easy
    Bench: 115-125-135-145-155
    Front Sq: 135-145-165-186 too light

    HSPU: all unbroken but that kip still likes to creep up on me

    Body Rows: 95-105-115 felt good never really do these

    Sprints: 28.08/30.19/30.94/31.66/29.22

  22. High Bar – 225, 240, 260, 275

    Bench – 190, 195, 205, 205, 210
    Front Squat – 190, 205, 225 x 2

    Snowing so couldn’t run
    5 x 250m row – :39.9 , :40.5 , :41.9 , :43.3 , :43.9

    HSPU – +10lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs
    Bent over row – 115, 135, 155

  23. 1. 150, 165, 175, 185
    2a. 105, 115, 125, 130×2, 120
    2b. 125, 135, 145

    Conditioning: we got snow last night and was still too slick all day, so..
    Row: :40, :40, :39, :39, :40

    1a. all unweighted
    1b. 95# on all sets

    first day back after being sick for a few days, felt pretty good considering

  24. 1) 200, 215, 225, 235
    2a) 175, 185, 195, 195, 195
    2b) 160, 175, 185, 185. these are getting easier and easier

    Conditioning: :28, :28, :30, :30, :30

    a) unweighted
    b) 135, 145, 145. trying to avoid any hitch at the top

  25. 1)145,155,165,175
    2a)65,85,115,125,130(fail) – My 1RM was 135, I guess its not anymore. 🙂

    :41, :32, :32, :32, :31

    1a) all unweighted with regionals standards
    1b) 95,115,115

    My shoulders and lats were very sore today, HSPU were horrible.

  26. Bench- 125, 135, 145, 150, 155
    L-sit- 35, 40, 36, 32
    (had nasty plantar fasciitis and trying to be smart coming back)

    Swim- taking a stroke technique class

    HSPU- 10, 13, 15lbs unbroken was happy with that
    Row- 115, 125, 125

    Spent today long week of midterms at school…

  27. 1.) High Bar Back Squat 245, 265, 285, 305 Last set felt good. Next week may increase 5%

    2a.) Bench 195, 205, 210, 220, 225
    2b.) Front Squat 170, 185, 205, 205

    Snow on ground, row 250 instead of run
    44.6 (fell off rower at 50 M left), 42.6, 44.2, 43.3, 43.7

    HSPU SUCK- Scaled off box, with extra depth. Working on shoulder mobility and strength for these
    Bent Over rows- 115, 135, 155

  28. Dialed it down alot today. Wasnt in the game and had alot of tightness.
    1) 235, 250,270,290F. went higher last week. just wasnt there today
    2a) 185,205,225,235,245
    2b) 165,175,185
    Conditioning: 29seconds for all

    1a)3×8 UB
    felt like a bitch today! M/F/S was at the lowest since starting this program. Just gonna HTFU and hit it hard next week

  29. BB 160-175-185-200 (7)
    1a 175-185-190-195-195
    b 135-150-160-160
    32.47-33.72-33.22-33.90 (4rds short on time)
    HSPU w/ abmat, then 10lb plate, then 15lb plate…I have trouble w/ ROM on these. Out of time for the Rows, working 7 days this week

  30. Skrenf-
    1. 205/220/235/250
    2a. 225/225/235 for the last 3 (failed on the 3rd rep of each). Thanks, CrossFit, for making my bench press suck cock.
    2b. 155/170/180/180

    Conditioning- 32/32/33/32/34

    all HSPU unbroken, weight used was: approx 3lbs of clothing and shoes. Fuck trying hard.
    Rows – 175/185/195

    M/F/S – ballsohardmufuckaswannafineme/4/3

  31. 1) Back Squat: 250, 270, 290, 310#
    2a) Bench Press: 245# Very depressing since there was a time I could bench 405 and rep out sets of 10 @ 315#..The days of Powerlifting-westside and bodybuilding, but was a wreck physically and 10-15 years younger.
    2b) Front Squat: 190, 205, 220#

    Conditioning: 5x200m No timer. Ran ME. Painful for the left hamstring.

    3a) HSPU, Strict, weighted 20# vest 2/2/2/2, 4/2/2, 3/1/1/2/1
    3b) Bent over row: 205# UB

  32. Strength

    1) High Bar Back Squat (moved up to work off 1RM of 375)

    240 x 8
    265 x 8
    280 x 8
    300 x 8

    Gotta be a PR for high-bar squat. Last set took a lot out of me.

    2a) Bench Press
    225 x 3
    235 x 3
    245 x 3
    255 x 3 ties PR
    260 x 3 PR

    2b) Front Squat (moved up to work off 1RM of 325)
    195 x 5
    210 x 5
    225 x 2 x 5

    Still easy, but felt heavier than it should after the high bar.


    -15 Celsius up and snowy/icy. Would have liked to run but in these conditions it would be more about not dying than going fast.
    Talked to Rudy he said given my background as a 200/400m runner to do 5x250m row so that’s what I did.

    5 x 250m Row – 2 min rest between intervals


    Hurt….biceps from the pulling flared up the soreness from the pullups a few days back.
    Have not rowed much in the last year or so….decent I guess.

    More Strength

    Weighted HSPU
    Did them on the ground, head to ground instead of Regional standard

    25# x 8 UB
    28# x 8 UB
    34# x 8 UB

    Bent over rows

    185# x 8 for all

    Very little soreness, but had a hard time getting myself moving today.

  33. Strength:
    1) 150, 165, 175, 190 felt so much better this week. I think I’m getting better at squatting and probably due to just getting stronger. Yea.
    2a) 115, 125, 135, 135, 140
    2b) 145, 160, 170, 180 couldn’t resist going heavy.
    42, 38, 38, 37, 38 have I mentioned how bad I suck at running. This hurt!
    More Strength:
    1a) started with 27lbs for first set and got to 7 UB so I started over.
    21lbs, 21lbs, 24lbs all strict and UB 🙂
    1b) 95, 135, 135 weird feeling. Never done them before but they felt good.

    MFS – 1, 4, 3 feeling a little under the weather due to my husband infecting me with his cold but all in all a great day of training.

  34. MFS-268 My schedule was fuckstomped this week so I had to replace a couple days with box workouts and yesterday was open workout 11.2. Did 10+9DL and hamstrings are tore up today.

    1) Hi-Bar 155,165,175,190 (235 base) Easy. Going up next week.
    2a) 190,195,195, 205(PR),195 Probably could hit 215 if I did it on set 2.
    2b) 135,150,160×2 (225 base) Easy. Staying here because of form.

    Runs: Did 4 and hamstring got real tight so I called it. Didn’t time them but 1 and 2 were real fast, 3 was OK, 4 was shit.

    1a) Did one set without weight, hands and head on ground, and felt like I weighed a shit ton, and felt fucked up in the head.
    1b) One set at 135, still felt sick so I said fuck it.

    I either need to get my schedule fixed or I need to HTFU. Both I assume. Missing tomorrow, probably need the rest anyway.

    • Just realized I dropped a lot of F bombs on that post. Quite the shock and awe campaign. Maybe my mood earlier wasn’t really a deuce. Oh well.

  35. 1. 155,165,175,190(had to drop it, my back felt weak sauce)
    2a. 95,105,115,125, 140-x1 went for a PR and got it
    2b. No fs. Back injury kicking in from all the volume but still feeling strong.

    WOD : open WOD #4 amrap 10min
    60 bar facing burpees
    30ohs 90#
    10 MU

    60+30+5. 3 more muscle ups than last year and i would have placed 15th so I’m happy with that

    :34,:33,:33,:32, :31-used to run 200m in track so felt like “home”

    HSPU- went for my record of UB strict HSPU first bc feeling strong. PR 14 UB ( previous pr 8)
    15# 2nd set. Split it up 4,2,2
    Body weight 3rd set

    Good day 🙂

  36. I am learning some very interesting pharses on this site…

    1) 170, 180, 190, 200
    2 a) 225, 230, 235, 240, 240
    b) 160, 170, 175, 180
    Runs: 250 m rows instead owing to minus a billion outside (46, 46.1, 47, 47.5)

    1a) all withhout extra weight (limited range)
    b) all at 165

    nice combo on this workout!

  37. 1) 225, 240, 260, 275

    2a) 185, 205, 225, 245, 255(3RM)
    2b) 165, 175, 190, 190 (need to go up in weight)

    Completed sprints without timing them.

    3a) BW on all HSPU
    3b) 155, 165, 165

  38. 1) 195, 210, 225, 240
    Feels good putting weight on my back. Squats felt as heavy as I expected.

    2a) 165, 185, 195, 210f, 200
    2b) 165, 175, 190, 190
    FS were all fast unbroken, bench was a lil shady by myself.

    1a) 20, 20, 20. Didn’t come down at all but paused in a headstand for a couple in second and third rounds
    1b) 155, 165, 165
    I like these.

    No sprints. Did a warmup lap, wasn’t feeling it.

  39. 1. 190, 205, 220, 235
    2A. Sucked. 225, 245, 255×2, 250×2, 225. Trying to move to a powerlifting style instead of a traditional style, losing a little power though. 270# 1rm PR a month ago should have gotten me a tad higher on this.
    2B. 165, 175, 190

    Conditioning – Snowstorm here. Was going to do some gassers but too tired.

    3A. No vest available today, but only got 8 unbroken per round at bodyweight after the bench anyway.
    3B. 185 (not quite full ROM on the last 2 reps), 170 170

  40. 1) 160, 170, 175, 185 – went a little lighter on the last two sets, felt super weak
    2a)135 for all 5 sets – probably was too light, didn’t have to “struggle” at all
    2a) 120, 130, 140, 140 – these felt good

    conditioning: snow outside so did rows – 39, 38, 38, 40, 40 – feet cramped after 3rd set

    3a) did strict bodyweight unbroken
    3b) 95lbs for all sets – first time w/ these

    mfs: 3/5/5

  41. Strength:
    1) BS (345 max) – 225, 240, 260, 275
    2a) Bench – 205, 220, 230, 240(2)
    2b) FS (300 max) – 185, 195, 210, 210

    More Strength:
    1a) 20# 7-1, 20# UB, 30# 5-3 (last 3 w/ no wt)
    1b) 165, 165, 165 (felt pretty light)

    Conditioning: Ice storm hit this afternoon so I did a short chipper instead.
    12′ wall ball, 25 reps
    Ring push ups, 25 reps
    Double unders, 75 UB
    Handstand walk, 50′
    53# kb snatch, 25 reps

    Time – 6:29, miss my first DU set at 65 so that really affected my time.

  42. HBBS: 245,265,280, 300
    Bench worked up to 265#
    front squat: 190, 205, 225

    Sprints felt good

    HSPU, 10# vest 7,1 4,4 4,4bw

    ROW: 185, 205, 225#

  43. 1) 135, 145, 155, 170
    2a) 185-205-215-225failed on the 3rd rep- 220
    2b) 125, 135, 145, 145
    HSPU- all BW
    Row-135, 155, 155

  44. Strength
    1) HBBS: 245-265-280-300
    2a) Bench: 185-200-205-210(fail)-205
    2b) FS:185-205-215

    4x200m Rows 30sec Rests(Used to be on a rowing program figured i’d sub one of the work outs instead of running outside in cold MN)

    More Strength

    1a)20lb Vest for all sets 5-1-1-1, 4-1-2-1, 5-1-1-1

    1b) 135-155-155

  45. 1. 130-135-145-155
    2a. 115-125-135-145-155
    2b. 110-120-130×2
    Sprints (I like these because I’m not the worst at them, not to say they are a strength)
    36 (Feeling out the pace and making sure my quads are good and not going to explode like last time I tried these)
    34 for the rest. About 3 min to walk back to start each time
    1a. Very broken. No Weight. Not even close to full ROM.
    1b. 95-115-135

    Overall good day

  46. Started the day off with the last WOD of the WOD Club:

    50 toes to bar

    40 box jumps (24, extend on box)

    30 bar burpees

    20 sumo deadlift highpulls (95)

    10 OH squats (95)

    Wrapped it up in 5:56 for a 3rd place spot as of right now. After the final WOD, that put’s me in the top 15 overall thus far, which isn’t bad cause SO many big names from all over the place are competing, but I wanted to do better.

    Strength work after felt good.
    BS: 205, 220, 235, 250. Really focused for the first time on bouncing of the bottom and fully utilizing the elastic reflex. Came up easy.

    Worked up to 225 on the bench, coulda gone more..

    Came back later for four alternating sets of 20 lb weighted HSPU and 155 lb bent over rows in sets of 8. Feelin’ good!

    Snatchin’ for a 185 PR tomorrow!!

  47. HB BS 295 x 8, 315, 340, 360. These were heavy. Not U/B.
    BP+FS x 5, 305/195 too light, 315/225, 335/245, 345/265, 335

    5x 200m Sprints….:42,:38, :36, :38, :40 ran the 1st solo and dogged it…grabbed a buddy and improved.

    Strength 2:
    3 rd of HSPU BW + 135 Bent Row.

  48. 1) 220 – 240 – 255 – 270

    2a) 195 – 205 – 215(f3) – 210 – 210
    2b) 180 – 195 – 210 – 210

    Sprints – 32 – 33 – 33 – 34 – 33

    1a) Just worked Strict HSPU to the floor bc I am terrible at these – never more than 2 in a row
    1b) 135 – 155 – 165

  49. HBBS: 210×8, 225×8, 245×8, 260×8

    Bench press: 185×3, 195×3, 195×3, 205×3, 205×3

    Front squat: 165×5, 180×5, 195×5, 195×5 these felt light!

    Conditioning: did 15, 50 meter sprints with 30 sec rest between efforts due to limited space

    HSPU: 9,5,5 these were hard enough with no weight. Also getting used to standard. Feels different than head to floor.

    Forgot about rows haha

  50. HBBS: 200, 215, 230, 245
    Bench: 165, 175, 185, 190×2, 190×2 (think I could have three, no spotter though. Prob base 3rm off 190)
    FS: 155, 165, 180

    5x200m row: 41s +/- 2 seconds

    HSPU: 4/4, 3/3/2, 4/3/1. No weight, just trying to get the hang of these
    Row: 115, 125, 135

  51. 235-255-275-290(7)

    185-205-225-235 (fail on 2)-215

    .33-.31-.32-.33-.34 (don’t know if this was 200m, might have been a little longer)

    20# vest x 8 UB; 40# vest x 4 UB; 30# vest x 6, 2
    185# for all 3 sets

    FNL WOD:

    For time-
    25 Super wall Ball 20# to 12′
    25 Ring Push ups
    75 UB DU’s
    50′ HS Walks
    25 KB snatches 53#

    4:26 (I suck at wall ball shots)

  52. playing catch up
    made up tusdays workout on thursday so decided not to do squats and front squats back to back

    did the bench, 115, 145, 165, 180, 190 x 3

    200m sprints- 34, 34, 33, 33, 32
    running sucks

    after saturday ill be back on schedule w everyone else.

  53. Strength (6am)

    1) 162, 175, 187, 200 – all ub… first time!

    2a) 165, 175, 185, 195(2), 185(2)
    2b) 125, 135, 145, 145

    3a) 15, 15 (4/2/2), 0 (6/2)
    3b) 65, 105, 105 – not perfectly bent over. Back was tired from squats.

    Conditioning (4pm)
    Ran 5k home route in the 23 minute range. Did not warmup at all because I was trying to beat the rain, so first mile was slow.

    M: 2
    F: 4
    S: 3. Abs still a little tender.

  54. 1. 170-185-200-215
    2a. 155-165-170-170-170
    2b. 160-170-185-185 (This felt very light and easy today)

    Conditioning: Did this on a rower. Pain.

    More Strength: Did strict HSPUs till I practiced kipping.
    Used 165 for the row.

    Thank you.

  55. 1) 290, 315, 335, 355 (f@2), 345 (f@3) (too heavy, especially w/ my back being so locked up from heavy DL’s)

    2a) sub’d 5 x 8-10 pushups on fists w/ 66# weight vest and 35/45# plate on my back (to save my wrist)

    2b) 235, 255, 275, 275

    — 32, 31, 30, 29, 30 (almost felt scared to go all-out)

    3a) Did unweighted HSPUs on my fists on the floor. Tougher than I thought.
    3b) Kept at 185. Back was locking up.

    M/F/S – 3/4/7 (back)

  56. Strength
    1) 175, 190, 205, 220
    2a) 225,225,225,235,245(3rm)
    2b) 155,170,185,185

    Sprints were completed just not timed

    1a) BW
    1b) 155×3 very strict reps

  57. 225, 245, 265, 285 (Couldn’t get 275 for 6 reps two weeks ago!)

    Sub’d weighted push-ups 20 x 20lb vest
    165, 185, 205, 205

    Sprints 34, 33, 31, 32, 33

    Doing rest of strenght tomorrow morning.

  58. 1. HBBS: 275×8, 295×8, 315×8, 340×7
    2a. Bench: 275×3, 300×3, 315×3, 335×1, 325×3
    2b. FS: 210×5, 225×5, 245×5, 245×5

    3a. Weighted HSPU: +45×5, +25×8, +35×8, +35×6
    3b. Bent over rows: 225×8, 235×8, 235×8

    Messing around with the weighted vest took too much time. I wasn’t able to get the running in.

  59. Done on lunch break, short on time

    Back squat: 130-140-150-160

    No time for front squats and bench

    Had to sub rowing as it was slippery and super wet outside

    Only had time for 4x200m

    :49, :48, :47, :44

    Had a fellow trainer/friend watch my first 200 and he had me do the second two intervals with feet out of straps. Last interval made the adjustments and strapped feet back in.

  60. HBBS: 85, 90,100,105
    FS: 70. 75, 85, 85 (these all felt too light, need to up the weight I think)
    BP: 70, 75, 80, 85, 85 (these felt good, should have tried for 90 probably)
    had to sub row for run too dark and creepy outside
    5X250 row
    56, 55.7, 57.4, 55.8, 56.3 would have been happier with low 50’s but felt good to do some sprints either way
    no time for anything else, back in the am….felt strong today, a good feeling!

  61. 1) 200-215-230-245
    2a) 225-245-255-245-245
    2b) 160-175-185-185
    3) right at :40 for all
    4a) bodyweight x 3
    4b) 135-155-155

  62. 1) HBBS 140, 150, 160, 170.
    1st time doing HBBS w/o initiating by pushing hips back and going deep, ass to achilles, bouncing out of bottom. Felt good and fairly light. Figured 1RM off percentage of LBBS (265-10%=240), then used 90% of 240 (215).

    2a) BP 135, 155, 175, 185, 195

    2b) FS 125, 135, 145, 145

    Conditioning: 3x250m row 50.8, 49.0, 49.7

    Strength: 1a) 3×8 Shoulder Press (45#). Still working on rehab of left shouder, still unable to press overhead (or HSPU) w/any significant weight.
    1b) 3×8 Bent Over Rows 135, 135, 135

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