A few videos:

3 Position Snatch
Flat-Footed Snatch Hi-Pull
Snatch Grip Push Press

Please read the work CAREFULLY. A Snatch Hi-Pull and a Snatch Pull are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MOVEMENTS. Each day this week will include some fairly light skill transfer movements. You are ALL fried from the past few weeks, so now that we’ve pushed your CNS a little we’ll try to laser beam some skill work. If any of you have any questions about the way you are performing the lifts, PLEASE email me video of what you’re doing and I will analyze it right away. I actually can take stuff right out of emails and into a slo-motion app I have on my phone (yes, it’s awesome). DO NOT guess at this work.

All WODs for the week will be sent out tomorrow morning.



1) 5X1 3 Position Snatch (hi-hang, hang, full) @ 80% – rest 90 sec.
2a) 5X3 1 Snatch Grip Push Press + 2 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2b) 5X3 3 Hi-Hang Flat-Footed Snatch Hi-Pull + 1 Snatch (full squat) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.


9-7-5 of:

OHS 155/105lbs
Bar Muscle-Ups
Row 300m

For time.


3X15 UB GHD Situps – rest 60 sec.

9 responses to “111010

  1. Sunday Ran the Army ten miler- 1:20:19 Course PR by 40 sec and felt pretty comfortable

    1RM Back Squat- 375 PR by 10 lbs
    1) 135
    2a) 115
    2b) 95

    WOD: 17:24. Since we only had one bar we had to wait in diva Tony alot but hey even the small guys need to feel good sometimes! 🙂 j/k

  2. 1 RM Back Squat – 400 (15# PR)
    1) 135
    2a) 115
    2b) 95

    WOD – 12:40

    Corey you wouldn’t of had to wait if you didn’t let the smallest guy get through the OHS first! Just be faster buddy. 😉 Great job on the 10 Mile PR too!

  3. Snatchapalooza!
    1) 120×1,115×2,120×2 – better with each set
    2a) 135 – front racked the bar then stepped back under in the rack. Can’t drop that much weight behind the neck. 
    2b) 95

    5:52 -UB OHS & bar kips not MUs

    30sec per set

    MFS: 2/3/2 (low back a 3-4 but not sore just hurts)

  4. 1 RM Back Squat= 410

    1) 145 (had a few misses in there)

    2a) 115
    2b) 95

    WOD: 16ish (Was with Corey as we had to watch Tony bear climb the one bar we had in the gym. However, he did them unbroken so I was impressed with that though it looked pretty painful afterwards)

  5. 1) 135#. Only missed 1, which for me is nothing short of amazing. Did have to drop the bar to reset my grip a few times though.
    2a) and 2b) – 115 then 125×4. 125 was the most I could reset on my shoulders on the PP, and even then I had to drop a few. Didn’t miss any OHS or snatches.

    Conditioning – We don’t have a bar that doesn’t have a 2nd support bar over it, so can do bar MU’s, did 35# strict pull ups and 35# dips instead. 13:38. Never did 155# OHS in a metcon before, very happy that I only had to break twice.

  6. 1) 5×1 @ 173# (mixed kilos and lbs)
    2a) Worked from 135# to 185#. My last set felt better than my first. Shoulder flexibility is terrible right now.
    2b) 4×3 @ 135# and then the last set at 155#. Legs were pretty wrecked. I also am still very inconsistent on bar placement when I fire my hips in the second pull.

    Couldn’t do today’s wod (no PU bar or rower at the school gym), so I did tomorrow’s metcon:

    10 min AMRAP of:
    3 Cleans @ 225#
    25 pushups
    50 double unders

    — 5 rds + 3 cleans. Legs were worthless, and couldn’t keep chest up on the cleans.

    Did incline situps with an 8# medicine ball, 3×25. I’ll probably do more GHDs tomorrow when I get to the box. I really dislike working out around tons of mirrors…

    M/F/S – 4/4/3

  7. 1) 135# all the way through with no misses but felt SUPER heavy
    2a) 115, 115, 135, 135, 145
    2b) 115, 115, 115, 115, 115

    Didn’t have a bar that would allow muscle ups so just did rings. Basically all singles, only missing the very last rep. The OH squats were brutal but got them all unbroken.

    Got the midline, felt strong

  8. 1) 165 for all sets
    2a) 225 for all sets
    2b) 165 for all sets

    Metcon: 9:35

    Felt VERY out of gas today. Did a competition wod Saturday and really emptied the tank. I was still feeling effects I think. Bar muscle ups would have normally been unbroken here versus missing several. Feel like I could shave several mins off this time fresh

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