Yes, this IS the mythical de-load (and testing) week that you shitheads have been asking about for the last 700 years. Enjoy, and DO NOT add a bunch of your gym’s conditioning work on top of what is written. Please try to let your exercise addictions not completely control you this week.


Looks like I’m gonna break the thesis up into an every-other-post format. This will allow me to have an actual editor (thank you, Terri) chop it up before the public gets to have eyes on. Back at it tomorrow night, with Technique & Loading.

Corey Capella – 10 X 425# Deadlift:


So you think we’ve become too mainstream, huh?

Fuck you.

Here’s another baby pic…


WOD 130128:

BB Gymnastics

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.



21-15-9 of:

Deadlifts 225/155#

Notes: HSPU are Regionals standard.

106 responses to “130128

  1. me too Zach my back is so tight I literally can’t touch my toes anymore. I’m actually going to get a massage and acupuncture for the first time. ( my friend has a hook up so I’m doing it for free, always wondered if it could help with mobility, or recovery, acupuncture that is)

  2. BBG:
    175# (10# off PR, still recovering from a slight back injury incurred during last wednesday’s heavy snatch pulls and good mornings)

    8:47 RX (I think it’s a PR, but my Diane time still sucks. I always run out of strength on the HSPUs)

  3. He’ll yea Bert. Makes me feel better about my Diane time.

    1RM snatch 115(I suck at snatching)
    Diane: 15:35(strict D/Ls and and I suck at HSPU)

  4. 1) 175, barely missed 185 thrice

    Cond 6:33 Rx
    3min PR

    HSPUs were great today but back was done by round of 15 and had to resort to brutally slow singles. I have to believe that it was part of the plan to do Diane fatigued this week and I am still happy with a PR. I know it’d be faster if I was at full strength, but that’s probably not the ‘desired stimulus’. At least that’s what I’m telling myself…

  5. 24:42, first time completing as rx. more than twice as many rx HSPU as I’ve ever been able to complete in a single workout

  6. BBG-
    205# (10# off PR)


    PR by :30 but still upset with the time. DL were fine but Im worse at “strict” HSPU then I used to be. My kipping has got much better so I had to do kipping the entire time, and I feel like getting as many strict HSPU would be the best for time in a workout like this.

  7. BBG
    230 Snatch
    237 HI-Hang Snatch. I know makes no senses. Working on staying back and over the bar longer when pulling from the floor.

    6:03 – HSPU 3″ deficit.

    Regional Standard HSPU time is 3:45. I never would have thought 3″ would be that much harder. Not sure if i am happy with this.

  8. BBG
    123 lbs,,, same as old PR, but 10 lbs up from when we tested last.

    4:29 Rx (PR by 1:47. did everything unbroken, need to work on getting HSPUs faster


  9. No new 1RM snatch but fixed a few things on my mechanics.

    Diane- 5:26Rx new PR by a whole minute! Happy dance 🙂

  10. Snatch

    270 (5# off PR), Just missed 280 four times.


    4:43 PR and could have paced the HSPU better.

  11. Missed 200 and 205 god knows how many times.
    No Diane though did 12.4 open wod and got 258 which I was pretty happy with

  12. Snatch:
    -only got to 93# today (10# off of a PR). Caught 98 at the bottom but lost it on the way up.

    8:43 PR like crazy.
    -The last time I did this maybe 6 months ago, I finished in the teens with a hspu scale of 9-6-3 so I’m very happy with today’s time.

  13. BBG: 185 snatch 20 off my PR
    leaving the bar in front

    Diane 3:48RX (:15pr)
    First time doing it all unbroken

  14. No snatch. I have to do what spencer arnold says now.

    diane- 1:58 (20 second pr)

    the camera kept moving so you can’t see the last 9 hspus, and yes i know my deadlifts were on the border. But whatever the deadlifts in this workout are irrelevant. They should rename the workout 45 hspus for time.

  15. Brand new to crossfit and new to outlaw

    155 (10lb PR)
    Weak sauce for here but I’ll take it

    Diane (abmat scale)
    8:29. Previous was 9:34

  16. Snatch:
    225# PR. VERY happy with this. Had to do it a second time so I could get video on it.

    5:11 Deadifts a breeze, HSPU are no fun.

  17. 240 Snatch. 5lbs PR. pretty stoked to hit this. Missed it bunch 2 weeks ago

    Modified Diane in 10:40. Half rep volume HSPU but on paralettes to neutral. Working around a tweaked wrist. These were hard as hell.

  18. Guess my CNS was still jacked from Friday bc I had a really shitty day. I was so pumped for this, so I’m a lil salty about it.

    Snatch: hit 170 failed @180 many times. PR is 175. Couldn’t get out of the squat at first then it just got worse.

    Diane: 6:41rx it’s a pr by over a minute but I’m still really disappointed in my time. Unbroken 21s (discouraging when you look at the clock, 1:36, dan bailey is already done) then it all went to shit on the hspu’s

  19. 2/2/7

    playing it smart (ish) today. no 1rm snatch, no diane.

    pulled muscle in the back of my neck from the damn deficit hspu last week and i know i wont hold back. I’ll just be an idiot and make it worse.

    played a bit with lighter snatch just to go through ROM.

    worked a bit on ring dip and deadlifts.

    decided to test Ring HSPU at my new bodyweight, 10# heavier than before:
    I HIT FOR 5 STRAIGHT, no climbing!!! BOOM! that made me happy.

  20. Snatch: 148, failed at 153, but so close!

    Diane: 7:54 (1st time Rx), funny, the exact time and same 1st time as Christine above 🙂

  21. 1) 240. 5lb PR! Fuck yeah!

    Missed a lot of times before. Also a couple near misses at 245.

    2) Diane – 4:13. 17 sec PR!


  22. BB Gymnastics

    Snatch: 75/95/125/140/155/175/180/190/200/215 Fx2/220 F/215, PR. Have not Snatched in about 2 months, been doing mostly pulls due to a shoulder injury. PR by 5 lbs.


    “Diane” 5:22 RX

  23. F/5’/114#

    I wrapped my hands around the bar today and Snatched but only for technique at a light weight.

    Diane in 3:31 major PR for me here!!!!

  24. Snatch 100kg (nearly had 105 which would have been a Pb. Been struggling for a while with my snatch so was happy to get this)

    3.50 (35seconds faster. HSPU still weak but getting better)

  25. 60kg snatch. Equal PB.
    9:52 Diane. HSPU went quickly. Back was shite. Realised I’m a douche. I thought the women’s weight was 80kg. I thought it was 80kg the last time and the time before.

  26. 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
    95, 115, 130, 145, 160, 160 (miss)


    21-15-9 of:

    Deadlifts @ 185#


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