Happy New Year, shitheads. NO, this is not a fucking de-load week. Today we begin the new year with the joy of regurgitated festivities and the taste of bile.

Matt Hathcock – 2:01 Fran:

(Side note: this is the greatest Fran ever performed.)

20 minutes to complete the following…

For time:


21-15-9 of:

Thrusters 95/65#

-then (no rest)-

Run 1 Mile.

With the remaining time:

Establish a 20RM Back Squat.

Notes: Please post “Fran” time, 1 Mile Run time, and 20RM Back Squat load to comments. Remember, there is ZERO rest between “Fran” and the 1 Mile Run.

97 responses to “130101

      • Haha were thinking about braving the slushy roads here in MO. My boss/training partner is from Thunder Bay, Ontario and is dead set on hitting the treadmill instead of going outside..

  1. 5:50 Fran at 8000 ft altitude. 9 min mile. Didn’t have much time left. Treadmill and Weights are in different rooms. So did 105 squats 20 reps. Finished at 18:50

  2. What is more amazing is that Matty ran a few steps every time between bar and will shave off a few more seconds when he places bar a tad closer …. is 1.50 possible??Whats not amazing is that he is wearing BodyScience and went faster than superman!

  3. Fran- 3:06, 2 sec slower than PR
    2k row- 4 score and 7 years… or just ~12:30
    225×20 with 20min expiring mid set

  4. 4:19 Fran
    8:09 mile (it was cold as eff outside, talk about a lung burner!!)
    155 lb 20 RM back squat.

    Outta the gym in less than an hour! Yeah! Happy husband and daughter!

  5. Fran – 2:23 PR

    In the door from the mile @ 11:07…took me 30 sec to figure out how to get my shirt on while i walked down the road lol

    Backsquat @ 265

  6. At 8000ft of suckitude:

    I managed to stink up my Fran PR by a minute @ 4:28 – pull-ups just weren’t there today
    Ran the mile in 10:52
    20RM @ 225 (was difficult but probably could have gone to 235/245, have never done a 20 RM prior)

    Happy New Year all.

  7. I didn’t exactly stay in the 20 minute time restriction, but just wanted to holla and say my fran time was 27 minutes before starting the outlaw way and now I did it in 10:51. So, progress people, progress. Even if the times still suck its a big leap for a fat dude from Finland.

  8. “Fran” – 3:20
    Mile Run – 9:47
    Back Squat Weight: 235lbs (could have probably done 245ish but who can gauge a 20 rep back squat max post “Fran”/mile run?)

  9. Fran 2:38 (4 sec slower than PR) then 7:53 mile which is slow as hell for me. First 800m your trying to work the lactic acid out of your legs. Then only got 225 for 20 rep max.

  10. Fran: 3:45 and a new PR that I am really proud of.

    Mile: something terrible because my beers were starting to appear 😉

    Back Squat: 135# because that’s all the time I had to get weight on the bar and get going to complete this.

  11. 29/m/5’11″/185
    Fran- 3:42(PR by 33sec)
    Mile- 10:25 (wow, took me a while to get moving and cold rain)
    BS- 225 (should have gone with 235 or maybe a little more)

  12. Im going to call my shot on this one since Im doing it in the morning…Sub 2:30 Fran, Sub 8 mile, 330+ 20rep BS. Yes i will video it all, but run.

  13. “Fran”: 6:58-had to baby my wrist on the thrusters

    Mile: 7:59

    BS: 235×4, 225×8, 215×5, 210×9
    -Lower back is absolutely smoked from yesterdays wod, apparently I wasn’t using the best form in the world. Just pulled the plug on the squats, was way too sketchy on my back. Pretty disgusted with this performance, hope I can redeem myself on the 20rep back squat soon.

    6/8/9-just one of those days

  14. Didnt run a mile fuck it didnt do 20 rep back squat fuck it…. 2:19rx Fran 16sec pr! Boom pumped.

  15. 4:08 Fran (40 sec off my PR)
    7:27 mile (lots of hills,40 degrees and raining. Felt like I was in boot camp again)
    20x BS @ 205lbs (should’ve gone heavier. finished in 16:58 min)

    A little bit of puking but not too bad!
    Fun WOD!

  16. 41/6’2″/205#

    Haven’t been posting but been hitting all the WOD’s. Yes rudy, even the 150 burpees for time.

    Fran: 2:48 – Breaking in new lifting shoes so spent about 45 seconds doing a swap before the run.
    Mile: 8:31
    Squat: 225#

    Could have gone heavier on squats although back was burning pretty good at the end. Fran was hit at about 90-95% all UB, conscious and ready to run. I probably have another 20 seconds in me but it’s going to leave me laying on the floor. Run was on a mile course and in 20 degree weather. First 800 was uncomfortable, the rest was tolerable.

  17. Fran – 3:20 (3 sec off PR, I weight 15lbs heavier so I will take it)\
    Mile- 9:49
    20 RM B.Squat 235 (Should of done 245/255, but still sucked)

  18. Female, 114#BW, 5′ (yup i’m a shorty)

    What the hell why do people keep talking about de-loading, can’t you tell that pisses coach off?! Just do what you’re told people.

    Fran: 3:33 (35 sec slower than my PR 2 months ago, but fuck I stayed up WAY passed my bedtime last night)

    1 Mile run: 9:48 (legs would not move after Fran, had slow start then charged thru)

    20RM BK. SQ.: 135# (I missed the part in the programming about being able to take rest and do the whole thing in under 20 min. My fault for not taking the time to read the fucking WOD correctly! So I took no rest when I got in from the run. I did the whole thing in 15:48. Pretty stoked I did only 20# under my husband on this portion (his BW is 180#), and faster than him on the first two activities. That always feels nice.

    I was so fucking nervous just writing this on the whiteboard, but had a pretty great wod once it was go time. Happy New Year ya’ll!

  19. 8/8/8 (shoulder feels a little better, the entirety of my body is sore from murph yesterday and the extracurricular New Year celebration activities last night)

    **Today, I actually take that extra rest day. Tomorrow, I’m back on the train.

  20. M/38/5’8″/187

    Fran: 4:36 (1:45 slower than PR – 9/15/2012)
    Mile: 7:54
    Back Squat @ 315: 10r, 5r, 4r…ran out of time because the dayum barbell became strong enough, to make me walk forward 2 or 3 steps as I was coming up from the bottom of my 19th rep! And, when I racked it…to regain my composure, time ran out.

    I couldn’t do anything less than 315 on the Back Squat…fuck that. And, I took about a 3.5 to 4 minute break, following the run, so I could have a better chance of nailing 20 straight reps. Pretty much loaded up the bar, and went for it! Wasn’t happenin’ today, though, boss! 🙂

  21. DId Fran 4 days ago and PR’d at 2:34. Did Grace today and PR’d at 1:58.

    1 mile: 6:50

    20 RM BS- 225#. Short changed myself and got soft. There is few feelings worst than knowing you could have gone heavier. Nonetheless, good WOD though.

  22. Fran 5:24 My coaches challenged me to do the mens rx, so I did
    Mile 8:19
    20RM Backsquat 14 rep @ 185 – Ran out of time

  23. Fran – 3:52
    Mile – 8:50
    20RM Back Squat – 225# from the floor. (clean, Jerk, behind-neck, squat)

  24. Great programming on this one. I still hate you! Happy New Years old man. Bring some kill cliff to Okinawa when you come.

  25. FRAN: 5:25
    2-Mile: 7:17
    20RPM: 135 lbs

    This was my fourth day following Outlaw up in Bagram, Afghanistan. I can never go back to normal programming now. Great WOD.

  26. Fran: 5:08 (slower than my previous Fran by 20 sec)
    Mile: 8:50
    20 RM BS: 155lb (think we could have gone heavier here)

  27. Just started following the Outlaw Way two days ago. Have been out of action for two months due to bilateral shoulder issues. Decided to go for the Fran-mile-squat wod. needless to say I got my ass kicked in. My worst Fran time ever. Not posting results but will not be forgotten. Looking froward to better things to come.

  28. First outlaw wod, first Fran. Humbled

    1 mile 910

    20 rep max 145 but feel I could have gone 165 at least.

  29. 130102 26yr M 189lbs (after week of snowboarding, eating poorly and drinkning in stratton,vt)

    Fran 9:53 95# (medicine ball touch)
    Mile 6:12
    65lbs I know, stop laughing…(knees and hips shot from boarding, went easy to focus on form and get full stretch stretch)

    collapsed swallowed vomit=fun

  30. Question just popped up and was wondering what you guys think is a good % of 1RM for the 20RM back squat. And how does this % correlate with Fran times.

  31. Made this up today with some additional BBG

    Snatch – missed 280 x 3

    Shankle Complex – 295

    Fran – 2:49 (PR)
    Mile – 9 something
    20 rep – 275# (PR)

  32. Fran: 6:45 (45s PR like a boss)

    Mile: 10:30 (not so much like a boss)

    BSquat @ 185. 12 reps as time expired.

    Dry heave in trash can, 1 RFT @ :7 seconds.


  33. First time doing outlaw after doing cf football for the past year. This kicked my ass…. 6:03 thruster, 8:30 mile, 135 squat (no rest) 16:00 time… Love your program

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