Courtney Wuistinger may soon become the first 300, 400, 500, 600# competitive exerciser. That’s a 300# Snatch, 400# Clean & Jerk, 500# Back Squat, and 600# Deadlift. To me that sounds like one of those holy grail number sets that will mean the sport, and its respective athletes, have pushed back another barrier. Courtney also has a proclivity to crush BW workouts. At 220# he usually has one of the fastest times on any Burpee WODs, and has Muscle-Up numbers that used to be reserved for 140# BW ninjas.

This leads to a question: when will it stop? Will we see a national champion Weightlifter that comes from our sport? Will we see a raw Powerlifting national champion that dominates a Regional?

Courtney Wuistinger – 120kg Hang Snatch:


WOD 120921:

BB Gymnastics

EMOM for 10 minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (as fast as possible) @ 90% of 120914.


1a) 3XME Bench Press @ 85% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.
1b) 3XME Strict Pullups @ 75% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.


In 12 minutes complete:

100 UB Double-Unders


7 Deadlifts 315/205#
25 Burpees

Notes: The 100 UB Double-Unders are a “buy-in”. when the 12 minute clock starts they must be completed before moving on to the AMRAP. The TOTAL TIME of the entire piece is 12 minutes. If you do not complete the 100 UB Double-Unders in the 12 minutes your score is ZERO.

Midline (time permitting)

5 minute AMRAP of Strict T2B.

109 responses to “120921

  1. Courtney is an absolute animal! I remember standing next to him at Regionals in the line-up, looking up at him and saying, “Holy shit dude! Please don’t step on me!”. Courtney just laughed, patted me on the head and said, “I won’t little guy.” Good times.

  2. BBG:
    170# (didn’t think it would be as taxing as it was!)

    Bench Press @ 215#
    Strict Weighted Pull Ups @ 24kg

    100 UB DU
    3 complete rounds + 4 Burpees


  3. “Will we see a national champion Weightlifter that comes from our sport?”

    Very possibly yes. It is a numbers game to a point and CF has brought huge numbers to WL. I hope so!

  4. BBG
    done at 175

    1a) done at 235#-4,4,4
    1b) @ 80#-3,3,3


    Midline- no time

    slow on the burpees today! I’ve been trying to split it up with BBG and Strength in the morning then metcon at night, but I hardly make it back so I have to man up and do it all in one session haha.

  5. BBG

    I struggle with OHS so I had to lower this weight from 58.5kg(90%) to 45kg, managed to stick with that weight the whole way and I seemed to hold my position better towards the end. I tried 50kg but was all over the place.


    Bench Press 85kg – 2,3,3 something going on with my right shoulder and it just felt so much weaker than my left.
    Weighted pullups 15kg – 5,5,6


    100 burpees done but not UB

    then got 2 rounds + 7 DL, 20 burpees

    Absolutely nothing left in the tank, even the walk home was tough.

    Will hit midline tomorrow.


  6. BBG

    a) 8, 5, 5 @ 215#
    b) 3, 4, 4 @ 62#

    Failed 100 DU (78 and 71 best rounds)
    Did 1 round of 315 and 25 burpees at the end of 12 minutes

    Finished (40ish)


  7. 1 power snatch 3ohs emom 10 at 90 lbs felt light

    Bench at110 lbs 2, 2, 2 = 6 total reps
    Weighted pull ups at 25 lbs 1, 2, 2 = 5 reps

    conditioning all I got to say us FUCK YEAH!
    100 double unders UN broken first try!
    3 rounds +7 deads +2 burpees

    Did 205 lbs… So stoked!


  8. Bbg –

    1) 190

    Str –

    1) 255. 6,6,5

    2) 105. 3,3, then i totally cheated the last rep for 3 again.

    Cnd –

    100 ub then 5 rounds + 10 burpees

    Midline –


  9. BB Gymnastics:

    1a) 190lbs,  4-4-3
    1b) 44lbs, 3-3-3

    DU not unbroken, 51-25-24
    3 rounds + 6 burpees (in other words, “ZERO”)

    31 (that’s not a typo. It really does say 31)

  10. This goes in ny top 5 worst wods!

    Struggle with ohs
    Bbg at 95#
    Bench @ 280 5,5,4
    Pullups @ 110 4,3,3
    100 du unbroken ( first time ever)
    3 rounds funished.

  11. BBG 115×5/120×5
    bumped the weight a tad b/c 115 started getting too easy.

    1a) @165 – 7/5/5
    1b) @43 – 2/1/1

    Cond – 1 round @ 300#, 1 round at 275#

    100 UB DUs on first try (<90s) and that is a fucking HUGE PR for me. Then my lack of strength sobered me right up.

  12. BBG: no misses at 205#

    Strength: Bench @310# 5,5,4
    Pull ups @ 90# 4,4,3

    3 rounds
    First time ever doing 100 ub dubs. got it on my 3rd attempt, clock was at 1:19 cool stuff. gotta keep getting faster at burpees

    I’m 240 and I love working on getting better at the bodyweight stuff.

    It is nice to see a big guy like Courtney crushing bodyweight wods. Gives me good motivation to continue working for better body control and efficiency. That and one of Ute CrossFit’s women said to me after I won the thruster ladder event at a comp at CrossFit Iota in Smithfield with 280# “Yeah, but the question is, can you do muscle ups?”… “YES I CAN DO MUSCLE UPS!!!” lol

  13. BBG;



    1. 165# – 3, 5, 5
    2. 50# – 3,3,3



    (Did work anyway and got through 3 rounds + 9 burpees w DLs @ 275#)

  14. BBG:
    1.) #185 x10, I was having a hard time getting the Snatch EMOM so I scaled to 60 seconds rest and got them solid.

    Bench: #270: 2, 2, 4 -Needed a spotter for the first 2 sets.
    Pullups: Strict w no weight belt: 10, 9, 7

    4 Rounds -Setting up for DL as Time expired. Did 5th DL set for the lolz.

    No Time

  15. BBG: done. missed one overhead squat, but made that up on the last round.
    Strength: done.
    Bench: 7, 6, 5
    Pull-ups (36kg) 3, 4, 4

    100 ub DUs first try
    then 4 complete rounds + 10 burpees. The burpees smoked me today; the deadlifts were ridiculously light and fast, which meant my burpees were slow as FUCK!

    Midline: 40 or so. I stopped counting. Also, not sure what constitutes “strict” T2B, we had a discussion about it in the gym today. Some people thought it was just NO KIP and they went on to bend their legs and all that jazz. I thought a strict T2B was straight leg, toes pointed (lulz)… so that’s what I did. For those that have not done this yet: DO NOT do what I did. it sucks!

  16. BBG at 120#
    Bench @ 115 -12/15/12
    Pullups (no weight, hands ripping…. 8/8/…
    4 Rounds + 2

  17. BBG:
    Did Power Clean/Jerk, as Snatch is doing something weird to my neck
    170 x10

    Bench- 200- 3,4,3
    Pull-ups- 65- 3,4,4

    100 du … in two minutes . . . well, it was a big deal for me.
    3 complete rounds, plus 7 deadlifts (225lb instead of 305)

  18. Swod 10min emotm
    1power snatch 3OHS 170# 1fail.
    No bench so i used a swiss ball with fat gripz at 165#. 22,13,7
    75sec rest
    Weighted pullups at 75# 4,2,2


  19. Swod 10min emotm
    1power snatch 3OHS 170# 1fail.
    No bench so i used a swiss ball with fat gripz at 165#. 22,13,7
    75sec rest
    Weighted pullups at 75# 4,2,2

    Did 110 dubz on accident
    4rds +18burpees

    Midline 64strict t2b

  20. Been doing the program for about a month, did today’s wod didn’t set up the bar, no way was I getting 100 UB so set in for 12 min of DU practice. Who has egg on his face and stopped at 100 UB DU’s…This guy. Scrambled (c what I did there) to put weight on the bar and finished the DL’s RX’d into the 4th round! BTW beat a dude tens years my junior. Turned 42 9/4 and just getting better.

  21. I think a better question is – When will our sport start using a % of the athletes body weight for all loads?

    I know they will never go to weight classes because of the whole “fittest on earth” so thats out.

    Oh yeah – you guessed it. I’m 177 BW.

    • that would rule out all of the “big” competitors.. that is where they get the advantage in the strength portion where the agility/hspu/body weight stuff usually goes to the smaller guys

      • Well I hear you, but I think that the sport has advanced so much that guys like Chan and Froning are just as good as spealler at those movements.

        Fact of the matter is, it just isnt right to ask Chris spealler move the same loads as Aja Barto. Dont get me wrong it was impressive to see him snatch 295 but isnt he like 240? Spealler is 150 and snatched 225, you do the math.

  22. BBG:
    Power snatches felt good even though my weight is weak. 115/120 which was a pr for my ohs which felt good today.

    1a) 225/ 5/5/4
    1b) 53/3/3/3

    Couldn’t do ubdu so just worked on them for 12 min. Best linked 56

    Midline 55

  23. Not a great day for me…. I have been dealing with a little numbness in my fingers lately that I think might be some carpal tunnel. It started after four days of going heavy this week. I stretched out today and modified the day to make it doable. I hoping to feel a bit better tomorrow to go heavy. Has anyone every dealt with this?


    Done at 185 but after 4 sets I started squat snatching the first rep. Power Snatching continues to bother my shoulder.


    Double Unders are still my biggest weakness. I made 4 attempts then just accumulated 100 and did 1 round of the deads and burpees.

    No time for Midline and I need to take it easy on my wrists and hands. I am dreading being sidelined when I have a meet coming up.

    • For strength I did max effort push ups with all sets around 25-30 and pull ups with 88# with 2 reps every set.

    • James, don’t know if this will help you but check out mobility wod. Yesterday’s post with the lacrosse ball on the trap and kettle bell hanging around it. Tried it today.. Painful but loosens up the traps alot. Hope it helps.

  24. Emom – 4 rounds at 160- failed 5th then 5@145. Wrists were killing me for some reason.

    Bench- 5-5-5 (208)
    Pull up -3-2-2 (70)
    *just felt weak today for some reason

    100 unbroken first try

    Amrap= 4+7 deads @315

  25. BB Gym
    1) EMOM 10:00 – 1 PW SN + 3 OHS – @120
    Failed 4th, 5th, and 6th sets, so I dropped 5 lbs to 115 and continued

    1a) 3 x ME Bench @ 165 – 5, 4, 4
    1b) 3 x ME Weighted Pull up @ 45 – 2, 2, 2

    Did 85 unbroken DUs (new PR by a fuck-load), did 44 more unbroken and moved on
    Did 7 deadlifts at 275, felt right hamstring tighten up and stopped conditioning
    Deadlifts were very slow

    T2B – 24 strict

  26. BBGym:
    1) 125#-is this technically 10 sets or 11? I start as soon as the clock starts and finish on the 10th minute, so that would be 11?

    1a) 175#-3,4,3-no spotter
    1b) 50#-3,3,2
    -Glad I wasn’t the only one in the 3-4 rep range on both of these, figured the programming would want at least 5 out of these.

    100 DU’s in first 2min-not unbroken so technically I get a zero. This is the most DU’s I have ever done, so i’m happy.
    Rx: 3rnds-love conditioning with deadlifts

    Midline: 40 on rings


  27. BBG @155
    B) 55-5,3,3
    Did like five then slipped but restarted and got 100 ub
    3 rounds + 7 burpees
    Midline : 49

  28. BBG: 155# x10 (This got a bit tough but I got through it)

    12 min AMRAP:

    100 DUs UB (first time I’ve ever gone over 50 UB)

    3 rounds + 14 burpees

    **Did the DLs with 150kg/330# (only have kg plates…140kg is unacceptable)

    5min AMRAP of an Ice bath until hypothermia kicks in. check

  29. Courtney Wuistinger may soon become the first 300, 400, 500, 600# competitive exerciser. That’s a 300# Snatch, 400# Clean & Jerk, 500# Back Squat, and 600# Deadlift. To me that sounds like one of those holy grail number sets that will mean the sport, and its respective athletes, have pushed back another barrier. Courtney also has a proclivity to crush BW workouts. At 220# he usually has one of the fastest times on any Burpee WODs, and has Muscle-Up numbers that used to be reserved for 140# BW ninjas.

    This leads to a question: when will it stop? Will we see a national champion Weightlifter that comes from our sport? Will we see a raw Powerlifting national champion that dominates a Regional?

    Courtney Wuistinger – 120kg Hang Snatch:

    WOD 120921:

    BB Gymnastics

    EMOM for 10 minutes:

    1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (as fast as possible) @ 90% of 120914.
    Hit 3 out of 10 sets.. Didn’t feel so hot for some reason.


    1a) 3XME Bench Press @ 85% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.
    2 2 2
    1b) 3XME Strict Pullups @ 75% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.
    4 4 4


    Double unders ub- 57 seconds
    4 rounds and 19 burpees

    Midline (time permitting)

    5 minute AMRAP of Strict T2B.


    12 12 12 12 7


  30. BB Gymnastics

    EMOM for 10 minutes:

    1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (as fast as possible) @ 90% of 120914.
    Hit 3 out of 10 sets.. Didn’t feel so hot for some reason.


    1a) 3XME Bench Press @ 85% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.
    2 2 2
    1b) 3XME Strict Pullups @ 75% of 120905 – rest 75 sec.
    4 4 4


    Double unders ub- 57 seconds
    4 rounds and 19 burpees

    Midline (time permitting)

    5 minute AMRAP of Strict T2B.


    12 12 12 12 7


  31. Haven’t posted yet this week but still following. Doing major modifications for my back.

    1a) 105# 4,6,5
    1b) 27# 3,3,3

    Sub deads with strict ghr at 35#

    4 rounds + 1burpee

  32. bbg
    175# all good

    bench- 195#
    pullups- 2pood

    5+1 (I cried a little bit)

    no midline I’m too lazy for that shit.

  33. BBG

    a) 225: 5, 4, 4
    b) 44lb kb: 6, 5, 4

    100 dubs 1st try thank gawd
    3r + 12 reps @ 245lb dl

    Forgot midline

    MFS 124

  34. BBG
    215# for 2 then dropped to 205# for remaining

    a) 300: 4, 3, 3
    b) 75 lb: 3, 3, 3

    0 reps. Did about 500 dubs but couldn’t string together 100.

    Midline: 32

    MFS 344

  35. BBG:

    1) 15 min to find 1RM Bench Press: 240#

    2a) 5/5/5 @205#
    2b) 2/1/0 @45#

    DU’s broken up.
    3 Rounds + 3 DL @275#



  36. 29/m/5’11″/174
    135 a few 155(8) hand still hurting

    1a) 5-4-4 @ 205 (big PR)
    1b) 4-3-3 @ 53kb

    1st attempt DU then 3rds + 3 Burpees

    33 (wow strict sucks)

  37. BBG: 160 – complete

    1a. Bench 245 – 6,6,5
    1b. Weighted PU 80# – 3,3,2

    Conditioning: Score – 0

    DUs are a no go so just turned this into a 9 min metcon – 3 + 9 burpees

    Midline – 35

  38. 1). 185 emom

    1a. Bench
    1b. Strict pull up


    Considering I never did more than 60 du in a row I decided I would be doing 12 min of du and didn’t load the bar for deadlifts. And usually I’m an optimist. So of course I did 100 du unbroken on the first try no less. So after crying out of happiness and loading the bar and staring at the wall for a few minutes I did 3 rds plus 3 burpees.

  39. BBG:
    1) 180lb, 180, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175, 175. 180 just felt heavy today so I dropped it to 175.

    1a) 6, 5, 5 @ 210lb
    1b) 4, 4, 3 @ 98lb

    4 rounds even. Did the 7 DL after finishing just to get more DLing in. 315 never felt so light.

  40. Hello all – first time here – first time attempting outlaw way programming. very excited to be here. this is an incredible resource — thanks for doing this, coach.

    BBG: 83#


    Bench: 95#: 6-6-5
    Pull-ups: BW: 2-1-2 (chin up grip, is that cheating?)


    Max DUs in a row previous = 63. So, I basically did 12 mins of DU practice. Got 50, 51, and 58. Pretty happy with this…never been consistent like that in a short period of time.

    Midline: 21

  41. BBG
    Didn’t hit all of them (I’m not very good at power snatching), so I just did one OHS in place. Only missed it twice, however.

    BP: 220#
    Pull-ups: 40#

    Subbed 275# for deadlifts.

    Two rounds +27

    Deadlifts didn’t feel great at all.

  42. BBG

    1a) 225 – 3,3,3
    1b) 35 – 3,3,3

    3 Rounds + 1DL

    Just finished my first week following the Outlaw Way. Man this is intense.

    29yo 5’7 185

  43. BBG: all done at 165 no fails

    On separate pushup and pullup program

    Cond: dub’s on first try…3 rds + 6 burpees

    50 t2b

  44. Skipped Snatch work

    162# for bench. Hit 5-4-3 Reps
    52# for weighted strict PU. Hit 4-3-3

    2 Tries to hit 100 DU. Hit 97 the first try 😐

    2 Rounds + 7 Deadlifts + 12 Burpees. (scaled Deadlifts to 265#)

    Skipped Midline

  45. BBG: 165#

    1a) 225#, 6/4/4
    1b) 60#, 3,3,2

    100 DU in 1:04

    3 Rounds +7 DL + 15 Burpees

    Midline: 50 (mostly strict, felt myself kip sometimes but still counted them)

  46. BBG @ 76kg, all complete
    Bench @ 115kg – 4, 3, 4
    Pull ups @ 40kg – 4, 3, 3

    1st attempt DU broke at 96
    2nd attempt UB
    No time to do all 12 minutes so stopped after 2 slow rounds and 9:18 on the clock

    MFS = 246

  47. BBG – 75kg x 5 x1, 77.5kg x 2 x 1, 80kg x 3 x 1 (F on last 2)
    only did ohs on first 3 sets and 5th set due to wrist pain. gutted

    pullups – 15kg x 3 x 3
    bench – 105kg x 3 x 3

    both were crap today

    conditioning – 3 rounds + 7 deadlifts

  48. BBG:
    1) 165lbs – this was pretty difficult

    1a) 3, 5, 5 @ 200lbs – apparently didn’t warm up enough for round 1
    1b) 2, 2, 2 @ 40kgs – which was actually less than 85%,

    Did 100 Unbroken double unders and a few burpees but didn’t have the time to do this

    4:30 of strict toes 2 bar – did 40

    Was pretty out of it today, spent 4 1/2 hours taking a test before driving 1 1/2 hours to get to the gym in terrible traffic to find out I had to work for a little before getting to start my workout…


  49. No BBG

    Bench Press@230
    5, 6, 6

    100 DU’s Unbroken (1:05)
    4 Rounds+11 Burpees

    5 Minute AMRAP:
    Done with a partner. We got 78

  50. On Sunday (fundraiser WOD in Saturday)
    10 min EMOM
    FULL snatch (didn’t read) + 3 OHS
    130- O, X, X, X
    125- O, X, O
    120- X, O, O

    Bench @ 105: 5, 5, 6 (no spotter)
    Pull Ups @ 20k: 3, 3, 3

    No conditioning
    No midline

  51. BBG
    1) I went heavier cause my 90% was way too light. I pr’d my power snatch on round 8.

    Bench @ 210lbs 5,6,4
    pull up @ 76lbs 3,3,3

    did 205 power cleans instead cause my back wasn’t feeling great.
    3 rounds


  52. BBG- 145 all sets. Too light and happy about this. Something clicked with weight staying on heels and weight was just floating up.

    Bench- 265lbs (3,3,3) no spotter and did more of a close grip and why only 3.
    Pullups- 75lbs (3,3,3) These were a struggle. Did burnout sets of chest to bar after each round to improve explosiveness.

    Conditioning- 3 Rounds. Deads at 315 kinda slow but steady. Burpees were most pathetic of all exercises today real slow!

    Midline- 49. Since my kip sucks these were not much harder.

    Extra muscle up transition holds on bar for 20 seconds 3 rounds.

    Did not feel too strong or energized today but grinded it out.

  53. EMOM for 10 minutes:

    1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (as fast as possible) @ 90% of 120914.


    1a) 3XME Bench Press @ 85% – 175#
    1b) 3XME Strict Pullups @ 75% – 30#


    In 12 minutes complete:

    100 UB Double-Unders

    AMRAP of…

    7 Deadlifts 315/205#
    25 Burpees

    (used 265#)
    2 Rounds

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