Functional strength is not easily defined. Is it the ability to control the body through a myriad of positions and on different apparatus, like a gymnast? Is it the ability to move with agility and force through oncoming traffic, like a football or rugby player? Or, can it simply be judged with barbells or other weight-loaded implements, that require the subject to move through a full range of motion, while remaining stable, yet still demonstrating the mobility necessary to make the movement truly have functionality for multiple tasks.

We have long held the belief that, of the barbell loaded movements, the Front Squat holds the most functional value. It tests, at the very least, mobility, stability, and strength, while having true carry-over for multiple tasks. Having the ability to Front Squat significant load certainly has no functional drawback, but the inability to perform the movement with at least 60% of the Back Squat (depending on some variables), will mean that improvement on many movements will be stunted.

John Dill, from CrossFit Sua Sponte (aka Outlaw 1b), has been working recently with Drew Anderson. Drew just pr’d on Fran, at 2:08. One of the reasons? Drew also just pr’d on his Front Squat at 405#.


WOD 120813:

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 85%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 95% (3 attempts only)

2) Clean & Jerk: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 82%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 92% (3 attempts only)

Notes: These DO NOT need to be touch & go reps. You may reset after each lift, but do not take a full rest break.


1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
1b) 3X3 Flat Footed Clean Hi-Pulls (straps are suggested) – heavy, rest 60 sec.

Notes: For 1a, one rep would involve 1 SN Grip PP + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS, that sequence should be completed three times each set.


12 minute AMRAP of:

50 Double-Unders
7 Burpees
*Add 7 Burpees every round (Rd. 2-14 Burpees, Rd. 3-21 Burpees, etc).

113 responses to “120813

  1. Thank you for posting something I have long suspected but don’t have a lot of data to back up. I’ve also noticed that the guys that are better in the O-lifts also FS more then everyone else in their weight class, for the most part anyways.

  2. 1) 35 and 40kg, much lower % than prescribed, no energy in my thighs
    2) 37,5 and 42,5kg, again much lower than prescribed, for some reason the clean is much worse on my knees than the snatch, jerk felt good and easy

    1a) and b) 32,5kg

    3 rounds, 50Du and 14 burpees! Tiiiiiiired;)

  3. I’m beat from being in the field with no sleep and eating MRE’s. Feeling fat and tired.

    BBG: 1) 178lb and 200
    2) shitty: 205 and 215 didn’t make all reps….legs tired as hell from forced marches

    Conditioning: 5rnd + 4 burpees, so total of 409 reps.

    will do accessories later, and punishment miles for the c+j failure. Will post to “reply.”

  4. If anyone needs to cancel their spot on the Austin, TX camp, PLEASE let me know. I’ll buy that shit. I just found out I’ll have the cash.

  5. BBG
    1) 140 (failed a few reps), hit 152 first time,
    2) 195 (many failed jerks), cleaned 218, no jerk

    1a) 95 x 2, 105
    1b) 135 (holy shit that is hard)

    5 full rounds + 17 DU


    2-2-2. Returned from off week of boozing on the beach and everything feels fast
    1) 160, 180 (1st attempt)
    2) 185, 210 (PC+J then SC+J, 1st attempt)

    1a) 135-155(F)-135-135 (SB is weak link)
    1b) 185-205-225

    1) 5+1 DU. Burpees slowed to a creep after round 3.

  7. BBG
    1) 125# no misses, 135# hit easy so went to last max 145# felt easy as well but stopped.
    2) Did Cleans, no Jerks heavier jerks still buggin my wrist 175# none at 92%

    a) 115# all sets
    b) 125# all sets
    kept it a bit light

    Conditioning – later

  8. BBG
    1) 115 across, 135# final rep
    2) 155 across, no final rep

    1a) 125 across
    1b) 135 across

    my lifts sucked today.

    Cond 4rds + 64 reps

  9. First Day,
    Matt Turner, 33 yrs old 261.2 lbs. Been doing CrossFit out of my garage since December. I have done a ton of research and really belive The Outlaw Way is the only way for me for now on. I’m serious and want to be the best I can be in every part of my life. I want to be here for my kids and my wife. i’m sure ya’ll probably didn’t need all that but it’s a little about why I’m here.

    BBG 95#, 115# / 115#, 135#

    ACC 95# all

    Conditioning. 3 sets (working on DU’s)

  10. No one cares but, following Outlaw for about a month, worked on movements and methodology. Weights are increasing steadily and body is responding, little nagging injuries are going away. My snatch stinks but that is what douche is for.
    1) 105# good form (EMOM) / 115# 1/1/1 – good reps, need to work on getting under
    2) 155#
    1A) Fed these up and skipped the HSBal 135# Press + OHS
    1B) 135#
    3 rounds
    100 skips w/a DU every 10th skip — working on these

  11. 1) based off 220
    Failed 2nd rep on last 3 sets.
    Failed 95% x 3
    2) based off 275
    Only did 1 rep in sets 4-6
    Made 92% on first attempt.

    1a) 185
    1b) 275

    4 rounds and 33/35 burpees…


  12. BBG
    1. 180x2x7, 200×1

    These felt great, made all reps with no misses.

    2. 225x2x7, 255×1

    These are feeling better as well, the tweak that I made to my set up appears to be working. Had a clean sit me down on my butt when I got too far on my heels in the catch but just did another rep really fast. Made the 255 first shot.

    1a. 165, 165, 165
    1b. 165, 165, 165

    286 Reps (4 Rounds + 16 Double Unders)

  13. BBG:
    1) 127.5, 140 (1st attempt)
    2) 145 (power clean 2nd lift), 165 (1st attempt)

    a) 95-95-105
    b) 135

    3 rounds + 50 DU

    MFS – 2/6/6

  14. BBG:
    1)Snatch- 100, 110
    2)C&J- 130, 150

    1a) 70/80/100 (last set had some fails)
    1b) 120 (not flat foot)

    5R 50 du

  15. bbg) 1) 185 2 misses, 205 second attempt
    2) 225 4 misses, 255 nope
    1a) 155

    cond- 5+22 burps. kind of moped through it. very tired from the two emoms.

  16. 1) 42,5Kg – 50kg (a lot lighter due to back-strain recovery)
    2) 52,4Kg – 57,5Kg (the clean harder on the back than the jerk)
    i+ii) 32,5Kg
    3 rounds + 49 DU

  17. Strength
    1) Snatch- 125, 140 (1st)
    2) C&J- 170, 185 (1st)

    1a) 115
    1b) 185

    4 + 40

  18. BBG:
    1. Snatch: 185 for all reps then up to 210 for last rep. HIt 210 on my second attempt. Felt great.
    2. Clean and Jerk 235 for all reps then up to 260 for last rep. Hit it on my first attempt.

    1a.) 175 for all sets
    1b.) 225 for all sets


    5 rounds + 63 reps Rx (50 double unders + 13 burpees)

    I took last week off. Needed some rest and needed to sleep. Snatches and Clean and Jerks felt a lot better today after some rest. I am thankful for the rest but need to get back on schedule! Keep getting after everyone!

  19. Snatch 145 across and 165 for a single. Awesome catch
    195 clean across and 215 single

    115 across for snatch complex

    5 rounds + 32 burpees.. so close to 6 rds.
    Tripped up on double unders only 3 times.
    Burpees were a mental “fall and get up” game.

  20. BB GYM

    Snatch: 7X2 @ 60 kg/132 lbs + 1 rep @ 65 kg/143 lbs
    C&J: 7X2 @ 65 kg/143 lbs + 1 rep @ 74 kg/165 lbs

    1a) @ 50 kg/110 lbs
    1b) front squats 3X3 @ 85 kg/187 lbs


    5 rounds + 42 DUs RX

  21. BBG.
    C&J – EMOM – 220# / 95% – 255# (Hit this pretty smoothly really happy)

    1a) 160#
    1b) 135#

    Added a 20m swim between the double unders and burpeez so it looked like.

    AMRAP 12 Minutes.
    50 DU
    20 Meter swim
    7 burpeez increase by 7 each round.

    I got 4 Rounds + 50DU
    Was going to upload the video but my stupid phone wouldn’t do it..

  22. BBG:
    1) All sets at 165#, 1 failed rep. Then, 185# on second attempt.
    2) All sets at 210#. Then, 235# 1st attempt.
    1a) 115#
    1b) 185#
    5 rds + 48 double unders.

  23. Lifts
    1) 105,115.. Couple misses
    2)125,135 … No misses
    5rds and 26 du.

  24. Mondays are hard days for me as I have to fit in my training in between a bunch of hours of coaching. Felt tore up on the BBG, but made all my lifts. There was a lot of yelling and grunting going on haha.

    1). All sets at 118#, missed first attempt at 133# but made second
    2). All sets at 145#, made first attempt at 165#

    1a). 55, 75, 85
    1b). 103, 113, 123

    Felt beat by this point. My burpees were so slow. 3 rounds + 25 burpees.

    M/F/S/ – 3/7/2

  25. Man, I paid for Saturdays Metcon today.. Snatches were horrible, had no pulling power from all the deadlifts and on top of that form didnt feel great today so a horrible day on those.

    –Snatches based of 140.. Missed multiple reps at 120 and wasnt no way i was hitting 135 for 95%.. I tried but it didnt happen.
    –C&J’s.. Based off 180, done at 150… Push Jerked all reps, missed last rep dropped bar right before lockout…. These felt better, jerk felt good but the pull for the clean like i said no pulling power so they didnt feel so great.

    1a.) Shoulders were cooked these sucked.. Done at 95lbs
    1b.) Done at 115.

    –Did 3 rounds
    Not Rx’d at all cause i dont have DU’s so i just worked on em until i got pissed and threw the rope then just started knocking out Burpees lol.


  26. BBG:
    1) All sets at 55 kg, got 62 kg in first attempt.
    2) 3 sets at 70 kg, and shoulder were busted.

    1a) 3×3 at 40 kg
    1b) 3×3 at 40 kg

    3 rounds + 21 DU

  27. BBG: Unfortunate reading comprehension failure while pre-coffee bleary eyed at 5.30am. Did two EMOM for each lift rather than one EMOM and 3 attempts at 95/92%. Fuck me.

    1. 120, 130
    2. 145, 165


    1a. 1@135, 2@120
    1b. 135


    5 rounds + 15 DUs

  28. BBG
    1) 123: x✓, ✓x, ✓✓, ✓x, ✓✓, ✓x, ✓✓
    138: ✓

    2) 153: ✓✓, x/clean only
    dropped to 145: ✓✓, ✓✓, ✓/clean only, ✓✓
    Single @168: ✓

    1a) 85-100-115
    1b) 65-85-85

    4 rounds plus 24 burpees

  29. bbg
    1) 245: missed 5 reps,
    got 275 on the 3rd try

    2) scaled down to 225 missed 2, then scaled to 205 for last 4 to finish out.. felt like my heart was going to jump out of my throat at this point after the snatch work.
    hit 275 on first try

    1a) 185
    1b) 235

    4 rounds plus 7 double unders

  30. BBG: 1) reps @155 with two misses
    hit 170 3rd try
    2) @200 with 1 missed jerk
    Hit 220 1st try
    Acc: 1)135
    2)165 and 175
    Conditioning :
    5 rds + 43 doubles

  31. M/F/S 2/2/3
    Snatch 165 – PR195

    185 3xf

    Just started lifting in a Oly shoes. Catching at the bottom seems to be to far forward and I’m loosing it to the front. Not sure if it’s the new shoes or not, coming over from Nano’s. I didn’t have such a problem 3 weeks ago when I was lifting in Nano’s but now all of a sudden I’m an F’ing idiot that can’t control the weight at the bottom.

    C&J 210 – PR-265

    1)2C +(2xf on Jerk) Not sure what happened with the shoulders here
    2-7 No misses

    235 first attempt

    1a) 100 for all, Have very weak shoulder from older injury…NO EXCUSE…this actually seems to be helping even though it hurts like hell. Still no misses
    1b) 1×110/1×130/1×130
    This is very awkward and I had to concentrate on staying flat footed.


    4rds+62 reps

    Total reps 232.

    Loved the conditioning, definitely a good reminder of 12.1 and it’s nice to see some improvement. I only hit 99 burpees on 12.1 in 7 in. I made 82 today and threw in 150 DU for fun….Great Programing

  32. BB Gymnastics

    1-215 all sets (2,1,2,2,1,1,2) Then hit 235 first attempt.
    2-245 all sets (2,1,1,2,1,2,1) Then hit 275 on second attempt.

    Accessories (Stayed light)

    1-135 all sets
    2- 185 all sets


    – 4 rounds + 16 burpees

  33. Snatch
    85% – 185# failed 2
    95% – 205# hit first attempt

    Clean and jerk
    82% – 210 missed 2 jerks and one complete lift
    92% – 235 hit first attempt

    1a – 135#
    1b – 185#

    5 rounds plus 40 double unders

  34. BBG
    Snatch 85kg 00, 0x, 00, 00, 0x, 00, 00. Made 95kg 2nd time
    Clean and jerk 107.5kg 00, 0x jerk, 0x clean, 0-, 0-, 0-, -0. Made 122.5kg first time
    1a 60, 70, 75kg
    1b 90, 110, 110kg
    5 rounds dead on (105 burpees + 250 double unders)
    Mfs – 246

  35. BBG: 1.) 76 kg – No misses, hit 94 kg on first attempt.
    2.) 102 kg – No misses, hit 115 kg on first attempt.

    ACC: 1a.) 45 kg – Kept it light with sore wrist.
    1b.) 80 kg

    Cond: 4 + 17 burpees.

    Enjoyed the OLY lifting today, need to improve technique on Doubles.


  36. snatches: 140×7, 155 (very smooth today)
    c&j: 180×4, 200 (smooth but fatigued quickly)
    *musta been that week vacay in Greece and shitty eating, oops 🙂

    1a) failed on the first set of stuff so I went to just snatch grip btn push press
    135, 155, 180
    1b) 180, 185, 205 (maybe should’ve gone lighter and gotten a higher pull, dunno though)

    conditioning: 5 rounds + 17 DUs #shitwasroughhhh

  37. 1. 125 lb. 145 x 1
    2. 150 lb. 165 x 1

    1a. 95, 105, 115
    1b. 105, 115, 125

    8 rounds +95 SU
    No DU. Sub 100 SU

  38. Snatch. – used 205
    Made all sets of 85%
    Killed 95% so did my 100% and made it

    C&j. Used 315
    Made all sets of 260
    Made 1st try of 290

    1a). 135,165,175
    1b). 185,235,235

  39. BBG
    1) 4/14 at 189. MIssed in front, missed behind, just bad. MIssed 210×3.
    2) PC all sets at 230. MIssed 1 jerk. Made 260 1st attempt.
    1a) 135, 145, 155
    1b) 165, 175,175
    4 rounds + 11 burpees

  40. BBG
    1) snatch based off of 190
    did every set at 160 and it felt great. Hit 180 (95%) on the last try.

    2) skipped

    1a) loved these
    1b) these were cool as well
    both lifts done at 180

    215 reps. Not proud of that one.


  41. BBG
    1. 165 no missed reps 175 1st try
    2. 195 pc + jerk no missed reps 215 1st try
    1 135, 135, 135
    2. 205, 225, 225
    5 Rounds 405 reps
    Just found Outlaw last week; loving it!!

  42. BBG
    1) 165 for all sets. 185 on the second attempt.
    2) 180 for all sets. 200 on the first attempt.

    1a) 130#
    1b) 165#

    4 rounds + 50 DU

  43. BBG
    Snatch at 90# then hit my 95% (100#) which was old 1RM last week on my first try
    Clean&J at 110# and hit 125# on first try was feeling strong today

    85#, arms were dying on this
    45#, still working form and keeping feet flat

    3 rounds + 3 burpees

  44. BBG
    snatch 190 made both lifts for every min. 215 on first attempt
    CJ 240- successful all min but only 1 on last min. too much rest missed the jerk on 270 twice

    a. 165 185 195 (205 next time)
    b. 165×3

    5 rounds + 7 burpees

  45. Snatch
    85% – 165# failed 1
    95% – 185# hit first attempt

    Clean and jerk
    82% – 185 no misses but this was brutal
    92% – 205 hit first attempt

    1a – 135#
    1b – 135#

    5 rounds +25 double unders


  46. BBG
    1: Hit all snatch EMOM @ 115; 3×1 @ 135, 145, 155
    2: Hit all C&J @ 165; 3×1 @ 185, 195, 205

    3 Rounds + 25 Burpees. I was very disappointed with this; was shooting for 5 rounds. I think I drank too much water before this. Spent a solid minute heaving after the 3rd round of DUs. Will have to make up for this effort tomorrow.

  47. BB Gymnastics
    1) Snatch: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 85%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 95%

    2) Clean & Jerk: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 82%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 92%

    1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS

    1b) 3X3 Flat Footed Clean Hi-Pulls

    12 minute AMRAP of:
    50 Double-Unders
    7 Burpees
    *Add 7 Burpees every round (Rd. 2-14 Burpees, Rd. 3-21 Burpees, etc)

    3 Rounds 50 DU

  48. BBG
    1) 195/215 (no misses)
    2) 230/255 (one miss, and missed the jerk @ 255… back locked up after)

    1a) Kept to 185
    1b) skipped b/c of the back

    Did Saturday’s chipper, then gave up.

    M/F/S – 4/5/7

  49. BBG
    Snatch – 1 miss, done with 165 for 3 sets, then 175 for 4 sets, then 190 for single
    C+J – no misses. Done with 215 for 7, then 235 for single

    1a) 145lbs, need to go heavier next time, sn bals feeling better
    1b) ~135 i think, felt fine

    5 rounds + DU’s + 10 burpees

  50. BBG
    Snatch – 225(2,2,1,1,1,1,1) really pissed about these, just a little off on each one.
    255- first attempt
    C&J – 255(2,2,2,2,1,1,2) did them about every 1:15 after the 4th set, bc I’m a pussy and was gassed.
    290 – first attempt

    1) 185, 195, 205 – should have gone heavier
    2) 175 – didn’t realize these were suppose to be from the floor

    5 + 44 DUs – Fuck this workout

  51. Been having to modify a lot. Wrist issues – no overhead or support on rings.

    EMOM clean x 2 at 260

    3 attempts at 290, made the last.


    50 Double Unders + 29/42 burpees

    steady pacing..

    Did some other stuff too.

  52. BBG & Strength
    Looked fun. But had to do something else.

    5rnds even (really had to push to get the Burpees done)

  53. Thoughts/Results:
    BBG –
    1.) Snatch – Based off 172#/78kg Max. 85% = 146#/66kg. 95%= 163#/74kg

    Hit everything at 145#/66kg. Took two tries to get 95% @ 165#/75kg

    2.) C&J – Based off 220#/100kg max. 82%= 180#/82kg. 95%=209#/95kg

    Skipped. Did a quick warm up at 165# and tweaked my wrist. Hurt like hell so I called the rest of the day off. Had wrist straps on but nothing helped. Feeling better now though.

    Accessories –

    Skipped due to tweaked wrist.

    Conditioning –

    Skipped because of wrist.

  54. bbg;
    1) 185 no hvy
    2) 235 ”

    1) 115 (wrist)
    2) 225 should of went alot heavier


    5rds + 41 DU
    rest 3 hrs
    100 DL @ 225 w/ 5 hspu pentalty for drops(45 strict hspu total) 10:53

  55. Strength
    1. Failed second rep of 1st and 7th set @ 85% – failed 95% attempt
    2. Failed 2nd rep of 7th set @ 82% – made 92% attempt

    1A. 135, 145, 155
    1B. 155, 165, 175

    Score – 5 Rounds + 50 DU’s + 14 Burpees


    Snatch – EMOM x 7 – 2 x 75kg – Then 1 rep at 85kg (Failed a few but got better as we went along..)
    Clean and Jerk – EMOM x 7 – 2 x 95kg – Then 1 at 107.5kg – Hard, but got them all out.


    Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance + OHS – 3×3 – 75kg


    12min AMRAP
    50 Double Under
    7 Burpees
    .. then 14 Burpees, 21 Burpees etc.

    4rds + DU’s + 10 Burpee = 330 reps

  57. First time trying some Outlaw stuff, approaching my 1 year anniversary with CrossFit so I thought it was a good time to try some big boy stuff.

    Snatch 7 rounds EMOM 2x 155# rest 2 min – 1 round 170# (first try)
    Clean n Jerk 7 rounds EMOM 2x 200# rest 2 min – 1 round 225# (first try)

    Not completed

    4 rounds + 69 reps (50 Double unders + 19 burpees)

  58. BBG:
    Snatch: 165 for EMOM; 185 to finish. No Fails
    C+J: 225 For EMOM; 255 to Finish. No Fails

    1A) 95, 135, 135
    1B) 225, 225, 225

    5 Rounds + 50 DU’s+7 Burpees (412)

    Found a decent new bar. It helped out tremendously. Felt so good that afterwards, I went for a new PR of 205, and JUST missed getting underneath.

    Accessories went well.

    Conditioning was much “easier” than I thought. I use that term loosely of course, it still sucked balls, just not as big of balls as I thought it would. Broke the burpees into sets of 7.

  59. Snatch: all sets touch n go @ 115#, no misses; nailed 95% @ 130# on first try
    C+J: all sets touch n go @ 135#, hit 92% @ 150# easy (shoulders were tired)

    A) 105-115-125
    B) 85#

    COND= 6 rds + 26 DU

  60. Snatch – 72.5kg x 7 x 2, 80kg 1st try
    C&J – 95kg x 7 x 2, 105kg 2nd try

    Shoulders felt dinky again.

    a) 1 set at 60kg then I cut it short (wrist and shoulder pain)
    b) 3 x 3 x 80kg – Did these from the hang because I didn’t read the description properly


    4 rounds + 11 Double Unders

  61. Snatch 135 missed 1. Got 150 on first try
    C&J 170 missed 2. Got 190 on first try

    A) 120
    B) 135


    Been doing this for about a month. I like it. When you say rest day, I actually need a rest day.
    Thanks Rudy!

  62. Bbg – snatch complete…based off 245
    C&j complete based off 265. ( pathetic i know)

    Acc –
    1a) 165 – 185 – 185
    1b) 135 – 135 – 135

    Cnd – 5 rnds + 13 burpees

  63. BBG:
    Snatch based off of 125#
    C&J based off of 155#

    #65 on all,

    blacked out twice. BBG kicked me in the ass. After I finished the last OHS on set two and three, I felt my feet and hands start tingling, I got auditory seclusion and I started experiencing tunnel vision, at which point I would sit down. Once it cleared up I would go again. The two reps per min on the min on a running clock beat me down and I did not take a break between the Snatch and C&J.

    2 rounds, 50 DU’s. My DU’s still suck, but I am starting to string more together.

    • …and before all of that, I ran 800-400-800 with the 800 splits ran at 90%-95% max heart rate (based off of 184bpm) and the 400 was ran at 70% max. Then I did all of the stuff above. My legs still feel like Jelly.

  64. BBG:
    1) 85kg for EMOTM, 95kg on first attempt. Failed 3 reps during the EMOTM, did an 8th round to make up.
    2) 105kg for EMOTM, 117.5kg on first attempt. Failed 3 Jerks during EMOTM.

    1a) 70kg. Kept it medium
    1b) 110kg. Not quite to nipple level, but flat footed nonetheless.

    5 rounds plus 5 burpees (5 burpees into the round of 42).

  65. ENOMS were awesome absolutely loved the suck.
    Made my 1 reps! Whoop

    Double whoop because conditioning had a girl winner! Me!
    Shane (can say his name because I won)300 doubler unders and 117 burpees
    Me 300 double unders and 125 burpees…

  66. BBG
    1.@80kg made all reps – 1 rep @90kg made on 2nd attempt
    2.@90kg made all reps – 1 rep@110kg made it 1st attempt
    1.a) @60kg
    1.b) @80kg
    5rds + 43 DU

  67. Sn EMOM @ 180 then 195 on 1st attempt
    C&J EMOM @ 220 did 2 reps for 4 sets then 1 rep for last 3 then 240 on 1st attempt

    1a)135# worked on keeping feet close went light

    4 rds +30 DU’s


  68. BBG
    1. 185 for 7min. 207 for 2 after. Felt pretty good.
    2. 218 for 7min. 246 for 2 after. These were hard.
    1a. 175, 175, 186 These I just barely got done. WOW
    1b. 157, 157, 157 Need to go heavier, but I start having my heel come up.
    305reps. I need to speed up the burpees. DUs good because my burpees took so long

    Just finished a 4 day rest

  69. BBG-

    Based off of 165. (1 miss on 2nd rep on min 6) Hit 150 no problem.
    Based off of 255. (1 miss on 2nd rep on min 6, put me on my butt. Hit 235 1st try but jerk very ugly. (This was hard for me and took a a little longer on a couple sets)

    1a) 135, 155, 165, 185 one rep
    1b) same


    4 rounds + 50 Doubles+ 12 Burpees (this was not as bad as I thought it would be)

  70. BBG:
    Snatch EMOM 7×2 @ 80 kg (176, not unbroken), then
    Rest 2 mins & 89/1 (196), plus “Bonus” @ 90f 91/1 (202.4)
    C&J Every 90 seconds 7×2 @ 103 kg (227), then rest 2 mins & 1 rep @ 115 (253)

    Fatigued from doing “Holleyman” on Saturday.
    Had to adjust the C&J to every 90 secs for a double rather than EMOM. Hit the 92% no issues at all. Broke up the Snatches too even though did last week 85 kg/2×2 UB. Felt nice & snappy though.

    a) Snatch grip PP + Heaving Sn Balance + OHS x3 @ 115, 135, 155
    b) Bench CG 8, 6, 4 @ 78 kg
    c) Flat footed clean pulls 154/3 154/3 176/3 154/3

    WoD 5+3 DU’s

  71. 1.)
    175 ~ ox, ox, xx, xo, ox, xo, xo

    200 ~ oo, oo, oo, o-, o-, oo, o-

    1a.)165, 175, 185
    1b.)175, 185, 185

    4rds+21 burpee

  72. Long time listener, first time posting !

    WOD 120813:

    BB Gymnastics

    1) Snatch

    37.5kg, 42.5kg

    2) Clean & Jerk

    52.5kg, 57.5kg


    1a) 30kg
    1b) 30kg.


    4+ 50 du + 15 burpees. (Total reps. 335) RXD

    Monique from CrossFit Lift, Brisbane, Australia

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