Quick World Tour update…

So far Austin and North Sydney are sold out, with West Ipswich following closely behind (Side note: if I marry an Aussie do I become a citizen? Brandon, Chad…? You can marry dudes in Oz, right?). The only American dates that are not sold out are the just announced Murfreesboro Mid-Week date, and there are actually a few spots left for the Miami Mid-Week. There will be two more American dates announced this Friday, and likely one more foreign date (Is “foreign” derrogatory? Maybe “other-continental” or “cute”?).

Speaking of Australians and cute; Brandon Swan felt bad that I didn’t have any videos to run of anyone doing anything cool. So, after watching the Olympics and seeing the much revered “Chinese Jerk” (aka the Squat Jerk), he decided to see if he could Jerk like he was Chinese (high fiving myself right now). Remember, this is the first time he EVER tried the lift, and he got a near PR of 130kg (286#).

(I’d like to apologize for the quality of this video. Apparently Australians use the lenses of cameras to blow their noses.)

Talayna Snatched 180# on Saturday. *yawn*

WOD 120806:

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 3X2@75%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@85%, 2X2@90%, 3X1@90%, 2X2@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X2@70%, 1X2@75%, 1X2@ 80%, 2X2@85%, 3X1@85%, 2X2@75% – rest 30-60 seconds.

Notes: The sets of two reps DO NOT need to be touch & go reps. You may reset after each lift, but do not take a full rest break.


1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
1b) 3X5 Flat Footed Hang Clean Hi-Pulls (straps are suggested) – heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

Notes: For 1a, one rep would involve 1 SN Grip PP + 2 OHS, that sequence should be completed three times each set.


1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
-rest 1 minute
8 minute AMRAP of:
16 Alternating KB Snatches 24/16kg DEMO VIDEO
12 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
8 Burpee Over Hurdles 30/26″
-rest 1 minute
1 minute ME Slapping Pushups

For total reps.

Notes: The Pushups should be performed like “Clapping Pushups”, but with both hands slapping the chest instead. For both KB movements, two KBs should be used. PLEASE WATCH the demo video even if you have done Alternating Snatches before (each Snatch counts for one rep). The Burpees should be performed like the bar-facing version, but the jump should be over a hurdle at the listed height.

93 responses to “120806

  1. No offense to the way the Chinese jerk it, but hasn’t Kendrick Ferris been jerking like this for quite a while? Pretty damn sure I have seen a video or two of Pirras Dimas using a full squat in a jerk too.. Regardless awesome lift Brandon!!!

    • Pirros Dimas and Kendrick Farris do the Squat Jerk as well… But the Chinese do it the best and are known for doing the squat jerk (most of them). I don’t think there is any better Squat Jerk-er than the Chinese Weightlifting team and Lu Xaiojun, hence why Rudy is calling it the Chinese Jerk (I’d assume anyway).

      • my point exactly… the chinese are doing what they do best perfecting what others have already conceptualized. They are great @ copying shit really well, my point was this has been around long before they Chinese were even a blip on the weightlifting radar.

  2. BBG

    1. 120, 125, 130,135, 135, 125
    2. 145, 155, 160, 170, 170, 155


    1a. 140
    1b. 135


    16 ME slapping pushups
    2 rounds
    2 ME slapping pushups

  3. BBG

    1. 56kg- 60kg- 65kg- 67,5kg- 67,5kg- 60kg
    2. 70kg- 75kg- 80kg- 85kg- 85kg- 75kg


    1a) 60kg- 70kg- 75kg(Failed 3rep)
    1b) 60kg- 70kg- 70kg


    2 rounds + 1snatch
    14 reps

  4. BBG:
    1. 160, 175, 185, 195, 195, 175
    2. 195, 210, 225, 240, 240, 210
    No accessories
    Total reps: 121

  5. bbg
    1) based off 285# 215, 230, 242.5, 255, 255, 230
    2) based off 320# 225, 240, 255, 275, 275, 240

    a) 205
    b) 225

    119 total reps rx
    27 slapping push ups
    2 rounds
    20 slapping push ups


  6. bad day today
    1) 105, 105, 105, 115, 125, 130, 130, 115, 115, 115# lots of fails in all % jus unstable in the bottom
    2) Did not do, wrist still too fucked to Clean

    1a) 115# all sets OHS bothered my wrist here
    1b) 125# all sets

    Conditioning – later


  7. BBGym:
    1) 115, 120, 130, 135, 135(1), 120
    2) 130, 140, 150, 160, 160, 140

    1) 135, 135, 140
    2) 135-wasn’t controlled-115, 115, 115

    Conditioning: (only had a 50lb DB)
    3 rounds+12 snatches

  8. BBG
    1) 145, 155, 165, 175, 175, 155
    2) 170, 185, 195, 210, 210, 185
    1a) 135
    1b) 185
    Conditioning – 26 pushups + 1 rd + 4 + 21 pushups. woof.

  9. bbg) snatch off 220 all makes
    cnj off 265) missed some jerks. feeling very weak at this point

    accessories a) heaviest 205 (weak)
    b) only 135 (no straps) wanted to keep my feet flat so went light

    I couldn’t do the kb thrusters at all. I actually fell on my ass a few times coming into the squat. dumbbell thrusters and kb thrusters are just terrible for me. took me about 2 mins to complete the last 12 and I wasn’t even that out of breathe when I finished.

    overall I just feel a bit overtrained. Tomorrow might have to be a rest day. I normally don’t feel this physically and mentally beat up after Sunday.

  10. BBG
    1. 155, 165, 175, 185, 185, 165
    2. 190, 205, 220, 235, 235, 205

    Super solid on these today. Didn’t miss any reps on either movement.

    1a. 165, 175, 180
    1b. 185, 165, 165

    Bit off a little more than I could chew on the first set of clean pulls. Next two were better.

    1 + 22 (Lulz)

    98 total reps.

  11. Hung out with mike poppa at real fitness Sarasota this morning and hit some snatch and cj work, then front squat…up coming oly meet and that’s what my coach told me to work. My snatch sucks and it was good getting some eyes on me. Hoping for big(eric) numbers saturdaynat the meet…..

  12. BBG
    1) 110-120-125-130-130-125
    2) 130-140-150-160-160-140

    1a) 85-105-120
    1b) 35-55-65

    25 slappers
    2 rounds plus 4 snatches
    18 slappers

  13. BB Gym: Skipped

    1a) 135,140,155
    1b) 85

    2 +3 snatches

    I didn’t post Sat, but I got a 10# snatch PR. Finally.

    MFS – 3/7/4
    back pretty beat up

  14. Form fucking sucked on snatches today, still manage to get all the reps but they all felt shitty going up.

    1)off 135, all reps done
    2.)off 170 all reps done

    1.) 95
    2.) 115

    Shoulders were smoked, the SGPP+OHS killed me.. 115 too light, but i was tired lol


    12 Slappers
    2 rounds with 45 seconds left on the clock
    4 slappers

    Had some sugar on saturday think it slowed me down.. I didnt even wanna enter that 3rd round for some reason, was feeling alittle sluggish.. Although, i completely underestimated that METCON, it fucking sucked..

    Subbed the hurdle for a box at the same height.

      • oh yeah, they definetly slowed me down.. I havent mastered the KB yet, do okay on Kb swings but everything else dealing with Kb’s im not great at.. Was definetly feeling alittle slower in the gym today though.. Probably not the sugar thing though, i did have a cheesecake and big ass cinnamon roll on saturday, which is definetly the most sugar i have had in 3 or 4 months.. But probably not the reason i was feeling slower today, prolly just a off day for me.

  15. Been following Outlaw for about 3 weeks now and absolutely love it (in a love/hate kind of way). Figured it was time to start posting.

    Snatch 105-112-118-126-126-112
    Skipped the clean and jerks due to a weird shoulder injury that only hurts me in the front rack position. Seeing a Chiro about it this week.

    1a) 75/85/95
    1b) 95 each set (first time doing these, I was a bit awkward so didnt go as heavy as I should have)



    Still super sore through my shoulders from the MUs and dips last week, definitely hindered me on the Conditioning portion.

  16. Pyros never squat jerked. Only ever power and occasionally he’d do some split in training (which were NASTY fast!!)

    Fuck it all!! Both Ipswich and Sydney are sold out and I don’t have the funds to fly from Christchurch, New Zealand to Perth or a different country!! I know, I should have gotten in sooner (tried to get in early but they only got activated yesterday), but it really pisses me off that I missed out!! Going to have to destrominate some shit extra hard tonight because of it!!

  17. BBG.
    1) 155,165,175,185,185,165
    2) 190,200,215,235,235,200

    This was seriously draining and mental.

    Just did the hang hi pulls
    all sets at 155#

    Slapping push ups – 42
    AMRAP – 2 Rounds + 14
    Slapping push ups – 25

    Total reps – 139.

    Today was a tough day….

  18. BBG

    1. 80-85-90-95-95-85
    2. 110-115-125-130-130-115


    1a. 95
    1b. 105


    19 slapping pushups
    2 rds + 2
    10 slapping pushups

  19. Holy hell, bad day. I guess I could blame it on miscellaneous things like the pollen count, a low pressure system rolling into the area, or loud cars driving by during my lifts, but the truth is, I’m weak.

    Snatch based off 130 lbs
    failed on second lift of of the 85 and 90 %, otherwise completed the rest.

    Clean and Jerk based on 185

    1a) 95 lbs, failed on rep 2 on third set
    1b) didn’t happen


    Skipped to go cry

  20. Today was one of the most physically and mentally draining training days I’ve had in a LONG time…I was forced to break it up into 2 sessions otherwise I wouldn’t have even gotten 1 round on the metcon


    1) No misses, based off of 225 max…watched a bunch of videos over the weekend and tried something new…started with my shoulders directly over the bar from the start and didn’t change that position until the bar had cleared my knees….for some reason it worked magic and I had ZERO misses and every snatch felt good…shoulders didnt hurt like they normally do

    2) No misses, based of of 285 max…had to start doing power versions of this because my heart rate was through the roof and I was bending over huffing and puffing before I even started the 1st working set…by the time I got to 85% I was pretty gassed


    1a) 135 (Had no juice to go any heavier)

    1b) 225 (wouldn’t have made these without straps…probably should’ve gone a bit lighter)


    35 Clapping Push-ups

    2 rounds + 16 snatches

    25 Clapping Pushups

    148 total reps

  21. So if I’m being a puss just say it. My question is how many people are doing this as prescribed everyday in the south. Seems the 100* heat and humidity in Houston area is starting to cause wierd things to happen during workout. We train n a typical metal warehouse box. No ac just a couple fans. Drinking over 2 gallons of water a day. Just seems that everyone in the box has been regressing the past couple of weeks. Don’t think its the programming think its the heat. Anybody else having issues?

    • Brad…i say that you need to acclimatize to the weather…i am stationed in camp lejeune nc and know your pain…90+ also add in wicked humidity and at an on base cf type gy w/ no ac you can be in a world of hurt real quick

      Anyways…if you arent used to the heat or have forced yourself to acclimatize then your training will suffer….the first 2 weeks of extreme heat here i was laying in front of the fan between bbg strength and metcon bc i was so out of juice
      my job also requires me to be in the heat a lot too so if you are used to a lot of ac then jumping into a 2+ hour session of outlaw may pose a problem

    • It sucks, im from South GA and do all the BBG and ACC/Strength work outside.. I was toasted by time i got to conditioning, done inside.. Im not regressing or anything, but would be alot nicer if i could do them inside. Soon ill be doing them outside when it 30 or 40 degrees out, i would definetly rather do it in the heat than the cold.

    • From CrossFit Shifted did the WOD in 114 with 100% humidity in a cement box with fans… We do this every day and have been progressing like crazy. Believe it’s mindset and knowing you can fuckstart every WOD.

  22. BBG : no misses on snatch or clean and jerk. Felt great
    B) 165
    34 slapping
    2 rounds + 1 burpee
    26 slapping

  23. BBG:
    1) % off of 125
    2) % off of 155
    both at 135 (had to dump one of the OHS on round two, so I just did the hole thing over)
    Score: 69

  24. Male, 23, 6’2, 200lbs. Been following since after the testing phase.
    Clean-300, up #15 from when I started. C&J-295, up #20.
    Snatch-220, up #5 and much cleaner.

    1) Off of 220. Missed some of the singles at 90%
    2) Off of 295

    1a) 135

    23, 2 rounds, 15

  25. BB Gymnastics
    1) Snatch: 3X2@75%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@85%, 2X2@90%, 3X1@90%, 2X2@80%

    2) Clean & Jerk: 3X2@70%, 1X2@75%, 1X2@ 80%, 2X2@85%, 3X1@85%, 2X2@75%

    1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 OHS

    1b) 3X5 Flat Footed Hang Clean Hi-Pulls

    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
    -rest 1 minute
    8 minute AMRAP of:
    16 Alternating KB Snatches 24/16kg
    12 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
    8 Burpee Over Hurdles 30/26″
    -rest 1 minute
    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups


  26. Also completely drained but gutted through.

    Snatch: used 205 %’s ( all squat snatches need to work on Squat and overhead positions)
    Clean and jerk: based on 315 ( 1 fail on last 85% rep)

    Did snatch and ohs only due to time restrictions: 135, 165, 135. Brutal but need to do this more

    23+88 (2rds+16) +15= 126 reps.

  27. BBG

    Snatch – off of 205, missed twice at 180 but then made required reps
    C+J – off of 270, missed jerk at 235

  28. BB Gymnastics based off 225lbs snatch and 265lbs C&J
    1) 165, 180, 190, 200
    2) 185, 195, 215, 195

    1a) 145lbs
    1b) 145lbs

    19 slapping push-ups

    1 round + 2 KB thrusters

    21 slapping push ups

  29. snatch off 190#
    140, 150, 160, 170 (failed second set), 170 (failed last two sets, first rep was good). 150
    most of the snatches felt good

    clean and jerk off of 255#
    180, 190, 205, 205 (fail)
    stopped after 90% for three singles.

    1a) snatch PP + 2 OHS
    these were cool
    155, 175, 185

    1b) skipped

    no way to do burpee hurdles so I did burpee box jumps at 24″

    slapping push-ups: 27
    AMRAP: 2 + 10 reps of KB snatches at 16kg
    slapping push-ups: 20


  30. First day on the program.

    1) 165, 175, 190, 195/195F/185, 185, 175
    2) 175, 190, 205, 215, 215, 190

    Fuckin fatigued…..
    1a) 155, 155, 155
    2a) 190, 225, 225

    1+16 (44lb KB for cleaner reps)

    Total Reps- 96

    Rest periods ran long. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  31. BBG:

    1) 175,185, 195, 205, 205, 185 (made 10 of 21 lifts)
    2) 205, 215, 230, 245, 245, 205 (21/21)

    1a) Nope – Knees/shoulders
    1b) 135-135-135



  32. BB Gym
    15 sl pu
    2 rds +20 reps ( 4 thrusters)
    14 sl pu

  33. BBG
    Snatch: 161, 172, 182, 193, 193, 172
    C&J: 213, 228, 242, 256, 256, 228 Dropped a few Jerks near lockout at 256.

    1a) 145
    1b) 145 -Same Bar, new motions wanted to do them clean. Adding next time.

    2 + 8 Snatch

    M/F/S – 6/2/3

  34. BBG
    – snatch, all done at 107.5kg 1rm. Felt fatigue on 2×2

    – clean and jerk – all done at 125kg max, Felt
    Incredibly strong.

    1a – 70kg, 80kg, 90kg
    1b – all at 115lbs, don’t have straps

    2 rounds


  35. 1) based off 220
    Faileds at 90% dubs only.
    2) based off 275
    No fails, jerks done immediately on rebound after regrip.
    Gravity was turned up today. Fuck
    Not enough hours in the day…

  36. BBG:
    1) 175-185-200-215(made one missed 3)-215(made the first)-185
    2) 185-205-215-225-225-205

    1a) 155-155-165
    1b) 155-155-165


    30 slapping pushups
    2 Rounds +7 thrusters
    20 slapping pushups

    Feeling pretty rocked.

    Looking for some feedback from the field. Up until regionals I’ve been Oly lifting in regular Nano’s and have always felt comfortable in my lifts. Since the Games I’ve been lifting in the Reebok Olys, and my snatches just haven’t been as consistent. I’ve been missing a lot of my lifts in the 90% + range with the bar falling forward.
    Any suggestions and advice are welcome.

    Thanks all-

    • continue lifting in olys, its not the shoes, it has to do with something in your form. Videotape and break yourself down.

  37. Power snatch- up to 135
    Power clean and jerk- up to 190

    1a) 175, 185, 195- 3 behind neck push press only
    1b) 155×3
    Conditioning- 33/2 rounds+2 snatch (subbed push press for thrusters)/22

  38. BBG
    Snatch- worked off 155
    C&J- worked off 205

    1a) 135
    1b) 185

    32, 3 rounds+2 snatch, 22
    total reps 164

  39. Snatch: 115, 125, 135, 140 (failed x 1 rep), 140, 125
    C&J: 135, 145, 155, 160, 160, 145

    1a. 115, 125, 135 (way to light)
    1b. 150

    2 rds + 3 snatches (hurdle was 29″)

  40. BBG:
    1) Up to 175#
    2) Up to 215#

    1a) 205#, 185#, 185#
    1b) 155#, 165#, 175#

    2 rds + 9 snatches

  41. BB Gymnastics-
    1.) Snatch: Max of 172# (78kg)
    3X2@75% – 132# (60kg)
    1X2@80% – 137# (62kg)
    1X2@85% – 147# (66kg)
    2X2@90% – 152# (69kg) – Missed only 1 rep.
    3X1@90% – 152# (69kg)
    2X2@80% – 137# (62kg)

    Felt AWESOME in snatches today. I changed my grip width by one finger and a half and I’m surprised it made that big of a difference. I was having trouble recently with locking out but it seem to fix it. Haven’t felt this awesome in a LONG LONG TIME. Only missing 1 rep at 90%! So far the Snatches at hip have helped me get under the bar SOO MUCH faster. I feel like I do need some more work at my pulls though.

    2.) Clean & Jerk: Max of 220# (100kg)
    3X2@70% – 152# (69kg)
    1X2@75% – 162# (74kg)
    1X2@ 80% – 177# (80kg)
    2X2@85% – 187# (84kg) – Failed last set on Jerks.
    3X1@85% – 187# (84kg) – Fail sauce. I had no juice left and I have never had my thumbs hurt this bad. I thought they were going to pop off.
    2X2@75% – 162# (74kg) – No issue here.

    Felt good going into this but once I hit the last 85% I had nothing left. Cleans were ok but nothing in the jerk. Mental was done. Was more excited on the snatch.

    1a.) Snatch grip PP + 2 OHS
    1b.) Flat Foot HC HP
    Feeling weak on the Snatch PP + OHS- specifically the OHS. Really focused on keeping the feet flat for the HP.

    Slapping PU – 28
    AMRAP – 54 (1 + 16 +2)
    Slapping PU – 20
    Total Reps – 102

    WOD was hard. Never have done the Alternating KB snatches like that. Made it much harder. KB thrusters = my down fall. Hurdle burpees were new. Wasn’t’ to hard though.

    Note: For the Hurdle burpee I took 2 Box jumps @ 30″ and put a PVC pipe between them.

  42. What a grinder today was. Loving this shit
    Snatch: 170, 180, 190, 205, 205, 180
    C&J: 200, 215, 230, 245, 245, 215

    1a) PP+OH = 165 across
    1b) 185 across

    Conditioning: 2 full rounds plus 16 snatches. So i guess it scores like:
    26 pu
    88 total reps
    18 pu
    = 132

  43. BBG:
    1) 185, 195, 205, 215 (oops), 205, 185
    2) 195, 210, 225, 240, 240, 210

    1a) 175
    1b) 185

    37 pu
    2 rds + 4thrusters (92 reps)
    18 pu
    total – 147

    M/F/S – 1/3/4

  44. How much rest are you guys having between sets of the bbg? I missed over half of my second lifts from 80% and only made one at 90%?! Sixty seconds rest plus double at 90% fuck I failed big time…

  45. BBG: 1.) 65 kg, 70, 75, 79, 79, 70

    2.) 85 kg, 90, 95, 100, 100, 90


    1a.) 65 x 2, 79 ( Set up a lighter bar with 55 kg for OH. Wrist mobility in OH position is still not a 100%, but getting better.)

    1b.) 70 across

    Conditioning: 30 Slaps
    2 rounds +9 SN
    20 Slaps

    3/3/4 -Rough conditioning WOD!

  46. BB Gymnastics:
    Snatch: 130(missed one, I made it up),140, 150, 160, 160, 140(missed another that I made up, just got lazy.)

    Clean and Jerk: 185, 200, 215, 225(missed once on clean, made up), 225, 215

    1A): 165, 175, 185, before I read it I did 185, 195, 205 then noticed the rep scheme
    1B) 165, 175, 185


    Slaps: 28
    2 Rounds + 8 Snatches
    Slaps 21:

    Total Reps = 121 :

  47. 1) Snatch: 3X2@75%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@85%, 2X2@90%, 3X1@90%, 2X2@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
    2) Clean & Jerk: 3X2@70%, 1X2@75%, 1X2@ 80%, 2X2@85%, 3X1@85%, 2X2@75% – rest 30-60 seconds.

    1- 3×2@185,1×2@195,1×2@205,2×2@225(missed second rep on both attempts),3×1@225,2×2@195
    2- 3×2@215,1×2@225,1×2@245,2×2@265(missed second rep on both attempts),3×1@265, 2×2@225


    1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
    1b) 3X5 Flat Footed Hang Clean Hi-Pulls (straps are suggested) – heavy, rest 60 sec.



    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
    -rest 1 minute
    8 minute AMRAP of:
    16 Alternating KB Snatches 24/16kg DEMO VIDEO
    12 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
    8 Burpee Over Hurdles 30/26?
    -rest 1 minute
    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups

    -27 Push ups first minute
    -2 rounds of AMRAP ( I forgot to rest after the first minute of push ups)
    -17 push ups second minute

    – Two days in Vegas makes Outlaw hard.

  48. Glad I read some posts before posting my own… That shit sucked…

    Snatch: hit all sets w/ no misses set at 230# max
    CnJ: all sets w/o misses set at 295# max (this was a big PR for me. Just got it Friday night during a group CnJ ladder! I’m on the hunt for 300)

    1a) 165 for all sets (L shoulder was pretty weak, bnpp is not healthy for it)
    1b) 115-125-125 (no straps)

    26 slappers
    1 round + 12 snatches (I suck at double KB shit)
    19 slappers
    =109 reps

  49. Strength:

    1) 225
    -heaviest overhead since hurting my wrists. Had to do the whole thing with a clean-width grip though. Pissed how hard these were.

    1b) 225


    42 push-ups
    2 rounds + 3 burpees
    27 push-ups


  50. BBG:
    Snatch: 145, 155, 175, 175, 155
    Clean and Jerk: 195, 205, 225, 235, 235, 205

    A) 135
    B) 205

    Conditioning: As Rx’d:

    Slapping pushups: 36
    8 Minute AMRAP: 2 Rounds plus 11 Snatches (83)
    Slapping Pushups: 29


    Feeling pretty good, slight stiffness in my left shoulder.

    Snatches felt wicked fast and clean. Clean and Jerks were a little more difficult than usual. Kept the accessories light, due to shoulder.

    Conditioning: A few “New” movements for me: KB Snatches and Burpee Hurdle Jumps.
    The Snatched were with 54 pounds and the jumps were at 32″ (All we had at the gym)
    I have been doing CrossFit for 3+ years now, and its very refreshing to get some new-ish movements.

  51. I just realized that I did the conditioning Wrong, Forgot the 1 minute rest between the push ups and the amrap on both ends. Treated it like a continuous 10 minute effort. Still very fun. The KB Snatches were a little Awkward.
    29 push ups, stopped early to get to the KB snatches
    2 rounds + 16 KB snatches + 7 Thrusters, stopped 7 sec’s early to get to the push ups.
    22 Push ups
    total reps = 146

  52. BBG
    1) Snatch: 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 145
    2) Clean & Jerk: 155, 165, 175, 185, 190, 165

    1a) 95#
    1b) 135#

    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups: 22
    8 minute AMRAP: 2 rounds + 16 Snatches and 4 Thrusters
    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups: 21
    Total reps: 135

  53. BBG
    1. 165, 177, 185, 196, 196, 176 missed 2 reps total felt okay today
    2. 185, 201, 215, 225, 225, 215 felt a good tweak on the final rep. Reminded me to stay tight. Fortunately, my tweak only lasted less than 12 hours. I was worried for a bit.
    1a. 155,155, 165
    1b. 115, 115, 137 Kept both light due to the back tweak
    1rnd + 7 Burpees should have gotten two full rnds
    119 total reps Not bad considering how I thought my back was.
    Did anyone else rotate the kettlebell handles so they were perpendicular to each other at the bottom. I found this to be significantly more efficient. Check out the link I stubbled upon it and then started using the the technique because I didn’t have room in between my legs for the KBs the “normal” way

  54. BBG
    Snatch- Based on 165

    C&J- Based on 255
    (Tried a few push jerks versus split on a few reps seemed stronger may move to these moving forward)

    1) 155, 175, 195 (fails on OHS but push press felt light could have handled much more weight on presses just weak on OHS)
    2) 155, 165, 175 (Good weight should probably go 175 for all next time)

    Cond (immediately had to start so no rest)
    2 Rounds (8:10)
    20 (did these when I got home because I forgot them after wod)

  55. BB Gymnastics – Skipped

    1A. 175, 175, 185
    1B. 145, 145, 145

    2 + 23 reps

  56. Started following a couple months ago. Took awhile to adjust to the volume, but I’m loving it now.

    BB Gymnastics –
    Snatch – Based off 175
    C&J – Based off 255

    Accessories –
    1A. 135
    1B. 135

    Conditioning –
    33, 81 (2rds + 9), 25 = 139 total reps

  57. BB Gymnastics (FINALLY felt light)

    1) Snatch (based on 1RM @ 70 kg/154 lbs):
    ◦3X2@75% = 53 kg
    ◦1X2@80% = 56 kg
    ◦1X2@85% = 60 kg
    ◦2X2@90% = 63 kg/139 lbs
    ◦3X1@90% = 63 kg
    ◦2X2@80% = 56 kg

    2) Clean & Jerk (based on 1RM @ 80 kg/176 lbs):
    ◦3X2@70% = 56 kg
    ◦1X2@75% = 60 kg
    ◦1X2@ 80% = 64 kg
    ◦2X2@85% = 68 kg/1150 lbs
    ◦3X1@85% = 68 kg
    ◦2X2@75% = 60 kg


    1a) @ 55 kg/121 lbs

    1b) @ 80 kg/176 lbs


    ◦Push-ups: 20
    ◦8 min AMRAP: 2 rounds + 16 reps RX
    ◦Push-ups: 23

  58. BBG: 1) based off 210 1rm, rounded up every uneven weight
    2) based off 265 1rm, rounded DOWN every uneven weight (going very slowly back to pre injury weights, progressing nicely)

    Accessories: skipped, instead did morning METCON: 21-15-9 GHD sit up/88lb KB swing (4:21)

    Conditioning: 144 reps…..push ups were good, don’t want to talk about the AMRAP. Slow, and weak……feel overtrained, probably because I am. I always do this when I come back from injury. Feel awesome so I hit it too hard, then feel shitty for a while, then re injure myself and start it all over again. Not going to do it this time……..kinda like I never drink again after a hangover from hell.

  59. BBG: stuck all snatch but 90% (failed 2x),
    C+j felt easy compared to snatch

    1) 95-105-115…. 115 felt hard, pretty tired

    COND: pushup: 25, then 20 at end …amrap: 2 rds + 25 reps
    Total = 142 reps (good WOD)

    Trying to get back in habit of posting… Been doing all the work, just not posting

  60. 1)
    3×2 @ 115
    1×2 @ 125
    1×2 @ 132
    2×2 @ 140
    3×1 @ 140
    2×2 @ 125


    3×2 @ 145
    1×2 @ 155
    1×2 @ 165
    2×2 @ 174
    3×1 @ 174
    2×2 @ 155

    1a) 135/115/115
    1b) 95

  61. BBG
    Squat Snatch EMOM (all double were unbroken): 50/2×3 60/2×3 70/2×3 75/2 80/2 85/2×2 85/1×3 75/2×2 (85kg=187 lbs)
    C&J EMOM 88/2×3 94/2 100/2 106/2×2 106/1×3 94/2×2 (106kg=233 lbs)

    1xSnatch Push Press + 2 OHS 132/3 154/3 165/3 176/1
    Flat Footed Clean High Pulls from hang (with straps) 155/5 165/5 175/5

    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
    rest 1 minute
    8 minute AMRAP of:
    16 Alternating KB Snatches 24/16kg
    12 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
    8 Burpee Over Hurdles 30/26″
    rest 1 minute
    1 minute ME Slapping Pushups

    Push-ups: 50 total = 27+23
    AMRAP: 2 +16

    Bench CG 8,6,4 reps @ 76 kg (167)

  62. BBG:
    1.) 150×2, 150×2, 150×2, 160×2, 170×2, 180×2, 180x1xfx1, 180, 180, 180, 160×2, 160×2 (based on 200)
    2.) 167×2, 167×2, 167×2, 180×2, 192×2, 205×1, 205×1, 205×1, 180×2, 180×2 (based on 240)

    1a.) 155, 165, 185x2xFxF
    1b.) 172, 172, 172

    24 + 1rd & 6 Burpee Hurdles + 19 = 113

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