Today begins the first phase of our off-season process. I’ll go into more detail over the next few days, but I wanted everyone to be on the same page and understand exactly where we are.

We’re going to run an entire 4 weeks of nothing but Snatches and Cleans from blocks of differing heights. We won’t perform the full lift until sometime next month. We will also take the total amount of reps on each of the lifts up, because the loading will drop 10-30% depending on how clean your technique is. It would behoove you to build, steal or borrow some blocks immediately. I will be posting instructional videos to help with the process. Many of you are completely new to the lifts or different versions of them, and we’ll try to do what we can to help you understand a few keys to each one.

Yes, we’ll be running a squat cycle starting this week also. I’m going to go back to the original cycle I used last off-season, with the addition of bi-weekly High-Bar work. Also, and I’m incredibly excited about this, we’re going to replace one of our heavy pulling days with a traditional Dynamic Effort Deadlift day, and we’ll be using a fairly easy band setup which everyone should be able to use. This is an opportunity for my inner super-nerd to come out, and be allowed to use all of you as my control group.

That’s all you get for right now. Please don’t pepper the comments with a million questions about the exact details of what we’ll be doing. I’ll be trying to explain everything over the coming weeks, and you’ll just make LGA mad anyway.

Dumb, and some not so dumb, feats of strength from the 2012 Games Training Camp:

1) BP with the most confusing lift in the world.



2) The ladies and their big balls (see what I did there).



3) Elisabeth’s 185# Snatch.



4) BP 185# Log Clean & Jerk.




WOD 120611:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec. Demo 1Demo 2

Notes: Blocks should raise the bar to somewhere between the knees and the pockets. DO NOT push the knees forward, on the other side of the bar, and allow the torso to raise into a vertical position. The barbell should be directly under the shoulder blades, with the knees only slightly in front of the bar when starting off blocks. Make sure to set the back before pulling, load the hamstrings, and DO NOT jump forward. If jumping forward is an issue make sure to finish pulling the bar all the way to the pelvis and keep the heels loaded until the last possible second.

2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.

Notes: Drop Snatch definition courtesy of Catalyst Athletics: “Sometimes used synonymously with snatch balance, the drop snatch is actually slightly different. While in the snatch balance, the athlete uses a dip and drive of the legs to unload the bar momentarily before driving under it, in the drop snatch, the athlete must drive under the bar with no upward push at all. This greatly limits the loads that can be used in the exercise, and as a consequence, limits its utility. It’s more appropriate as part of a warm-up or to be used while progressing up toward heavier snatch balances.”


1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video
1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec.


5 Muscle-Ups
Row 100m
4 Muscle-Ups
Row 200m
3 Muscle-Ups
Row 300m
2 Muscle-Ups
Row 400m
1 Muscle-Up
Row 500m

NOT for time.

Notes: This entire effort should be performed at approximately 80% effort. Do not redline, but do not be lazy.

144 responses to “120611

  1. So incredibly stoked to kick this off.

    One hitch though: for the next two weeks i’ve got military training obligations that will likely keep me a great distance from a barbell. I want to follow this program as closely as possible…what is the recommendation for this situation: start this 4week cycle 2 weeks from now, or jump in when I get back?


    • I’m in the same boat, prob jus plan on pickin up wherever they are when I get home, be less complicated and plus just missing two weeks. Plus that way it wont screw up everythin else and keep you two weeks behind on subsequent cycles/phases. Just my .02

  2. Even though my lifts are going to be at a 4th grade girls weight, I’m stoked to work some BBG’s. And my quads are still bigger than BP’s, even if he Clean Grip Snatches a Duece.

  3. BBG
    1) 65 1st rep, 75 2nd rep 95 the rest of the way.
    2b)65- Form on this felt really good so I didn’t add any.

    1a) body weight + a friend to help get me started in the up direction, only did 2 sets instead of 4.
    1b) 45 pound bar, first time doing TGU’s so I felt like a retard.

    Didn’t time it but it was quick.

  4. BB Gymnastics:

    1. 2×95, 2×105, 3×115
    2a. 185
    2b. 65

    Strength: Skipped

    Conditioning: Did workout from outlawcrossfit.com

  5. BB Gymnastics
    1) 115(f)-115-125-135-140(1)-140-145(1)
    2a) 115-135-145-145
    2b) 95-115-115-125

    1a) Had to scale, couldn’t even do body weight. These seem impossible to me. Apparently I have the weakest hamstrings on the planet.
    2b) 45 lb bar. First time doing TGU with a BB. Lots of room for improvement.


  6. My wife and I are traveling through Italy for the next 2 weeks. Does anyone know of any gyms as the only box shows up in Rome? We’re taking rings and Trying to find any locations (high schools?) to continue the Outlaw Way.

  7. BBG:
    1) 95-105-105-115-120-125-140
    2a) 95-115-125-140
    2b) 95-105-115-125

    *Muscle ups unbroken
    *Quick transitions
    *Rows between 1:34/500 and 1:48/500

  8. BBG:

    1) 115# x 5, 125 x 2
    2a) 185
    2B) 55


    1) Bodyweight with assistance from hands
    2) 55#


    M/F/S: 2/1/1

  9. First Day of Neera Cleanse started today, FML.

    With new baby I was pressed for time so I did all this as EMOM.
    1. 155lb * First time ever doing these.
    2a. 225lb
    3a. 155lb

    Strength later tonight.

    8:20, all unbroken MU and 1:45-1:48 rows. Enjoyed that one.

  10. I have a question about the snatch work, I had shoulder surgery September 30th 2011 and had all but 30 degrees of my labrum reattached. Because of this I have started split snatching (and thanks to this I snatched 175 8 months post surgery) but cannot full snatch much, so for block snatches; should I drop my split snatch pr and work toward a full snatch, work on my split snatch from the blocks, or do a little of both? Thanks for the help

  11. BBG
    1) 95, 115, 115, 135, 135, 155, 155.
    2a) 155.
    2b) 135.

    1a) Body Weight.
    1b) 55.

    Still looking for help on finding a gym in the Chicago area that has a group of Outlaws.

  12. 1.worked up to 125. my resolution for the off season is to try and make everything tight and clean, even if my numbers suck.

    2a 165,165,165,175,175
    2b 95-95-95-105

    1a 25#x4
    1b 45-65-70-80

    cond: 12:34 banded muscleups.

  13. BBG
    1) started with 95# worked up to 120# and was still damn quick.
    2a) 145# all sets
    2b) 95, 100, 105, 110#

    1a) 10, 15, 20, 20#
    1b) 45# BB all sets

    Complete – probably took about 8 – 9:00, felt a little lazy at that pace shoulda went a bit more.

  14. Quick question, can’t find the answer on google or anywhere else, in the drop snatch should the feet start in the jumping position, under the hips, or should they start in the squat position?

  15. BBG
    1) 165, 175, 185, 195, 195, 205, 205, 215 (f) (got greedy)

    1a) 185, 185, 185 (no straps, high pulls were tougher than I thought)
    1b) 155, 165, 165 (3 RM sn bl is 175…interesting…just being more aggressive on this type of movement makes a difference…probably good for 185+ next time)

    1a) 25, 25, 25, 25
    1b) Skipped (low on time)



    MU: UB, 2/1/1, 1/1/1, 1/1, 1
    Rows: 1:45 avg pace

    Stayed composed throughout

  16. BBG
    1) 185
    2a) 205
    2b) 135

    1a) BW + 10
    1b) 65

    DNF worthy performance … just terrible


  17. 1) 135*3, 155*2, 165*2
    2a) 135
    2b) 125

    Conditioning: 7:55
    Failed 1 muscle up on the 2 round, not happy about that.

  18. 1) 135 for all sets, 2 misses total.
    2a) 185, 185, 205,205
    2b) 65,85,95,95

    I’ll do the TGU and GH raises tonight

    Conditioning: Subbed 1 Pullup and 1 Ring Dip/ Muscle Up

  19. BBG
    1) 75×3,95×2,105,115
    2a) 135×3
    2b) 65,95,95(2)

    1a) 1,1,0,0
    1b) None

    18:09 scaled

  20. BBG:

    95 – 115 – 120 – 125 – 125 – 130 – 135

    2a/2b) 125

    good mornings and stiffed legged DLs

    35 – 35 – 45 – 35

    no time

    • For some reason I thought some one with the name “Optimus freakin prime” would be really strong…apparently I was way wrong. I guess Optimus Prime may not have started out such a badass either.

  21. BBG:

    185 for all sets..missed a few, trying to get under to quick

    2a) 215
    2b) 125

    Will make up 3rd set of lifts

    Completed conditioning

  22. BBG: 95, 125, 145, 165, 165f, 165f, 165
    2a: 215 across
    2b: 95, 95, 115, 125

    Strength: TGU: 95 across
    GHR: unweighted across

    Conditioning: broke up set of 4 into 2 and 2, broke up set of 3 into 2, 1.

  23. BBG:

    1) up to 125#
    2a) 165#
    2b) 85#

    1a) 15#
    1b) 53#

    Done, all MU unbroken. Easy pace on rows.



  24. BBG
    1) 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175
    2A)245, 245, 245, 245
    2B)165, 185, 205, 225 FAIL ON REP 3
    1A)CAMBERED BAR GOOD MORNINGS-75, 125, 145, 165
    1B)45, 55, 65, 75

  25. BBG:
    1) 95×1, 110×6
    2a) 95#

    1a) Subbed 115# good mornings
    1b) 45#



  26. BB Gym


    Practiced normal grip Muscle Ups, I’m getting there.

    Didn’t do the Strength part.

  27. BBG
    1 – 70, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5kg (full PB of 100kg so very happy with these)
    2a – 100, 105, 105, 110kg
    2b – 50, 55, 60, 65kg
    1a – set @ BW, 2 sets with a beige and red band
    1b – 3 x 3 @ 30kg
    MU all UB except the 4 which came 3+1
    Rows kept 1:39-1:44
    MFS = 232

  28. Focused on doing movements legit and not to much on weights (besides still nosteroids in site)

    Snatch from blocks 65lbsx3 70lbsx4
    High pull 125 lbs
    Drop snatch 45 lbs wow that’s crazy how light I had to go.. Case in point I need to eat more!

    Body weight ghd
    35 lbs bar tgu

    Conditioning slow as duck!

  29. BBG
    205×5 and 210×2
    No Misses

    PB is 235 so not to bad

    Sn Pullx3 @ 185/195/205/215
    Sn Dropx3 @115/125/145/165

    Did T2B instead of TGU
    Wtd GHD bw+7.5lb dbs (absolutely terrible)

    all unbroken – around 7:30

  30. 3-3-4


    1) 10:30. MU went UB, slowest row pace @1:44

  31. BBG
    1) 100#
    2a) 225#
    2b) 65#

    1a) 55#
    1b) 25#

    Rows at about 1:45 and muscle ups with false grip in sets of 2

  32. 1) 107 (finally with NO JUMPING!!!)
    2a) 137
    2b) 77

    1a) 25lbs
    1b) 45lbs

    Conditioning: done

  33. CFG Data:

    SP: I worked up to 66kg. Really hammered technique and did not go up unless form was more or less flawless (according to Caleb).
    Snatch pulls: 100, 110, 120, 125kg
    Drop snatches: 70 across

    Strength: 5kg
    TGU: 15kg, 20kg, 30kg

    Conditioning: Done.

    CALEB: he worked up to like 120 snatch off the blocks
    Snatch pulls were in the 130-140 range
    Drop snatches: 90-100+

    GHR: 0, 5, 10kg
    TGU: 15, 20, 20kg (but he could have gone heavier)

    Conditioning: Done

  34. BB Gymnastics
    1. 135, 135, 145, 155 (Fail Rep 2), 155, 165, 175 (Two fails, rested then made one)
    2A. 165, 165, 185, 185
    2B. 95, 115, 130, 140 (Fail Rep 3)

    1A. BW, 10, 15, 15
    1B. 45, 45, 55, 55


    Muscle ups UB, 3/1, 2/1, UB, UB
    Row pace ranged from 1:45-1:50

  35. BBG:
    1) 95#
    2a) 125#

    1a) 10#
    1b) 35#kb (couldn’t quite get 45#bar)

    Used red bands for MU. Still major ring burn/rip from Amanda. Rows between 1:45-1:50.

  36. BBG:
    1) 155lb, 4×165, 2×175
    *No blocks. Did from a hang

    2a) 3×205, 225
    2b) 95, 2×115, 125

    1a) 10, 3×25
    1b) 95, 3×85

    *All mups unbroken. No rest throughout but stayed at a calm, steady pace.

  37. WOD 120611:

    BB Gymnastics

    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.  85#

    Notes: 2 foam blocks

    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.


    1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.  – unweighted back extensions subbed
    1b) 4X3 KB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec. 18#


    5 Muscle-Ups
    Row 100m
    4 Muscle-Ups
    Row 200m
    3 Muscle-Ups
    Row 300m
    2 Muscle-Ups
    Row 400m
    1 Muscle-Up
    Row 500m

    NOT for time. – all MU unbroken and row pace about 2:15/500m

  38. Snatch 165# felt good and fast

    Snatch pulls 225#
    Snatch drop. 145#

    Hypers 30#
    TGU 45#

    10:21 MU really struggled with today

  39. BB Gymnastics
    1. 105lb
    2a. 120lb
    2b. 85lb
    *Is it ok to go up in weight or stick with same lb each set?

    1a. BW
    1b. Skipped due to time


  40. BB gymnastics

    Snatch pulls

    Snatch drops: 75-75-75-75

    GH raises: 10-10-10-25
    TGU: 35-45-55-45

    Conditioning: 12:20

  41. Me: snatch worked up to 185 for the last few sets. Snatch pulls done with 225, drop snatches used 115. I have slow hands.
    Subbed a 1 min Plank hold for the gh raises, Turkish get ups completed with 65. Sucked and failed a few times.
    Conditioning, untimed and I still suck at muscle ups. Rows were between 1:40-1:48.

  42. BB Gymastics

    Snatch from hi-block.
    195 O X
    220 X X
    220 O X
    225 O X

    Every fail was there, speed was great. All of them caught briefly but lost behind me. Must be a bar path issue.

    Snatch Hi Pulls
    185 x 4 x 3

    Drop Snatch
    135 x 4 x 3

    GH Raises – 35# plate behind head x 4 x 8 (found it easier to “strict” and only to parallel)

    TGU – 55# barbell for all.

    …..not for “time” but it took me 7:31
    MU all UB except for set of 2…..very humid in the gym. Hands and rings very slippery, slipped through. Went up and slipped again, but caught myself.
    Rowing was harder to breath than it should be- humid weather.


  43. BB:
    1) 65,95,105,115,125,130,130
    2a) 95, 115, 125, 130
    2b) 45, 75, 90, 90

    1) Body weight
    2) Sub 1 pood KB

    Conditioning: Sub w/ 3 pull-up + 2 ring dips per MU. DNF (hand rip).

  44. BB Gymnastics: worked up to 165#
    Snatch pulls: 225
    Drop snatch: 95

    BW GH and Barbell TG

    Conditioning: Rx

  45. BBG
    1) 175, 185, 195, 205(f#2), 205, 215(got them but slow), 215
    2a) 205, 225, 235, 250(a little heavy, form got a little off)
    2b)155, 165, 177, 187(failed first attempt, then got it)

    1a) completed w/ no weight. Got better at stopping at parallel and getting back up.
    1b) 50, 65, 75, 80

    Conditioning – felt pretty good.
    MU were all UB, Rows all b/t 1:45-1:47

  46. BBG
    1) 135, 135, 135, 145, 145, 145, 145
    2a) 135, 155, 165, 175
    2b) 45, 65, 85, 95

    1a) BW for all 4 (had to use a poor mans GHD with a bench, bumpers, and yoga mats)
    1b) 45, 55, 65 (F2), 55

    Didn’t have time

  47. block sn: 115#, 125#, 130#, 135#, !40# x 3 (make/fail, make/fail, make/make)
    SN Pull, 185#, 190#, 195#, 205#
    SN balance: 95#, 100#, 110#, 110#
    Conditioning: did not finish

  48. BBG
    1) 70, 80, 80, 80, 82.5, 85, 85
    Missed one behind me on 82.5 and 85. Made up for it. Sitting back on my heels more and I actually missed behind me. Amazing, missing behind is better.
    2a) 80, 80, 80, 80
    2b) 60, 60, 60, 60 Was hard to not do a dip and drive. Had to really concentrate.

    1a) 5kg, 5, 10, 10 Gotten waaaay better at these. Used to always do them strict from parallel till I learned Outlaw did it different.
    1b) 32.5kg, 35, 37.5, skipped last. Had to coach real quick.

    Conditioning: 9:05 at a decent pace. All muscle ups UB. Used my gloves and back to false grip… aaaah life is better.

  49. 1) 155
    175 x 4 sets
    Couple fails at 175, reset and redid failed sets
    Here’s 185, second rep was ugly. I got a bad habit of only moving my right foot.

    2a) 185x3x4
    2b) 135x3x4
    Attempted 155 on SD for one set and wasn’t fat enough. I’m so much better at snatch balance.
    1a) body weight off of floor. Slow pushup up.
    1b) 45#

    No boat so no conditioning.

  50. Snatch off of High Blocks – 155-175-185-195-205F-205F-195

    Snatch Pull – 195 All sets
    Drop Snatch- 95-125-135-145

    Glute Ham – 25lbs
    TGU 45-65-65

    Conditioning – mu 5ub, 3 +1, 2+1, 2ub, 1
    Row under 1:47 pace through out

  51. Worst day ever following this site. I think because there was lots of firsts.

    Snatch off of box- 95. Was way too easy but just never felt right (1st time for this)

    Snatch High Pull – 185
    Drop Snatch – 95

    No GHD so did SLDL – 185
    Turkish getups – Used 53 KB nd tried once with barbell…didnt work. Another first.

    Conditiining – 11:00. Bad month of nutrition and laziness caught up. This was closer to 60%

  52. BBG:
    110# from blocks
    All mu’s unbroken except for the 4’s (2&2). Rowed around 2:05…nice and easy.
    Even though it is not for time I still can’t help but look at the clock. 9:12. Fun wod.

  53. First time snatching from blocks… hence the failed sets.

    Highpull- 165, 175, 175
    Drop- 65, 95, 95

    TGU- 55


  54. BBG:

    185 for first 6 sets then hit 200 for 7th set

    45 lbs barbell -TGU
    Subbed and did reverse hypers


    Did all muscle ups broke them up though but I did them

  55. 1) 95×3, 115×2, 135×2
    2a) 185×4
    2b) 95×3, 115×2
    3a) BW (Had to improv on tires, major calf cramps)
    3b) 45lbs (first time trying these)

    Conditioning: As Rx’d

  56. Snatch from high blocks-Doubles
    Heavy but Fast
    235 -for one
    245 -for one
    This is 5lbs over my 1 rep max snatch. Do you feel it is normal to hit over 100% when snatching from high blocks? I felt strong as fuck, maybe it was the 4 pieces of cinnamon, raisin toast, smothered in butter I had ate just before : )
    I was stoked.

    Snatch high pulls-
    Started @ 245, then went down to 225 for more speed.
    Drop snatch- got up to 155

    GHR- bodyweight
    TGU- BB

    Done unbroken

  57. WOD 120611:

    BB Gymnastics

    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec. 

    1) 95, 2) 115, 2) 125, 3) 135, 4) 135, 5) 135, 6) 135, 7) 135

    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.

    All sets @ 204

    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.

    1) 95, 2) 105, 3) 115, 4) 115


    1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise

    All sets assisted with band.

    1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec.

    1) 55, 2) 55, 3) 65, 4) 70 (failed on last rep, left hand, but got it up after a reset)


    5 Muscle-Ups
    Row 100m
    4 Muscle-Ups
    Row 200m
    3 Muscle-Ups
    Row 300m
    2 Muscle-Ups
    Row 400m
    1 Muscle-Up
    Row 500m

    MUs unbroken/ 1.50/500m pace

  58. Stephen Leslie
    New to outlaw programming and it has already made a big difference. Just came off 2 months of a back injury and actually came back stronger.

    Height: 5’7″
    weight: 145
    age 22

    Snatch off blocks: 185 on last set
    Snatch high pull: 195
    Snatch drop: 135

    Glute ham deal: 45#
    TGU: 75#

    Conditioning: 8:56 about a 80% pace like you asked for.

    Thanks you for this awesome programming.

  59. BBG:
    1. 95,95,115,115,125,135,135 (High hang; haven’t built blocks yet)
    2. 135,135,155,155
    3. 65, 75, 95, 95

    1. 45, 45, 65, 75 (BB Good Mornings; no GHD)
    2. 45,45,45,45 (Felt like an idiot, but got it done)

    Did not do (ran 5k this morning and no access to a rower.)

  60. BBG:
    Snatch from blocks – 155,155,165,165,175,175,185,195F
    Snatch Hi Pulls – 185
    Drop Snatch – 135,155,155,155
    GHR – NW,25,25,25

    No metcon or TGUs.

  61. BBG
    snatch: 95-105-115-125-135-145-155

    snatch high pulls: 205

    drop snatch: 105-115-125-125

    Conditioning: 10 mins.
    went about 80% still need to work on stringing together mu’s better, but their coming along.

  62. A lot of firsts today…

    BB Gymnastics

    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.
    115, 115, 115, 115, 135, 135, 135

    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
    135, 155, 175, 195
    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.
    95, 95, 95, 95


    Nowhere to do MU, subbed for 2x C2B pullups + Dips

  63. First Post, part of the CrossFit Waco crew.

    BB Gym:
    1. 95-115-135X5
    2a. 225
    2b. 95

    1a. Subbed Reverse Hyper @ 50#
    2b. 45


  64. BB Gymnastics
    1. 95,115,135,145,150(1),150(1),150
    2a. 175,180,185,190
    2b. 115,125,135,140(2)

    1a) 25LBS
    1b) 45,55,60


  65. 1 – 60kg, 62.5kg, 62.5kg, 65kg, 67.5kg, 67.5kg
    2a – 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 80kg
    2b – 60kg all sets – Slightly heaved

    1a – 70kg Good mornings (subbed)
    1b – 16kg KB. Skipped the last set

    Conditioning – Skipped

  66. BBG
    snatches off of blocks: 65-75-85-95 (miss 1)-95-105

    Snatch highpull 185
    drop snatch 65-75-85-90

    no strength or conditioning

  67. 1) Not sure what weight to use – 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185 for 2 each
    2a) 195
    2b) 125, 125, 130, 135

    1a) strict at BW
    1b) 45# bar

    NOT for time… 80%
    “Don’t be lazy.” Nice workable sets. MUs were broken, but rest was min. Rows were ~1’31”, 1’35”, 1’40”, 1’43”, 1’45” pace. Good workout for me.

  68. BBG
    1) 95#,115#, 135#, 115#, 125#, 125#, 125#
    Drop in weight to focus on form

    2a) 135#, 155#, 155#, 155#
    2b) 89#, 111#, 111#, 111#

    1a) BW, 10#, 10#, 10#
    1b) 45#, 55#, 45#, 55#

    Could not do MU b/c of shoulder, just Row

  69. BBG

    95#, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165

    2a) 165, 185, 185, 185
    2b) 4×3 @ 115

    1a) BW, 15, 15, 15
    1b) 4 @ 65

    Conditioning 9:3-something… heart rate stayed below 160ish

  70. BB Gymnastics
    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – Worked up to 160#
    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls 205#
    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – 135# (missed 2)
    1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – BW
    1b) 4X3 BB TGU – 65#
    Conditioning – completed

  71. BBG –
    1) Worked up to 185 x 2 — PR from the hang, for a double
    2a) – All pulls at 225
    2b) Drop Snatches worked up to 125#

    35lb KB x 4 x 8
    Did Weighted sit-ups, tendonitis in the knee fucks me for TGU

    Conditioning – 8.01 – Smooth pace, never went below 1.55 on the rower…maybe that qualifies as ‘lazy’

  72. 1. 110 stayed light
    2a. 140 all sets, this felt heavy
    2b. 95

    1. 15#
    2. 40# on first 2 sets, 50# on 2nd 2 sets

    Conditioning: Done

  73. BBG
    1. 95, 135, 145, 155, 160 (1), 160
    2a. 205
    2b. 95, 115, 135, 135
    1a. 25, 35, 35, 45
    1b. 55, 61, 61, 66

  74. BB
    1. 7×2: 135/135/135/135/140/145/145(f last rep)

    2a. 4×3: 165/165/165/165
    2b. 4×3: 95/115/115/115


    4×8: bw/#10/#10/#10
    4×3 (3-r,3-l= 1 set) #45/ 85 2/1(r) 1/1/f (l) / 85/ 85 2/1 (r and l)

    Met con: complete

  75. BBG
    1) 117-117-135-135-135-135-140lbs.

    2a) 139-139-139-139lbs.
    2b) 95-106-111-115lbs.

    1a) subbed Good Mornings x 8 146-146-146-146lbs.
    1b) 45-45-45-56lbs.


  76. 135 x 7x 2


    bodyweight 4×8
    45 all sets

    13:26 (scaled with the smallest band red on the MU)

  77. BBGym
    1)145-150(f on 2nd)-150-155-160-165-170


    Will have to do conditioning later


  78. BB Gymnastics

    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec. Demo 1 – Demo 2

    Result: 115-135-135-145-145-145(ugly)-145(missed 2nd rep)

    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.

    Result: 165-165-165-185

    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.

    Result: 45-65-85-95


    1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video

    Result: BW-10lbs-15lbs-25lbs

    1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec.

    Result: 45-55-65-85


    15 C2B pull-ups
    15 Strict ring dips
    Row 100m
    12 C2B pull-ups
    12 Strict ring dips
    Row 200m
    9 C2B pull-ups
    9 Strict ring dips
    Row 300m
    6 C2B pull-ups
    6 Strict ring dips
    Row 400m
    3 C2B pull-ups
    3 Strict ring dips
    Row 500m

    15 minute cut-off
    Result: Finished 350 meters of the 400 meter row at cutoff.

    MFS: 1/3/2

  79. BB Gym:
    1) 115,135 kept it light recovering from back injury and quad tendonitits




  80. BB gymnastics
    1- 95,95,115,125,135,135,145(1)

    2a- 185
    2b- 95

    1b-45# bb

    Blue band mu
    45# sdhp

  81. BB Gymnastics
    2a) 165
    2b135,135 (too heavy w/o dip) 115,115
    1b) 65,65,65,65
    Conditioning – as Rx

  82. Started Oulaw today, will be posting my workouts and results as I go. I am 21 yrs old, 175lbs.

    WOD 120611:

    BB Gymnastics
    1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec. 167lbs all sets
    2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec. 167lbs all sets
    2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec. Worked up to 115lbs.

    1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. BW, 11lbs, BW, BW
    1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec. 55, 75, 55, 55lbs


    5 Muscle-Ups
    Row 100m
    4 Muscle-Ups
    Row 200m
    3 Muscle-Ups
    Row 300m
    2 Muscle-Ups
    Row 400m
    1 Muscle-Up
    Row 500m

    NOT for time.

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