I don’t have time for a long post, but I wanted to congratulate Christen Wagner, from CrossFit Asia, for taking Asia’s one and only spot in the Games. Christen is the one and only Outlaw to qualify this weekend, and brings our total up to 5 competitors heading to the HDC.

Next week I’m heading to Canada to be with Jay Rhodes, Lacey Van Der Marel, and the crew from Outlaw North (that means all the Canadian Outlaws). Also, my favorite team in the whole wide world, CrossFit Murfreesboro, will also be unleashing the “Large Gentlemen Athlete” and his normal sized teammates on the Central East Region. The fun continues to continue.

Yes, I will have a TON of updates for the strategy page this week. The Outlaw team taught me a lot.

Remember a few months ago when Talayna had the fastest female “Fran” time ever recorded at 2:26?

Well, here’s Elisabeth Akinwale’s TWO TWENTY FOUR “Fran”:


Speaking of the “Large Gentlemen Athlete” – here’s his PR Snatch of 250#:

Sorry to Geof Travis. Maybe you should get the camera within a mile of you next time you PR.

Last but not least, my good buddy Wlliam Walshe, from CrossFit Ireland, with a PR Jerk of 140kg (that’s 310#, Americans). When we were in the UK I apparently said that I “hated” Will’s Jerk. This, apparently, made Will angry enough to go get really good at the lift.

You see what I did there? In the immortal words of Sergio Roma, “See? That’s it. That’s the art of it. I’m mind-fucking the shit out of you.”

WOD 120507:

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X3 Snatch @ 75% – rest 60-80 sec.
Notes: These ARE NOT touch & go reps. Reset before each rep.
2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2b) 3X3 Heaving Snatch Balances – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.


EMOM for 5 minutes 12 (kipping) HSPU.

Notes: Spend all rest time hold (farmer’s carry style) 100/70# dumbells. Make every effort to pick up the DBs immediately after your last rep of HSPU. HSPU are regional’s standard.

-Rest 10 minutes-

3 rounds for time of:

Row 500m
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
20 Absolutely Vertical KBS 24/16kg

Midline (time permitting)

1a) 2X15 Strict T2B – rest 45 sec.
1b) 2X10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.

97 responses to “120507

  1. Haha,…WTF! No love for the little guy! At least I have some sort of video of my pr claim unlike a lot of turds on forums……and,….you spelled my name right. Sweet. Im going to get 245# in your living room. Have some coffee ready.

  2. Noob Question here but “absolutely vertical” refers to path of the kettlebell or alignment of the athlete upon finishing the rep?

    • That refers to the Regionals-Standard from last year. You remember the AJ Moore incident? Absolutely vertical meens that in the top position the kettlebell has to be absolutely vertical over your head!

  3. Just wanted to check also on the EMOM, does that mean you do 6 sets of HSPU starting on 0 mins and doing the final one on 5?

      • Realising how stupid my post probably was, just meant that of you started on zero then would you do you final set of HSPU when the clock hit 5 but then that would be more than 5 mins. Apologies!!

  4. BB Gymnastics = 65kg (75%)

    Snatch Pull @ 105kg across
    Heaving Snatch Balance @ 72.5kg across

    EMOTM HSPU = 12,7,5,4,4 reps

    Conditioning = 13:17 mins

    M= 5 F= 5 S = 2

    Glad to be back on it after being away for the weekend.

  5. BB Gymnastics
    1) 5X3 Snatch @ 75kg.
    2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls @ 120kg
    2b) 3X3 Heaving Snatch Balances 1 @ 100kg, 3 @ 70kg, 2 @ 80kg

    EMOM for 5 minutes 12 (kipping) HSPU.
    Totals = 12,7,4,1,2 (40kg bars used in place of DBs for the rest period – only needed it in 1 miunute 1!)
    -Rest 10 minutes-
    3 rounds for time of:
    Row 500m
    20 Wall Balls 20/14#
    20 Absolutely Vertical KBS 24/16kg
    Time = 12:08


    MFS = 442

  6. Rudy, nice meeting you at Mid-atlantic this weekend. I look forward to following outlaw programming starting now, thanks for providing it!

  7. Snatch–100# felt really good today New Pr coming soon 🙂
    Pulls— 135/145/150
    heaving Balance—75# for all…there’s a weird body/mind disconnect…went light trying to do it correctly

    12/6/2/5/6- this ended up being a 5 min amrap of hspu

    3rds rx
    TIME 14.29

    midline later

  8. BB:
    1. 115# for all
    2a. 165# for all
    2b. 95#, 105, 105 (negatives still suck on my shoulder)

    6, 3, 4, 1, 2 (these are a HUGE weakness of mine, working on it)

    3 RNDS RX

    no time for midline

  9. BB gymnastics
    1) 135 for all
    2a) 225 for all
    2b) 135, 155, 175

    10:34 ( rows under 1:50 and all WB’s UB and KBS UB also)

    1a) completed
    1b) completed


  10. Missed Saturday’s WOD, so decided to do a little of both today

    Jerk 1RM, 225# matched my last PR, missed a 10# PR of 235# barely. Couldn’t lock out.

    BB Gymnastics
    1) 110#, did only 4×3 – tweaked my shoulder a bit in last set so decided to play it safe and did not finish BBG

    4:58 that’s a PR Fuck Yea!!
    *Gonna do today’s conditioning this afternoon.

    Also this afternoon

  11. Hey Everyone, just want to introduce myself. I’ve looked through the blog quite a bit. Heard all sorts of stuff about it and came here with a critical mind. I’m a big fan of westside stuff and smart programming in general and after reading the about I was very interested – spent some time perusing the posts and love the thinking behind it… Rudy is alright I guess. 🙂 Oh, and I love that I can say ‘fuck’ on here. I fucking love squatting.

    Some history: Placed 9th in socal regionals 2009 and 2010, ruptured achilles in the open during 2011. Spent some time in adrenal fatigue and emotional turmoil. Came out of it with a 20rep squat cycle late last year, built up to 295 then got some patella tendonitis. Proceeded with a LB belted squat cycle built up to 380/5 x 2 and a FS of 365. Placed 180 something in this years open. Sucked. But can’t really expect much as I refused to redo workouts and was in shit shape. Now looking to get back into serious training for next year… starting a few months back at the beginning of the hatch for now. Achilles is pretty much 100%. I’ve done a lot of olifting with PRs of 328CJ and 264Snatch. Post injury bests are 308/242.

    Anyway, having fun getting crushed so far. On a positive I powercleaned 280# and PP/PJ/SJ 245# day before last.

  12. BBG:
    155 for Snatch, felt good
    185 Clean Pulls, my technique felt terrible
    135 Heaving Snatch felt good except I missed one on set 3

    Conditioning: I am still working on HSPU, but strung 4 together (PR,sad I know) but worked on them for about 7 minutes and used the remaining 8 minutes to set up for the other conditioning
    13:15, used to 70# Dumbbell because I am an idiot. ~6 minutes on the rower total

  13. BBG (in #)
    132 snatch
    snatch pulls 220/240/260
    snatch balance 110/130/110

    HSPU=30 in total couldn’t keep track per round, know i hit 12 and 6 in first 2 rounds
    triplet=13:48 had to use 22.5# dumbell thrusters, no wallballs at my gym


  14. BBG:
    1. 110#
    2a. 205#
    2b. 110#

    HSPU – 12,12,7,6,4

    3rds- 13:45 had to run instead of row.

  15. BB
    1) Snatch 5×2 @ 185#
    2) Snatch Pulls 3×3 @ 235# (felt like I could drop under these)
    3) Snatch Balance 3x3x @ 185, 195, 205

    Will do remaining components later…


  16. bbg
    1) 195 no misses
    2a) 295 for all
    2b) 215 for all
    got through 12 on first minute, then 10 on second minute, then worked on getting faster at kipping for a good 10 minutes, went a bit wider and angled my thumbs in more, was easier to get through the push and into lockout.
    other conditioning
    11:24 rx

  17. BB Gymnastics
    1) 125#
    2b)145#, 165#, 145#…still working quickness on these


    11:39…UNBROKEN…transitions could have been quicker


    3×10 strict toes to bar – rest 45 sec

  18. BB gymnastics
    1) 5×3 @ 75 kg
    2a)3×3 @ 110 kg
    2b) 3×3@80 kg

    Hold the 110 kg barbell

    10 min rest


    Midline: done

  19. BBG
    1b)Back extensions
    No HSPU
    11:48 – everything unbroken

  20. Consumed a record-breaking amount of gin and cheesecake at the weekend, today needed paring down.

    1) Snatched 75kg for a bunch of triples

    2) 3 rounds:
    500m Row
    20 Wallballs
    20 KBS

    in 11:44

    3) went home.

  21. Regionals are over so back to focusing on strength. Cutting the metcons down to 2-3 per week.

    Snatch pull: 210
    balance: 145, shoulders tired

    t2b: check
    hypers on GHD: 15/25 lb

  22. BB gymnastics-

    1) Set of 155, 155, 165, 175, 175#, all went great. The first two sets went awesome so I upped the weight. 165 also felt great. 175 went OK both sets.

    2) Pulled at 205, 225, 225.

    3)Heaved at 155, 175, and 185 x2, and failed on the last rep.

    Conditioning- Spent almost the entire 5 minutes upside down on my head trying to kip. I’m not sure Rudy expected anyone to be terrible enough at Kipping HSPU’s to be on their head the whole time, but I did. If they were strict I probably would’ve been fine, the Kip is not something I’m good at on HSPU’s.

    Got 9 done in the first minute, then 5 (14 total by 2:00), then three more (17), two more (19), and the last minute I only got one (20). By this point I was seeing tunnel vision, and my face was beet red.

    WOD- tunnel vision was starting to clear just as the ten rest minutes elapsed

    Round 1- 3:44
    Round 2- 4:14 (7:58 total time)
    Round 3- 4:16 (12:14).

    Total time RX was 12:14. No time for midline today.

  23. 1) 160
    2a) 275
    2b) 145

    HSPU – 12, 8/4, Failed to get in the minute so just did to 50 – Took like 6 something…sets of 5 mostly. HSPU are just dumb.

    Cond2 – 11.30 – All UB – Rows 1.48-1.50 felts fast and smooth, rower transitions were slow in my oly shoes.

    No extra work – stretching and mob.

  24. BB gym:
    1. 95#
    2. Not done – time

    Should have known this was going to be harder than I thought it would. Worked on a super deep/big kip during last few rounds since I was so fatigued- first time to be able to do them.

    Row/wb/kb: 13:25
    Row generally at 2 min pace. Wall balls were 20 – 10/10-13/7 @10ft target. Kb were 35lb an ub.

  25. 1) 135
    2)a. 205
    b. 185
    Hspu (strict, I can’t kip and want to get strict better before I start trying) 7,4,3,2,1, in 4 minutes somehow… math upside down is harder.

    Metcon: 16:21, rows got slow, had to break up sets quite a bit towards the end.

    No midline, wanted to get home to see my wife

  26. BB-
    1) 185 for all no misses
    2) 315 across
    3) 205-215-215


    Held #110 farmers carry handles in each hand between efforts, no dumbbells around.

    Part 2- 11:04

    UB on all, rows felt slow, backs tight as shit for some reason.

    Midline- done, subbed goodmornings for hypers


  27. Haven’t posted in a while.

    Training has been going well. Can’t remember everything…

    PR’d Fran the other day on the third WOD of the night – 2:26

    Hang power clean triples on Saturday
    225,245,255,265,275 <– fuck yeah!!

    20 DU into snatch
    up to 225, failed 205 but then hit it right away.

    15 UB kipping HSPU on the minute + weighted hold

    2 Rounds of conditioning – 6:31

  28. BB Gym:
    1) 135
    2a) 195
    2b) 155 (shoulders were really sore)

    1) 5, 3, 3, 2, 1 with 100# farmers carry in between

  29. BB
    1) 115 across all
    2) 220 across all
    3) 95/105/115

    6/4/4/2/1 on MU only held weights on the first set
    14:38 on the triplet

    Midline completed

  30. Shoulder therapy
    1. built up to 70#
    2a. 115#
    2b. 45#
    Farmers carry 200m 2 pood kb no drops
    14# wb, 1 pood kb 12:51
    Midline 3 hours later

  31. My wife just bought me a pair of Nike Romaelous 2 for my b-day, I just need some feedback on how relieable/comfortable these shoes are if doing a metcon with multiple movements Oly lifts, box jumps, or DU. I was thinking of getting the Reebok Oly shoes, but everyone in the reviews just raves about them, but didnt provide any input for wods with multiple movements.

    BB Gym: Knee was hurting today so kept the movements light for tech.
    1) 115lb

    Still suck at kipping HSPU so did them strict which sucked ass
    12,10,11,6 did not do farmer carry

    Part 2: 11:31, all WB and V-KBS were UB

    1a)all done UB
    1b) dont have a RH table, used a GHD and a blue band.


    • I just got the Rogue Oly shoes, suck for everything but OLY and Powerlifting. Buddy has the Reebok Oly shoes and will do double unders in them as well

      • Thanks Webber, but I think I am going to order the Reeboks, wait for the Nike to arrive and put them to the test. I’ll just return the ones I don’t like.

  32. barbell gymnastics
    1) 100#
    2a) 245#
    2b) 95#

    did 5 sets of 10 pike HSPU

    part 2: 13:29

    midline used 60# good mornings as a sub

  33. BB Gymnastics

    11:24 UB on WB & KBS…Last Row got really slow

    1b)Used 20# vest on a GHD

  34. 1) 5X3 Snatch @ 185 – rest 60-80 sec.
    2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – 275, rest 60 sec.
    2b) 3X3 Heaving Snatch Balances – 185, rest 60 sec.


    EMOM for 5 minutes 12 HSPU.———–12,12,6,6,6
    Only time I finished in time to do the hold was round 1 and I did a 30sec BB hold @185

    -Rest 10 minutes-

    3 rounds for time of:

    Row 500m
    20 Wall Balls 20/14#
    20 Absolutely Vertical KBS 24/16kg
    12:11 Rx

  35. Training at home now so improvising is a bitch, at least my decks are close and the beer isn’t far…

    1) 125
    2) 185
    3) 135


    Blew and n/t… need to start getting a little more professional with this shit

  36. First official day following this stuff. No breaks for Regionals.
    Snatch @ 200. Complete with a few misses
    Snatch Pulls done at 275
    Heaving Snatch Balance complete with 225 across

    Conditioning: 12-12-12 a miserable last two sets

    Had to go back to work

    Tonight, 3 rounds for time: 12:12 rx brutal. Suck at metcons

  37. BB Gymnastics –
    1. 155#
    2. a.) 235#
    b.) 155#

    Conditioning –

    HSPU – 1-3 unbroken, 4 done, round 5 only got 6 in the minute

    Part II – 11:19

  38. BBG:
    1) 135
    2a) 245
    2b)115 (too light)


    11:03 (No rower. 400m runs instead.)


    12:02 (400m runs)

    We both forgot to do midline. Try to make it up later in the week.

  39. Barbell Gymnastics:
    1) 160 lbs
    2a) 225 lbs for all
    2b) 165 lbs, 175 lbs, 185 lbs- could’ve gone a lot higher

    Handstand Push-ups:
    Got 12 in about 20 secs, then 11 the next min, and so it just became an AMRAP of HSPUs in 5 mins. I ended with 35 total.

    10:27 Rx’d. This was a lot worse than it looked on paper.

    No time

  40. 1) 5X3 Snatch- Worked up to 75%- 95, 115, 135, 135, 145

    2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls –All done at 225#
    2b) 3X3 Heaving Snatch Balances- 95, 115, 135


    EMOM for 5 minutes 12 (kipping) HSPU.
    1- Fell off wall, 4- (PR), 1, 2, 2

    -Rest 10 minutes-

    3 rounds for time of:
    400m Run
    20 Pistols
    50 Double Unders
    Had to switch some things due to equipment that was available- 11:09

    Midline- Skipped

      • Webber- Look at your set up position. You have long legs and your hips are down too low with your knees straight ahead and pushed out over the bar. This is something Rudy fixed on me and changed my snatch world in one day. Stop jumping and get extended on your second pull.

      • Thanks EA, my background is kind of like yours, strong legs from powerlifting movements and college athletics, but never done any Oly lifting. I will work on it and hopefully hit some new PR’s soon.

  41. BB Gymnastics
    1) 155,155,155,165,165
    2a) 225×3
    2b) 165, 175f, 175f
    upper back hurts when holding the bar overhead. Kinda weird, I might have to get that checked out.

    all rounds of hspus finished. first round in 12 seconds last round in just under 60. used 2pood kb for holds

    part 2- 11:39, this felt terrible. Worse than fran the other day. Wallballs and rowing are two of my worst movements and the kb actually felt heavy which was weird. Redlined pretty hard on that last set of swings.

    midline- ttbs done

  42. What a fucking shit show today.
    1) 175
    Too many fails. Last two sets no fails.
    2a) 225
    2b) 205 215 215f
    Felt heavy!! Fucking shoulders didn’t want to work.
    12 12 12 9 8

  43. BB gymnastics
    5×3 Snatches @ 75%- 140lb
    3×3 Snatch Pulls- 185lb
    3×3 Heaving Snatch Balance- 155, 160, 160

    HSPU- finished the last set after the time limit, need to work on my kip


    T2B-had to break up the second set into 7 and 8
    No reverse hypers

  44. BBG
    1) 197×5 All of these felt great. Fucking pumped about the Snatch Ladder on Sunday
    2a) 263, 274×2 felt like I could have gotten 263 over my head
    2b) 185, 205(2), 225 these felt really good bar got out of position on the 3rd rep of 205

    HSPU – 12, 10, 7, 6, 5 I suck at HSPU and I always will. Its just fact

    Changed up the wod a little. Did 10 Snatches w/ 100# Db instead of KBS
    Felt pretty good on this one, just picked a steady pace and went. Rows around 1:45-1:48

  45. Snatches @ 145
    Snatch Pulls @ 225
    Heaving @ 185

    5 HSPU EMOM.

    3RFT – 12:47

    Midline done.

  46. Snatch: 135#x3, 135#x3, 140#x3, 140#x3, 145#x3, (pushed the weight a bit above 75% with 140 an 145#);
    SN Pull: 245# all 3 sets
    SN Balance: 155#x3, 165#x3 (missed once), 170#x3 (missed once)
    HSPU: 10, 6, 4, 4, 6
    Metcon: 12:34, row is an achilles heel, all 3 rounds wall ball unbroken, KBS,14/6, 16/4, 16/4; need to push beyond mental barrier to finish last movement of any combination unbroken.

  47. BBG
    1) 155
    2a) 135, 155×3
    2b) 225, 245×3

    5 min of HSPU work

    No Midline


  48. Snatch were at 125# for sets 1-3 and then 135# for sets 4 and 5.
    Snatch Pulls were at 225#
    Heaving were at 155#
    HSPU 12,2,3,4,2
    Conditioning: 10:27 Unbroken on WB and KB Swings
    Midline done

  49. Snatch: 117 all sets
    Snatch pull: 175 all sets
    Snatch balance: 100, 120, 120

    Conditioning: Team WOD 6!!!

  50. BB Gymnastics

    1) 150#
    2a) 235#
    2b) 165#


    EMOM for 5 minutes 12 (kipping) HSPU.


    3 rounds for time of:

  51. snatch 165 175 175 185
    snatch pull 225 225 235
    snatch balance 185 205 225X1

    HSPU 12 12 5 4 5. Diane is gonna suck
    Conditioning 11:01

  52. 1) 170# (from blocks)
    2a) 295# across
    2b) 195# across (still feel like crap… trying to get my shoulder and shoulder blade to open up)

    HSPUs – eh.

    Conditioning – 10:45… eh.

    M/F/S – 1/5/5

  53. 1) 115, wrist is still tender and weak

    2a) 225,225,245
    2b) 95 for all sets – (see#1)

    HSPU- 8, 5, 4, 4, 2- First time doing these fuckers in a while and it showed…weak sauce

    Conditioning – 14:15-meh

    Slow, should have been high 12 min’ish. Rested too much between WB & KB during the first two rounds.

  54. Bb gymnastics
    1) 155# for the first 4 sets then on the last I went 165#
    2a) 205#
    2b) 205# this is one thing I really need to work on I drop fast but I have a hard time catching it in the bottom I always drop it forward.

    Got all HSPU fairly easy except last set
    8:13 on the second part
    . The row machine really fucked me over I would hop on and start rowing an it wouldn’t count for the first 10 secs then it was set up in different unit so I ha to change it in the middle of the 200 m this happened every time except the first obviously.

  55. bb gymnastics
    1) 135
    2a) 185,195,195
    2b) 155,170,180(2 rep) I failed the last rep cause my left shoulders is tweaky
    No HSPU because i freaking forgot

  56. BBG:
    1.) 145
    2a.) 225
    2b.) 145

    I did a previous Outlaw wod with our box – –
    Pistols (Alternating)
    Handstand Push Ups
    Over-the-Box Burpees (Regional Standards)
    8:39 (hspu got bad, real bad)

  57. BB Gymnastics

    1) 155lbs

    EMOM for 5 minutes 12 (kipping) HSPU. Royally sucked! Ended up doing 30 total.

    Conditioning: 10:51

  58. Snatch 5 x 3 = 130lb, 135lb, 135lb, 135lb, 145lb

    Snatch Pull 3 x 3 = 225lb, 225lb, 225lb

    Snatch Balance 3 x 3 = 140lb, 155lb, 155lb

    EMOM 5 min 12 HSPU = 12, 12, 9, 6, 6

    Conditioning = 12:19 KB swings at 70lb cuz it’s more fun that way 🙂

    2 x 15 strict T2B, check
    2 x 10 reverse hyper, check

    This shit is rad. We need to find some way to get some version of Outlaw programming into every middle school and high school in the country. Heavy snatches and 12 minute METCON could easily save the next generation from turning in apathetic, gooey lumps of adipose tissue. Thanks for all you do, keep it coming!

  59. BB Gymnastics:
    1. 90#
    2a. 135
    2b. 75 Did 2a and 2b at the end of training.

    HSPU: 12, 12 (took the whole time so moved to band, then did to failure in round 4 and 5), 12 with band, 6 with band, 9 with band (held 70# KB)
    13:30ish transitions killed me.
    Row 2:00, 2:10, 2:20
    All Wallball and KB unbroken

    Did GH raise instead of Reverse Hyper, no weight

    MFS 2/5/2 Sternum still hurts. Dr. says only time and rest will heal it.

  60. BBG
    1. Snatches 155, 155, 160, 160, 165
    2a. Snatch Pulls 205, 215, 225
    2b. Snatch Bal 185, 195, 205 failed 3rd rep
    HSPU 5 sets max unbroken 9,8, 7, 6, 5
    Row, wallball, KB 11:44
    No midline

  61. 1st official day following. Been stalking for a LOOOOOOONG TIME.

    1. 62.5 kg (really working on technique and today was best in a long time)
    2a. 95kg
    2b. 75kg

    HSPU: 12, 8, 4, 6, 6 (round three something quite strange happened in my shoulder)
    Conditioning: only 1 rower at the gym so three of us switched out; no real time.
    Midline: no time.

  62. BBG:
    1) 110#
    2a) 155%, 165#, 175#.
    2b) 135#, 145#, 145#.

    EMOM-I was only able to get to the Farmer’s carry hold once.

    3 rounds-7:55 (I forgot to do the rows!!!) I’ve already cock punched myself for not doing them.

    1a) Couldn’t do them UB
    1b) 15# db, 20# db, Could definitely go heavier next time. Maybe by then I’ll have my reverse hyper fixed.

  63. 1)150#
    2b)185,185,195×2 * dropped 1st rep on 3rd set reset then did 2

    EMOM HSPU- 12,5,5,4,3

    3 rds 11:09
    sub’d 400 m run since I did not have access to a rower
    used 25# slamball it was that or a 14# med ball

    2 rd 15x t2B
    10x GHR 25#


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