>Once upon a time Caleb Williams squatted 722# at a BW of 148.5#. Yesterday he did a 335# Hang Clean & Jerk at a BW around 152#. He also has the 69kg American Record in the Clean & Jerk at 166kg, and was tied for 15th in the world on 13.5 with a total of 220 reps.

Now your job is to put two and two together.

Caleb Williams – 152kg (335#) Hang-Clean & Jerk:


WOD 130621:


Smolov 1/3 – Click Here for Smolov Calculator

HBBS 8X4 @ 80% – rest at least 2 minutes


5 minute KB Snatch Test @ 24/16kg for total reps.

*Note: The goal of this test is to perform Snatches for the entire 5:00 unbroken. You may switch hands at any time, but the final rep count should be evenly split between both arms. These are “Russian style” Snatches, where the KB returns to the hang position (between the legs) between each rep. If you ask if they have to touch the floor “The Enforcer” will be sent to your home.

215 responses to “130621

  1. LOL surely no one would be so stupid as to ask that. Anyway- are these full squat KB snatches or power-KB snatches?

  2. it turns out that i have minor hip tears, theyre not that severe but i still have to take a lot of time off. such an unfortunate situation but im still 17 and have a lot of time ahead

  3. Big shout out to DESERT VALLEY CROSSFIT in Mesa, AZ- after hitting up about 4 other CF boxes and getting denied, these guys let me in and let me continue my outlaw way program while down for my master’s program institute. They were so gracious… and bad ass! Just a big thanks!

  4. Strength) 140kg really smooth, nice bounce out of the bottom

    Cond) 110 reps unbroken throughout the entire 5mins. Broke into 5’s. 55 reps each side. Had a good rhythm going with 10 reps every 30secs. First time doing this test so didn’t wanna push too hard that I would drop the KB but there is plenty of room for more reps.

    • HBBS were supposed to be 240#, however, I had to scale to 225# after 3 sets…still had to fight for all those.

      For the test I followed your example and tried to go smooth in sets of 5 per arm. Came out with 65 reps…far from great, but I stayed solid and relatively unbroken.

  5. Guys i’m new here, a little help please…I know this might sounds rediculous, but what is a HBBS? Thanks for the help

  6. 1 – 325. More mental than anything.
    2. 109 Reps. Put it down once for chalk cuz it was slipping.

    I also just live in Korea and am not Korean. FYI

  7. Smolov) 8×4 @ 113kg

    Cond) Ran out of time, but instead did the WOD from my box (Fran) after the last class finished.. PB’d too.

  8. Strength: 235# smooth and comparatively easier than day 1

    Conditioning: 54@55# (that sucked)

    M/F/S: 1/3/4


  9. Sever hamstring spasm on wed left me disabled and envious of all you guys who were able to squat today and on wed…cant workout much at all and now i, left to question my very existence…who am i!!!

  10. M/37/210
    HBBD 8×4 @ 320
    Felt strong. Really tried to focus on rapid pace of squats, not resting to much at top. 1st 3 reps felt smooth and fast 4th rep each time was unpleasant.
    KB snatch 120 even. Doing some Internet searching saw some beasts pulling close to 200 reps. Much respect to those folks. I did 20 UB reps each hand, felt challenging but able to maintain pace!!

  11. 1 hr sleep!
    Army APFT AM … Only thing worth tracking was the 13.27 2 mile.

    1) 300
    Cond) 102


  12. Strength:
    -@315, 1 miss, made it up at end

    -KBS Snatch test (53lbs) RX’d
    -105 reps (didn’t put it down)

  13. HBBS 200
    COND-83 AT 20KG shoulder was iffy. then did 25 with 24KG should have trusted my power, not happy

  14. 1) 8×4 @ 285lb – all good no misses

    Cond: 102 @ 55lb
    Goal was at least 100 so somewhat happy with that

  15. Squat @ 225

    Cond: 69 reps @53#… I live in panhandle FL and the gym is an open air facility, had to chalk up twice otherwise the KB would have turned into a projectile and didn’t feel like being questioned for murder this morning!

  16. Strength: 310 8X4 no misses

    Cond: 72 reps.. need to do more KB snatches. This is my third time ever doing them. Unbroken though

  17. 117.5kg – no misses
    77 snatches – took rest between switching arms, shouldn’t have done this, couldve easily gotten 90 or even 100, wasn’t really tired after the 5 mins

  18. HBBS Done at 290#. Hardest set yet!
    104 Snatches, too many breaks, should have done more.

    Ready to rest Friday and do more squats Saturday…bring it.

  19. Str: All @ 205# (2 no reps which I made up at the end.)

    100 total reps rx’d
    (Did way better on this portion than I expected, ripped the heck out of my hands though.)

  20. Adam Kubo
    Strength = 275
    Conditioning = 86 … I did “Annie” 5 minutes prior to it. No excuse though, that is a shitty rep total.

  21. Strength: 115# (form is improving every day)
    Conditioning: 65 reps (35# dumbbell snatches, no KB)

  22. 1. 260 no fails hips were not warmed up haha
    2. 70 UB, 110 reps total, was not as hard as i thought but i tore a little in the hands

  23. 1) HBBS 155
    2) KB Snatch 134reps @16kg , should of used 20kg, tried 24 was comfortable for high reps.

  24. Smolov
    Hbbs 8×4 at 295# some how legs felt worst then for the 7×5 even after rest… Weird … Cannot wait to see for tomorrow

    Snatch test – 82 reps total with out dropping the kb and as unbroken As I could with the grip slowly breaking down

  25. smolov 8×4 at 285# legs are feeling better than i expected. rolling lots seems to help.
    kb snatch – 106 reps. no drop, switching hands every 5 reps, helped to save my grip.

  26. Strength:
    Done @ 365 lbs

    118 Reps

    Broke a few times – worried about tearing my carnie hands and ruining their pungent cabbage aroma. They just barely healed up from regionals and I am competing in my first weightlifting meet tomorrow.

  27. HBBS 8X4 @ 80% – rest at least 2 minutes
    275 for 2 sets, then failed rep 4 of set 3
    then 255 for the last 5 sets.

    5 minute KB Snatch Test @ 24/16kg for total reps.
    78 reps- Did not put KB down. Went sets of 3. Not winded but form starting to break down on left hand.

  28. 12 Mile Ruck March this morning. Thought I’d make it through to today’s WOD but I’m a big baby…

  29. 26/165#

    1/1/3 (back left of left knee feels tweaked from those GHDs)

    Squats: 80% of 315# @ 252.5#
    250×2; 255×4; 250×2 – Mean of 252.5#

    5 min. AMRAP KB Snatches:
    101 @ 26kg (10, 10, 5’s to close)
    Not winded, hands felt close to ripping, maintained form

  30. HBBS: 305. Oddly easier than Wednesdays.

    Snatch test: 94. Did 5’s each arm and switched. Only put it down once at about 3 minutes.

  31. Due to unforseen work conditions, was unable to complete my work out today.

    I know dumbass noob, do the program or gtfo blah blah blah, but seriously, for the smolov jr, is it better to skip this day all together or play catchup tomorrow/sunday with no rest day for monday.

    Or should I just look up the “do what the fuck you wanna do” video for myself.

  32. smolov – @ 213 (accidentally did 85%, and I was like, this is really fucking hard. yeah, no kidding)

    KB Snatch Test – 105. hubby is a RKC, and would probably divorce me if I didn’t get 100.

  33. Back Squat 8×4@235 – felt strong
    KB Snatch RX-50 big VA Jay Jay, exposed a chink in my armor

  34. 1) @ 326

    2) No time. Lifting in a meet tomorrow. Also found out my team is going to the Games this year. Crazy.

  35. Squats felt terrible so tired and weak. Need to be better tomorrow.

    Squat 270
    KB Snatch 103…had a moment say 15 th 20 seconds where I just did kb swings to recover the shoulders. Not sure if this is allowed or itended but i figure it better than setting it down

  36. A) Squats @ 290#.

    B) 66 reps. May have paced this too much. Should’ve gone harder. Unbroken, bell never touched the floor.

  37. HBBS 285# and 295# on the last set

    KB 91 reps. Started out with sets of 10, switched to sets of 5 after 40 reps

  38. HBBS – 225# (off of 280)

    Have a home gym with only a 40lbs and a 60lbs kettlebell. Did 60lbs for the first 2:30 and 40lbs for the second 2:30.

    92 reps total – 30/62

  39. KB snatches five minutes #35 kb 140 reps. I did 20 each side then 15’s then 10’s. I felt great and wanted to go for ten minutes. 🙂 I have loved this programming the last two weeks and can’t wait to get stronger. #215 on back squats and it felt great.

  40. 1) 8 sets of 4 @ 180, took about 25 minutes
    2) 52 reps Rx, spent more time lowering the kettlebell and controlling it than doing the snatch movement

  41. HBBS

    245#. Felt smooth


    16kg 80 reps
    55# didn’t feel like I would be able to go unbroken

  42. HBBS 8×4@80, 108kg done
    5min KB snatch, 88 @ 24kg rx. should have had more, last time doing this ripped my hands to pieces so was slow getting into it.

  43. HBBS 8x4x82,5kg done, pretty hard in the end, not my day I guess!
    5 min. KB snatch, 70x24kg, could have done 5 or 6 more!

  44. m/34/5’8″/175lb
    HBBS – 8×4@245#
    Cond – 80 reps, should have gone a little faster on this one

  45. Str: 140kg. Each set was nonstop, no pauses between reps
    Cond: 55# DB (no KB’s) 90 reps (did a reverse ladder with each arm starting at 10 and made it to sets of 5 before I ran out of time)

  46. M/26/5’7/175#

    Smolov: 8×4 @ 235#

    Cond: 86 kb snatches @ 24kg

    Rechalked a bunch really hot and humid
    In the gym so it felt like it was slipping.

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