Instead of making the return voyage to DC on a comfortable train and sipping a nice glass of Chablis while writing this post (I have no clue what a “Chablis” is, by the way. I just thought it sounded bourgie.), I’m currently in the front seat of our loaner car typing away on my phone. Why, you ask…?

Because I wanted PF Chang’s.

Before you make fun, remember: PF Chang’s has an extensive gluten-free menu and possible the best Mongolian Beef on earth. So… I decided I wanted to partake in some of Mr. Chang’s delights before embarking on an 18-hour train ride. The inherent problem with stopping at a restaurant, in a mall, for lunch, with a baby, and ordering 15 courses, is that shit makes you late. So we missed the train, and now we’re driving; all the way from Florida to DC.

Oops. My bad.

It’s ok though; we got a refund on the train and the loaner is a sweet BMW. Also, there’s plenty of Wendy’s along the way if I need a paleo meal.

Here’s a post on the Naples Training Camp from our Titin BAMF of the week, Noah “Little Turd” Ohlsen.


And here’s the Thoroughbred’s take on “Poo-Poo Head Burpees“.


Lauren Brooks almost killed herself in Naples, and here’s her recap. But she may have also invented a new lift. It’s called the “Pee-Pee, On the Knee, TGU, Duck-Walk, Clean.” You should NEVER try it; unless you’re into that.


Pretty sweet that I got “pee-pee” and “poo-poo” into one post. Beat that, Kelly Starrett.

WOD 120228:


1) Back Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 1X5 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 75% – rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets.
2a) 4X5 STRICT Weighted Chest to Ring Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

Notes: These should be performed with a false grip, even if you do not normally use a false grip for Muscle-Ups. Also, try to pause for 2 counts when the ring makes contact with the chest. If you cannot perform these with weight just use BW. UB sets are not necessary. Use a band if necessary to complete all reps.

2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 1X5 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.


*The 3 AMRAPs should be performed as one continuous WOD.

4 minute AMRAP of:

1 Rope Climb 15′
8 Hang Squat Snatch 115/75#

2 minute AMRAP of:

Row for Meters

6 minute AMRAP of:

6 Strict HSPU (Regionals standard)
12 KBS 32/24kg (vertical standard)

*Rest 10 minutes.

Run 1 mile @ 95% pace.

100 responses to “120228

  1. Ok seriously what the fuck is up with these pictures? I feel like it’s 1992 again and I’m trying to watch the blurred out images on the porno channels trying to make out a tit.

  2. Damn. The camps look like they keep getting better and better. Everytime I read a blog about one of these camps I wish I moved east long ago. Hopefully someone on the west coast, Vegas would be ideal, takes interest. Too bad the only things that come to Vegas are shitty weather, foreigners and music acts that should have retired long ago.
    /end rant/

    • I’m sure a camp is more likely to go to Vegas than to come up to Canadia as some lovely Americans thought it was called in Vail.

      Actual conversation had in Vail:
      “So where are you guys from?”
      “Why don’t you guess?”
      “Give you a hint… it’s north of North Dakota.”
      “So like… Florida?”
      *Face Palm

      But they had Guinness on tap there so I let it slide.

  3. Strength:
    1. LBBS 150, 165, 175, 190
    2a. 5# for all sets (unbroken)
    2b. FS 135, 145, 155, 155

    4 min AMRAP – 4 rounds
    2 min AMRAP – 445 meters
    6 min AMRAP – 2 rounds + 4 HSPU

    Mile: 7:24

    M/F/S 2/5/8 (body is beat, especially shoulders, lats, elbows)

  4. 1) 242, 264, 286, 308
    2a) 0, 22, 22, 11
    2b) 198, 215, 231, 231

    Did the first AMRAP and then rowed for 30 sec and stopped. Felt totally wasted today and decided to skip the medcon. Need rest…


  5. Conditioning

    *The 3 AMRAPs should be performed as one continuous WOD.

    4 minute AMRAP of:

    1 Rope Climb 15′
    8 Hang Squat Snatch 115/75#

    3 Rounds + 2 snatch

    2 minute AMRAP of:

    Row for Meters


    6 minute AMRAP of:

    6 Strict HSPU (Regionals standard)
    12 KBS 32/24kg (vertical standard)

    3 Rounds + 3 HSPU

    Hang snatches felt pretty solid. Could feel the bar brushing past my forehead on a few reps Went UB first round, then 4-4. 4;2;2. Row was just a gasser, spent about 30 seconds on the transition. KB swings at the end crushed me, had to break em from the start. too much time looking at the bell on this one.

    No time for run.

  6. 1: 215,230,250,265
    2a: 40 across the board
    2b: 155,170,180,180

    Conditioning: 3 rounds, 481 m, 2+1

    Mile: 6:03.7
    That’s a 1:00 PR…an entire minute – Fuck Yeah.

    1/1/1 – snatches felt phenominal and so did the run

  7. 1) 155, 165, 185, 195

    2a) BWT
    2b) 135, 145, 160, 160

    Went through this with a slowish pace. Shoulders still crazy fatigued from 12.1 on Sun night. Rope climbs have improved by a ton.

    4 min = 2 + 6 HSS
    Row = 377 (got on the rower at 4:22. Slow transition.)
    6 min = 3 + 3 HSPU
    Run = 8:48

    Didn’t rest full 6 min before run b/c of needing to get back to coach the 11:30. Wasn’t looking forward to the run, but it actually felt really good. Didn’t quite run at 95% pace.

  8. 1)200-215-230x2sets
    2a) no weight
    4)subbed 1600m row due to snow-6:46

  9. Fun! big girl KB with the vertical standard…again…lets see if I can keep my composure this time! Hoping it will make a difference that my grip wont be toasted from ohs and ttb this time.

  10. 1. 230, 250, 270, 290 (felt light and fast!)
    2a. All sets ub BW, (held “transition point of MU” for 2-3s).
    2b. 185, 205, 215, 215

    Rope/HSS: 1+6 snatches
    Row: 520m
    HSPU/KBS: 4r+6 HSPU

    Mile: 6’33min

    Weird day. Shoulders wasnt liking snatches at all and I messed up my usually good rope climb technique by starting from a seated pos (we have 12feet ropes). Rowing didn’t feel as bad as usual and all of a sudden my shoulders was alive again! Everything UB until last HSPU (3/3).
    Running, well went out on the mark of 10min rest, had to stop after 300m with both calves cramping. Went back, stretched and drank rehydrate and then went out again 20min later. No where close to 95% pace, was too afraid of cramping, BUT running feels really good right now.

    MFS 3/5/7

  11. 1) 230, 250, 270, 290
    2a) 16, 20, 16,16 kg lost false grip after 3 so had to drop and reset
    2b) 185, 200, 215

    1) did 2 11′ rope climbs – 3 rds + 1 snatch
    2) 497m
    3) 3 + 5 HSPU

    Mile) 5:45 didn’t find my legs until last 400….splits 1:30, 1:28, 1:25, 1:22

  12. 1) 90kg – 97kg – 105kg – 112kg
    2a)10kg – 10kg – 10kg – 10kg
    2b)75kg – 80kg – 87.5kg – 87.5kg

    4 min AMRAP
    1+2 (Subbed rope climbs with 4 strict pullups and couldnt drop the weights)
    2 min AMRAP
    6 min AMRAP
    4 rnds +2 HSPU

    Run 1 mile = Dont know how long, went hard !

  13. 1) 245, 265, 285, 315

    2a) All body weight with 2 second pause at top
    2b) 205, 225, 245*2

    1) 4 rounds + 1 rope climb
    2) 631 meters
    3) 3 rounds +4 HSPU (only 1st round strict)

    -rest 5 minutes bc of time

    4) 6:15 mile


  14. 3 Rounds – Snatches were all from a dead stop, back pissy and just out of physical therapy on it
    533m – weak sauce
    4 rounds, 1 DB Clean, subbed 20Kg DB HPC for the KB – gay back.

  15. 1) 175/190/205/220
    2a) 25# weighted vest
    2b) 145/155/165/165

    3 rds (scaled to 95# power snatches as hips are hurting)
    3 rds plus 3 reps

    8.05 on run

  16. 1) 255, 275, 295, 315
    2a) 25#, 30#, 25#, 25#
    2b) 195, 210, 225, 225

    Trying to get caught up after the Oly Course this weekend.
    Did yesterday’s Pain threshold training…heading back in later tonight for today’s conditioning.

    Conditioning – 120227

    0:57 all UB
    1:02 (2 break in double unders)
    1:00 (1 break in double unders)
    1:00 all UB

    Total working time 3:59

  17. 1) 205, 225, 245, 265
    2a) 10, 20, 25, 25
    2b) 185, 195, 205, 205

    4 min AMRAP(subbed 5 pullups for rope): 2 + 4 hang squat snatch
    2 min Row: 550m
    6 min AMRAP: 2 + 6 + 6 KBS
    Used 25lb and 10lb hi-temp plates + abmat

    Run 1 Mile: 6:00 flat (PR)

    Had a good pace going. Previous is 6:05. So close to sub 6 mile.

    MFS: 2/3/6

    Pretty sore just from getting back into it after a week off.

  18. Gotta put my 2 cents in and say that the Florida camp was incredible. Couldn’t have asked for a better location, group of athletes, or program (aside from maybe the burpees).

    If you have been following this site and enjoy it, GO TO A CAMP. I managed to hit 2 longtime-goal PRs (225# snatch and 305# clean) simply by being in that environment… and that was after not going heavy on those lifts in months. And even though Rudy’s been my coach since ’08, I still learned a lot.

    On a completely-unrelated note — the Heath, TX camp is approaching in a few weeks. Just throwing that out there…

    1) 265, 285, 305, 325
    2a) 16# vest (lats are WRECKED)
    2b) 235, 255, 275, 295

    1) 4 rds + 1 snatch
    2) 520m (or so)
    3) 3rds + 3 HSPU (on fists… 305# clean kinda messed up my wrist in a different way…

    Didn’t have time for the run

    M/F/S – 1/4/8 (hoooooly sore)

  19. 1) 245,265,285,305#
    2a) BW
    2b) 195,210, 230,230

    1) 4 rounds + 2 snatch
    2) 510m
    3) 3 rounds +3 HSPU

    Run: 5:49

    I would love to see a camp come out to NorCal!

  20. 1. 220-240-255-275
    2a. 20# vest all the way through
    2b. 165-180-195-195 (these weights are feeling easy, which i guess means my FS has increased, i reckon?)

    1. 3 rounds even (i thought i messed my clock up and paused to fix it. totally jacked my time and rounds up)
    2. 510
    3. 5 +6+8 (wanted 6, but wasted too much time)

    *I attended Jeff Martone’s new Advanced Kettlebell Cert this past weekend, and a new technique to Kettlebell movements improved my swing power and efficiency tremendously. The bell was flying to vertical position with little effort and my cycle rate was pretty quick, as well. Everyone should attend one of his certs. Phenomenal!

  21. 1) 180,195,210,225
    2a) 20# vesst for all
    2b) 155, 175, 180

    4min: 3+4 HSS
    2min: 597meters
    6min: 3+6 HSPU (all strict)

    Mile: 5:59 (felt easy…?) done on a 200m out and back.

    Felt really good today.

  22. 1.) 125-135-155-155
    2a.) BW-10-15-10
    2b.) 115-120-135-135


    1.) 2 + 4 Snatch
    2.) 400m
    3.) 3 + 3 HSPU

    No run today, this was day 5 for me since I re-did 12.2 on Sunday at the last minute. My body feels heavy and beat down. Resting and acupuncture tomorrow and Thursday.

  23. Strength:
    1) 225, 240, 260, 275 (felt fast and light)
    2a) 22.5, 27.5, 27.5, 27.5
    2b) 190, 205, 220, 220 (also fast and light, haven’t maxed either BS or FS in a while)

    1) 3+5 snatch
    2) 501m
    3) 3+1 hspu (strict w/45lb plates and abmat – felt brutal on this one for some reason)

    Mile: 7:09. Did a terrible job figuring out what 95% was… ended up going at like 75-80% until I wised up with 400m left. Oh well, next time.


  24. Day 2 of Outlaw:

    1) 245, 275, 295, 305
    2a) bodyweight–on a bard, pauses got pretty ugly
    2b) 185, 205, 225, 225

    1) 3+4 snatches (subbed 5 inward grip pullups for the RC)
    2) subbed a lot of SDHP
    3) 4 rounds +2 HSPU

    7:30 run

    Feel, good, not as sore as I’d thought.

  25. 1) 240, 260, 280, 300
    2a) bw, 20# weight vest for the rest
    2b) 200, 220, 235×2

    4 min amrap 1+19 reps, subbed jumping towel pull ups, have no rope yet
    2 min amrap 512 meters in 1:45 took 15 sec to transition
    6 min amrap 3+3 reps
    Mile in the snow was fun but slow, focused on pose posture and technique so that I wouldn’t slip 8:59

  26. 1 – 110, 120, 130, 140kg
    2a – all at bodyweight but held at the top
    2b – 85, 92.5, 100, 107.5kg
    3 rounds + 6 reps
    ~421m (slow transition and rower start up)
    2 rounds + 15 reps
    Rest enough time to change shoes…
    Run 800m = 3:33

  27. Well today’s been a great day!

    1: 255/275/295/345
    2:a: 25# across board
    502(took 10-15 sec to get screen on)
    5:54 mile huge PR!!! Never gone below 6 min mile!

  28. Strength

    1) Back Squats: 1X5 @ 90kg, 1Ă—5 @ 97.5kg, 1X5 @ 105kg, 1X5 @ 112.5kg

    2a) 4X5 STRICT Weighted Chest to Ring Pullups – @ Bodyweight.

    2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60kg, 1Ă—5 @ 65kg, 1X5 @ 70kg, 1X5 @ 70kg


    2 Rnds + 3 Snatches @ 52.5kg

    Row = 528m

    2 Rnds Exactly @ Strict throughout- shoulders screwed need to get better at these as rely too much on kip

    Run 1 mile = 6:33

  29. Back in again for today’s conditioning.
    Got going and didn’t have much gas in the tank…..

    AMRAP 1 – 3 rounds + 5 snatches (felt better as they went on….)
    AMRAP 2 – 480m. Took some time to get in and turn on screen, this is where I hit a wall…
    AMRAP 3 – 4 rounds + 3 hspu. Didnt have someone watching the KB. Surely a few no reps in there…

    Mile – 5:30 (PR is 5:11)
    Hurt quite a bit, but went for it.

  30. First of all, this shit works!!!!!! I have had one of the best training days of my life and it was all because of a freaking 1 mile run! Never thought in a million years I would say that because I suck so bad at running. This programming is amazing and has made me into such a better athlete. THANK YOU!! See below.

    1) 150, 165, 180, 190
    2a) no weight, 10#, 15#, 20# all unbroken might should have gone heavier bc never went to failure
    2b) 150, 165, 175, 175

    4 min: 3 rounds + 1rc+ 6 hss. Should have gotten 4 rounds but lost my grip at 6 and it fell out of my hands. Ugh
    2 min: 300 m went to easy on this to save for last 6 mins
    6 mins: 5 rounds + 6 HSPU. HSPU were easy, grip was hurting on kbs. All vertical and regional standard.

    Rest roughly 8-10 mins

    Run 1 mile at 95%: 7:48!!
    Ok so I don’t know if I gave said this but I freaking SUCK at running. I don’t think I have ever ran a sub 8 minute mile in my whole life even through gymnastics and cheerleading!!
    I went at about 90-95% and I actually felt great and did not die while doing it!!

    So if anyone doubts this training for one second, do NOT!! I have been following since DEC 26 and i have given Rudy my full confidence and followed the programming exactly and it’s amazing the results! Sorry for all the exclamation points but I am super excited.

    MFS- 2, 5, 4 Awesome day!! Fuck yeah!!

  31. Schedule was jacked today, but it worked out.

    Elizabeth (did with class to make up for Sat.): 7:46 PR from 11:12 in Nov.

    1)155,165,180,190 Based on 255, easy.
    2a)10X2,20X2 w/ pause at top.
    2b)135,145,160,160 Based on 225, average.


  32. Back Squat 240, 260, 280, 300
    Ring Pull Ups- BW x 5 for 4 sets, best I could with the set up I have.
    Front Squats 185, 195, 210, 210

    Worked out at home. Due to equipment issues and logistics, did yesterdays conditioning with DB Thrusters 45#, and Dead Hang Pull ups (bar is too low to kip). 2 min rest in between.
    11:17 total working time

  33. 1. 195/205/225/235
    2a. 80(2reps)/60(4reps)/40/40
    2b. 155/165/175/175

    1. 2rnds + 1 Rope
    2. 520
    3. 4rnds + 6 HSPU

    Did the run early AM, didn’t time it.


  34. Strength

    1) Back Squats: 120, 130, 140, 150
    2a) 4X5 STRICT Weighted Chest to Ring Pullups – 10 pound vest
    2b) Front Squats: 85, 90, 95, 95


    4 minute AMRAP of:

    1 Rope Climb 15′
    8 Hang Squat Snatch 115/75#
    2 rounds plus 1 climb (I was stoked about this because I am just learning how to snatch, and 75 was my 3RM the other day…so 16 of these makes me pretty happy)

    2 minute AMRAP of:

    Row for Meters
    499 meters

    6 minute AMRAP of:

    6 Strict HSPU (Regionals standard)
    12 KBS 32/24kg (vertical standard)
    3 rounds plus 3 HSPU

    Run 1 mile @ 95% pace.
    6:30 (happy with this…PR is 6:03 and I haven’t been running in months…so this seems good for after all of the previous wods…legs were on fire!!!)

    Quick question….what is the regionals standard for guys HSPU and girls HSPU? Is it the same?

  35. If there was ever any doubt in my mind about the programming, then it was completely obliterated this weekend in Naples. Some serious beasts down there. It was a blast to be surrounded by that many regional & games level competitors.

    1) 225, 235, 245, 255 (first time ever doing true low bar back squats)
    2a) BW
    2b) 295, 205, 215, 215

    3 rds even (done with 75lbs)
    540 meters
    4 rds + 6 HSPU (done with 1 abmat)

    1st time doing sq snatches since the injury, felt good.

    mile: 7:30. ouch.

    MFS: 1/3/4 (still sore as hell in the abs from this weekend).

  36. BS: 215-235-255-270

    2a. Bdy Wt-20#-20#-Bdy Wt
    2b. 185-195-215-215


    A. 4 Rounds
    B. 560m (lost so much time getting in and out)
    C. 3 + 10 swings (slow swings due to immaculate reps)

    1 mile run: 6:22 (legs felt heavy 1/2 way through)

    Midline: (done from yesterday)
    a. 20#
    b. 95# Good Mornings
    c. done

  37. 1) 200, 220, 235, 250- been feeling really heavy lately, even on light sets
    2a) No weight for all 4 sets
    2b) 165, 180, 195 x 2

    #1- 2 rounds + 1 Rope Climb
    #2- subbed Double-Unders- got 100
    #3- 2 rounds
    Shoulders had nothing!

  38. 1) 260, 280, 300, 325
    2a) UW, UW, 5, 10
    2b) 195, 210, 225, 225

    1) 4 rounds plus 1 snatch
    2) no rower, subbed 10 meter lateral shuffles, touching floor with both hands at the 5 and 10 meter marks. Got 17.
    3) um…ZERO! FML. Added an abmat and got 5 HSPU’s. Brutal

    Mile – 6:23 (two turn arounds and literally had to stop ok a dime and spin away from a car who failed to see me. Had more in me. Very happy with that.

  39. NEW OUTLAW!!

    2a. 20lb vest
    2b. 165,180,195,195


    A. 2 Rounds
    B. 597m
    C. 2 + 6 swings

    6:56 mile (legs felt a little heavy from squats

    Hang Squat Snatches were a little heavy for me…

    Excited to be on board!

  40. I’m sick of doing my own programming and Rudy is definitely smarter than I am, so I default to his expertise and programming. I’m coming off fractures in both of my femoral heads and a partial tear in my right achilles all from this past Fall. I’ve been slowly lifting and building up my strength again.

    High Bar Based off of 315 1RM
    FS based off of 245 (arbitrarily picked)
    No rower so subbed sdhp
    No rope so did towel pull ups
    HSS @ 95

    BS – 190, 205, 220, 235
    Pull Ups with 35lbs
    FS – 145, 160, 170, 170

    A: 3 1/2 rounds
    B: 24 sdhp I was smoked
    C: 4 1/2 Rounds

    My legs feel pretty dang stiff running and my stride is definitely off since fracturing my femurs. Working on my flexibility and mwods.

  41. Did conditioning first
    Didn’t have a rope or rower so I improvised:
    Amrap 4:
    1 30ft monkey bars traverse
    8 hang squat snatch
    -2 rounds 7 snatches-
    Amrap 2 min
    5 supine ring row (false grip)
    10 jumping squats
    -4 rounds- (this was stupid)
    Amrap 6. Rx’d
    -3 rounds 5kbs
    Run: 6:29
    1) 185 190 210 225
    2b) 165 175 190 190
    Squats felt great. All fast. 190 on FS feels like 165 did at start.

  42. strength based on 170kg back squat, 143 front squat
    pullups were hard

    3 round 1 climb
    523 meters
    4 rounds 6 hspu
    did row for run

  43. 1. 190, 210, 230, 245
    2a. 44#
    2b. 165, 175, 190, 190

    -2 rounds + 4 snatches.
    -450m. Lost too much time in the transition.
    -3 rounds + 3 HSPU
    -I just ran alongside EA, if you can call that “running.”

  44. 1. BS- 168×5, 185×5, 196×5, 210×5
    2a +18lbs, +24lbs, +30lbs, +36lbs, had to break this one into 3/2
    2b 145×5, 155×5, 168×5, 168×5
    Did the strength portion and the run only. Grad school + final tomorrow.
    Mile in 6:27, 54 degrees and sunny, good to be ale to run outside.

  45. 1. 195, 210, 225, 240
    2a. no weight, 20#,20# 35#
    2b. 156, 170, 185, 185

    2 rounds + 1 rope 4 reps of hang squat clean(shoulder issue and could not snatch)
    3rds + 4 hspu
    rest 10min
    9:17 mile. our block is 450m so about 200m over a mile

    mfs-2, 7, 7

    back was sore as shit from yesterday. this is my second day and i gave blood yesterday about 5 hours after completing my first day of outlaw. i barely survived today. bring on tomorrow

  46. 1. 195, 210, 225, 240
    2a. no weight for all pull ups
    2b. 170, 180, 195, 195

    2 rounds + 2 snatches
    3rds + 4 hspu
    rest 10min
    8:02 mile. block is 200m over a mile

    felt pretty god over all. need alot of technique work. run was very slow feeling but only 2nd day of following. looking forward to the rest to come!!

  47. 1: 155/185/205/215 (legs pretty beat up)
    2: 145/165/185/195

    4+7 UB

    7:12 Mile (legs are beat to hell and back) 80% pace

  48. 1) 155, 165, 180, 190
    2a) unweighted. those f***ing sucked. Especially with turnout.
    2b) 125, 135, 145, 155


    did 32kg swings and curtis p’s in yesterdays wod so that 6min amrap was harder than it shoulda been
    mfs – 2, 5, 6

  49. Back Squats (5 reps)
    1. 190lb, 205lb, 220lb, 235lb (all ub)

    Weighted Pull up (holds)
    2a. 26lb, 26lb, 26lb, 26lb (all ub)
    Front Squats (5 reps)
    2b. 135lb, 145, 160, 170 (all ub)

    1) 2 rounds (gotta work on form)
    2) 609m
    3) 2rds + 6HSPU, 1KB Swing

    rest 6min (had to teach class)
    8:13 mile. – Calfs were locking up on me every step for the first 400m, couldn’t really open my stride till last 800m. very slow

    It’s my second day following outlaws and a lot of training flaws are being exposed. Need a lot of technique work and improve on performing at high intensity for short bursts. Ran out of gas on last 6min AMRAP and did not start until 2mins in. Super excited with programing and can’t wait to see where I am in a month.

  50. A: 165, 180, 195, 205
    B1: 0, 15, 10, 0
    B2: 135, 145, 155
    1. 2 rounds + 4 pullups
    2. 176m
    3. 3 rounds
    1600m Row – 6:03.4

    M/F/S – 1/3/6 (shoulder still a bit messed up but feeling better)

    *Notes: subed tredlsed for row, and rope pullups for rope climb

  51. Squat: 5x 235, 255, 275, 295 easy, no belt, short rests
    2a) Subbed muscle-up 4×5 because I didn’t have an apparatus where I cold the weight to do these
    2b) Front Squat 4x5x 185, 205, 215, 215 easy

    In globo, so difficult to set up multiple AMRAPs in a row. Subbed:

    AMRAP 12:
    5 assisted HSPU (legs pulling)
    10 russian swing x 80# db
    6 rounds, 30 HSPU, 60 swings

    ~15-20 min rest (drive)

    Mile in 6:10. Super easy (not breathing hard), but calves seized up; would’ve been 5:45ish.

    M/F/S 6/5/4

  52. 1)195, 215, 235, 245
    2a)35, 35, 31, 31
    2b)150, 160, 175, 175
    AMRAP scores
    1) 3 rounds
    2) 497meters
    3) 3 rounds 4 HSPU
    Mile- Done
    M/F/S 1/3/2

  53. 1) 230-250-275-295
    2a) bw-18-18-18
    2b) 190-205-225-225

    4 min AMRAP 3+ 6 HSS
    2 min AMRAP 475m
    6 min AMRAP 3+ 7 KBS really paid attention to completely verticle

    mile: 6:37, PR is 5:50, had a 400m turn around, I was happy with this, felt pretty easy and I despise running!

  54. 1) 215/230/250/270
    2a) 15/25/25/30
    2b) 160/180/200/200

    2 rds. + 1 climb + 3 HSS
    518 m
    2 rds. + 6 HSPU + 6 KBS


    That is a far cry from 95% of my 1RM mile run. Long day this one, but fun.

  55. 1) 145, 160, 170, 185
    2a) all at 10#
    2b) 125, 135, 145, 145

    1) 2 rounds – subbed 2 strict mu’s for rope climbs. Hanging squat snatches started off rough.
    2) 72 sumo deadlift high pulls – no rower
    3) 4 + 6

    Didn’t finish until almost 11 at night so a little wiped out. Sooo wanted to skip the conditioning.

    M/F/S 7/5/2

  56. 1. 145, 155, 165, 180
    2a. 1 set was at body weight all other sets added 6 #
    2b. 115, 125, 135, 135

    2 rds + 6 HSS
    4 rds + 6 hspu

    7:40 mile

  57. Back Squats (5 reps)
    1. 180lb, 85lb, 90lb, 95lb (all ub)

    Weighted Pull up (holds)
    2a. BW across the board (all ub)
    Front Squats (5 reps)
    2b. 70lb, 75lb, 80lb, 85lb (all ub)

    1) 1 round + 6HSS (need to improve movements)
    2) 483m
    3) 2rds + 6HSPU

    rest 6-7min (time constraint)

    6:43 mile

    This is my second day following this program…Loving it so far. It def shows me what I need to work on.

  58. 1. 250, 280, 290, 315
    2a) 20lbs vest for all
    2b) 190, 205, 220, 220

    1. 4 rounds… dropped the stupid bar 3 times on the catch… ended up getting back to the rope with 15 seconds and just didn’t make it up.
    2. Shuttle runs Josh mentioned… not sure how many I got on these, lost count at 16/17
    3. 3 rounds… waaay too slow getting back on the kettlebell
    4. Took about 4(ish) minutes rest on this, ran it in 6:40… cramped up 600m in.

  59. strength
    1) 110, 120, 125, 125
    2a) 10, 10, 0 (wanted to do a set UB), 10
    2b) 90, 100, 105, 105

    Conditioning later

    MFS: 235. my right, mid/lower back is tight

  60. 1st time I’ve been able to squat since my knee injury..so that’s exciting…but sucks having to limit myself so much. Did all of this in a 60 min time frame.

    1) 105/135/155/165–knee felt a little weird
    2a) 15/25/35/45 (3/2–hook grip slipped), done w/ full 2-3 second pause and turn out
    2b) didn’t want to overdo it

    Subbed 95# Hang Power Snatch, given it was my first time doing them in over 2 months,
    4+1RC, pretty moderate pace.

    Row-480, only got about 1:30 worth of work in after transfer and powering the rower on

    HSPU/KBS– 3rd + 3HSPU…no repped my KBS at least 15 times. Need to work on holding vertical w/ 2p.

    Still not cleared to run…so no mile, and pool was closed. Bah.

    Overall, glad that I can finally row/sorta squat and oly lift again! hahaha

  61. 135,145,155,170
    chest to rings 5 lbs.

    3 full, 1 climb, 4 hss
    361 m
    3 full

    mile run tomorrow. i had to teach the group.

  62. conditioning:
    1) 3 rounds
    2) 515 m
    3) 3+2 HSPU
    Mile = 6 min flat

    Didnt feel right tonight, have a feeling it has something to do with the stress this week at school. Just felt weak and slow.

  63. 1) Back Squats: 245, 265, 285, 305#
    2a) 4X5 STRICT Weighted Chest to Ring Pullups – failurefest, used some tiny bands, i suck at these
    2b) Front Squats: 175#, 195, 210, 210

    Cond: 4 min amrap- 2 rds
    Row: 455m
    6 min amrap- 4 rounds

    Mile 9:40 HAHAHAsuck.

  64. Strength:
    1) 225×5,245×5,265×5,280×5. Felt heavy as shit. I think the GHRs played a role in this.
    2a) NW,10,10,10. I feel like my pulling strength has gotten considerably weaker as of late. The two second holds were a bitch.
    2b) 180×5,195×5,210×5,210×5

    4 rounds
    3 rds + 5HSPU
    Took 30 seconds getting the rower turned on and set right. No repped on one kb swing.

    Mile run – 6:08 in a pretty nasty wind. Happy about this one.

  65. Strength

    1) 1X5 @ 190#, 1X5 @ 205#, 1X5 @ 220#, 1X5 @ 235# – Low Bar

    2a) 4X5 @ Body Weight

    2b) 1X5 @ 165#, 1X5 @ 180#, 2X5 @ 190#


    3 Rounds

    458 Meters

    3 Rounds + 2 Reps

  66. 1) 195lb-210lb-225lb-245lb
    2a) used 12kg bell for all sets
    2b) 175lb-190lb-205lb

    1- 2 rounds + 4 Snatchs
    2- just over 560m
    3- 3 Rounds + 4 hspu

    run: between 5-6 min. first mile run ever.

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