178 responses to “130615

  1. A shit ton of weight to be sure but behind the back jerks are ok? Or is it some kinda injury sub?

  2. Quick question. I know a lot of guys use straps on max snatch, so should we use them on the deadlift?

  3. I would say yes. I think it helps with hitting right position at top, esp if you tend to finish forward. Builds confidence.

      • Sorry, previous reply was for B Diggle. As for straps, I’m not a fan, unless you’re training for a specific competition that allows them.

          • +1, If you can’t use it at a meet then I would say it’s probably not a good idea to establish a 1rm with them. especially if your pulling 25-50# more with them than without them. If and or when we start banded deads again just think about how hard that shit is going to feel with tension added

  4. Using straps on a deadlift is like wearing a rubber.
    Yeah you did it, but everyone knows it didn’t really count.

  5. Gonna b outta country for a bit so did Friday and Saturdays work all this afternoon

    CLN – 275# tied my PR, failed 280#

    Jerk – 265# PR, my last rack Jerk was 250# last C&J was 260#

    DL – 425# last PR was 415# also BW is 170# so finally pulled 2.5xBW

    “Elizabeth” 5:16 that’s a 1 sec. PR but ill take it after all that work

  6. Clean – 140kg, 5kg off from my best but I got under 150kg

    Deadlift – 220kg, 10kg PR. Got 230kg to the knee but wasn’t happening today.

    Not a bad day, but you gotta make the best with how you feel.

  7. 1) 235 (+0)
    had 245 on my shoulders, but chest fell, then so did i
    2) 405 (+0)
    405 went smooth, but my grip was gone



  8. 1RM – Clean: 200# (old PR – 185#)
    1RM – Dead Lift: 315# (old PR – 305#)

    Great test week Coach!

  9. 1)#185-missed 245-235-225
    Prev PR #225

    prev PR from Jan #385


  10. Clean 325 … Previous 315
    Deadlift 515 … Previous 475 I think!

    Life Goals
    500# dead … check
    400# squat … Nope
    Crossfit Games … Nope
    BadAss … Not yet!
    Work left to do? … Check!
    Solution? … Outlaw Way

  11. Clean: 315 (ties all time)
    Deadlift: 500 even (well under pr of 550, I had to quit because I tweaked my back, I MAYBE had another 25 pounds if it weren’t for that.)Definitely not a PR day.

  12. Let me preface with I had to do this first thing this morning and I’ve never PR’d in the early morning.

    Clean: 270, an almost 275, couldn’t stand it up(PR 270)
    DL: 395 (PR 415)

  13. 1: 100kg easy – tried 110 twice, but caught it on my biceps instead of the shoulder
    2: 180kg – PR since my hamstring injury in january

  14. +1, If you can’t use it at a meet then I would say it’s probably not a good idea to establish a 1rm with them. especially if your pulling 25-50# more with them than without them. If and or when we start banded deads again just think about how hard that shit is going to feel with tension added

      • Haha. Regionals left me hungry for next year. It didn’t beat me up too bad… Only thanks to you and your team though. This program and its staff are truly top notch. I get to spend a ton of time doing what I love (weightlifting) and yet still set PR’s on things I don’t love (one mile run for time). Win, win! I’m excited to see what next year brings with over a year of TOW under my belt.

        Thanks again for the time and thought that goes into this.

  15. 1) Cleans: 225, 245, 260(f), 260 New PR

    120221: 219
    120916: 235
    130405: 244
    130412: 250
    130608: 255
    130615: 260

    For a few months now, my jerk caught up to my clean, so any new clean and jerk 1RM attempt was a 1RM clean attempt. I set a clean PR last weekend when I attempted 255 and added 5 more pounds to it today.

    2) 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM Deadlift.

    315, 345, 375, 390 for PR and got it, 400 New PR, 405 would be all-time PR(f)

    120219: 360
    130413: 385
    130615: 400 NEW PR

  16. My form gets crazy ugly when the weight gets heavy. Obviously doing multiple things wrong.any tips would be much appreciated. The background music is a tad embarrassing too. Whatever.

  17. some numbers and lots of gratitude

    last summer i tore my meniscus and partially tore my acl. after a couple months of rehab i decided i wanted to take up crossfit. in january started following the outlaw way. since january:
    fran 4:55 to 3:57
    elizabeth 6:38 to 5:39
    400m run 1:25ish to 1:14
    0 muscle ups to 16 burpee MU’s in 7min
    snatch 165-190
    clean 220-235
    jerk 190-235
    got a long way to go, but i know i wouldnt have been able to do all this on my own

  18. Clean- 250. Got under 255 twice and stood half way up and knees kept buckeling.

    Deadlift- 475. Hasn’t gone up since January

  19. 1) 95×1, 100xmiss

    2) 190×1

    3) missed “Helen” earlier in the week. subbed a 250′ versaclimber for the run. 11:53

  20. 305 clean. Under 315 but not enough legs today. +5 pr

    445 deadlift. -10 from pr. Three misses at 460.

  21. clean 225
    DL 365… could have gone heavier but i snapped my shit up doing this before always very reserved.

  22. Clean: 270 (5lb PR) got under 280..
    Dead: 480 (5lb PR) pulled 500 to the knees but bailed, wasn’t worth the shitty form struggle.

    Here’s a vid of my 475 from our last max out and the 480 from today. I’d say some progress was made. Thanks coach.

  23. Finally back from deployment and officially in the off-season, so, don’t feel so bad saying that I didn’t train yesterday because I was horribly hungover and asleep on my couch all day.

    Today was the grand opening of Screaming Eagle CrossFit in Clarksville, TN- sister box (literally 200m from) of CrossFit SolaFide.

    Grand Opening WOD Competition WODs:

    1. 3 RFT
    12 Power Clean (135/95)
    12 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
    12 Over the Bar Burpees
    12 Pull-ups

    I Won so I had a second WOD:

    2. 3 RFT
    50 Double Unders
    35 Knees to Elbow
    20m Overhead Barbell Carry (155/115)

    Definitely destroyed for my actual training, but I won, and the $100 Reebok gift certificate and BASL signed by K-Star were worth it.

    1. 1RM Jerk – 155 (-10)
    2. 1RM Deadlift – 305 (-20)

  24. 1) 220# (5# pr. Actually stalled completely in the hole. 1 & 1/4 FS paying off.
    2) 325# (15# pr felt smooth and quick)

  25. Clean 235 lb (10 LB PR)
    Deadlift 345 (30 LB PR)

    Also the wife started following OUTLAW with me and today she PR’ed her clean and jerk 105 lb (previous was 75lb) and she just started doing olympic lifts a month ago. She is going to kick my ass soon.

  26. 1) Clean
    – 360 (5# PR)
    2) Deadlift
    – 530 (15# PR)

    PRd in everything this week, pumped for this next cycle!

  27. so I guess that’s it with my testing week. tore a ligament in my left ankle playing soccer last night.
    maybe I’ll pull a Sam Briggs style injury-pause. upper body it is!

  28. Clean: 105kg equal to earlier in the week

    Deadlift: 170kg. If any out of this program I want this to increase

    Here we go!

  29. 1) 120 kg PR (110 kg old) ; incredible shitty receiving position and FS
    2) 210 kg , MAX is 2 weeks old, didn’t want to kill my lower back, taking part in a Strongman Competition next week

  30. 1) 285#. 10# PR.
    2) 455. 5# improvement. Still off my all time best if 485, though I only hit that once and it was the ugliest lift in history. Big breaking firm for a slightly heavier deadlift anymore. Keeping if safe.

  31. 1) 110k – not a PR.
    2) 170k – not a PR.

    Not feeling too hot ATM. Need a solid cycle under my belt with no interruptions.

  32. Been following TOW since Nov 2012 and love it. Thanks for all the work you guys put in to make this an awesome program!

    Test Results
    1RM Snatch: #185 (+10 PR)
    1RM C&J: #255 (-20 from PR, missed jerk at #275… wimped out)
    Isabel: 2:07 (:41 PR)
    1RM Push Press: #250 (+15 PR)
    2X ME MUs: 9, 5
    Helen: 7:57
    1RM HBBS: #355 (-30 from PR, missed #385 2X… quit too soon)
    150 Burpees: 10:23
    Snatch Baseline: #150 10/10, 5/9
    Mile: 5:33
    1RM Jerk: #255 (missed #275)
    500 Row: 1:27
    Elizabeth: 4:07 (:44 PR)
    1RM Clean: #275 (-20 from PR, missed at #305… wimped out getting under the bar, def pulled high enough)
    1RM DL: #505 (+20 PR)

  33. Right…. Its been Time since I posted, but here are testing results:
    Snatch: 125#
    Clean/ C&J/ Jerk: 165#
    HBBS: 230#
    DL: 345#
    Elisabeth: 4:10min
    500m row: 1:41min.
    150 burpees: 9:02min

  34. Cleans

    280#: 5lb PR

    I am most pleased with this lift since the work was done at a YMCA that hasn’t done a renovation in 30 yrs.

    Needless to say the bar and iron plates were not working in my favor, but I didn’t care.

    Mindset is an amazing tool at our disposal.

    455#: -50# off PR

  35. 1) #300 (#5 PR…..finally!)
    2) stopped at #405, knew I wasnt going to PR, did not feel good, Previous #435.

  36. Clean 274.5lb (122kg – up with 12kg – 27lb)
    Deadlift 450lb (200kg – up with 20kg – 45lb)

  37. m/34/5’8″/170lb
    1) 255lb (5lb PR!!)
    2) 395lb (10lb PR!!)
    Did (Power) Elizabeth after and got a 35 sec PR of 4:25!

  38. Clean- 255 (10lb pr) attempted 260 but just missed getting under bar thanks to the crappy bar i was using at the fire station.
    Deadlift- 415 (15lb pr)

  39. one week behind, was outside with the kids playing, had some beers, great day in the sun

    clean 75kg (=old PR)
    deadlift 130kg (=PR -20kg) hadn’t more in me tonight

    looking forward for tomorrow

  40. Clean – 275 (PR from the floor)
    Deadlift – hit 405, then walked away because nothing felt right. after all the PR’s this week, I figure missing out on the deadlift and HBBS PR’s is the least of my worries during a lower back recovery. its 65# off my PR.

  41. 1) clean: 145# (first time.. Was hoping for more.. Felt off today)
    2) DL: 225# – 10# below my PR… Form started to go so I decided to call it.

  42. awful day. after hitting 3x100kg only a few weeks struggled today, big week, shouldnt have done extra work in normal classes… anyway it is what it is.
    clean – 100kg
    dead – 160kg

  43. Clean – only had 235 on this day, C&J PR was 245
    Deadlift – only had 365, PR was 405.
    Serves me right being so inconsistent with training over the last few months

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