Apparently I’m experiencing an extremely slow internet connection today (and I’m waiting for Jamie Hagiya to get me a picture – yep, sharing the blame). Full recap will have to wait until tomorrow.

Until then, watch this masterpiece…

WOD 130521:


1) Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 80%

*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.

2) Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:

2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 75%


For time:

25 Pistols (alternating)
25 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50#
25 Pistols (alternating)
25 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50#
25 Box Jumps 30/24″
25 C2B Pullups
25 Box Jumps 30/24″
25 C2B Pullups

Group #2 Work – 130521:


1) Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 70%

*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.

2) Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes:

2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 70%


3 rounds for total working time of:

50 Double-Unders
20 UB HSPU (reg standard)

Rest 1:2

44 responses to “130521

  1. More than likely a stupid question but better safe then sorry, should we use the percantages based off our power snatch/clean 1RM or full snatch/clean 1RM?

  2. A surprise appearance by the Bearded Wizard at the end of that video! The only person to beat Daniel’s time on WO6 was Josh Bridges. And oh yeah, Talayna left a trail of quivering corpses in her wake at the South East. Great job, Outlaws! Everything is Everything.

  3. BBG
    1) 62.5 kg, no misses
    2) 75 kg, no misses

    Boxes conditioning: 2011 Games final event

  4. Hey Outlaws, greetings from Khost, Afghanistan! I’ve come here by way of Marc Messinger from Staten Island Crossfit.
    I have been logging all my work for a year straight and not liking what I see. All BS aside, that’s on me and noone else. So here I am.
    I am definitely not on you guys’ level. But ill stick with it and give it all I got.
    1) 110#
    2) 150#

  5. group 2
    con 1:55, 2:45, 3:00
    struggled on the DU’s today and i’ll admit the hspu’s were not UB. limited myself to 1-3 breaks though

  6. M/37/210
    BBG snatch at 165. I have a question for the outlaws. I have always had a problem dropping down under snatch, my 1rm of 207 is power. I talked to a fellow lifter and he recommended 1) no more power snatching until you unfuck your full snatch 2) sit in the bottom of your snatch for a 3 count on all lifts. Any input?

    • first off, you could probably pull a little taller. Your hips don’t quite get fully open. Re your bottom position, you’re getting to a good depth, just really slowly. Some heavy-ish duck walks might help you get more comfortable at the very bottom of the hole. The bouncy nature of duck walks should also help with getting into the bottom faster and more dynamically.

      • Thank you, gonna google heavy duck walks now as well as Tall Snatch, and work them into my snatch warmup. Greatly appreciated.

    • Stay on your heels longer. You are up on the front of your foot a lot. I do the same thing, and I see my mistakes in your lift.

  7. Having issues with my 3rd pull in my power snatch had to go lighter.
    1) 115# no misses
    2) 155# missed 5th jerk

    Conditioning; 14:31 60# DB don’t have a 70

  8. Probably a stupid question……
    But will end a debate at the gym.
    6:00 emom of snatches
    We start at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3.00 ….
    Do we do a set at 6:00 or is 5:00 the last set. Thanks for clearing this up.

  9. BBG:
    1) 70Kg (down from 80Kg)
    2) 90Kg

    Pistols UB
    DB Sn – sets of 5, 15 seconds rest
    Box Jumps – blurgh, then sets of 5, 10s rest
    C2B – sets of 5, 10s rest. Did these without gloves and felt better than Friday’s without gloves.


  10. Bbg-
    Off 255
    Off 315

    Second time doing pistols since pAtellar tendon rupture.
    Step downs on box jumps


  11. BBG:
    1) done at 130# and had 3 misses
    2) done at 140# and no misses


    15:02 with 40# db.. We only have 40 and 55’s. I was feeling wonder womanish to do 55# today.

  12. Snatches at 95 no misses
    Cleans at 120 no misses
    Slow. I haven’t been feeling great during conditioning the last 2 weeks. Not sure what’s going on…

  13. BBG
    1) 200
    2) 225

    9:51 Pistols in nanos suck! 70# is starting to feel the a normal everyday weight at this point. Box Jumps Felt a lot better today! C2B 10/8/7, 10/6/5/4 not a bad day!

    Side not shoulders are a little on the sore side!

  14. BBG-
    1) 195 missed 3 then rested 1 min and made up only the snatches
    2) 215 only did 1 clean not 2

    Cnd –

    Sore as shit today!

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