I’ve been implored by TOW’s chief admin (a.k.a. the answerer of all the Info emails), Mady Schlenz, to write a brief summary of our layout for the season. For those of you who have been around for a while, I apologize, it’ll be back to the nerdery tomorrow. For those of you who are fairly new, and haven’t taken the time to read back through a year of posts, hopefully this will answer your questions (and give Mady some rest).

1) Now until the beginning of the Open.

Yes, this site is programmed with the Games season in mind (sorry, you’ll have to figure out tapering for the Sheboygan Throwdown on your own). No, you DO NOT need to add or subtract any conditioning, lifting or anything else to be ready for the Open.

Over the next 4 weeks we will begin to wave down the volume of the “focused lifts” (lifts performed separately and not used as part of conditioning), and begin to spread the total volume of lifts back into conditioning pieces. We will also be adding in more sport-specific skill work (think HSPU/Muscle-Ups), as well as, upping the overall scope of our conditioning work to be more representative of things we may see. We will, as always, continue to lift, get strong, and develop as much mastery of barbell work as is possible.

2) The Open.

Yes, everything programmed during this period will be with the time of season in mind.

The Open workouts will comprise our site Conditioning work every Friday during the Open.

Open workout days and weeks will be just like any other days and weeks. There will be other regular work on Open workout days. I will not write specific de-loads or skill practices for these workouts. I will make sure to not write any 45 minute Chippers on Wednesdays, and I will be trying to insure that each of you feel as rested and fresh as possible for your Friday efforts. I will NOT program for 2nd attempts or repeats. If you feel the need to repeat one of the Open workouts you may use our rest day on Sunday. This has been done by some of our athletes in the past, and usually allows the athlete to not completely ruin the next week of training.

3) Between the Open and Regionals.

I’m not even going to attempt to summarize this right now. There will be more information posted far enough in advance that all Regional competitors will know what to expect.

WOD 130204:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 3-Position Snatch (low to high) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X3 Snatch Balance – heavy (no misses), rest 60 sec.


1a) 3XME Strict HSPU – rest 60 sec.

Notes: Begin at Regionals standard. If you can perform more than 15 reps add a deficit.

1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 60 sec.


12 minute AMRAP of:

5 Power Cleans 165/110#
10 T2B
15 Wall Ball 20/14#

107 responses to “130204

  1. Sounds awesome looking forward to it.
    Question- with all the Australian followers will the workout be released any earlier as its 4pm Monday here and I know a lot of people train in the am. Most of us follow 1 week behind now but will this work coming into the open?

    • Mason, and all the Aussies (and Kiwis), I actually will add this to the post in the morning as I forget it tonight (thanks for the reminder)…

      For the next week or two follow a day behind the cycle that starts 130204 (aka today). I know this will be a pain for a bit, but I am working on a way to get the work posted on time for you guys and it WILL be in place at least a week before the Open starts.

  2. BBG
    60, 70, 70, 70, 75, 75kg
    Mash up of strength and midline
    Snatch balances
    60, 75, 75kg – need work
    Reverse hypers on GHD
    3 x 15 @ bw
    5 + 11
    MFS – 348
    Can’t move my neck much after a car crash and lots of hspu last week!

  3. Hi there! New here and first post :
    3 pos snatch 50-60-65-70(1.1.F)-70-70-70(1.1.F)
    Skip snatch pull (low back fried from saturday wod: 3000kg squat clean for time)
    Snatch balance 50-60-70

    HSPU w/ 10 KG plates deficit 15-12-8
    3×15 GM w/ empty barbell (low back arg!!!)

    6 round
    Started at 1r in 2 min pace, easy 3 first round, hard on the 2 last.

  4. BBG
    1) 105#
    2a) 135#
    2b) 75#


    1a) 1, 1, 3
    2a) green monster band resistance


    12 minute AMRAP of:

    5 Power Cleans 115#
    10 T2B
    15 Wall Ball 20/14#

    4 rnds + 26

  5. 1.) 115, 135, 145, 145, 155, 165, 165
    2a.) 205#
    2b.) 135#

    1a.) 22,16,12 (strict hspu – regional standard)
    2a.) GHD Raises

    Conditioning – 5rds + 15

  6. Bbg –

    1) 185

    2a) 245
    2b) 255

    Skill –

    1a) 2″ deficit – 16 – 12 – 12
    1b) sub back extensions ;(

    Cnd –

    7 rnds + 10 wallball

    Hello amraps…

  7. Great site! It’s nice to finally see good programming incorporated into the otherwise randomness of some of the other CrossFit sites. I look forward to following you. Quick question – and sorry for being a total noob – but I noticed the WODs on this blog are a bit more comprehensive than the WODs on Outlaw’s main site. Is there a reason for this? Just curious which I should be following. Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.

      • Thanks, saw this after I finished up. I ended up doing 95lb thrusters. I either severely overcompensated or am just in bad shape. Barely finished four rounds and took a break after each round.

        1) 115, 135, 145, 155, 155, 165, 175
        2a) 225 (107% of snatch PR, felt good)
        2b) 155 (missed 1)

        1a) 15(PR), 9, 7 (fell off wall early on last two sets)
        2b) substituted

        4 rounds
        *substitutes 95lb thruster for wallballs

        • 95# thruster is a bit overkill for tossing a 20# ball ten feet in the air. Go to Walmart and buy a Spalding Mid size basketball for like $10, cut it open, then fill it up with 20# of sand. Once it has sand in it, stuff it with plastic grocery bags until the ball maintains shape. Seal it up with a roll of gorilla tape. Boom.

  8. BBG
    185, Went straight to 210 and failed the high hang twice
    2a) 205
    2b) 185

    1a) 14, 11, 10
    1b) Used GHD with med ball


  9. 1) 7X1 3-Position Snatch (low to high) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

    2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.

    2b) 3X3 Snatch Balance – heavy (no misses), rest 60 sec.

    1a) 3XME Strict HSPU – rest 60 sec.

    1b) 3X15 Good Mornings – heavy, rest 60 sec.


    5rounds + 3reps

  10. BBG:
    1. 80X2, 85X3, 90X2
    2a. 105, 115, 120
    3b. 85, 90, 95

    1a. Did strict with regional standards + 1 ab mat, then ME regional standards kipping.
    3-8, 5-6, 7-8
    Then did about 30 kipping because I was mad that I suck. Lol
    1b. Back extensions with 25# plate


    5 rounds, 3 cleans Rx

  11. BBG:
    Snatch pull:
    Snatch Balance
    185 (felt really weak)
    Strict Handstands
    17reps / *Added Deficit*(25# bumpers, head 2 floor) – 10reps / 8reps
    Reverse Hypers done done with BW on GHD

    Skipped metcon, still getting over the flu!

  12. bbg- (felt really weak today– legs still blown from Saturday– couldn’t get fully stretched)

    1) 140, 140,145, 150, 150 f @HH, 150, 155

    2a)205, 205, 205
    2b)135, 135, 145


    8, 9, 7
    Is it bad to rely to much on kipping? I do all kipping during all the workouts and don’t worry about trying to do strict… Struggled through these numbers too.

    **sub good mornings


    6 rds + 13 WB RX’d

  13. BBG:
    1.) 155, 155, 165, 165, 175(f on hh), 175(f on mh), 175
    2a.) 205, 215, 225
    2b.) 185, 195, 195

    1a.) 10,8,8
    1b.) 37.5 DB between feet on GHD

    5 + 1PC

  14. Obligatory excuses: my quads are still straight jacked from Saturday. Almost tripped down 4stairs this morning…so much weakness in my heart today.

    1) 2×115 5×135 (really focused on getting in full squat every attempt..oww, fuck Saturday..had some fails)

    2a) 165,185,205
    2b) 115, 135, 135 had some fails

    3a) 16, (added 2.5″ def) 7, 6
    3b) ghd rev. hypers BW

    Cond: 5 rounds 23 reps (fuck Saturday)

  15. BBG
    1) 155-165-175-185-195-205-215(1,1,f)
    2a) Snatch first pulls- 285
    2b) 95, 115, 135 (Will start here next time)
    1a) Can do more strict than kipping so I did kipping- 15,10,9
    1b) 3×5 Goodmorning -135

  16. Bbg –

    1) 190×4, 200×1, 205×2

    2a) 225
    2b) 185

    Skill –

    1a) 28 – 20 – 13 – should have added a dificit
    1b) GHD Back Extensions with 15 pound bumper

    Cnd –

    6 rnds + 5 power cleans

  17. BBG
    1) 80 x2, 85 x5
    2b) 85-85-85

    1a) 6-5-5
    1b) on GHD with 10# wall ball

    5 rd + 2 PC

  18. BBG: 1) 95#
    2a) 135#
    2b) 115#
    IT band is flaring up so I stayed light and worked on getting more comfortable at the bottom.

    1a) 12, 8, 10
    1b) done with no weight

    5 rounds a s I just realized I did my cleans at 115#.

  19. BBG
    1- all at 80kg. Missed first 4 hi hang snatches but got last 3

    2a- 110kg
    2b- 80kg

    1a- 10,11,9
    1b- subbed for GH raise and done 10 reps


  20. 5 days of rest… Back on it.

    1) 135,135,155 Across. (Shoulda went heavier)
    2a) 230
    2b) Nope

    1a) 25 and 10# bumper deficit, 13,12,8(derrrp)
    1b) 15# Hug a twinkies

    6 rounds + 7 reps
    With a 25# Ball.

    I set a record with the most I have ever vomited after a workout, definitely felt those 5 days off.

  21. Today was great until you got all WSoE with the conditioning, Rudy.

    1) 135x7x1
    2a) 155x3x3
    2b) 105x3x3

    1a) 12, 10, 9
    2b) check, check, check

    4 Rounds + 5/6/0
    165, Strict T2B, 20#/10′


    *Insert pedantic and irrelevant excuse about how I wasn’t feeling good today, or how sore I am from previous days of training*

    Seriously folks, just post your damn scores. If you really feel shitty, denote so with with one of the “M/F/S” variables and be done with it. Stop pining for attention.

    • Agree, also enough with this body weight bull shit. I am a lighter guy too but this is not a weight class sport, either get bigger, get stronger, or shut up.

  22. BBG.
    1) 135,135,155 across (Shoulda went heavier)
    2a) 230
    2b) No

    1a) 25 and 10# bumper deficit, 13,12,8
    1b) 15# Hug a twinkies

    6 rounds + 7 reps
    With a 25# ball

    I set a record with the most I have ever vomited after a workout. Those 5 days off really hit.

  23. MU progression work- done

    1) 85, 95, 95, 100, 100, 105, 110
    2a) 145, 150, 150
    2b) 95, 105, 110

    strict hspu to abmat- 8, 10, 9
    reverse hyper- 90#

    5 rounds

  24. BBGym:
    1) 4×125, 130, 135, 145
    2a) 150, 160, 180
    2b) 135, 145, 155

    1a) 10, 9, 8
    1b) 3×15 GM@125



  25. Felt pretty run down from a competition this weekend and today was somewhat ugly.


    1) 185 x 3, 205(m), 205, 205, 225(miss high hang)
    2a) 225, 245 x 2
    2b) 205,205,225(m)

    1a) 15, 7, 7 (second and third round from 3″ deficit)
    1b) 2 rounds on GHD with no weight, last round Glute Ham raises


    6 rnds + 1 WB. Bleh…

  26. BBG:

    1) Power Snatch from (2x)mid and (1x)high Hang – 165, 165, 175, 175, 175, 185, 185
    2a) 250
    2b) 95; wasn’t sure about shoulder.


    1a) 14, 15, 12; Regional Standard
    1b) GHR @ 30




  27. Anyone looking for a spot in the upcoming training stop in NoCal next week @ TJ’s gym in Novato? If you’re interested let me know and we can talk about how to transfer the opprtunity to you. I just had shoulder surgery and dang if it would just screw up my whole recovery to go lift heavy shit with Rudy. 😉

  28. 5/6/6 (sore and tight from saturday, shoulder/neck still nagging, and I’ve got a cold)

    1) 155/155/155/165/165/175/185 (PR)

    2a) 225 – misread, did 1st pull
    2b) 135 – felt heavy two weeks ago, light today… need the work really hitting the bottom though.

    1a) regional + 2″ deficit 15/13/8
    1b) subbed glute ham raise 3X10

    7 rds + 1 clean
    (all sets of cleans were broken, slow right shoulder was messing with my grip transition and catch so I was letting it go instead)

    **felt way better once I started working hard.

  29. I had a hard time walking around yesterday and today because of quad soreness from saturday. I must have fallen over 10 times. Anyone else have this problem or am i just a pussy?


    I was sucking wind hard on this. I hope it was so hard because my legs are so fatigued from saturday but i had to switch to singles for the power cleans on round 2 and i had to start breaking up wall balls round 3. Wallballs are not exactly a strength of mine and they felt extra terrible today.

  30. BBG
    1) worked up to 205#, failed at 210
    2a) 265
    2b) 215, 225, 235

    1a) 7, 8, 6
    1b) subbed GH Raises

    6 + 22

  31. BB Gym
    1)155 across

    1a) 17 Strict, 14 def, 14 def
    1b) Banded reverse hyper on ball

    6+3 PCL


  32. 1) 155-165-165-165-175-175-185, slow today
    2a) 275 for 3×3, with straps, felt strong
    2b) 185-205-215×2, First time with these, timing was a little funky

    1) 4-2-3 on paralettes to neutral
    2) no reverse hyper machine

  33. BBG
    1) 175. Missed 185
    2) 225
    3) 175 , 185
    1) done on 3 inch def I think. Around 10 to 12 each set probably.
    2) goodmornings
    7 rounds + 9 wall balls.
    Quads = dead

  34. 1) 185×2 f on hihang 165×2 175×2 185
    2a) 225
    2b) 225
    Felt way off today.

    Midline skipped

    6 rounds 3 cleans.
    Ttb on squat rack.

  35. 1)155,165,170xff,170,175xff,175,175 didn’t have it today but form was better
    2a)sn pulls-225,225,240
    2b)sn bal-135,155,135 hip pain
    1a) str HSPU- 40pr,16 fell off wall,23
    Cond- 6+18.

  36. BBG
    1) 155×2, 165, 175×4
    2a) 225, 245, 265
    2b) 185, 190, 195

    1a) 15, 8, 9
    1b) 200, 210, 210

    7rds + 3 Power Cleans

  37. 1) •155,155,165,165,165,175,175#
    2b)•155,155,165# (missed twice)
    •7,4,4 (used 45# plate bumpers as deficit)
    •skipped hypers
    •7 Rounds+2 T2B

  38. BB Gymnastics

    1) 3-Position Snatch (low to high) – 125/125/135/145/145/145/145
    2a) Snatch Pulls – 235
    2b) Snatch Balance – 145


    1a) ME Strict HSPU – 13/11/12
    1b) Reverse Hypers – 145


    7 rounds RX

  39. BB Gymnastics

    1) 7X1 3-Position Snatch – 93 103,103,103,103,103,103
    2a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – 133, 138, 143
    2b) 3X3 Snatch Balance – 83, 103, 113


    1a) 3XME Strict HSPU – 9,9,3 (what happened??)

    1b) 3X15 back ext with 15 lb plate


    6 rnds + 1 clean

  40. BBG

    214 PR
    220 (JUST failed the last one….hand it in my hands and it was drifting)
    230 PR

    Attempted some singles.
    248f – fail behind, felt easy….went up.
    262, fail in front. Pretty good height on it, moving fast, came forward a bit early.


    3 x 3 Snatch Pulls – 262 lbs

    ** No snatch balances.

    3 x ME Strict HSPU (6-7 in deficit)


    3 x 10 Reverse Hypers, 170lbs
    ….I think I only did 2 sets.


    AMRAP 12

    5 Power Cleans, 165lbs
    10 T2B
    15 Wallballs, 20 lbs

    7 + 13

    Felt easier than expected.

  41. 95-115-135-145-155-165-165
    205 x 3
    75 x3
    13,15,15 feet on box
    4 rounds

    Legs very sore from Saturday

  42. 90,95,95,95,100,105(f rep 3 and redid), 105
    a) 125
    b) 95,100,105
    a) kipping 9,4,8
    b) 20# vest on ankles on ghd
    5+5 rx

  43. BBG
    1) 1×93. 6×98
    2a) 173-183-183 but these felt really light
    2b) 98-103-108 should have gone heavier here too

    1a) Strict HSPU: 5-6-6 Rx
    1b) Done

    5 rounds + 1 T2B Rx

  44. 29/m/5’11″/190
    1) 95-115-125-135-145-155-165(PR)
    2a) 165
    2b) 95-105-115 (tried to keep it non-heaving, no bounce, just drop under)

    1a) 5-4-3 (I suck with my hands closer together, long freaking arms)
    1b) Green band on GHD; UB

    5rds + 5PC + 6T2B

  45. 115-135-155-165F-165F-155F-155F
    (Grip wasn’t there)

    (Been a while since I have done these)

    HSPU with 4 inch deficit (Strict)
    Reverse Hypers with Red Band

    7 Rounds + 5 Cleans+1 Toe to bar
    Tough. Initial goal was 8, that quickly changed to doing everything unbroken. Mission accomplished, could limited my rest times.

  46. 1. 75-90-95(f)-95(f)-95-100-105
    2a. 155-165-175
    2b. 85-95-100

    1a. 6-10-9 (couldn’t do a single strict a few weeks ago, so this made my day)
    1b. Done with Red Band

    Cond: 5+1 Clean Rx
    (T2B kill me)

  47. BBG
    1. 95, 135, 145, 155, 165 f at knees, 165 165
    2a. 205, 205, 225
    2b. 185, 195, 195
    1a. 6, 6, 5
    1b. 95 lb Good mornings
    6 rounds

  48. BBG: skip-still resting arm

    1a) strict but had to use 2 abmat

    1b)120lb all 3 sets

    4rds rx

  49. BBG
    3 pos- 70-75-77.5-80-82.5-85-87.5kg F
    Pulls- 110kg
    SB- 82.5kg.

    ME HSPU- 14-11-9
    RH- 5kg DB between legs hanging off 2 large truck tyres.. Shit house set up.

    7 rds + 2 wall balls

  50. 40kg, 45, 42.5, 40 for remaining sets.
    Missed high hang on 42.5 and 45.

    1a) 1 abmat 3, 2, 4.
    2b) 5kg.

    Cond. Subbed toes through rings due to torn hand.
    5 rounds + 3 pc.

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