Ryan Sunshine – 235# Snatch @ 165# BW (and 19 years old):


Jay Rhodes – Final Bar at “Best of the Best” – 315#:

WOD 121117:

Saturday 60 minute competition.

*The entire effort should be completed with one, one hour running clock. The work and rest intervals are written into the hour time frame. Please post scoring for each individual WOD.

WOD 1 & 2 – beginning @ 0:00:

50 Burpees AFAP (as fast as possible)

*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…

Establish a 3RM UB Hang Snatch (full squat).

WOD 3 & 4 – beginning @ 10:00:

50 Burpees AFAP

*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…

Establish a 3RM Touch and Go Power Clean & Push Jerk.

WOD 5 & 6 – beginning @ 20:00:

50 Burpees AFAP

*with the remainder of the 10 minutes…

Establish a 3RM Front Squat.

WOD 7 – beginning @ 30:00:

100′ Handstand Walk
Run 800m
75′ Handstand Walk
Run 800m
50′ Handstand Walk

For time.

WOD 8 – beginning @ 50:00:

10 minute AMRAP of:

5 10m Prowler Shuttle Sprint @ 215/145#
15 DB Push Press 50/35#
30 second L-Sit Hold

Notes: The Prowler Shuttle Sprint should be performed using the high handles to push 5m down, and the low handles to push 5m back. The Prowler weights displayed are including the weight of the Prowler. The standard Prowler weighs 75#, if yours is not a standard Prowler, then figure out exactly what it weighs and load it appropriately to equal the prescribed weight. The L-Sit Holds do not have to be unbroken. Think of ever second held as one rep, and only count seconds when you are in a fully upright position.

56 responses to “121117

  1. WOW. Impressive stuff by Jay there. Great job man. This shows i have A LOT of work to do. Tomorrow should be fun! Even though the last time we had an hour worth of work it was everything, BUT fun!

  2. Sad that I will have to miss this one. Decided earlier in the week to take the weekend off so that these shoulders could heal up a bit; so much pain. Last hour comp wod was tough, but a ton of FUN!

    • 1. 2:13
      2. 140
      3. 2:40
      4. 165
      5. 2:49
      6. 2:25
      7. 13:06
      8. Subbed with 10 tire flips and push presses with 44 lb kb’s, 2+25

  3. 1) 2.13
    2) 155#
    3) 2.35
    4) 205 (easy… Ran out of time)
    5) 2.59
    6) 275# (pr)
    7) 18.40
    8) ~3… Clock got messed up when I was outside on prowler

    Overall pleased with this effort. Competition in a few weeks… Feel Well prepped

  4. WOD 1&2: 110lbs
    WOD 3&4: 140lbs
    WOD 5&6: 140lbs
    WOD 7: 19:43, I was just a tad winded during the runs đŸ™‚
    WOD 8: sleds aren’t in yet, so my Coach made push his car up a small incline 5m and down 5m. 1 Round and 2m away from finishing the car push.

  5. 50 burpees- 1:36
    3RM hang snatch- 165#

    50 burpees- 1:55
    3RM Power clean + jerk- 215#

    50 burpees – 1:57
    3RM Front Squat- DNF (300#@ 2 reps)

    Handstand walk Run – DNF ( lots of handstand walk practice ^_^ didn’t count the “dive and tumbles else I would have finished sub 10! ” )
    Prowler WOD- DNF (no gear)

    Great Fun!

  6. Wod 1. 2:03
    Wod 2. 90#
    Wod 3. 2:23
    Wod 4. 115#
    Wod 5. 2:13
    Wod 6. 155# PR
    Wod 7 19:35
    Wod 8 (125 prowler/20#DB) 1 rnd+15 pp

  7. My left hand is all ripped so I went kind of easy on the bar:
    WOD 1&2: 40kg
    WOD 3&4: 45kg
    WOD 5&6: 47,5kg just went for that weight and than had to clean up the blood on my hand and wrap it up, time was done after that so went straight to wod 7
    WOD 7: 18:20, handstand walks hurt due to the damn hand so I was kind of all over the place, it was almost amusing;)
    WOD 8: 1 round – no sled but put weights on a bench, bench did not slide well on the floor and I slipped a lot, still fun đŸ™‚

  8. 1) 2:30
    2) 155
    3) 3:28
    4) 200
    5) 4:59 (failed to start right at time, too busy clearing congestion)
    6) 245
    7) DNF 100′ HS walk + (1200m run, oops, missed my 800 mark) + 8′ HS Walk
    8) 2 Rds + 5/15/ 5 sec L-Sit


  9. Wod 1. 3:11
    Wod 2. 150
    Wod 3. 3:20
    Wod 4. 205
    Wod 5. 3:15
    Wod 6. 225
    Wod 7. 14:34
    Wod 8. 1 round + 3 sled pulls ( we don’t have a prowler, did 140lb sled pulls on rubber flooring) I am absolutely awful at L-sits these need work… Lots

  10. Wod 1-2:43
    Wod 2-205#
    Wod 3-3:19
    Wod 4-245#
    Wod 5-4:17
    Wod 6-305#
    Wod 7-14:57(Cramped pretty bad first 800m)
    Wod 8-1rnd+15(subbed 2 53# kettlebells…legs were cramping..again)


  11. Excellent morning at Crossfit Central with C. Wustinger in the house yelling at everybody.

    2rds plus 2.5 prowler



  12. 1) 2:20
    2) 215# (225 for 2)
    3) 2:36
    4) 245 ( failed last jerk at 255)
    5) 2:44
    6) 295 (have a lot more, didnt want to overshoot like the last 2 x.x)
    7) 11:52
    8) 2 + 23 sec l-sit

  13. WOD 1- 2:45
    WOD 2- 145#
    WOD 3- 2:35
    WOD 4- 185# f
    WOD 5- 3:15
    WOD 6- 205
    WOD 7- 17:55
    WOD 8- 2rds + 4 shuttles

  14. 1. 2:39
    2. 80
    3. 3:00
    4. 105
    5. 3:17
    6. 130
    7. subbed HSPU for handstand walk, did 15-800m-10-800m-5 : 13:47 (note that 200m into my first 800 both calves cramped up, had to stop and stretch)
    8. pushed box on rubber floor, used 30# DBs — 2 rnds + box push + 9 DB pp

  15. Competition:
    Wod 1: 3:29
    Wod 2: 140#
    Wod 3: 3:51
    Wod 4: 155#-failed 3rd rep at 165#, can’t find a rhythm on touch and go’s.
    Wod 5: 4:29
    Wod 6: 205#-only had time for 1 attempt
    Wod 7: 8:18-Subbed HSPU for walks (10,8,5)
    Wod 8: approx. 3 rnds (115# BB PP) -kind of sand bagged this one, the Yoke is a bear trying to transition the center piece to a sled position so I ended up starting around 9min.


  16. WOD 1&2: 145lbs
    WOD 3&4: 195lbs
    WOD 5&6: 225lbs
    WOD 7: attempted HS walks at first then moved to wall and tried shoulder touches for remainder of 10min. Then 800m hill run then 4min of shoulder touches 800m hill run
    WOD 8: had about 8min left when I got back from last run. subbed hill sprints due to no prowler and scaled push press to 35# KB’s 2full rounds + 10 sec L sit

  17. (didn’t catch exact time on burpees)
    1. 2-3 min
    2. 185#
    3. 3-4 min
    4. 205#
    5. 4-5 min
    6. 275#
    8. (Subbed 10 OHS @135#) 2+8 OHS

    *these sat comp WODs should be titled: “Outlaw saturday 60 min suckfest”

    • On the power clean and push jerks i did 3 power clean + 3 push jerks. don’t know if thats how it was suppose to go other wise im sure i could have done more weight.

  18. WOD 1 – 3:00
    WOD 2 – 205lbs
    WOD 3 – 3:41
    WOD 4 – 245lbs
    WOD 5 – 4:14
    WOD 6 – 330lbs

    Dont have a prowler and cant hand stand walk…

  19. Didn’t time my burpees. Felt strong on the push ups!
    WOD 1&2: 95lbs
    WOD 3&4: 155lbs Got 160 x 2, failed on last jerk.
    WOD 5&6: 175
    WOD 7: didn’t time it. Worked on quality hand stand walks. Getting better!
    WOD 8: 4 rounds
    120 lbs sled pulls 100′
    100lbs barbell push press
    Box L-Sits

  20. Had to miss it. Had a 6 mile run some folks from our gym were signed up for.
    It actually was 5.8 miles – did in about 42 mins, 7:15 mile avg.

    Did my Olympic lifting on Fri instead of Sat morning:
    Snatch (kilos) 57/3ub x5 67/2ub x5 72/1×5 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 (211)
    C&J: 77/1×5 87/1×5 92/1×5 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 (255)

  21. 29/m/5’11″/180
    WOD 1&2
    3:19 165
    WOD 3&4
    4:31 185(failed at 205 because wussitis)
    WOD 5&6
    4:41 245(tired)
    WOD 7
    100’+run+42′(even though I sucked, this felt pretty good, handstand walks getting better)
    WOD 8
    5 sled bear crawls + 15 PP(53kb) + 18sec Lsit
    Sharing sled and I was terrible. Dragging butt.

  22. Wod 1,2. 105
    Wod 3,4. 195 pc only
    Wod 5,6. 225
    Wod 7 only 800m runs
    Wod 8 2 rounds plus 4 sled pushes 30 db pp


  23. Wod 1&2:
    3:23min (hate burpees)
    Had @95#, but that was more hang power snatch, than hang squat snatch, so decided not to count…

    Wod 3&4
    @125# missed last jerk, legs got trembling after all these burpees.

    Wod 5&6
    80kg (176#)

    Wod 7
    9:09min. My hand walks are still max. 5 steps at a time….

    2+2.5 rounds. That was super hard to push the prowler on rubber surface or maybe that was because the distance was really short, so as soon as you get momentum, you have to stop, go around and start again…..

  24. 1. 2:20
    2. #205
    3. 3:20
    4. #235 (too gassed to go higher)
    5. 3:45
    6. #275 (too gassed to go higher)
    7. 19:55
    8. 4 rounds (used car for prowler)

  25. 1) 2:15
    2) 176
    3) 2:50
    4) 245
    5) 3:05
    6) 310(had 340 for 1 easy but ran out of time)
    7) not sure prob around 16ish
    8) 2rds +10 DB PP

  26. Nasty day! Loved every minute!

    1) 2:50
    2) 165Lbs
    3) 2:59
    4) 225 (Ran out of time)
    5) 2:44
    6) 345 (Had more, but ran out of time)
    8) Modified: 6 Ground to Shoulder with 100lb dumbbell.
    12 DB PP @ 60 lbs
    30 Situps
    Got 4 rounds+6+12+3

  27. 95 lb 3 rm snatch, felt seriously weak sauce from the 50 burpees previously!
    115 lb c&j, once again, wimpy from burpees
    165 lb front squats, wuss-itis was really kicking in by then

    13ish mins on hs walks and runs, first time doing hsw, I’m sure that was fun for others to watch

    finished with 2 rounds of amrap,

  28. Finished with 215 snatch, 275 clean and push jerk, 345 front squat, was able to finish number 7 which was tough (barely got it) and the last amrap I subbed to Airdyne because we didnt have a prowler. All burpees were between 2 and 3 minutes.

  29. 1.) 3:00
    2.) 165
    3.) 3:30
    4.) 195
    5.) 4:09
    6.) 215
    7.) DNF’ing HS Walks)=100′ + 800m + 75′ + 400m
    8.) 1rd + 2 1/2 prowler shuttle sprint

  30. did friday strength first as missed due to work.

    wod1 2.12
    wod2 75kg
    wod3 2.28
    wod4 95kg
    wod5 3.20 (blew a sandshoe massively at about 25)
    wod6 110kg (failed 3rd rep at 125kg)
    wod7+8 missed

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