I would like to take this opportunity to make the first official retraction in Outlaw Way history.

On Friday night I made a post that referred to the country of Iceland as not very exciting. At the time of that post I was jet-lagged, tired, and experienced nothing of the country but pitch black skies and a wind chill factor of -1,000,000 °C. This, coupled with the fact that I’m normally cranky, made me cranky. Throughout the weekend my opinion of the country was swayed by three facts: 1) Every single person in this country can Snatch a barbell. 2) Apparently they have an energy source known as “the sun”, and apparently when this energy source is on display, the city of Reykjavik is quite beautiful. 3) They laughed at my jokes.

I am, therefore, completely retracting my statement that Iceland is in any way not exciting. It is, in fact, a wondrously rugged and interesting place, which features a language that, when spoken, sounds like a combination between a dying yak and a lawnmower running over a tree stump. Every man (and woman) in this country carries a crossbow, and I am almost positive Colm and I helped overthrow the government last night—we don’t really know, they don’t exactly have “police”. Hell, I may actually be the new mayor of the whole country, who knows.

Seriously, thanks to Elvar and everyone at CrossFit Stodin. As I said when we finished, this trip was an absolute dream come true. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to visit a dream destination, and loved every second of the experience.

WOD 121105:

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 3X1@80%, 1X1@85%, 1X1@90%, 1X1@95%, 3X1@90%, 2X1@85% – rest 30-60 seconds.
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1@75%, 1X1@80%, 1X1@ 85%, 1X1@90%, 3X1@85%, 2X1@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.


3 rounds for time of:

50′ Burpee Broad Jump
20 KBS 32/24kg
15 C2B Pullups
10 Thrusters 135/95#

106 responses to “121105

  1. Hey Rudy, thanks for the programming. I am in Australia and have been posting my results 1 week behind. I have got great results so far to date and we are now about to go into the “Deload week”.. My question is will you be posting up an insight into what your plans are for this new 16 week cycle? Thanks

  2. Well, wasn’t today just a big ‘ol happy welcome back from a deload week!
    1) 185, 195, 205, 215f, (205f,1,1), 195
    2) 235, 250, 265, 280, 265, 250
    15:33 Rx

  3. BBG:
    1.) Off #225 -Dropped my second set at 80%, other than that solid.
    2.) Off #300 -All solid.

    13:26 -I’m still really slow on C2Bs. Burpees coming off the thrusters were pretty rough.

  4. Does anybody know if coaches eye work on a macbook. Example: I video myself or athlete from a camera and then can I take the sd disc and load it onto the macbook? Thanks.

    • No it’s only formatted for iPad/iPhone OS. If you don’t have an iPhone and have an Android OS phone I think ubersense is available on android market. Hope that helps.

  5. BB Gymnastics:
    1) based on 195# (several misses)
    2) based on 235# (several missed jerks)

    16:45 Rx

  6. 1) 75, 80, 85, 90, 85×3, 80kgx2
    2) 97.5, 105, 110, 117.5, 110×3, 105kgx2

    12:12 – first round done in sub 3 min, but thrusters killed me on last two rounds.

  7. 1) 140-150-155-165-155-150
    2) 170-180-190-205-190-180

    Pulls felt awesome today.

    cond 15:00 Rx

    Not fast, but one of those days that makes me remember the first time I tried a thruster above 95#. I got 115# about halfway to my nose and nearly collapsed. So I’ll take it.

  8. Snatch based on 185#, only a couple misses
    Clean and Jerk based on 235#, only missed once on the jerk at 90%

    17:57 RX on the met-con. Just wasn’t feeling those heavy thrusters today.

  9. Snatch based off of 175#
    C&J based off of 215#
    -Only failed once because I hit my chin on a jerk. Pumped about the successful BB gymnastics. Gathering fireworks and Metallica CDs for my PR celebration that is soon to come.
    15:40 on MetCon.

  10. Snatch: (1RM@#85) 68/72/76/80/76/80
    Cl&Jk: (1RM@ 105) 78/85/85/85/85/85

    My 2nd pull and jerk sucks! so I added 5 sets of 5 clean pulls at 105% 1RM clean (135#) and 5 sets of 5 Split Drops w/ bar only (it was evident this is a weakness!)

    Did a different met-con w/ group @ gym: 10 — 1 (ladder down) of Thrusters (#65) and 1– 10 (ladder up) of burpees (10/1, 9/2, 8/3, etc.) 10:19


  11. BBGym:
    1) Based off 160#
    2) Based off 210#

    Only have a 50#kb, tried duck taping plates to the bottom and failed miserably. Also, pullups on Yoke= forearms on fire.


  12. Snatch % off of 300#
    Clean & Jerk % off 330#
    a few misses on snatch, nailed all the clean & jerks, the missed lifts on snatch were immediately corrected and made successfully after 1 miss.. Think it happened once on my first lift at 240, once at 270, and once at 255.

    conditioning later, we’ll see how c2b go, pterodactyl lat syndrome after all the strict pull ups on Saturday I subbed for the rope climbs.

  13. BBG-

    A:) Done based off of 215
    B:) Done based off of 300

    Conditioning: Did another WOD for a Garage Games Comp.

  14. BBG
    1) off of 130#
    2) off of 160#

    18:10 Rx
    All those beers on Saturday caught up with me. Looking forward to the rest of the week.

  15. BBG
    1). Worked from 115#
    2). Worked from 125#

    Conditioning 17:04 with 75# thrusters.
    Still in my first week with outlaw…looking forward to my first rx

  16. Bbg
    1)off 240 couple missed not happy about it felt like forever since I snatched heavy..
    2)off 305 no misses!
    Conditioning 10:50 rx felt really good pacing felt right today…

  17. Well, wasn’t today just a big ‘ol happy welcome back from a deload week!
    1) 45lbs, 56lbs, 67lbs, 88lbs, 99lbs. Worked on form for the last two weeks and the movement is definitley better.
    2) 110lbs,135lbs,154lbs, 176lbs
    14:23 Rx

  18. Snatch: Based off 220 (Hit all percentages)
    C+J: Based off 285 (Hit all percentages)

    13:22 RX (Wore Titin vest during Met Con which made everything 10x worse but good wod)

  19. BBG
    snatch – 170, 180, 190, 200, 190, 180
    c+j – 190, 205, 215, 230, 215, 205

    14:00 (did all the thrusters unbroken, pretty excited about that)

  20. Snatch – Based off 225 — Tried out straps today, no clue how people do that, can’t lay my wrists back and kept missing forward. Once I got rid of them I didn’t miss

    C&J – Based off 305, one miss at 80% on the way down.

    Cond: 10:56 RX

    MFS – 3/3/4

  21. BBG:
    1) Completed off 240. Felt really good, only 1 miss.
    2) Completed off 275. Felt good.

    12:29. This was really hard…thats all i can say.
    KBS: (20, 20, 12+8)
    C2B: (15, 9+6, 9+6)
    THSTR: (10, 5+5, 10)

  22. BBG: 1) done: a few misses, like at 95, something just isn’t right in my shoulders and my ankle, plantar fasciatus thing is causing me to hesitate getting under. F-ing sucks!
    2) made all lifts, modified to power jerk since the bad ankle is my back foot, the stretch kills.
    *thank goodness for DMSO, I use that shit on everything!

    Conditioning: 11:06 (+/- a few seconds, I had a hard time seeing after this one.

  23. Anyone else fucked up and read this as 50 x burpees instead of 50′ of burpees and only made it to the beginning of round 3 before your own time cap of 25 min was reached… Just asking

  24. Conditioning

    7:49 rx

    Forgot KBS on round 2 so I had to do 40 on the third round. Forearms are blown up! Everything unbroken and fast.

  25. BBG
    1. Based off 245
    2. Based off 308

    Conditioning – 14:28 – lets just say this weekend was rather eventful and im still suffering…

  26. bbg
    1. based of 230
    2. based of 275
    missed a few on both although I made all my heaviest lifts. Somethings wrong with my upper back. everything overhead has no stability. Its been like this for a couple of weeks now hopefully it gets better and I don’t have to take any real time off.

    conditioning- 9:50-
    Only the first 20 KB swings was unbroken. Everything else was broken into 2 or 3 sets. I paced it really well only really redlining on the last set of thrusters. No break on this WOD.

  27. BBG:

    1) 80/85/90/95/90/85
    2) 95/105/115/120/115/105


    2 rounds – 14:16
    RX on KBS
    85# on thruster (did one thruster at 95 then failed so dropped to 85)

  28. 1. Based off 185#, missed the 95% snatch
    2. Based on 225#

    Cond: 115# thursters an the they still sucked, 13:13

  29. Snatch based on 135#. All lifts felt pretty easy, so I assume my max may be higher, as I have never attempted.

    C&J based on 185#. Jerk was easy, as I am limited by my clean.

    Conditioning – 23:00
    24kg KBS – heaviest KB I have
    The heavy thrusters kicked my ass.

  30. 29/m/5’11″/180
    1) 160-170-180-190-180-170
    2) 190-205-215-230-215-205

    16:53 (KB Swings got to me and I broke up my Pullups more than usual; first round only took 4min)

  31. BBG:

    Felt off today, chased a few heavier ones forward, but still no misses.

    1) based off 210
    2) based off 235

    Cond: 2 rounds in 11:40

    MFS 242

  32. BBG:
    Snatch based off 225#, no failed reps. Felt awesome today, 95% felt like a peanut.
    C&J based off 275#, no failed reps. Jerk felt a little wonky a couple times. My buddy was watching and commented that I looked confused after one of them.

    Conditioning: 10:25rx. Had a goal of sub 11, beat it. Happy.

  33. Conditioning – 7:49 rx

    Forgot to do my KBS on the 2nd round so I had to do 40 on round 3. Forearms are blown up!

  34. BBG
    1@ 155
    1@ 175
    3×1@ 165
    2×1@ 155

    3×1@ 190
    1@ 205
    1@ 215
    1@ 230
    3×1@ 215
    2×1@ 205


  35. BBG:
    Snatch based off 190# – missed 4/5 after hitting 1@95%
    C&J based off 225# – no misses
    Conditioning – 18:57

  36. BBG
    1. 105, 110, 115, 120, 115, 110
    2. 125, 130, 140, 150, 140, 135

    2 rounds + 7 pullups rx in 20 mins

  37. BB Gymastics

    Did not get to conditioning. Ran to late.

  38. 41/6’2″/204#

    1) snatch based off of 242# – No misses
    80%: 88kg
    85%: 92.5kg
    90%: 100kg
    95%: 105kg (231#)
    90%: 100kg
    85%: 92.5kg

    2) based on 300# – no misses
    75%: 100kg
    80%: 110kg
    85%: 115kg
    90%: 122.5kg (269#)
    85%: 115kg
    80%: 110kg

    Conditioning: done

  39. 1) Snatch:
    3X1@80% – 140
    1X1@85% – 145
    1X1@90% – 155
    1X1@95% – 165 – Missed it.
    3X1@90% – 155
    2X1@85% – 145

    2) Clean & Jerk:
    3X1@75% – 165
    1X1@80% – 180
    1X1@ 85% – 190
    1X1@90% – 200
    3X1@85% – 190
    2X1@80% – 180


    Time: 14:51 RX –

    First round was pretty good but I think I went at it a bit to hard on the first round because the 2nd and 3rd round just went BOOM especially the 3rd round. Been a while since I got my ass kicked like that. Last round of thrusters I could only string 3-2-3-2. I felt like I was breaking too much on the 3rd round I think I could of gone faster on the KBS and C2B one hell of a way to start the week though!

  40. BBG:

    1.) 170-180-190-200-190-180 ( 1 miss)
    2.) 215-230-245-260-245-230


    12:18 – Went UB for about 1 1/2 rounds. This was an ass kicker!


  41. Coming off a wicked head cold. My body was a pussy today.
    1) based off 230
    Fails at 95% and 2 x 90%
    2) based off 275
    One fail at 80% on jerk.

    A lot of reps were ugly.


  42. Been folowing for a month now, went to the camp in Chicago last month. Owner of CrossFit DNA in Northwest Indiana, come by if you are ever around.

    BB Gymnastics
    1. Based off 210lbs
    2. Based off 265lbs

    13:16 RX, kipping c2b slowing me down

  43. 4 of my friends and I work out in my garage in Hayden, Idaho. Started 4 months ago, been using the Crossfit main site for WODs. Heard about Outlaw, tried it out today. Liked it a lot. I’m 52 soon, 6’2″, 220 lbs. Working on mobility daily, especially shoulders and hip flexors. MobilityWOD.com has been super helpful.

    BBG based on 150# snatch and 185# clean & jerk

    Conditioning with 24 kg KB, and 115# thrusters. C2B and burpees rx. 18:05

  44. Had a 12 year old kid I’m working with try a scaled down version of this today.

    3 Rounds:
    -50′ burpee broad jumps
    -7 KBS 53 lbs
    -5 C2B Pull-ups
    -3 Thrusters 95 lbs


  45. BBG:
    1) Snatch:
    3×1 @ 120
    145 (fail 2×1)
    135 (missed #2)
    120 (2×1 + 3)

    Clean and Jerk
    170 (miss-make)
    180 (failed jerk)
    170 (missed #2, #3 was Power)


  46. BBG:
    Snatch based off of 205 (2 Fails on last set at 85% 1RM, made sure I nailed all 3 though)
    Clean and Jerk based off of 305 (no Fails)

    Conditioning: 10:44 RX’d
    -First round done in 2:30-ish
    -Thrusters to burpees to kettlebell swings was TERRIBLE.
    -Low Ceiling, struggled to get chest to bar without scalping myself.
    -A lot tougher than I thought when I first looked at it.
    -M/F/S: 3/2/2

  47. Snatch
    Conditioning RX’d 13:51
    Still easing the back into things but shoulder feeling great.

  48. Felt really shitty today so based my snatches off 51kg and c&j off 53kg.
    Only did one round of the cond., everything rx except for the thrusters, no time.

  49. BBG:
    Snatch: Based off of 145 – worked to a 140 but then started missing on the 3 x 1.
    C&J – Skipped

    16:48 Thrusters @ 115.

  50. BB Gymnastics:
    1) Snatch – 3×1 @ 80% (160#), 1×1 @ 85% (170#), 1×1 @ 90% (180#), 1×1 @ 95% (Failed), 3×1 @ 90% (Failed), 2×1 @ 85%

    2) Clean & Jerk – 3×1 @ 75% (180#), 1×1 @ 80% (195#), 1×1 @ 85% (205#), 1×1 @ 90% (215#), 3×1 @ 85%, 2×1 @ 80%

    Skipped conditioning; did core training.

  51. BBG
    1. Based off 125 missed a couple
    2. Based off 210 for cleans, jerks worked up to 70#
    Cond. 18:29
    Modified, burpees rx, KBS 24kg, pull ups, thrusters 75#, all with 20# vest.

  52. BBG:
    1.) 167x1x1x1, 177×1, 190×1, 200xffo, 190x1x1x1, 180x1xfoxffo
    2.) 185x1x1x1 195×1, 217×1, 220×1, 207x1x1x1, 195x1x1

    17:00 as RX

  53. 1) 175lb, 185, 195, 205f, 195, 185
    2) 225, 235, 250, 265, 250, 235

    Still getting back into the hang of going heavy after all that time off.

    14:29. Yup, I’m out of shape now too.

  54. BBG
    1 – Based of 100kg (no misses at all. Felt solid)
    2 – Based of 122.5kg (no misses)

    9.35 rxd

  55. bbg
    1/ off 95kg no fails
    2/ off 125kg no fails

    12.52 rxd
    thought i’d get this under 11min but lacked energy. not much sleep last couple nights.

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