Many weekends pass with absolutely nothing to get excited about. Nobody sends me videos of PRs, podium pictures, or stays out until 4am doing ridiculous dance moves while drinking BP under the table (Spencer – true story). This weekend, was NOT one of those weekends (actually, I can’t say that, I wasn’t with Spencer). There are so many things to post that I’ll have to spread it out over the next few days, or else you’ll fall asleep before you get to the workout. Here’s a few highlights…

BP and Sarabeth Phillips both won the Pensacola Beach Brawl, then they gave us a pic that Sarabeth will probably want to use on her Christmas cards.

Mike Holmes did a 130kg (286#) Bear Complex at the inov-8 4 Nations. He already had the event won the event by 7.5kg—he did this one for the Queen.

Patrick Kelly sent me this:


Just wanted to say thanks for your programming. A group of us at Crossfit Denver/South Denver have been doing it for about 4 months now, and it has made huge improvements for all of us. Today, we picked up our first team comp win. Attached a photo for you. Hopefully the first of many, can’t wait till the Open.

There are not enough words in the English language to describe how happy this video makes me. This is Johnny Medina, AGAIN, with another Snatch PR of 215#. Let me remind you; Johnny is 17yo, he weighs around 150#, and he lifts in Chuck’s in a garage. He also has badass plugs, and makes me hope I can someday experience the same joy he has after completing this lift.


WOD 121001:

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2X2 @ 65%, 2X1 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 4X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
2a) 3X5 Snatch Hi-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.

Notes: The finish of the movement should be at or near chest height. If this is not possible, lower the load.

2b) 3X5 Non-Heaving Drop Snatch – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.

Notes: Feet start in the receiving position. There should be no upward movement of the barbell. Drop, and press yourself down with the bar.


10 minutes HS Walk & HS Walk turning practice.

Notes: If you are fairly proficient, set up cones or something to turn around. Set them up no more than 10′ apart and attempt to turn in both directions. If you are not proficient simply practice walking.


5 rounds for time:

25 Jumping Squats @ 45# DEMO VIDEO
20 KB Push Press @ 24/16kg (2 KBs/2 arms)
15 Pullups

116 responses to “121001

  1. 2 questions about the Conditioning:
    1) Do you want us to go to depth on the jump squats like the video?
    2) Is it 5 rounds for time? It currently states “for total working time” which I thought was when each round was timed…Thanks

  2. So because of school all week and work on weekends, I don’t get to post much anymore because my days rarely match up with the work. Anyway last Sun I PR’d my Snatch by 5 # and hit 165#. Today I did this Sat work (Sun night) and PR’d my Snatch again by 15# I hit 180# FUCK YEA….. no Johnny but I’m seein some good progress…. Thanks Rudy, no vid but it was a solid Snatch, probably best form I’ve ever had, I think I sat in the hole for like 5 fuckin minutes cause I couldn’t believe it.

    • I live across the bridge in Mt Pleasant and work out of my garage. Have a lot of gear so if you don’t find a box feel free to send me an email. Catch is I work nights so usually work out around noon. You are welcome to come sat/sun 1030-1400.

  3. I was hoping to take things up a gear today from the outlaw main to outlaw way. However, torn ligaments in my ankle mean I am having to be creative on these. I guess we’ll see how it goes.

  4. Quick question. Hope coach dont kill me. Live in a small village in Spain, small gym, but all i have for about a year, cant snatch in there as have to always control the bar. Been taking note of Outlaw for a while now and gonna start doing it in the gym. Substitute for snatch? Do snatch light so always can control the bar, do with dumbells, or other exercise completely. Hope this aint to dumbass Noob question, just stuck in a rut!!

  5. BBG- Done based off of 205

    2a) 205 for all
    2b) 135/95/95 -buddy said I was heaving on the first set so I dropped down

    Skill work – Done with 10ft segment, worked on turns

    Conditioning – 13:11

  6. BBG
    2b-95# found it hard to drop without ANY upward movement. Maybe too light? My snatch is 145# (dont laugh it’s coming along)

    Skill- this should have been called look like a bitch for me. I did a couple sets of 3 and a couple of 2 with some 60s holds but no freestanding work cause I’m a bitch. Need to get on top of this.

    Conditioning: 22:31 did strict pulls but hit the wall HARD in the third round then things got better after that.

  7. I have a completely random question. I have been following the program for around 5 months now and absolutely love it. My question is regarding weight gain. Has anyone seen an increase in their weight? If looking to put some weight on, can someone just tweak their diet and continue following the program as usual, or would other adjustments need to be made. Please don’t laugh. I compete in a certain weight class and am looking to move up. Thanks!

    • In my opinion there is plenty of stimulus here to promote growth/weight gain. If you find it hard to gain weight, you just gotta eat like its your second job. Take your eating as seriously as your training.

  8. Good job everyone on the PR’s and winning everything.
    Also, any Outlaws competing in the Black Sheep Invitational (So. UT) at the end of Oct?

  9. First week back at the full program after having my knee scoped this summer, doing what I can and starting slow… Kinda haha

    BBG – Based off 200# max, all squat snatches, no misses, near perfect

    2a) 245# for all sets
    2b) 85#, still working on confidence and stability in the bottom of the overhead position

    Skill – figured out turning around pretty well!!

    Conditioning – Rx’d @ 19:31… Crappy time I know but I gotta start somewhere!!!

  10. Great Work this weekend Outlaws. I wish I could have sent in a podium photo from my competition this weekend. My team only placed 11th. Still, we’ve had continuous improvement and had a competitive field full of regional qualifiers. At least our awesome attitude got us on the cover of the tourney’s photo alubum.

    Here’s me making 185# look heavy as fuck on my 100th rep or so. (We did destroy any and every motion on the day with a barbell)

  11. BBG:
    1. Done based off of 235#
    2a. 200#
    2b. 135#, 135#, 145#

    22 meters then worked turns for the first time

    a slow 18:58

  12. 1) 105 – 115-130-145-115
    2a) 155
    2b) 100

    HS Walk made it 12-15 feet at one point, PR for me.

    Cond 4 rds. + 26 reps in 25 min. time cap. This was humbling.

  13. BBGym:
    1) Done off of 155#
    2a) 115
    2b) 115, 95, 95

    Skill: no time

    -Treated this more like “strength and conditioning” but kept moving the whole time. I only have one KB and one BB, so I had to load the bar with 105# after the jumping squats. Also did strict ring pull ups.


  14. ? Did the conditioning with 16kg to keep up intensity. I could have completed with 24kg but probably would have taken longer than 20min. So is it better to use rx weight and slower times or keep the workout around the 12-15min time domain and scale load appropriatly? Thanks

  15. BBG:
    1) 2×2@130, 2×1@140, 2×1@160, 2×1@180, 4×1@140lbs
    2a) 175lbs
    2b) 95lbs

    Did a little bit but cut it short today

    11:20 – just 4 rounds and 45lb DBs subbed for the KB pushpress

    4/3/6 – back is still really sore from last week, mostly feel it at the bottom of squats.

  16. BBG:
    1) 2×2@130, 2×1@140, 2×1@160, 2×1@180, 4×1@140lbs

    2a) 140, 150, 165, 175, 180
    2b) 130, 140, 150×3

    Skill: Complete

    12:53 used 24kg KB for one round then switched to the 16


  17. First off I am made up to make it onto here on a video alongside people like BP, T and Elisabeth. Thank you. And it wasn’t for the queen – it was for the showmanship!
    Felt like I was lifting in treacle warming up today but then it got easier and faster
    Snatches based off 105kg max, hit all the reps, 60 seconds rest on the way up and lifts on the 30 seconds at 70%
    High pulls @ 100kg to nipple height
    Drop snatches 50, 55, 60kg

    HS walking practice done

    MFS – 356

  18. BBG
    1) from 168#
    2a) 180#
    2b) 95 x 2, 105 x 1


    19:20 (something), only got through four rounds at full weight, had to go to work


  19. 1) Off of 235 – no misses
    2b) 145

    No skill work

    9:10 quit after 3 rounds – not motivated – knee hurt

  20. 1) 140 152 175 (missed 1st out front) 195(missed both lifts…don’t know why I feel so bad) 152

    2a) 245
    2b) 135

    Walking no problem…Almost got a full turn 3 times…getting better at these


    19:12 (shoulders let me down) Everything ub except push presses round 3 4 and 5

    swimming practice later today



  21. BBG: 1)75–80-90-105 (Failed)-80lbs. Have been working a lot on technique lately and all these rules really get into way of lifting heavier so far, but form and speed on light weights increased a lot.
    2a) 115/145/135lbs
    2b) 45/45/65lbs. That was really scary to make and really hard to drop without heaving.

    Skills: done. Can’t make walk, so tried just to do handstand balance off the wall.

    Conditioning: made CF class.

  22. I possibly have the worst snatch in the world – anyone mind critiquing my whopping 95# snatches, bar path looks decent enough.

    You can’t see it, but the second lift my feet went WAY too wide. Third one felt okay, not great, but okay.


    • for starters, you need to use your hips with more aggression and violence. also those are all power snatches. i would drop the weight until you can hit full depth on your catch 🙂 then just keep following Outlaw and fixing your technique. You will improve weekly.

  23. BBG:

    1.) 65% 140, 70% 150, 80 % 170, 90% 190, 70% 150
    2a.) 160#
    2b.) 135#

    Skill: Did 1 HS walk for 10 ft every minute for 10 min.


    19:34 – This was a lot harder than I expected! Push press always get me.


  24. I decided to start your program for the first time. I heard about your workouts from a friend at work. This is Day 1. There is no progress without process. LET’S GO!!!

    1) 2×2@88lbs, 2×1@110lbs, 2×1@130lbs, 2×1@130lbs, 4×1@110lbs
    2a) 154lbs
    2b) 176lbs

    Skill: Completely sucked at this! First time doing it. Will keep working at it.

    Conditioning: 23:20 did strict pull-ups. Have to learn how to do that whole kipping thing.

    Can’t wait for my Day 2

  25. 1st day on outlaw: did the wrong skill:
    Skill: Don’t have rack outside and can’t do jerks inside, so had to C&J every rep. Got to 205 by the time 15 mins was up. Def not a PR.

    Conditioning: 29:56 with one 35# kb and one 50# kb, and a pullup bar across the yard that spins and have to climb a ladder to get to. It started raining in the middle of round 5 and I took everything inside and finished with crap partial presses(low ceiling) and strict pullups.

    In other words, my time is meaningless.

  26. BBG
    1. % off 300# felt like a boss today. Everything was smooth and very powerful. Blasted 270# up twice with no problems.
    2a) 185
    2b) 185

    Skill: walked a few steps a handful of times. Getting better at freestanding handstands mostly.

    Conditioning 20:55 rx, finished round 1 in 2:00, then I lost my momentum and started thinking about how delicious pancakes are.

  27. BBG
    1) off of 180
    2a) 195
    Done. Turn arounds going alright
    12:51. UB but took my time between exercises

  28. BBG:
    1) Done based on 185
    2a) 225
    2b) 95/115/115

    Skill: I successfully fell on my head for 10 minutes. Thanks Coach. Phhppppt..

    Conditioning: 24:14 Rx

    3/8/5 (did a Half-Marathon on Sat…still feeling it a bit.)

  29. BBG:
    snatch: done
    2a) 85, 100, 110
    2b) 40, 50, 60

    HS walks: mostly free standing HS, finally got a feeling for moving and made some good progress steps. Before it was just momentum and trying to keep up; I guess that might be called “pose HS walking” except I actually fall.

    Conditioning: no idea of my time, somewhere around the 14-15 mark. We all started staggered due to only having one set of (different) 24kg KBs. We still ended up overlapping a ton. Good day though.

  30. Snatch – done off of 107.5kg max

    2a. 200lbs
    2b. 135lbs

    Conditioning – had to do a 12:00 amrap due to time constraints – got 3 rounds.

  31. BBG:
    Snatch: 145, 155, 175, 195, 155. No misses. 195 felt very fast and light! Very happy!

    2a.) 245, 245, 255
    2b.) 125, 135, 145

    Skill: HS Walks. Able to maintain and walk distances from 80 to 120 feet per attempt. Able to manuver in circles and pirouettes.

    Tough WOD and definite mental check! Loved the challenge!

    18:19 Rx

    KB’s got heavy but definitely glad to train it. Looking forward to the training camp this weekend!

    • Found out today I have been doing WOD’s this month with a slight case of pneumonia. I hope that now with proper meds I can get back to where I belong time wise on these WODs. PC

  32. 1) based off 225. No fails. Felt good. Also did with no straps.
    2a) 165 170 175
    2b) 135 145 150

    HS walk. Did some twirls and shit.

    Cond: pussed out after round 3. DNF

    No energy today.

  33. BBG:
    1) 110#, 120 (x1), 135 (x3 oops), 155, 120 (best I’ve ever felt getting under a snatch)
    2a) 185
    2b) 75 (drilling form)

    ~5 min cut short

    cut short
    BB PP@ 110#

    16:14 I fucking suck.

  34. Bbg –

    1) off 185

    2a) 135
    2b) 85

    Skill – I still suck just a little less now

    Cnd –

    Should have scaled the KB push press but i’m to hard headed to scale back during a WOD. Spent at least 1/2 time staring at the kettle bells and killed the intensity oh well I get to put a big Rx with it though.. Dumb I know better..

  35. BBG
    1) Off of 230. MIssed the second (and third) attempts at 210.
    2a) 185
    2b) 65, 95, 115. Wow, didn’t realize how far these had come along!

    1-2 attempts every 30 seconds

    Blah, blah, excuses, excuses. DNF.

  36. Female/5’3″/120#

    BB gymnastics

    1) off 120 bar felt light today
    2a) 95
    2b) 65

    21:05 used 25# kbs… This sucked…


  37. BBG
    1) % based of 215

    2A) 205

    Skill) worked on HS walk mostly with a few turn attempts

    Conditioning (was a straight kick to the dick)

  38. 1) 245 %’s
    Missed 1st attempt of 220, got 2nd
    2a. 185
    2b. 135

    10 min HS walks and shoulder touches

    Cond: 13:02

  39. BBG
    1) 120, 130, 155, 165, 135 for the 4×1

    2a) 190 missing a little low, 185, 185
    2b) 75lbs

    Conditioning 19:10 used 35lb kbs

  40. 1 Based off Saturday’s PR of 180 lb (15 lbs up from a 165 at the hip as a pr last week)
    2a 205
    2b 95

    25:30 HELL YEAH! I beat all of you for slowest time

  41. BBG

    1) 2×2@ 125,2×1@135, 2×1@155, 2×1@170 (f on 2nd) 4×1@135

    2a) 185,195,195

    2b) 95,100,100





  42. BBG:
    1) 2×2@135, 2×1@145, 2×1@165, 2×1@185, 4×1@145lbs
    2a) 205lbs (dropped bar between pulls)
    2b) 95lbs

    5 minutes


  43. BBG:
    1) % off of 210# . . . felt really good today so after the 90%, I went 95% then went for 215#. Hit it on 2nd try for a new PR!

    2a) 165#
    2b)95#/115#/125# (failed last drop @ 125#)

    10 minutes of Handstand walks… I’m seeing some improvement


    17:47 Rx

  44. Ran 1.5 miles in 10 minutes for a warm up
    1) 110-125-140-110
    2a) all done at 145#
    2b)all done at 65# (my shoulders and biceps have been hurtin since thursday, my shoulders were poppin each rep)
    conditioning: completed 3 rnds at 9:45 rx’d. stopped bc of my shoulders, didn’t want to make it worse. My butterfly pullups are feelin great while im doin em but they kill my shoulders afterwards…gunna watch some videos and make sure im pullin right. Dont like bein this sore after.

  45. Still deviating from the programming this week to prepare for my sanctioned meet on Saturday.

    Snatched and Clean and Jerked up to a max again today while my buddies were being destroyed from the day’s conditioning. I had a great snatch day but still having trouble standing up with 315# in the clean. Hoping to make up for it with the snatch on saturday to give my self the best chance at American qualifying.

  46. BBG

    1) 60kg x 2 x 2, 65kg x 2 x 1, 72.5kg x 2 x 1, 82.5kg x 2 x 1, 65kg x 4 x 1

    Snatch felt good and fast tonight, although my pubic bone is still feeling very bruised.
    My left wrist was playing up as well

    2a) Subbed Snatch grip deadlifts (because of groin) – 100kg x 5 x 3
    2b) Skipped cos of wrist

    Skill – Skipped

    Did my own conditioning.

    Although the snatch went well, I felt all-round crappy tonight. Sigh. There’s always tomorrow..

  47. BB Gymnastics
    1. Done – 1 miss @ 90%
    2A. 115, 125, 135
    2B. 135, 135, 135

    Done with turnarounds

    F*n horrible

    MFS – 226

  48. BB Gymnastics
    1) Did not do. Warmed up with some other snatch drills.
    2a) 115
    2b) 75

    Shoulders not feeling good. Skipped skill.

    75# barbell push press. (After the first round I asked myself the meaning of life!)

  49. BG- Done based off of 100#

    2a) 115/115/135
    2b) 65/70/75

    Skill work – Complete

    Conditioning – 23:06 (25# KB)

  50. BBG

    165 x 2 x 2
    185 x 2 x 1
    205 x 2 x 1
    230 x 2 x 1
    90% felt great so I went on…
    240 x 1
    250 x 1 PR!!

    Snatch hi pulls
    185 x 5
    205 x 5
    215 x 5

    Great height.

    No drops. Missed a 255 and cracked myself in the back of the head….


    Done with our group class. kB’s would have been a nightmare. Used 115/75# Barbell

    13:25 * only one bar, had to load and unload bar each round.

  51. BBG: 135, 145, 165, 185, 145

    a)185, 195×2
    b)95, 115, 125(4)

    Skill: Done, Had 4 walks of at least 15 feet. Not at the turnaround point yet but close!

    Conditioning: 17:52 Rx
    I’m glad I am not the only one that found this one hard. Funny thing is, just before I started it I was talking about how I feel like I am weak on the longer metcons. I guess I got what I asked for!

  52. 29/m/5’11″/175
    1) no time
    2a) 135-145-155 (could have gone 155 for all)
    2b) 45-65-95 (could have done 95 for all, just never done before)


    only time for 3 slow, terrible rounds
    22:12 (yeah, I know, I suck)

  53. Great Training day:

    Snatch: 135-150-170-190-150
    2A) 150-150-150
    2B) 115-115-115

    Skill: Worked turns, Video is of my best. Did one handed handstand practice for a bit too.


  54. BBG
    1. Percentages based off 132.5k so I build up to 120k no misses happy
    2a. Did snatch deadlifts instead with 140k. My coin purse, pubic area, is still bruised like a mother.
    2b. 70k new to these

    Handstand walks I blow

    Conditioning 13:06 rx. For no condidtioning for the past 2 months until last week I’m happy.

  55. Should we be putting a 12 min cap on these conditioners? I read somewhere that we should be but some of these seem really hard to do in only 12 minutes.

  56. I am sure someone else will chime in, but In my mind, I think scaling should be done BEFORE putting a time cap on the workout. Change the weights to allow you to do all the work with out dragging the workout into the 20-25 minute range.To me, finishing a set number of rounds and reps is better then struggling with weights that are too heavy. Plus, the goal is maintaining intensity, so if the 55 lb push presses become a strength workout, drop the weight.

    …or I could be wrong. I haven’t drank my coffee.

  57. BBG
    1 snatch based of off 125#.
    2a. 155#
    b. 75#
    4 rounds of
    25 jumping sq. 45#
    10 pp 75#
    10 pull ups

  58. BBG:
    1) 115#, 125#, 140#, 155#, 125# – kept leaving the bar too far forward
    2a) 135# – first time doing these, need to increase weight next time
    2b) 95#
    first time attempting to actually handstand walk, got a few mini “steps”
    3 Rds in 14:43 with 115# barbell on PP (only have single KBs right now), BB jumping squats were awful

  59. just started the outlaw way. doing it one week behind so i can plan my work/training for the week.

    1/ off 90kg
    1a/ 65kg
    1b/ 40,50,60kg

    done, but just handstand practice.

    13.20 20 one arm kb pp (10each arm)

  60. BB Gymnastics:
    2×2 @ 65% – 110
    2×1 @ 70% – 120
    2×1 @ 80% – 135
    2×1 @ 90% – 155 – Missed one but re did it as I wasn’t set in my feet and just ripped it off the ground.
    4×1 @ 70% – 120

    2a) 3X5 Snatch Hi-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
    • Used 130-145-145. Could of gone heavier and used straps which helps ton.

    2b) 3X5 Non-Heaving Drop Snatch – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec.
    • Messed up and did tomorrows work on this one. My bad.


    10 minutes HS Walk & HS Walk turning practice.

    • Did hand stand walks. Getting tons better. I can walk the length of the gym in about 5-8 attempts. Way better than what it was a few weeks ago.


    5 rounds for time:

    25 Jumping Squats @ 45# DEMO VIDEO
    20 KB Push Press @ 24/16kg (2 KBs/2 arms)
    15 Pullups

    WOD killed my shoulders and I quit after 3.5 rounds as I felt my shoulder feel tweakish. Scaled the KB down to 44# after the first round of using 53#. And my clock got reset so probably part of the reason why I quit. Meh. I also did Justine WOD from the gym at 6am… O.o Did it in 5:48 which is lots slower than my last PR of 5:09 @ http://crossfitpete.wordpress.com/2012/05/23/oly-cycle-2-may-23rd-2012-day-3/

    Also following a week behind.

  61. Snatch – Based off o 185lbs (some misses probably because i skipped off day due to missing wod 2 days ago felt weak overhead)

    Snatch pulls- 215lbs could go heavier but it was still intense
    Drops- 95, 105, 105 Sad to say but 105 about right weight

    Cond- 3 Rounds did not time because had to get wife icecream believe it or not. The deal because I work out so late and they were about to close.

  62. BB Gymnastics
    1) Snatch: 2X2 @ 65%, 2X1 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 90%, 4X1 @ 70%

    2a) 3X5 Snatch Hi-Pulls

    2b) 3X5 Non-Heaving Drop Snatch

    10 minutes HS Walk & HS Walk turning practice.


    5 rounds for time:
    25 Jumping Squats @ 45#
    20 KB Push Press @ 24/16kg (2 KBs/2 arms)
    15 Pullups


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