Elisabeth was in town for the last few days to get some extra pre-Games work in. She’s been doing her Pause Front Squats at 175# for the last few weeks. Today I made her try to go heavier…and heavier…and heavier.

EA – 225# Pause Front Squat Double:


This brings up the topic of loading during these kind of efforts. I use the term “heaviest possible” quite a bit. There seems to be some controversy about what this actually means. The short answer is that it means absolutely the HEAVIEST POSSIBLE load you can use for all sets. In a perfect world you all have records and data on all the movements which make up our template. You would know when a 5X3 Push Press comes up, you’ve done a triple @ 195#, but you’re feeling a little fatigued today so you’re gonna start @ 175#, and make sure you’re not starting too high. Then, on the next set, you’d go to 185# and feel it out. If it goes up easy you know to add, if it’s a fight to the death you know to stay right there, but work on being a little more violent out of the dip. Basically you know your body, know your stats, and know what a “heaviest possible” for that day feels like.

I DO NOT want a gradual climb in loading that starts far too light and ends far too light, with only 1 or maybe 2 legitimately heavy sets. This is our Max Effort work, and it’s designed to either be at or very close to a maximal load on all sets. Also, I don’t want multiple misses, but if you do miss—it’s ok. The occasional miss is necessary to find the true limit point. Obviously, if your technique cannot support these maximal or near-maximal efforts, then limit loading and work on technique.

I don’t want to oversimplify this, but heaviest possible means just that. Yes, it’ll take a set or two to find out where that limit lies, but don’t pull “an Akinwale” and leave 50# sitting on the floor.

WOD 120627:

BB Gymnastics

10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull + 1 Hi-Hang Snatch – heavy but perfect, rest 40-60 sec.

Notes: This combination of these two movements is meant to be performed in succession. In other words, at the finish of the 3-Stop Snatch Pull the athlete should be set in a stalled Hi-Hang position. Without any re-bending or other momentum, the athlete should immediately perform a Hi-Hang Snatch. It is noteworthy that this version of the Hi-Hang Snatch should should be performed with hip and knee extension.


1a) 4 X ME Strict Handle HSPU + ME Kipping Handle HSPU – more deficit than last week, rest 45 sec.
1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict C2B Pullups (overhand grip) – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
1c) 4 X 15 Reverse Hypers – medium/heavy, rest 45 sec.

Notes: “Handle” HSPU denotes HSPU performed on either parallettes or dumbbells. Width is not noted as too wide a setup will be impossible to use safely. There should be an object (preferably an ab-mat) placed at roughly a 2″ deficit between the handle.

102 responses to “120627

    • Either google it, or go to one of the other 500 fucking days that we have done reverse hypers and find the comment where some other dumbass asks the same question

      • Or you could just tell him a good sub. Hearing you bitch about it is worse than the Noobs asking the question in the first place.

      • You’re a fucking homo

        This is why Outlaw gets a bad rap

        Thanks Bailey

        ADMIN EDIT: homophobic comments (and racist comments for that matter) are not permitted on this blog. Your next will be your last.

        Leaving this here as a general note for everyone.



      • Donnie:

        If you have access to a GHD, wrap a black band/bands around one of the support frames and place the middle of both feet on the end of the band…then do the reverse hyper…its the best sub ive found that simulates the movement and isn’t good mornings

      • Since when do we get mad at LGA for upholding a standard? Go back to the end of last year when only a few of us were following (before you whiners joined our bandwagon) and see how we thrashed each other for repeatedly asking n00b questions.

        If you want to enjoy the moral high ground then go read Lisbeth Darsh or RX Star but if you want to train then find your fucking sack and go lift.

      • Yes I’m the jackass bc googling “sub for reverse hypers” is SO FUCKING DIFFICULT. No let your fucking nuts drop and grow some hair on your balls, that’s what happens when you become an adult, and you know what else you do when you become an adult…YOU USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN AND FIGURE SHIT OUT ON YOUR OWN SOMETIMES.
        This is not public school where we can’t play dodgeball bc the fat kids and pansies aren’t as good as everyone else and we don’t want to make them feel bad about themselves. We play dodgeball here, and aim for the fucking head. So if you don’t like that shit, go spam up someone else’s blog with your dumb fucking questions

      • Why google when this is suppose to be the elite of the elite.

        And yes google can be a great resource to use, but like I said, why not ask some heavy hitters here on this blog what works instead of searching through 10000 crap filled bodybuilding.com forums.;

        You’re still a fucking homo for your response no matter how you put it.

        All others thanks for the responses and help.

      • Bc the elite people, Rudy, and OG followers don’t have the patience to answer every dumbass question that you have about how to scale a movement every single time it comes up. It gets old having to answer the same fucking noob question every time a movement comes up that someone doesn’t have the equipment for. You need to go read the post the other day about why Rudy isn’t allowing unannounced drop-ins anymore. It’s bc of retards like you, you would be the one who would just show up at Outlaw Crossfit buy a t-shirt and expect Rudy to coach the shit out of you. It doesn’t fucking work that way, you need to use what little bit of intelligence you might have, and do some problem solving. So the next time a movement comes up that you either don’t have the equipment for or don’t know how to do, go to a previous day where we have done the same movement and read through the comments and I guarantee you will find your answer.

        And as far as you thinking I’m a homo bc you are all butt hurt bc I talked dirty to you and gave it to you rough…first go read the outlaw doctrine and then read the dumbass noobs page

    • grab a bench or something stationary, lean over a yoga ball or something relatively high and start lifting your legs. Add Dbs bw ankles for weight. or just hang off the end of a bench. the other comments are harsh, but google is a great resource, just saying. there are even some DIY plans for making one on the cheap. hope that helps.

    • I use a GHD, 20 pound wall ball or heavy dumbbell’s, just grab them with your feet, works pretty well. Doing with a wall ball is different because you have to really squeeze that bitch to keep it from flying across the room.

  1. I thought “pulling an Akinwale” was ordering your first drink, complaining it is too strong, not finishing it, then going home for an early bed time?

  2. 4 X ME Strict Handle HSPU + ME Kipping Handle HSPU – more deficit than last week, rest 45 sec.

    There should be an object (preferably an ab-mat) placed at roughly a 2″ deficit between the handle.

    I’m confused….What are the HSPU supposed to be this week – 2″ deficit from handles or more deficit than last week??

  3. Hey guys,

    can anybody give my a good advice how to force my body to stay on the heels until I’m fully extended (snatch)? I’ve got the problem that when the bar is between upper mid-thigh and hip I shift onto the ball of my feet once I add speed to the movement.


    • I’m no expert, that’s for damn sure, but the way I was taught was to start pulling with knees out at mid thigh/knee region your legs should begin to get vertical – that has helped me stick back in my heels. Also, flex your lats so that you are driving the bar close to your body. don’t just let your arms hang during the first and second pull; the snatch is a whole body exercise. not sure if this will help but these cues helped me.

    • Maybe it’s a problem with the lats, because I do every point that you mentioned in your answer, except flexing the lats 😉 ! THANK YOU!. I will try it!

  4. Today’s BBG wasn’t easy at 6 a.m. and I had a tough time getting moving early one


    1) 145, 155, 165, 175, 175, 175, 185, 185, 185, 185

    Probably did around 10-15 sets with 175-185 because I would get 1 and miss the 2nd rep, so I just kept redoing them over and over because I was getting frustrated. But got 10 successful sets in regardless.


    1) Used paralletes with a 2 inch deficit: 5+2, 5+3, 4+2, 4+3

    2) Used 1.5 Pood KB all strict and toughed above nipple

    3) Used black band rig on GHD

  5. BBG: 40/50/60/65/70f/70/70f/70/72.5kg

    a) 3/1/4/3 HATE HSPU, I would rather run a marathon
    b) 20f/ 0/12/12kg
    c) No weight used, We don’t have a reverse hyper so used the GHD in reverse instead.

  6. BBG:
    I wasn’t sure if it was 2 reps of (pulls + high hang snatch) or 2 reps of pulls THEN one high hang snatch. I felt like crap this morning so did the latter.
    95×2, 105×2, 115×1,125 x1, 125×2, 145×1, 155 (failed…caught it but lost my balance standing up)

    Used parallettes & an abmat = 7″ deficit. 1+2; 2+0; 0+2, 1+1
    20# (last two in last set missed touching my chest)
    No reverse hyper in the garage so did back extensions + 25# plate

  7. 7×1….. Are we increasing load every round or working up to a heavy single then doing 7 rounds with that weight?


    • If you look above today’s workout you would see this.

      This brings up the topic of loading during these kind of efforts. I use the term “heaviest possible” quite a bit. There seems to be some controversy about what this actually means. The short answer is that it means absolutely the HEAVIEST POSSIBLE load you can use for all sets. In a perfect world you all have records and data on all the movements which make up our template. You would know when a 5X3 Push Press comes up, you’ve done a triple @ 195#, but you’re feeling a little fatigued today so you’re gonna start @ 175#, and make sure you’re not starting too high. Then, on the next set, you’d go to 185# and feel it out. If it goes up easy you know to add, if it’s a fight to the death you know to stay right there, but work on being a little more violent out of the dip. Basically you know your body, know your stats, and know what a “heaviest possible” for that day feels like.

      I DO NOT want a gradual climb in loading that starts far too light and ends far too light, with only 1 or maybe 2 legitimately heavy sets. This is our Max Effort work, and it’s designed to either be at or very close to a maximal load on all sets. Also, I don’t want multiple misses, but if you do miss—it’s ok. The occasional miss is necessary to find the true limit point. Obviously, if your technique cannot support these maximal or near-maximal efforts, then limit loading and work on technique.

      I don’t want to oversimplify this, but heaviest possible means just that. Yes, it’ll take a set or two to find out where that limit lies, but don’t pull “an Akinwale” and leave 50# sitting on the floor.


  8. 10X2 3ssp + 1hhs: 60Kg, 60Kg, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 75 miss then make, 75 miss then make, 80 miss then make

    S/S: 1a: 8+2/7+4/6+2/5+2
    1b: unweighted C2B on all sets

    wrote down wrong in notebook and did r. hypers as 2nd portion.
    2: 10lb/20lb/40/60 used GHD and hands on foot blocks, hips on ham pad, from feet on ground to just above parallel. Used weight belt to strap plates to heels and ankles. Worked great.

  9. BBG:
    Up to 70Kg (154lbs)

    1a) 3/1/NR; 2/0;1/0; 2/2/NR – deficit 9″ approx
    1b) 4Kg; 8Kg x 3
    1c) 60Kg Good morning sub

  10. BBG
    95 x 2, 105 x 2, 115 x 3, 125 x 3 (missed 2 snatches at 125 on 1st and 3rd set)

    1a) 1, 0, 0, 0 – Bad bad day
    1b) 20#
    1c) 55#

    M/F/S – 7/5/2 (Did not feel HSPU at all today)

  11. 3-Stop Snatch Pull + 1 Hi-Hang Snatch:

    9″ Deficit handle HSPU: 2+0,1+0,1+1,1+1
    Strict C2Bs:8kg,10kg,10kg,10kg(4)
    Good Mornings: 60kg across

  12. Here’s a video from yesterday (vimeo took forever to process it)

    I thought my pause at the bottom of the FS was long enough, but after watching EA I guess I should have paused longer. Best part is at the very end my 11 month old daughter mimics my grunts from off camera

  13. If that ADMIN EDIT comment above is legit: BRAVO!
    I appreciate that those sorts of comments will not be tolerated. Continuing to set a good example for the community.
    Great stuff! Thanks!

    • PS like i said before if i could move like EA i could snatch a truck no problem. thanks for the kick in the ass, i will start moving the weights up to where i’m flirting with failure.

  14. BBG:
    115*2, 125, 135*5, 140*2

    1a) 2+1, 2+2, 2+2, 2+2 (9″ deficit from parallettes to top of abmat)
    1b) 4*5 @35
    1c) skipped

  15. Anyone have reebok oly’s and romaleos? I currently have the reebok oly’s but was looking to buy the romaleos, as they just look more stable. Was unsure if they are that much different (I know the romaleos are stiffer) or better for all the oly lifting

    • Nike rom’s work better me than reebok Oly…Nike have higher heel, well constructed and stability is better. But they’re a bitch to do DUs in…
      If you’re looking for a true Olympic shoe go with the Nikes but if you need some versatility go with Reebok

  16. Snatch pull
    90,95,100,105,110f, 100,100,100,100,100,100 super happy! Could give a shit about the rest of my day!

    Hspu 4, 4, 5, 4 (cannot strict boo)
    20lbs on pull ups
    16 wall ball reverse on ghd

  17. BB Gymnastics

    Snatch pull + high hang snatch (hip): 50 kg/110 lbs (2 reps) – 50 kg/110 lbs (2 reps) – 55 kg/121 lbs (2 reps) – 60 kg/132 lbs (1 rep) – 65 kg/143 lbs (1 rep) PR (fail at 70 kg/154 lbs x 2 fails)


    1a) 2 X 5 reps HSPUs
    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict C2B Pullups: later this week
    1c) 4 X 15 Reverse Hypers @ 11 lbs

  18. BBG
    1) 3 pos Sn + High hang Sn -> 3×175, 3×185, 2×195, 2×205
    *HH Sn was pretty dynamic from 3rd pos, little pause at 3rd pos
    *Sn felt solid

    1a) Strict + Kipping HSPU (regional standards)
    18+7, 15+6, 8+7, 8+7
    1b) Strict Wt Pullup (no C2B)
    BW 220 + 25, 35, 45, 55
    1c) Reverse Hyper


  19. BBGym:
    Skipped to play some puck

    1a) 2+1, 3+0, 2+0, 5+1(handstand last set, dumbbells kept rolling)
    1b) 10#, 20#, 25#, 20#
    1c) 10#


  20. BBG:
    1. 165 x 8, 175 x 2

    1st – 6.75” for 5/0
    2nd – 4” for 5/3
    3rd – 4” for 4/1
    No 4th

    25# for 3 sets

    Reverse Hyper
    60# for 2 sets

  21. BBG
    75-75-80-80-80-85 (got them but technique was crap), back to 80 for the rest.
    1a) 3+3/ 2+2/ 2+2/ 1+3
    1b) 10#
    1c) subbed 85# Good Morning

  22. BBG

    1a) 2+1 3+1 2+1 2+0
    1b) BW 5, 5, 5,5
    1c) 60#

  23. BBG:
    70, 70, 70, 75, 75f second, 75, 75, 75, 75f second, 75. Fails were just out front. Boo. All other lifts felt awesome.

    1a) 9, 10, 10, 10 No kips today. Did on 40lb DB’s, they have a 2&1/2″ deficit on them. Close enough.
    1b) 30lb for all.
    1c) GM sub. 60kg. Only did 3×15. Last time I did 4 sets it took my legs 3 days to recover.

  24. BBG: 155, 155, 175, 175, 175, 185, 185, 185(fail on snatch), 185, 185

    1a. 4/3, 3/3, 2/5, 3/5 (used 45lb hex db’s rigged to give 2″ deficit to the mat)
    1b. BW, 10, 15, 15
    1c. 70 lbs

  25. CFG Data:

    worked up to 66kg – really hammered technique and speed.
    1+4; 1+3; 0+7; 0+8
    13kg for all
    double band, reb+white

    worked up to 92.5
    not sure of hspu numbers
    red and white band

    The 3-stop + hi hang was pretty much the most awful thing ever. That being said, last week we did hang snatches and I could only get 64 with good form and solid speed and landing so to get 66 with solid form today feels good. Still light, but moving in the right direction.

  26. BBG
    135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 165, 170 (Miss 1st, Make 2nd), 170, 175, 180

    Save for the one miss where I got a little lazy these were super solid.

    1a. 1/8, 1/7, 1/8, 1/8

    Did on parallettes with two 45’s and an Ab Mat, measured out to a 2″ deficit. Strict ones need work here.

    1b. BW, BW, BW, BW

    Had never done strict chest to bars with palms away before. These were tough.

    1c. No reverse hyper so I spun around on the GHD and did all four sets with a black band.

  27. BBG
    165×7, 175×2, 185×1

    1st – 6.75” for 2/0
    2nd – 4” for 2/1
    3rd – 4” for 2/2
    4th—2″ for 2/1


    60lbs for all reverse hypers

  28. BBG
    all sets 70kg, did 2x (3-stop + Hi hang sntach), video below

    1a) 3+4, 3+2, 2+2, 2+1 using roughe paraletts and 3 abmats
    1b) 20kg all sets, focisng on the deadhang
    1c) two ankel weights that made the movement harder, don’t know the weight

  29. BB Gymnastics

    -135 x 2,155 x 4, 165 x 1, 175(m),175(m),175


    1a-(paralletes) 5+3, 3+5, 4+3,4+0
    1b- Unweighted hollow position strict C2B
    1c-Subbed 95# Good Mornings for Hypers

  30. BB Gymnastics

    1a) 3+3, 4+4, 4+5, 4+4 (regular HSPU)
    1b) BW, 10, 20, 30
    1c) green band around tall plyo box

  31. 1) 165×2 175×2 185(fon2) 185×2 195 195(fon2) 195
    Here’s set 8 and 10

    1a) did in parallettes with 45 under(bottom of ears to ‘lettes. Kipping was sketchy
    3/1 4/3 3/4 3/2
    1b) 0 15 20 –
    1c) 3 sets with no weight

  32. Snatch up to 135–didn’;t feel right on these this morning

    HSPU 5+2 for 3 sets
    C2B Pulls 20#
    35# modified Rev hyp

  33. Sorry about the black boxes. But really..who cares. It’s easier to prop my phone up that way.

  34. BBG
    165, 175, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210(f,f,SUCCESS)

    1a) 2″ deficit from paralettes – 2+4, 1+6, 2+5, 2+5
    1b) 15×4
    1c) hypers 140×4

  35. BB Gymnastics

    10X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull + 1 Hi-Hang Snatch – heavy but perfect, rest 40-60 sec.
    (135 x 2, 145 x 4, 155 x 2, 165 x 1)


    1a) 4 X ME Strict Handle HSPU + ME Kipping Handle HSPU – 5.5in deficit, rest 45 sec. (6+4, 4+4, 4+3, 4+3)
    1b) 4 X 5 Weighted Strict Pullups (overhand grip) – @ 35lbs UB rest 45 sec.
    1c) 4 X 5 RDL’s @ 205 – rest 45 sec.

  36. BB gym:

    1a) 10+6, 10+5, 12+2, 11+0
    1b) 52 for all
    1c) 125, 135, 175, 175

    MFS – 2/3/2

  37. BBG

    95×5, felt slow today. Elbows sore from C2B’s yesterday. Stopped halfway through instead of continuing with shitty form.


    Subbed Annie as elbows were trashed. 8:52.


  38. BB Gym – 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 65kg, 67.5kg, 67.5kg, 70kg, 70kg

    These felt pretty good. I did them EMOM. I can feel this reinforcing good positions.

    Strength/Skill – A night of substitutes!

    Subbed HSPU’s on 20kg + 10kg bumpers – approx 12cm depth
    Subbed Strict Chin over bar pullups
    Subbed 50kg Good mornings

    HSPU – 4 + 2, 5 + 1, 4 + 0, 4 + 1 – My kipping sucks, my pressing is getting much better though
    Pullups – Completed easily
    Good mornings – Completed easily

    Nice easy night after feeling crap lately.

  39. Snatch: 93/98/98/103/103/103/108/108/113/113

    Hspu: 0 strict, got 2 Kipping each time. Deficit was 45# plate, 15# plate, 35# db and 1 abmat. Last week I used same deficit minus db and averaged 7 hspu per set…dumbells = not a good time
    Pullups: used a 10# kb
    Hypers: 90#

    Worked on hs walks and consecutive hspu with a 45# plate deficit…much more success.

  40. Struggle to get up at 4:30am, struggled to get snatches too
    145, 150, 150, 150, 155, 155, 160 F+1, 160, 165 F+1, 165
    Felt better about positioning and explosion by last set

    HSPUs on handles are total suck
    0+10, 0+8, 0+7, 0+4
    Pull-ups not as strong as supinated
    5, 5, 2+1+1+F, 1+1+1+1+1 (came off bar for a few seconds at +s)
    Reverse Hyper
    180 felt good for 15

    MFS 3,7,6 (fatigue bad since Sunday morning… DLs? Swings? T2B?)

  41. Bbg

    95×2, 115×2, 125×4, 135×2

    HSPU on parallettes:
    4+3, 3+2, 3+1, 2+0
    C2b: 53#
    Reverse Hypers:
    used the 2 heaviest bands on the GHD machine

  42. BBG: 135, 135,145,145,155,155,165f,165, 175f, 175f, 175f, 135(I hate finishing with failure)

    Hspu: 4-2, 2-1, 1-1, 1-2 Used a 25lb plate with a 10 lb on top
    C2B PU: 10,15,20,25 (Lacking range on last couple at 25, but still a solid PU)
    Goodmorning (RH sub): 115 for all

  43. 95 LBS to hit technique and drop all he way down.

    1a) 5/4, 7/5, 7/5, 6/5 on 11-12 inch deficit
    1b) 25lbs
    1c)20lb wall ball

  44. WOD 120627:
    BB Gymnastics



    1a) 6+3, 4+3, 3+5, 3+4 reps (parallettes)
    1b) 25-25-30-30lbs.
    1c) no weight

  45. BBG:

    135lbs, 145, 145, 155, 155, 155, 165, 165, 175f, 175


    1a)4+8, 3+5, 4+2, 4+4
    *Used dumbbells and an abmat

    1b)25, 35, 45, 45

    1c)Not weighted

  46. BB Gymnastics


    1b) 35lbsx2x5, 25lbsx2x5
    1c) Subbed weighted Good Mornings 135lbs 4×15

  47. M/F/S – 2/6/5

    95/95/115/115/115/135/135/135/145/155 Fail both snatches

    1a)2+0, 2+0, 2+1, 2+0 damn these
    1b)25# across
    1c)10# across, these are reversed on a GHD holding dumbbell between feet

  48. BBG
    1. 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195
    Strength/ Skill
    1a. on 45s no mat 3+3, 1+4, 1+3, 0+3
    1b. 30, 24, 24, 24
    1c. Good Mornings 115

  49. bbg

    1a) 0/0,4/3,5/0,0/3 parrallettes no deficit
    1b) 6,5,4,5 bw
    1c) red band

  50. BBG:
    1.) 145, 145, 145,145,145,145,145,145,155,155

    1a.) 2+2, 2+2, 2+2, 1+3 (parallettes)
    1b.) 20,20,20F,15
    1c.) 30,30,30,30

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