I thought with a little luck, we could qualify 100+ Outlaw Way followers for Regionals. After going through some of the emails I’ve received in the last 24 hours, and adding those to who I knew was already following, I actually think we are pretty damn close to that number. This is a free site, which started as a way to collect data and talk shit with my friends, then almost overnight became a place for competitors and non-competitors to find and follow the same program as some of the top names in the sport. Now that the Open is over, I’d like you all help me use it for what it was originally meant for.

We’ll keep this really simple. Roll call for all of you who qualified for Regionals (or the Games if you’re a Master). If you train with someone who qualified but never posts, answer for them. If you had multiple people qualify at your gym, answer for them too. Whoever you are, even if you’ve never posted but have been following, please post to comments and let us know which region you qualified in. Yes, this even means those of you who I talk to every day.

When I offered to coach a few more competitors who had qualified for Regionals, I knew some unexpected names would come out of the woodwork.

What I didn’t expect was that they could be this far off my radar…

I’d like to congratulate Inga Ingadottir, Arnars Sigurðsson, and Dadi Hrafn Seinbjarnarsson who are all from CrossFit BC Iceland (yes, that’s Annie’s gym), have been following The Outlaw Way for some time now, and have all qualified for the European Regionals. There are some moments that I have to admit make me take a step back and smile a little. When I got the email from Inga saying thanks for helping her, Arnars and Dadi get to Regionals, I definitely had a huge grin and muttered a quiet little “fuck yeah” to myself. Good luck daughters and sons of Iceland.

I’d like to welcome this guy to the fold.
Apparently when real sport athletes decide to play “the sport of fitness”, they finish the Open 11th in the world. Yeah, he’s good and all, but he only squats 440#. We’ll have to change that.

Read: Elisabeth Akinwale on the Open.

Talayna Fortunato, 160 reps on 12.5 – 2nd place in the world:


WOD 120328:

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 75-85% – rest 90 sec.

Notes: Begin at 75% and increase to 85% throughout sets if technique is perfect. DO NOT go past 85% and do not add to 75% if technique is not perfect. These should not be touch and go. Reset before each rep.

2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – heavy, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO

Notes: Aim to use more weight on these than last week. Straps should be used for Clean Pulls.


For time:

100 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps
75 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps
50 UB Double-Unders
30 Burpees
15 GHD Situps


1a) 3X10 Weighted GH Raise – heavy, rest 45 sec.
1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – medium, rest 45 sec.

Extra 120328:

GROUP 1 Conditioning

5 minutes to complete:

1 set ME UB Muscle-Ups, then…
EMOM for the remaining 4 minutes 3 UB Muscle-Ups.

266 responses to “120328

  1. Drew Anderson
    Crossfit Durham
    Qualified for Mid Atlantic Region
    55th place in open

    Been following since mid February, only trained 2-3 days a week prior to that. Following Outlaw is the reason I qualified!

  2. Kelsey Moran
    CrossFit NOLA
    Qualified TEAM (11th place, 135th individually) for South Central Region

    Been crossfitting since June and following since mid-January. The rest of the team is starting to jump on the Outlaw Way now 🙂

    • Kelsey – I’m moving to NOLA in the next month or so. Do you guys have a group that does Outlaw at CFNOLA? If so, what time do you guys train? Thanks for the help…

      • Timmy, sorry I just saw your post. We don’t have a group that does Outlaw, do have a number of trainers that are now starting to follow. I would email the owners and let them know you’re moving to NOLA and see what your options would be.

        Since I’m still in undergrad, my workout schedule changes depending on the day. I usually do the bbgymnastics and strength in the AM then the conditioning after or inbetween classes.

    • bb gym
      1) 105, 110,115, 115, 120
      2) 155, 160, 170, 170
      3) 95, 105, 105, 115

      13:32 (burpees limiting factor)

      1a) 15
      1b) 50

      3MU UB
      then 1 EMOM

  3. 6 girls 4 in the top 10
    3 guys
    Affiliate placed 1st in all 5 workouts

    Handful of others qualified that follow our regular gym programming that is very similar to outlaw programming. Our region isn’t very deep but I am proud as hell of gym!!!

  4. Michael Tancini
    Crossfit Local, Chapel Hill NC
    Qualified for the Mid-Atlantic Region
    Junior at UNC Chapel Hill
    56th in the Region by I think 1 point behind Drew Anderson. (Drew A)

    Drew Introduced me to the programming, I Started it in Mid-January. I have Expressed to people around me how following your program helped me get to regionals. Prime example was the 100 burpee for time conditioning about 3 weeks prior to the open, my time on that day was 7:45…I soon realized I sucked at burpees. I added extra in to my daily routine and when 12.1 came out. I did 119 burpees in those 7 minutes. PRing my 100 Burpee time by about a minute and 45 sec.

    By the way, I have been training with Drew since About last January. Until he changed Gyms. We started roughly at the same time. He has a background in Pro Baseball, I have a background in College baseball. I told him back in January that him and I were going to make regionals. And we did. I think we both can thank you Rudy for helping us get there.

    Drew, its about damn time you started posting. I’ve having to ask ATD how your training’s been going since we don’t cross paths too much any more.

  5. 22nd in the Central East, FUCK YEAH

    I’ve been following the Outlaw Way since early December. You guys have really helped me out with some weaknesses and I love the programming. Lookin forward to more.

      • Derek’s in Evansville, IN, out of Evansville crossfit. There’s a handful of us following outlaw’s programming there.

      • Like Leland said, Evansville Crossfit. We have a pretty good group that have been starting to follow the Outlaw way for a few months now. Where are you at Nick??

  6. Our programming is very similar, and in some cases inspired by the “outlaw way”. Myself, Katie Schmitz, and Duke Burk as well as our affiliate team have all qualified for the North Central region.

  7. CrossFit BC Iceland?! Wow… That’s pretty mind boggling from where this all started, but definitely deserves a big Fuck Yeah Rudy!

    Oh and I’m going to the Southeast Regionals in West Palm Beach, FL (so central I know).

    • So extra excited about this. You forgot to mention … what knocked you down last year was the heavy WOD and what picked you up this year was the heavy WOD. 🙂

      • Right!!!! Thanks, friend!! I’ve gotten so much better at EVERYTHING in these past three months–it’s unbelievable. Every day, I do something I couldn’t do before and so does everyone one else. It’s so motivating to see all the success of the Outlaw followers. I love being part of this with everyone!!!

  8. 35th in North Central.

    Started following in December and this shit caught on like wildfire within my training group.

    • This programming is rubbing off on me that’s for sure. 24th in the North Central region. Badass David C and Jhow told me about this. Gonna try it leading up to Regionals. I’m still chasing a few friends…

  9. Allison King. Following loosely since February and trying to convince my gym to go all outlaw, but they need a bit more F*** yeah. Qualified 13th in the NW individually. My gym Kirkland CrossFit is 13th in our region and last year we placed first at regionals, 26th at the games (it’s a long story). I’d love some personal attention, but am more than happy following your blog.

    Hello Nadia 😉

    • Allison,

      Dan Castillo and I just started following the Outlaw Way on Monday. We will do our best to convince Jer, John and the rest from Northshore Fire of it’s benefits. Nice work on the Open.

      Pat Sullivan

      • Yep. Commited to it. 2 time regional competitor, far from making it this year. Pissed me the f off. Im all in…

  10. I know you said that you wanted regional qualifiers to post however I found this very suiting. Started this program 3 months ago with a buddy of mine. About two weeks later, we recruited the two other guys from our gym. After 3 months, I can now say that we have a solid 9 people from our gym who have begun the Outlaw Way programming. We are starting a revolution over here Rudy! Be ready for some awesomeness from Northern Nevada next year!!!

  11. Josh Bromley, Australian region. I have been following your blog and decided its time to do it the Outlaw way. I finished 23rd.

  12. Just started the programming, and I’m sure I’m a dumbass noob or asking, but for the WOD today Itere is no way I can get 100 unbroken double unders, and this isn’t an amrap, so what should I do here?
    Just trying to do this right, an no longer be a dumbass noob.


    • Currently filling out my bucket list as the world is going to end…

      You gotta figure this out on your own. Do a few max effort attempts per round, just make sure you suffer sufficiently before moving on.

  13. Kasper Hansen
    Butcher’s Lab Denmark
    69th in Europe but qualified 7th with the team
    If going to regionals as an individual had been my aim, i am pretty sure re-doing some of the WODs would have put mé in top 60.

  14. Repping Southeast Region, 30th. Otherwise surfing, tanning, and general awesomeness between Outlaw training :D. Infinite thanks for the programming, research, and attention to scientific detail you provide to the pursuit of excellence in the sport. If there was a hall of fame clearly you would claim ownership!

  15. Started following religously from the turn of the year. Finished 12th in my region (Europe) and I cant thank you enough for all the free info and programming you provide!!

  16. Drew Barham
    Been following The Outlaw Way for about 6-7 weeks.
    100th Place Central East Region (men’s individual)
    Team finsished 7th in Central East Region

    • Holy crap! That’s awesome Steve! I didn’t know you were following outlaw, but keep up the good work!

      -Jake Alstadt

  17. Representing Canada east from Newfoundland,finished 31st in the region.
    Been following the site for about a week now.

  18. Ken Cutrer
    Masters 45-49 (17th in Open)
    been following outlaw for 1 day. day behind after taking monday off but i’ll catch up this weekend.
    heard about outlaw from nadia shatila and checked it out. i liked it so i told candice ruiz to check it out and she’s loving it so far.

  19. Exciting to see all these names pop up! Why aren’t y’all posting on the regular?!?! 🙂

    Krissi Brown – 17th Southeast Region
    Paragon team – 3rd Southeast Region

  20. Been following for a couple months.
    Affiliate team qualified in Southeast Region. Most of us doing Outlaw work every week.

  21. CrossFit Manayunk Mid Atlantic Region

    David lee been following since Jan and went to camp @ CF outlaw finished 58th open
    Chris carter- follows along with me finished 60th
    Jane Meade also follows along finished 39th

    Our team also qualified for regionals tied for 29th

    A big F@$k Yeah to the Outlaw Way and I look forward to thanking Rudy personal @ Mid Atlantic Regionals (No Car Bombs this time)

  22. Repin Western Australia. First week on your program and I’m feeling sore but great and can see great gains coming. State based comp in June is in my sight. Primal throwdown. Thx mate

  23. Alex Romero
    37th in South Central region

    I was recommended by a buddy of mine to check out your programming, Brad McKee.

    I have a few questions about the terms and abbreviations you use:
    ME- max effort?
    UB- unbroken?
    any other abbreviations as well.

  24. Hey my names Marc Anthony. 30th in the South East Region. I train at Crossfit 813 in Tampa. Thanks for the programming!

  25. Qualified in Canada East- thanks for the awesome programming! Been following religiously since the beginning of January.

  26. Amy Bright
    9th Southeast Regionals

    I have only been following since mid January but know that it has helped me out a ton. Thanks!

  27. North Central. Woo! Woo!

    Our affiliate team finished 5th and is following. We also had three guys in the top 35. One is going individual and the other two team.

  28. Jay Rhodes – Canada East

    Lacey Van Der Marel – Canada East (she’s not following 100% b/c of work schedule, but a fair amount)

    Crossfit Altitude Team – 3/6 following

  29. Thanks for the shout out 🙂
    Inga from Iceland, 54 place in Europe going to the Regionals as an individual this year since i competed with the team Crossfit BC Island last year at the games. If you Outlaws find yourself in Iceland some time make sure to visit my gym 🙂 A big Fuck yeah from the daughters and sons of Iceland!!

  30. Jonathon Shelton – South Central – 57th place – Team Finished 6th

    Team has been following since start of Feb. 2012 (setting all kinds of PR’s)

    Handful of others in the gym that follow.

    Great seminar this past weekend by the way!!

  31. Michael Barousse
    Ragin CrossFit
    South Central Region
    7th in region
    164th in world
    Been following about two months. Mostly doing the BB gymnastics, midline, and strength. Been using Ragin’s daily WoDs for conditioning. Thanks a bunch for your help!

  32. Rudy, my affiliate, Champlain Valley CrossFit qualified in the Northeast in 9th place. At least 5 of 6 of our team members will be following your programming, maybe all 6 of us, one has been working 1-on-1 with CJ from Invictus. I originally looked to your programming because I was having trouble doing stuff myself and I needed something to just have to follow. In addition I’ve been wanting to add more things technically to my affiliates programming as we’ve now been open a while and have more athletes that demand some more technical stuff, so I was looking to your stuff for ideas and wanted to see how they worked for myself first. So super pumped for the coming weeks of training, and I’m confident we can qualify for the games. I’m going to point our top qualified athlete, Kelly Steadman, 4th in the Northeast in your direction for her programming.

    Our team is the following…

    Danielle Horan 39th (severe bronchitis did her in on the burpees, but after that she killed it)
    Laura Matuszak 80th
    Kristi Lunny 22nd (Masters 45-49)
    Trevor James 78th
    Nathan Etre 237th
    Myself, Jade Jenny 265th

    I’m personally looking forward to uping my game, after training 2-3 days a week for the last 5-6 months, I’m looking for things to improve in the coming months.

    Todays Programming

    BB Gymnastics

    Squat Clean and Split Jerk: 170×2, 2, 2, 2, 2

    Didn’t go up in weight as I was feeling gassed, and my footwork continues to need work. Good way to get warmed up though

    Clean Pulls: 245×3, 3, 3, 3,
    Front Squat 1 + 1/4: 195×2, 2, 2, 2

    Clean Pulls were feeling a little weak, not nearly as strong as my Snatch Pulls felt on Monday. Front Squats were interesting, the Pause Squats were a first for me on Monday, and these were a first today. Front Squats are weak for me so definitely something I need to work on…they limit my clean, I can Power Clean more than I can Squat Clean.


    100 Double-unders UB
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Sit-ups
    75 Double-unders UB
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Sit-ups
    50 Double-unders UB
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Sit-ups


    Good little WOD. After horrible double-unders on Monday I was super happy with this. The set of 75 I did 74 and 1. I didn’t snag, I just spaced out counting and stopped early. My peroneuous longus tendons are pretty fired up from the running, DU’s, and Oly work this week, so I felt for injury purposes it was smart not to start over on the 75, especially considering it was just a brain fart. The 100 and 50 were both unbroken though, and I hit all 3 sets on my first attempt. Was shocked how “heavy” I felt getting down for the burpees, and while I haven’t used the GHD in a while they were just pitiful. My abs and hip flexors were just toast.


    Glute Ham Raise: 5, 5, 5
    Reverse Hyper: 50x 15, 15, 15

    GHR’s I clearly can’t do. I had to break at the hip and was probably using around 40% of the full range of motion. Clearly my hammies need some work. Went light on the reverse hyper as my back is wicked sore from hyperextending a bit on the HSPU’s yesterday.

    Looking forward to some rest tomorrow. Sorry for the long winded post.

  33. Emily Griffith- Crossfit Brigade Chattanooga – Central East Region
    I qualified 21st Individual & our Team narrowly qualified (25th), but we’re hungry! We’re gonna be the creeper 😉
    ust starting Outlaw this week (after some time with Talayna last month); putting our whole gym on Outlaw Crossfit & our competitors on Outlaw Way; so pumped!!

  34. New to Outlaw programming as well but excited to pick it up and take it to the next level. Qualified 23rd in the North Central region this year after a year of CrossFitting. I can’t wait to work with Rudy and work my way to the top!

  35. Courtney Wuistinger
    Qualified 2nd in South Central region, 77th worldwide
    Split time between garage gym and Crossfit Bolt

    Planning on getting some training time with Jason Hoggan prior to regional
    Also sent you an email regarding programming. Thanks Rudy!

  36. Myself and training partner, Melissa Dinsmore, both qualified in the North Central Region, along with four other individuals from our gym, including Justin Allen. Justin is going to compete as an individual, but the other five of of us are going team. Our team, CrossFit Bellator 1, finished third in North Central. We have now converted our other teammates to Outlaw and the running joke by 12.3 before you released your strategy was WWOD (what would Outlaw do). Thanks, Coach!

  37. Hopefully this isn’t a dumbass noob question, but on the 1 1/4 squats should we be doing them normal tempo or with the bounce like the demo video says they can be done?

    • From what I have been told here, just like the video. Coach likes that bounce at the bottom. When we do tempo HBBS, we sit at the bottom and bounce out also per coach’s demo vid.

  38. Mandy Malloy
    North Central Region: 13th place
    Team Bellator 1: finished 3rd in North Central

    Our entire team is following your programming! Thanks so much!

  39. Brett Lukas.
    (Since end of February or beginning of March. He’s out of the country with no access to computers or he’d comment himself.)
    Affiliate: Crossfit Spartanburg
    Qualified Team in Southeast Region (28th)

    Talking the others who will be on team into following the programming immediately.

    My fiancee (Cassie) and I have been following sporadically (unforeseen events that disrupted our training) for 3 weeks. Both love the programming and are looking forward to following religiously. Eyes set on Open 2013.

  40. Alicia Gomes Crossfit wicked – 6th in the northeast region

    Brent Miffitt and JP Wionek crossfit wicked – 50th and 38th in the northeast

    Jared Monaco and the Route 1 team – all team members have been following- team qualified on top 30 in northeast. Two of the females Kathryn & Sarah qualified as individuals as well.

  41. Central East, 16th. Following since Feb., I reckon.

    C&J: 190-200-205-210-210

    Clean Pulls: 225-245-265-285
    1&1/4 FS: 185-205-210-215 (felt very sluggish today)

    Conditioning Later

  42. jenn harris
    crossfit valdosta
    southeast region

    been selectively outlawing for about two months. looking forward to what’s in store. thanks for sharing your exercise wisdom and overall awesomeness!!

  43. C+J- 225/225/240/255/255
    My first set wasn’t all that great, so I stayed at 225 for a second set, then I fell into rhythm with it.

    a)Clean Pulls-315/335/335/335
    b)1+1/4 FS- 185/225/235/235

    I wasn’t sure how heavy to go on the FS, so I started too light. 235 is about right though.

    Doing the conditioning tonight.

  44. BBG:
    a) 144, 144, 154, 154, 164
    b) 164, 174, 204, 224
    c) 115, 135, 155, 165

    Conditioning: 13.14

    Strength: Weighted Back ext. 10, 35, 55

    MU’s: 7 reps + 3 EMOM for four minutes

  45. 31st in Europe only person from Ireland to Qualify for individual. Was following a westside template over the winter after a year long rowing challenge. Just started on outlaw the past couple of months.
    Thanks for a great site.

  46. CrossFit Spokane Valley (NorthWest)
    3rd- Kevin Longmeier
    10th-Dan Staton
    34th-Kenton Clairmont
    50th-Jason Uberauga
    7th -Alicia Staton
    56th-Salem Giampietro

    Started Yesterday…

    • Hey just curios who this is? I drop in on your 10am class on Saturdays and have been running Rudy’s programming during the week since the beginning of Jan. I may have to start coming full time if you guys will be following The Outlaw Way going forward! By the way strong work on all the placings at regionals.

  47. Most of the Repoint CF team Mid Atl. Armand Lotman, Randy Salazar, Will Fuller, Richard Renaud and some (about 5) other athletes from our gym
    follow in house and some deployed members follow as well. The team has only been following for about a month but we love it.

    • One of our ladies follows OPT and the other programs for herself and they are crushing everyone.

  48. It’s pretty awesome seeing all the Outlaws come out of the woodwork. Congrats, everyone!

    3 of us have been following at our gym for a while. Two started this week and then three more are starting on Monday. The Outlaws are increasing in Durham, NC!

    1) stayed at 135# – felt really tired and slow today

    2a) 195, 225, 240, 250 – finally got some straps.
    2b) 135, 155, 155, 165

    10:43 -My DUs have been jacked here the past couple of weeks. The only set UB was 75. Gave up after about 5 attempts of the set of 100 and messed up during the set of 50 as well. Not sure what my deal has been. It’s almost like my body and brain no longer cominnocate during DUs

    Strength – ran out of time. I moved too slow today.

    MFS – 3/6/2

    • I went through a similar funk about a month ago. Turns out, it was bad hand position. Try to focus on keeping your hands down and close to your body. If that doesn’t work, buy a replacement cable. Yours may be possessed by evil spirits. I have a whole package of replacements on standby in case that happens.

      • Thanks, Ty. My training partner and I were discussing the possibility of it being a sign that my CNS might be taxed. Eh… who knows? It’s getting old though b/c DUs are typically not a problem for me. I’ll pay attention to my hand positioning next time, and if that’s not the problem I’ll slather myself in garlic to fight off the evil spirits until my new cable comes in. 😉

  49. Jessica Rodriguez
    South East Region
    Qualified as an individual – 37th place
    Am competing on a team – Crossfit Vida Brickell – 6th place in region

    Teammates Sergio Garcia, Andre Enriquez, and Gio Pico follow Outlaw as well

    • Congrats Jess 🙂

      South East Region
      Qualified as a team
      3 out of the 6 members follow Outlaw. Slowly converting the other 3 in the next 30 days as we prep for Regionals.

  50. Holy shit it’s only noon and there are over 120 comments… *blink…blink*

    Jason Hoggan
    South Central Region – 1st
    Worldwide – 35th

    Work for Today:
    1) Skipped to save my wrist
    2a) Worked from 315# to 335#
    2b) Started at 315# (too much to get any bounce at the bottom), then went 275#, 285#, 295#

    — 9:04

    1a) did it
    1b) sub’d good mornings @ 165#

    Additional Work
    Muscle-ups –> did 9 the first round, and was weak after that. Only got sets of 2 the rest of the way. All of it was without a false grip. Still working on delaying my pull, but at least I can tell when I do it incorrectly now.

    M/F/S – 2/4/4

  51. Add One more that Qualified South Central Blake Aulds (31st I believe), Did not use Outlaw going in but have decided to go Strict Outlaw till regionals, 2 more from the Box are going Strict Outlaw to qualify next year solo. Probalby get more into the WAY ASAP at the box. first two days and We have already given out multiple F%!* YEAH’s!

    135 worked up to 155 with solid form,
    185 up to 225 on pulls
    275 up to 305 on THBBS
    WOD 9:45 100 UB DU!!
    Skipped Midline because I was DEAD!


    7, 1:32
    10, 1:36
    7, 1:30
    41KBS, 15 Thrusters, and about 3 feet on HS Walks….some work left to do there!!

    Outlaw Way oh how I love thee!!

  52. Mid-atlantic qualifier…I joined the Outlaw gym about a year ago and have kept following the scheduled gym programing

  53. 1) 205, 215, 215, 225, 225

    2a) 275, 325, 325, 275- no straps, kept slipping
    2b) 225*1, 235*3

    Conditioning: 13:10
    Tripped up once on 100 set and once on 50 set. Not sure where the time went on this one, kinda moved slow throughout the entire thing I guess.

    Other stuff later.

  54. BBG
    1. 185,195, 205, 205
    2a. 185, 195, 205, 205
    2b. 185, 195, 205, 205

    Tried UB DU 6 times, but never got 100 or 75.

    Later today

  55. BB Gymnastics

    1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 95, 95, 97.5, 97.5, 102.5kg
    2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – 110kg across
    2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – 110, 110, 110, 117.5kg

    For time:
    100 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    75 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    50 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    15:42 as rx’d including a new DU PB of 100 UB – was well excited after smashing those in under 1:00. But then burpees bit me hard, no pop at all so turned into more of a grind. But getting UB DU mid workout was good enough for me on this one.

    No time to hit the extra strength, maybe throw it on after Saturday’s lifts

  56. NE #55 Starting follow at the beginning of the Open. Love it! Thanks so much for doing this:)

  57. 1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 75-85% 190#
    2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – 275, 305, 305, 305
    2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – 225, 255, 255, 255

    conditioning -21:32. Me and double unders are feuding right now but we are working it out. All i do is take breaks, though.

    Midline, check.

    So proud of the outlaws. Ridiculous.

  58. 1) 185, 205

    2a) 315 on all sets
    2b) 215, 220, 225


    Strength – did not do.

    I felt really beat down and everything feels super heavy. I have a trip this weekend so will be taking friday, saturday, and sunday off. Will be rested and ready for monday. Have a great weekend Outlaws!

    MFS – 3/8/2

  59. Matt Springer, 22/M/6’/220#
    North Central

    I’ve been following Outlaw for a month. Before that, I toyed around with CFFB for 8 months. After finishing this year 411th in the region, it is my goal to qualify for the 2013 North Central Regionals. I need to improve my bodyweight movements and mentality to be successful.

    1) CJ/ 205, 215, 225, 225, 225
    2a) Cl Pull/ 245, 255, 265, 275
    2b) FS/ 275, 285, 285, 295

    Really satisfied with hitting 100 UB double unders on my first try

    Did it

    1/1/2 (really bad stomach ache, though … it eventually died down a bit)

  60. Roll call. After watching a video of Outlaw when the Open began I was immediately hooked on the way. Haha since 12.1 Rachel Krumm and myself (Christina Campbell) have been following “the outlaw way” thank you for your time and we look forward to next year open.
    Sarah Wilson is from our affiliate (crossfit Norfolk) in Norfolk, VA AND she qualified 49th individual for Midatlantic region. She has seen us do your workouts and I can proudly say that she is now following!!! Whoo ho0!!!!
    Your awesome! Thanks again

  61. BB
    1) CJ/ 140, 140,140, 160, 160
    2a) Cl Pull/ 235, 235, 235, 235
    2b) FS/ 175, 175, 175, 175

    Double Unders have completely abandoned me. I would love any suggestions if anyone has had a similar experience

    1a. 35, 35, 35 too light
    1b. Can’t find a great way to do these in my gym


  62. BBG
    1) 210, 210, 220, 230, 230 — Jerk was kinda eh today…R calf bugging the shit outta me
    2a) 345 x 4 x 3
    2b) 210 x 4 x 2 — Went light on these, trying to focus on lumbar curve which has been shifty with the pause squats and these lately…still not great.

    11.32 — UB on all DUs, burpees were slow

    1a) 26# x 3 x 10
    1b) 140lbs x 3 x 15

    M/F/S – 4/3/3

  63. Only my second day of outlaw training…

    1) 115, 115, 135, 135, 145
    *really wanted to focus on form with these so I kept it light. Flexibility is a major issue when it comes to catching anything in the squat.

    2a) 175, 155, 165, 165
    *started too heavy and couldn’t get the bar quite to my nipples so I dropped…
    2b) 135, 135, 145, 155
    *focused on keeping my elbows high and my back straight with a tight mid-line

    Conditioning 12:54
    *I’m new to doing any heavy lifting before conditioning so I felt really weird…usually DUs are a strength of mine but I missed at 75 on the first set and just did another 25 instead of starting over because I was short on time. Second set I missed at 70. But finished the set of 50 with ease.

    MFS – 5/6/7

  64. 1. 175, 175, 200, 200, 200
    2a. 250 on all
    2b. 205, 225, 225, 225


    My second Outlaw workout and all I have to say is WOW! This is going to be a fun year!

  65. Bob Cole 45th in North Central region.
    Participating as member of Team Bellator.

    Recent convert to the Outlaw way…..good stuff man!

  66. BB:
    1)185×2, 195, 205
    2a) 245×2, 275×2
    2b) 175×2, 185, 195

    Conditioning: 16:04*
    Couldn’t do all UB. But did get a new “pr” for 55 du UB on the first set. Broke down to UB sets of 25. Will do last piece after lunch.

  67. BB Gym:
    1. worked with 125# and 135#
    2a. 185, 205, 205, 215
    2b. 145, 165, 175, 175

    Conditioning: 10:07

    1a. 25#
    1b. 135#

    Group 1 conditioning – 5 sets of 2 UB muscle-ups

    M/F/S 3/5/5

  68. BB Gymnastics

    Conditioning – 10:31; My dumbass had the DU numbers wrong and did 100,50,25 UB

  69. Missed regionals by 4 places unfortunately. But our team made it. Canada West.

    1) 205, 215, 225, 230, 235
    Felt awesome today.
    2a) 275, 295, 295, 295
    2b) 255, 255, 265, 275
    Feeling good about that 275. Thinking I may finally bust 300 for a 1RM FS.

    Conditioning: 17:19

    The 100 and 75 DU sets weren’t UB. I tried to do them in 2 huge sets. Had lots of 20s and 30s in there but I managed. Probably doubled the amount of DU in those rounds. The 50 set was UB.

    1a) GHR – all bodyweight. Seriously don’t understand how people do these weighted.
    1b) No hyper.

    Group 1: 5 UB MU’s (neutral), then 3 UB for the next 5 minutes (switched to false).

  70. 1. 155×1, 165×1, 175×3
    2a. 245 all sets
    2b. 205 all sets


    Muscle Ups
    6 first set then 3 EMOM

    Strength stuff done

  71. BB gymnastics) 230, 240,240,250,260

    2a) 315,345,345,345
    2b) 225,245,245,245

    13:28, missed the set of 75 at 50. restarted the set then got 75 UB

    1) all sets with 35lbs
    2) no reverse hyper

    Didn’t make regionals unfortunately, but going to put myself in the group 1 for extra work.

    got 8 ub mu with false grip, then got 3 more sets of three in the remaining time.

  72. BB Gymnastics:
    1.) 175, 175, 180, 185, 185

    2a.) 215, 215, 225, 225, 225
    2b.) 185, 185, 195, 215, 225

    All DU’s unbroken, burpees still suck

    No time

  73. 99 to 108kg

    120kg high pulls
    245 front squats

    12:38 conditioning
    5kg on gh raise
    45 pound back extension

  74. 1) 125-135-135-135-135
    2a) 210-220-230-230-230 (no straps)
    2b) 145

    Conditioning: 10:?? (double unders were a mess)

    GH raise: 45#
    Rev hyper: 90lb

  75. Conditioning around 14 min Had to start over twice(25)100,75(40)50, but did all du’s UB went through the motions on this today.
    Finished 65th up from 170’s a year ago, started following early December.
    Thanks for the program.

  76. 1) 225 for all
    2a) 285, 305, 305, 315
    2b) 225 for all- just didn’t have a lot of drive out of the bottom today



  77. BB Gymnastics

    5 x 2 Clean & Jerk


    Good reps. No fails. Minimal rest b/w reps, probably over 90 sec between sets. Mark and I were lifting on the same bar.

    Clean Pulls
    365 x 4 x 3

    1 1/4 Front Squats
    225 x 2
    245 x 2
    255 x 2
    255 x 2



    All doubles UB first shot, Burpees decent pace in round one then dropped off a bit. Mainly lost my time on the GHD. Even 15 reps per round on that thing feels like my quads are going to rip.


    GH Raises
    35# plate behind head x 3 x 10
    Subbed Good Mornings
    95# x 3 x 15

  78. BBG:
    1) 110,110,115,115,125

    2b) 135 (never done these and harder than expected! i hope my quads are tired from thrusters fri, sun and tuesday)

    11.32 – love dubs (all UB), buck furpees!!!

    never done ghr and last week did GM’s instead of hypers. today did both bodyweight to get technique. since we dont have a hyper machine i will probably rotate band and GM’s for those.

  79. A: 176, 181, 186, 191, 198 (all felt good, jerks were awesome, finally have a shallow dip and tons of pop)
    B1: 220, 262, 262, X
    B2: 155, 185, 205 (sketchy), X
    Metcon – 22:58
    GHD/Back Extensions – 10/15 x 3 (hammies burning)

    M/F/S: 1/1/1

    *Note: workout took me a while because I literally felt like I was having a heart attack after the double unders each round… Don’t know if anyone has had this before but I was totally gassed, couldn’t breathe properly, and had an extremely sharp pain in my chest

  80. Team Hybrid Athletics
    Northeast Individual #128
    Crossfit Experience 3 months
    Outlaw 1 month

  81. BB Gymnastics:

    1) 225-225-235-245-245
    (C&J Felt awesome today. I’ve honestly never been more comfortable and confident with C&J since following outlaw)

    2a) 275-285-285-285
    2b) 225-230-235-235

    10:08 (with 15# weight vest)
    All dubs UB. Felt good today. Had alot in the tank and was able to push hard the whole time. Even had to wait for my buddy for about 20 seconds to get off the GHD.

    1a) Done with 10# plate
    1b) Backwards on GHD with to small bands for resistance.

    • M/F/S – 2/2/2 Been following for about 3 weeks. Love it. Seeing huge gains already. Missed regionals by only a couple spots (North west). Next year.

  82. 1) 210, 225, 230, 235, 240
    2) 295 for all
    3) 275 for all

    11:39 DUs all UB, burpees were killer today


  83. Central East! CrossFitCHF team qualified! All the guys train Outlaw (4). I started yesterday and the other girls are joining Monday! Loving the programming 🙂

  84. Outlaws taking over the world! Great work everyone!

    Proud to represent Team Outlaw at Regionals this year! (I personally finished 61st by only a few points…)

    1) 205, 205, 215, 225, 235 (felt awesome)
    2) 245, 265, 295, 305
    3) 205, 235, 255, 275 (hard!)
    (did this separately becuae I had or bar only)

    Conditioning – 11:30 (no GHD. Subbed 25 ABmat sit ups. All DUs unbroken, burpees killed me!)

    No GHD or reverse hyper. May add it to Fridays work

  85. 1) 155, 155, 155, 165, 175 – solid across the board
    2a) 205, 225, 225, 235
    2b) 155, 165, 165, 165 – not really sure how high to go on these, havent tested FS max in ages

    Conditioning – 13:03 30lb weighted situps instead of ghd, managed the 100’s unbroken, f’d up the 75’s twice around 30 reps in and missed the 50 by 11 reps

    Box was testing PC 1RM’s today and pr’d mine @215

  86. Clean and Split Jerk – 190, 190, 195, 200, 200

    Clean Pulls – 275
    Front Squat – 225

    Conditioning – 11:48

  87. 1) 221, 231, 241, 251, 256
    2a) 309, 329, 329, 340
    2b) 243, 253, 253, 263 – should have started heavier on these

    Conditioning – 12:12
    Got DUs on first set each round. Burpees were S.L.O.W.

    GH Raises – still have to break them up and not weighted, my body weight is plenty.
    Hypers done

  88. 1) 165×2, 190×3
    2a) 255×2, 275×2
    2b) 185, 205, 223×2
    Conditioning- 8:49
    GH raises- 11,11,22

  89. 1) 150, 155, 160, 165, 170
    2a) 190
    2b) 165

    Conditioning 11:18 Rxd and Unbroken (Damn you burpees)
    Strength, completed.

    Group 1 Work: 6 consecutive (lame, I know), 3’s unbroken on out…

  90. I placed 21st in the NE Region, dropping from 14th last year and tying last year’s score on the thruster/pull-up ladder. Unfortunately, my husband introduced me to Outlaw programming only last week and I’m afraid it’s too little too late. I’m considering not going to regionals at all this year as an individual or as part of the Albany team, which placed 8th. I’m discouraged by my lack of progress over the last year and shocked by how hard the workouts have been the past week.
    My husband says it’s 2 months off and that following the OW will get me ready to at least make a good practice run as an individual for next year. MUs, Pull-ups, and HSPUs are weaknesses now.

  91. 200+ posts – quite a compliment, Coach!

    1.) 165, 170, 175, 180, 185
    2.a) 205, 215, 220, 225
    2.b) 215 (nagging groin issue)


    I am about the only one on this site that didn’t qualify – 91st overall in Master’s Men (50-54).

    I would love to hear from any other Master’s men or women who are Old-laws like me.

  92. The Team from CrossFit 7Mile in the Cayman Islands will be taking the Outlaw Spirit to our Regional! Fuck Yeah!

  93. BB Gymnastics

    1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 110/110/115/120/125#

    2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls @ 145#
    First time doing clean pulls in a structured way and not just screwing around wondering if I wanted to do them or not. I know these are gonna make me better… wish I could get some feedback on how I’m doing with them though: http://youtu.be/FTioHXwiTlU)

    2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats @ 115# these were kinda awful today. haha.

    For time:
    100 UB Double-Unders (sucess)
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    75 UB Double-Unders (failed at 41, restarted and got 75 UB)
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    50 UB Double-Unders (UB)
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps

    Burpees just felt like total butt today. I was unforgivably slow on them.

    No strength today. Want to see how doing pull for the first time impacts my body.

    Decided to work MUs:

  94. South Central

    1. 175/175/180/185/190
    2a. 235 all the way through
    2b. 225 all the way

    Conditioning. 12.56

    Strength. done

    Group 1. 10, then 3’s the rest of the way.

  95. Central East.
    Katelyn Haynes
    17th individually
    Been following since November 21, 2011

    MY BAD ASS 42 Year old mother also qualified as an individual (42nd) in the Central East…AWESOME! She’s been following since beginning/mid December 2011

  96. Finished conditioning tonight in 20:12 or something of that nature. Fuck Burpees. I did all of the double unders without missing one time, so happy with that. I just hate burpees. With a passion. Looking forward to resting after both workouts today.

  97. Teaching on a Military base today and tomorrow. short lunch so only got the lifting done. Will do conditioning tomorrow.

    1.) 120-125
    2a.) 175
    2b.) 125

    Nothing in the tank, I’m shocked how long it is taking my body to recover from jetlag/travel. Can’t seem to get back on my sleep schedule, only sleeping 3-4 hours. Hoping to be back to normal in a week.

  98. BB
    1) CJ/ 225,235,235,235,235
    2a) Cl Pull/ 325,325,325,325
    2b) FS/ 255,255,265,275 Felt weird at the beginning and felt better as the weight got heavier

    Conditioning: No time had to teach class, doing it tomorrow

  99. BBGym
    1) 185 throughout. i suck at jerking after a clean. out of a rack i can put sooo much more weight up
    2a) 275
    2b) 235

    conditioning 28:39 did not do DUs unbroken. fuck you

    completed ham string curls (dont know what else to call it) and a southern engineerd reverse hyper

  100. 5×2 @ 215
    4×3 cl pull 275,275,295,315
    4×2 1-1/4 fr squat 225,205,205,205

    Conditioning =12:39rx
    Stoked that I hit each du set unbroken one shot!

  101. North Central- Team CrossFit Progression-16th in Region.
    Majority of the team has been following Outlaw since January

    1)210-220(Just did cleans having shoulder issues with Jerks. Stopped after this)

    12:12 (I blame my rope for getting tangled each time! 100 was UB, 75s hit 55 then 63 then finally 75 on third try.. 50s hit 25 then 50 second try)



  102. 1) 225-255 last set
    2a) 225-235
    2b) 315 all sets


    10:43, du ub first shot

    I know you said dont do the group portion if it’s not my group, but I really wanted to since I have not done muscle ups, besides 12.4, in 8 months prior… so I did it, UB set of 7 with 3 completed emom for 4 mins

    mid line done, GHR with 25#
    sub’d good mornings with 135#

  103. 1) 80, 82.5×4
    2a) 100, 110, 112.5×2
    2b) 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5

    Conditioning – 11:02 – no trips on double unders, ghds were the slowest part for me.

    Sttrength – Done

  104. Strength from yesterday

    165, 185

    Conditioning: 15:50

    GH raises- bodyweight
    Reverse Hypers- done

    So after reading the comments and seeing some of the other times i dont feel soo bad about my time during conditioning. Missed once 70 in on set of 100, 75 was UB, as was 50. Felt like ass during burpees and GHD was slow

  105. 1) 85kg, 90kg, 90kg, 95kg, 95kg – These felt very good. 95kg is a PR for a double
    2a) 110kg, 120kg, 120kg, 120kg – Still getting the hang of these. Don’t have straps so my hook grip was hurting a fair bit
    2b) 130kg for all sets – These are very tough. Love them!


    16:30. Double Unders not unbroken (I’d still be going right now trying to finish the first set of 100). This felt horrible – In a good way.

    Limited time as usual so I had to cut it short there.

    Can’t wait for the rest day tomorrow!

    • Oh yeh, I was nowhere near qualifying (I was something like 800th in my region, ha) but I’m following from Auckland, New Zealand. Loving the programming – Thanks Rudy!

  106. 1) 210, 225×4
    2a) 295×4
    2b) 235×4
    Conditioning: 12:20
    No time for strength.

    CrossFit Cambridge Team out of Canada East. 6 of us following, gotta get 2 more on board.

  107. BB Gymnastics

    1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 75% = 64kg

    2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – @ 130kg
    2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – @ 80kg


    For time:

    100 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    75 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    50 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps

    Time= 15:30

    Broke once on set of 100 D/Us then unbroken for remainder

    5 minutes to complete:

    1 set ME UB Muscle-Ups = 7 reps (Hips fried from GHDs)

    EMOM for the remaining 4 minutes 3 UB Muscle-Ups.

  108. 1) 155
    2a) 225
    2b) 185


    Did home Gym’s WOD (3 rounds of run 400, 10 pull-ups, 7 HPC @135#) I have been following this site since January and wanted to see where I fell out with the people from my gym – I had the fastest time of the day by over 2 minutes.

    Solid programming Rudy and thanks to Jake Neubauer for showing me the “Way”

    Done, sub’d good mornings


  109. BB Gymnastics:
    1) 160. Kept these light. Did like 120 KB swings in a 15 min amrap yesterday as part of the usual class since I couldn’t make open gym and my hamstrings felt super slow.
    2a) 235
    2b) 185. These should have been 225+ but my core/upper back felt shot. Had done 225 last week and they went up easy.

    Conditioning: 14:20. Pretty turrible. Only set of UB DU was the 50. Kept moving on the burpees, straight set in rnd 1, then 10s, then had to do 5s to keep pace.

    Did some GH raises and reverse hypers. Gym just got the GHD so a set of 20 is a long way off for this guy…

  110. 44 yr old male – training for Masters next year

    1. 145,155,155,160

    2a) 245, 265, 265, 265,
    2b) 175, 185, 195, 195

    Conditioning – Do not have DUs yet so I subbed 3×1 singles, Do not have a GHD so I subbed v-ups.


    Strength – didn’t do. Ran out of time


  111. There are two of us that didn’t qualify as individuals, but did as a team…don’t know if you count those.
    Two out of the South West, CrossFit Broadway.

  112. BB Gymnastics:
    1) 235#, 235#, 255#, 265#, 265#
    2a) 335# for all sets, I need to invest in some straps. Tried Heavier but the bar was slipping in my hands on the 2nd pull.
    2b) 275#,295#,295#,295#,295#
    Strength: Completed

    Will do Conditioning Later.

  113. CrossFit South County(Laguna Hills,CA) crew over here in the So Cal Region. Love the programming and trying to follow as much as we can, definitely the strength/O-Lift work. Our team also qualified, 13th.

    Taylor Yaffee- 15th(So Cal Region)
    Paul Gregrow- 48th (So Cal Region)
    Kris Ullibarri- (Team)
    Richard Truong- (Team)

    Thank you Outlaw and Rudy!

  114. Larry Silber
    from NW region
    Masters Division 50-54
    came in 21st in the open not going to the games this year.
    2010 finished 4th at the games and 2011 finished 2nd in 50-54 division.
    burpees killed me.
    Time to start training for next year
    1st day on the outlaw site

    5×2 – 155-165-175-175-175# C&J
    4×3 – 175-225-236-245 clean pulls
    4×2- 155-166-175-186 FS

    ran out of time on conditioning finished through 2nd set of GHDs


    thanks for making the programming available!

  115. 1) 160lb for all sets
    2a) 235lb for all sets
    2b) 165lb for all sets

    Conditioning= 11:29

    No reverse hyper. Any good MOD for these if I don’t have a hyper machine? And what do you do for mobility/flexibility work?

  116. SW Montana/N. Nevada

    Hatch 10.1

    Cond- 11:41

    Lost alot of time on GHd and last set of burpees all doubles UB

    Midline- done

    8/8/8 -revenge of last nights shiner bock binge

  117. 1)165

    Did different conditioning.
    Still beat up from camp. I’m too old and have drank way too much beer to HTFU now.

  118. Our team, Gardens CrossFit, qualified for regionals in the Southeast. However, I did not individually this year. We all follow your programming for the most part. Looking forward to the team WODs! Two of us qualified as individuals and they will be posting…

    Snatches – singles: 155, 165, 175, 185, 190

    Conditioning – 12:02

    Strength – check

    Group 1 Extra:
    13, 3, 3, 3, 3

  119. 1. 105
    2a. 2@135, 2@ 145
    2b. 2@135, 2@145

    Conditioning 14:30

    Kept thinking when I wanted to rest during burpees….. “you wouldn’t stop if Rudy was standing in front of you”

  120. On affiliate team at Crossfit Takeover. We are 11th in the Mid-atlantic. Three others on the team follow in various consistency

    c&j: 185

    pulls: 225-245-265-265

    conditioning: 11:01

    GH raise: all at 45
    Good morning: 65-75-75

  121. Just did strength, time and body said no conditioning.

    C+J @ 165 FOrm is improving but not consistent on the jerk. Still not dropping enough. Clean is ehhh.

    Pulls @ 215 and 225
    Front squats 185, 205, 215, 225. Very different

  122. BB Gymnastics

    1) 1×2 @ 190#, 1×2 @ 195#, 1×2 @ 200#, 1×2 @ 205#, 1×2 @ 210#

    2a) 1×3 @ 255#, 1×3 @ 265#, 1×3 @ 270#, 1×3 @ 275#

    2b) 4×2 @ 205#


    11:21 – Only 1 GHD so I had to sub Ab-Mat Sit-ups – All Double Unders Unbroken


    1a) 3×10 @ Bodyweight

    1b) 3×15 @ 70#

  123. 1) 5X2 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @ 75-85% – rest 90 sec.
    185, 195, 195, 205, 205

    2a) 4X3 Clean Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
    2b) 4X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – heavy, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO


    For time:
    100 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    75 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    50 UB Double-Unders
    30 Burpees
    15 GHD Situps
    Finished in 12:40. Did the DUs as normal DUs, not UB DUs.


    1a) 3X10 Weighted GH Raise – heavy, rest 45 sec.
    10# behind head…brutal
    1b) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – medium, rest 45 sec.
    Subbed Good Mornings…also brutal


  124. MFS 3,6,4
    BB 5.2 C&J 168 then 4 @ 180 missed 2 reps
    4×3 clean pulls 260 no straps
    4X2 1 & 1/4 fs 225 never done them so this is a start
    Conditioning 22:00
    I hope that there are other slow people doing this and just not posting. If not I will catch you big dogs soon enough.

    First time posting.

    Rudy thanks for all the hard work.

  125. BBG:
    1) 170
    2a) 285
    b) 205

    Conditioning: 11:05. Didn’t miss a single double under. Burpees were paced and the GHDs felt incredibly sluggish.

    1a) 70
    b) 100

    Extra: 10 unbroken in the first minute. 3 ub the next four minutes.

  126. C&J up to 215–felt good

    I need to get tougher with burpees, a good sweat.

  127. Kevin Kirsch and Perrin Behr
    Mid Atlantic
    Going as team members for Crossfit 215
    Been following for about 5 weeks, just not posting

  128. Day 3
    C&J x 2 – 155, 155, 155, 160, 160
    Clean Pull – 4×3 – 245
    1-1/4 FS – 185, 185, 195, 195
    Weight Good Mornings 3×10 – 185

    Thats all I had in me. Did do the met con

  129. 1) 155 every set (form is getting better, but not perfect)
    2a) 245 for pulls
    2b) 165 (first time doing movement, go higher next time)
    3) 16:48

  130. 140 x2, 150×2, 160×1

    245 pulls

    scaled 30,20,10 burpees
    no jump rope. just jumped in place

    not sure if you, rudy, thought this would acually happen but u have a certified acsm member following u. just got my acsm HFS cert. today,

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