Football coaches analyze coverages, protections and scheme. Basketball coaches analyze sets, tempo and flow. Baseball coaches analyze pitch count, alignment and tendencies.

I analyze WODs. Every ridiculously boring detail of them.

It also started with Fran. I was obsessed with the quest to break 3 minutes. I had the entire WOD analyzed down to the second and finally realized that it had more to do with sustaining tempo than it did with break-neck speed. The reality was I just needed to wait for the invention of the butterfly pullup and I could cheat shave 30 seconds off my time without getting any fitter.

Part of the beauty of CrossFit is that sometimes you see a performance which defies what you think you know about the sport. Those sort of performances make me immediately turn to analyzation mode and make me try to figure out exactly how the hell that person obliterated that WOD. Today I’m going to give you all the opportunity to overanalyze the obliteration of a WOD…

EA takes her off day on Wednesday and does the Wednesday work on Thursdsay, therefore, she did the 3 rounds of Deadlifts and Burpees just a few hours ago. I told her I’d like her to try to make herself literally “pass the fuck out” on the WOD. I thought it would get a little more out of her and she could MAYBE break 8 minutes. Well—I was way off. When she reported back to let me know her time, this is what I got:


I responded to ask if she had mistyped or maybe the clock had stopped. She let me know she didn’t and that she had done the deadlifts unbroken but just tried to keep moving on the Burpees. She also said she’d upload the video so I could see her work. Here it is:

Hopefully when you watched you were analyzing and trying to figure out exactly how she was only 22 seconds slower than one of the fastest men alive (I mean analyze not CRITIQUE-I don’t give a damn what you think she did wrong). I really want to know all of your thoughts on why Elisabeth was so fast. A well-thought-out response is appreciated. “Because she’s good at Deadlifting” is NOT a well-thought-out response. No shit she’s good at Deadlifting. She’s also 5’7″ and 160#, therefore, she is not exactly a bodyweight specialist, and the WOD had twice as many Burpees as it did Deadlifts.

Here’s one hint to get you started on the road to nerdery…

Her round times are 1:51 – 2:14 – 2:10.

WOD: 120113


*If last week’s High-Bar work seemed easy you may raise your base number approximately 5%. If it was difficult stay right where you are.

1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X10 @ 60%, 1X10 @ 65%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X8 @ 75% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.

Notes on performing the High-Bar Squat.

2a) 4X5 Shoulder Press @ 90% of 111230, rest 60 sec.
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.

3a) 3X8 Strict Weighted Pullups (any grip) – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
3b) 3X20 Row for Calories (any damper) – rest 60 sec.

Notes: The goal is to row the 20 Calories with the LEAST possible strokes. Please note your stroke count not your time.

3c) 3XME UB Tempo Ring Dips – rest 45 sec.

Notes: Begin in the bottom portion of the dip. Hold for 5 seconds with shoulders below the elbow, then press out of the dip into a fully locked out position. Hold for 10 seconds, then lower back down into the bottom of the dip. That is the completion of 1 rep. Complete as many reps as possible before dropping off the rings. If you cannot complete more than 2 full reps, use a band for assistance.

103 responses to “120113

  1. Her speed to the ground on each burpee was great. I cushioned every single one (snaked down), she didn’t. Over 72 burpees that adds up.

    I saw a lot of people post that the went the first round UB, and then broke up the other rounds. I don’t see the point in that. Either go UB all the way if you know you can or break them up strategically. Obviously, EA knew this weight would be easy for her.

    She also didn’t deplete herself in the first round. As fast at Jason was, I bet he could have gone faster had he held back a little in the beginning. I see so many younger (than me) and extremely talented “exercisers” do this. I want to tell them if they just held back a little in the beginning and kicked it in at the end, it’s likely overall, they actually be faster.

    Be the tortoise, not the hare.

    Nice work EA.

  2. On her deadlifts when she finished at the top the pause which looks like she might have let out a breath.. Breath control on the deads. On her burpees she didn’t spend much time on the ground, when she dropped she got right back up.

  3. Comments on the video:

    First — Her transition back to the deadlift is insane (this is where I lost it, chalk and being a pussy) — she was right back on it. Second she is very efficient in not over taxing her hips/posterior chain on the burpees — if you notice she only really brings her feet half way up and walks them in, comes up to the bar and is efficient on the jump (small jump). Overall this seems to keep her going at a consistent pace the entire time. (not blazing like Hoggans long/quick jump burpees which are nuts)… Quick transitions + consistent pace is the key to a good time and she had very efficient movement to accomplish both.

    • I think this is what I noticed first too Jeff. Her footwork on the burpies was almost “lazy” in appearance. I was also really impressed with the consistency of them. Her first reps look the same as her last. The whole workout was just “ground” down like she was using a metronome. I only know a handful of folks with the mental toughness and confidence to approach a WOD this way.

  4. What’s the load? Is she at 225#? Her DL speed (and form) is enviable and she just keeps chugging along on the burpees. I agree with Ben’s comment above, her pacing is pretty good. “Negative splitting” is also a good strategy in any endurance sports if you have the discipline, eg 2:00, 1:58, 1:56. It’s tough to execute for inexperienced athletes because the tendency is to sprint out the first round/lap and you get gassed for the later rounds. I see crossfitters making this mistake all the time.

  5. What everyone has already mentioned on efficiency of movements….

    Very very well distributed effort, hence the round times.

    What about the deads? Looks like she is basically letting the barbell freefall from the top of the dead and picking it back up rather than lowering it. Lots of eccentric movement over 36 reps at that weight.

  6. Awesome performance, EA. I’d say more if I had time, but the fact that you got right back to the bar after your second round of burpees blew me away, considering I spent a good 45 seconds before and during my last round of deadlifts just trying to recover. A few more reps and you would have caught me. WAY smarter performance.

    Plus, you managed to casually walk away from the wod like it was no big deal… thanks for making me look like a wuss. 😉

  7. Probably said already, but Her DL’s are not only unbroken but efficient, shes fast down, with a good bounce (I love Hi-Temp plates). Her burpees are crazy efficient, fast down (think trap door style), smooth up, straight legs to avoid squat, then the studder step and small hop over bar. No wasted energy. Then to top it off her pacing was perfect, not crazy at the start, manageable in the middle, and everything she had left at the end.

    I did this on thursday to wod with a friend thats been OCONUS:
    For Time:
    30 Double Unders
    10 Burpees
    25 Wall Balls
    10 Burpees
    20 Pull Ups
    10 Burpees
    25 KB Swings
    10 Burpees
    30 Sit-ups
    10 Burpees

    Finished in 6:11. My buddy has a pretty good chance at making regionals (where I don’t think I have a chance in hell) and I beat him by a minute because of pace. I did everything unbroken, and never stopped, not even for a second. It’s all pacing on these 5-8 minute wods, even when (if not more) muscle fatigue is the main factor. Tomorrow looks fun.

  8. Would agree with most of above comments efficiency of movement and consistency .speed off the ground on dl also very quick (is this why you programme alot of cleans?) which gives her a fast turnover per rep .

  9. 1) 1×10@170, 1×10@185, 1×8@200, 1×8@215

    2a) 4×5@120
    2b) 1×5@130, 1×4@140, 2×5@150

    3a) Used red band 8, 8, 4/2/2
    3b) 19 pulls, 19 pulls, 20 pulls
    3c) Did 3×10 banded dips, nice slow motion
    210 body weight and still nursing a shoulder injury.

  10. I was joking before, I didn’t have enough time to properly own you motherfuckers. This is actually pretty simple and you’re all wrong, per usual. What.

    No shit her pacing was faster and she didn’t take breaks. The question is how. It has everything to do with the deadlift. Doing 36 reps at 50% of your 1rm vs doing 36 reps at 80% of your 1rm is a completely different workout. It isn’t just the speed of the reps, but the energy expended per rep which effects you for the rest of the workout. As you guys collectively noted, she didn’t take breaks before restarting deadlifts and she walked casually away at the end; that’s because she wasn’t winded. She has an enormous deadlift. Maintaining a fast pace on the burpees was easy for her because she was lifting kiddie weights.

    While the rest of us were doing a heavy deadlift workout, EA was doing 72 burpees for time.

    Conclusion: get stronger and this shit gets easier.

    • Thank God. Now I don’t have to write 1,400 words tonight to explain.

      THAT is the point, kids. I would have made it a little more science-y, but Penelis’s brain just pretty much pooped out some truthiness.


    • I would say, sorta.

      I think the speed of her descent on DLs and taking advantage of the rebound had as much if not more to do with her demolishing this wod than just her pure strength. I say that because I did this wod in a corporate gym with iron plates which completely eliminated my ability to descend quickly and rebound. Thus each rep took way more out of me than would have been the case had I been using rubbers at the box where noise didn’t matter. Essentially I was doing negatives (relative to EA that is).

      Counterintuitively, EA had more in the tank BECAUSE she went faster (on the descent).

      I noticed this when we did the DL/DU wod as well. Iron plates, corporate gym, no bouncies, no dropsies. Each rep was substantially harder than it typically would have been with rubbers in a curse, spit and yell all you want atmosphere. Thus a wod that was completely in my wheelhouse was substantially altered with each successive rep.

      The same goes for the burpees. EA just dropped. I snaked it down. Basically doing negatives on the pushup phase of the movement. I made each burpee harder than it needed to be by going slower. A habit I picked up when I was having shoulder issues in an attempt to protect my shoulder from anything too jarring.

      I think EA demonstrates 3 things wonderfully with her performance.

      1. Be strong.
      2. Patience = fast.
      3. Use gravity as your friend.
      4. You can look hot doing burpees.

      Wait, that’s four things.

      Same thing with the burps

      • Me too. I don’t think my thoughts were wrong, but strength is the key. Can’t figure out why I didn’t think of that since I often use the “How easy is Grace when you have a 350lb C&J?” phrase when someone asks me how important strength is.

  11. 1. 1X10@150; 1X10@160; 1×8@170, 1×8@185

    2a. 85#
    2b. 1×5@125; 1×5@140; 2×5@150

    3a. added 5# for all sets. Did 2 sets overhanded, 1 set supinated.
    3b. 26 pulls (damper 7.5); 26 pulls (damper 10); 27 pulls (damper 8)
    3c. 4, 3, 3

    M/F/S 2/3/3

  12. 1) 1*10: 100#, 1*10: 108#, 1*8: 115#, 1*8: 125#. Felt a lot stronger than last week!

    Will do 2&3 in the evening.

    MFS: 239. Lower back is still bugging me a ton.

    • 2a) 75#
      2b) 90#, 98#, 105#, 105#. felt a lot easier than last week 🙂

      3a) 10#
      3b) 29pulls, 27pulls, 26pulls. damper was on 10 for all 3 rounds
      3c) 2,2,2- new goat!

  13. Being strong as shit is only part of the explanation for why EA demolished this wod. Like Rudy said obviously she can deadlift so yes the weights felt like kiddie weights. Well the weight felt like cake weight to me too and I still got my shit pushed in by this wod. I think she crushed bc of insanely efficient use of all three metabolic pathways. Look at her splits all three right around n slightly over the 2 min mark hmmmm. Ok now break the splits down even further into burpees n deads. 12 Deads at that weight unbroken all took just over 10 secs per round (Rudy you sick bastard ;)), which also happens to be almost the exact amount of time over two minutes that it takes her to do each round after the first round hmmmm. Basically what I’m trying to say is she realized she could recover from the deads during the burpees and recover from the burps during the deads. They were both just pushing the lines on different metabolic pathways. You don’t need “breath” to deadliest kiddie weight and you don’t need “power” to smash through 24 burpees. You do need to be strong as shit and have a shit ton of HEART to smash this wod. Beautiful job EA. Rudy I guess you did a decent job designing this one you bearded fuck ;).

  14. 1) 185×10;200×10;215×8;230×8

    2a) 140
    2b) 185;200;215×2

    3a) 20×3
    3b) 21 (realized this was for strokes not time. Stroke weight was way to high) 16-16
    3c) 4,4,4

  15. 1) 225, 245, 265, 285

    2a) 155 for all
    2b) 185, 205, 215, 215

    3a) 88, 88 (failed on rep 8), 80
    3b) 16, 16, 17
    3c) 5, 5, 4

    MFS: 3/4/4

  16. 1) 265, 285, 310, 335 (Based on 440#-ish 1rm)

    2a) 155 (f@5), 145, 145, 145 (f@5)
    2b) 235, 255, 275 (based on 390# 1rm)

    3a) 45, 55 (f@7), 45, 45
    3b) 20, 19, 17 (just figured out how to get more out of the pulls)
    3c) 6, 4.5, 4.5 (these hurt)

    M/F/S – 3/6/4

  17. 1) 245, 285, 305, 325 (just realized after looking at Jason’s numbers that I used last weeks percentages AND added 5%, oops. Based off 400 1RM high bar bs)

    2a) 150 across
    2b) 200, 215, 230

    3a) 31, 36, 31(fail at 6) then BW
    3b) 18, 17, 18
    3c) 4,4,2 (the BURN!)

    2/2/2 Yesterday’s rest day did me good.

  18. 1) 245, 265, 295, 315

    2a) 135 for all- failed 5th rep on last set
    2b) 225, 245, 255(4), 255

    3a) 25# for all- 6 reps last set.
    3b) 18, 18, 19
    3c) 4,3,3 – another goat came out of the closet

  19. 200, 215, 230, 245

    press 130
    fs 185, 200, 215, 230 just realized I increased on the last set too.

    a) 50lbs, 50 (5), 45
    b) 18, 18, 19
    c) 4, 3, 2

  20. 1. first time doing a HIGH BAR BACK SQUAT 120,135,150,170 it felt very awkward not to initiate with my hips. I videoed myself and can see my tempo and technique is not very smooth.
    2a. @ 75# easy but safe for my left shoulder.
    b. 115,135,145,150

    3a.@ BW 8,7,4 (poo)I assumed these are unbroken.
    b. 28@7.5 damper, 28 @ 9, 30@ 9
    c. red band assisted 3x,3x, finally BW 2x trying to keep my shoulder healthy.

    great workout! mfs 2/3/2

  21. High bar: 1×10@145, 1×10@155, 1×8@170, 1×8@180

    Shoulder press: 95×5, 95×5, 95×5, 100×5 (then did an extra set @105×5)

    Front squats: 1×5@135, 1×5@145, 2×5@160

    Pullups: 4/4 for all, unweighted

    Row: 25, 23, 21

    Dips: 3, 3, 3

  22. Strength
    1) 165, 180, 190, 205( added 5%)
    2a) 115,115,120,120
    2b) 155, 170,185,185
    3a) BW,10,15
    3b) 19,20,20
    3c) 4,3,3( these fuckers were hard)


  23. 1)235 base: 140, 155, 175(should have been 165), 175(easier than first set at 175)
    2a)115, 125, 135(Fuck Yeah),140(failed on 3rd rep),120
    2b)135, 145, 165, 165
    3a)25, 15, 10
    3b)20, 19, 19 (should have slowed my pace to get more out of each pull, 18 was doable)
    3c)5, 4.5, 3.5

  24. 1. 140, 150, 160, 175
    2a. 85
    2b. 120, 130, 140, 140
    3a. 10#
    3b. 22, 22, 22
    3c. 4, 4, 3 (i actually liked these)


  25. 1) HBBS 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg last set got a little bit tough, but not too bad. Think the weight for this was about right

    2a) Press 70kg all sets
    2b) FS 100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg 110kg felt a bit tough so stuck with it instead of going up

    3a)BW, BW +8kg, BW +8kg
    3b)16 strokes for all sets
    3c) 4,3,2

    Those tempo ring dips are cheeky bastards

    MFS- 1/2/2 Felt a shit tonne better after a rest day

  26. High bar back sq: 145/155/165/175
    Shoulder press: 85/90/90/95
    Front squats: 140/150/160/160

    I think I have completely misjudged my 1rm’s that I have been basing my lifts off of. They are way too easy. So each time I’ve been adding 5lbs. Today it was still easy…

    Ok so onto the nemesis that is weighted pull ups…… Like EA I am 5’7″ and 160 so these are just my fav!!! ((sarcasm))
    I’m sure T strapped a water buffalo to her back and did like 47 sets for fun while giggling. Me however, not so much!
    3×8 sets @ 10lbs…..

    Conditioning: for strokes if I remember right 22/22/21

    And I’m off to pause while doing ring dips…

  27. 1) 130, 140, 155, 165

    2a) 90, 90, 90, 90
    2b) 135, 145, 155, 155

    3a) 18, 18, 18
    3b) 29, 34, 34
    3c) 2, 2, 3

  28. 1. 105 x 10, 115 x 10, 125 x 8, 130 x 8
    2a. 110 for all sets. Used fat gripz for first three sets.
    2b. 100 x 5, 110 x 5, 115 x 5 for last two sets
    3a. 0 UB- 10 lbs UB- 10 lbs 6/2 Pull up grip for first two sets, chin up grip for last set
    3b. Don’t have a rower. Subbed 3 x 25 Sumo deadlift high pulls @ 65 lbs.
    3c. Used blue band. 5 – 6 – 5

  29. 1) 135,145,155,165#
    2a) 80# for all sets
    2b) 115,125,135 x 2

    3a) BW 4/4, 5/3, 4/4
    3b) 35,31,30 strokes
    3c) 2,2,2 ( I’m going to do a couple more with a band this time)

  30. Strength
    1) 190, 215, 230, 245

    2a) 125, 125, 125, 125 (thought these would get heavier, need to increase weight)
    2b) 175, 190, 205, 205

    3a) 25, 25, 15
    3b) 22, 23, 22
    3c) 3, 2, 2

  31. 1. 160, 175, 185, 200
    2a. 100# all sets. Could have gone higher I believe.
    2b. 160, 175, 185 x 2

    3a. 25, 35, 40#
    3b. 19, 19, 18 – Never really messed with the rower damper. Set it at 7,8,9 respectively.
    3c. 4,3,3 – These suck balls.

  32. 1) 155#, 170#, 185#, 195#
    2a) 4 x 5 @ 115#
    2b) 135#, 145#, 155#
    3a) 25#, 25#, 25# x 6 (f)
    3b) 23 (damper 4), 21 (damper 10), 21 (damper 10)
    3c) 6,5,5

    M/F/S – 3/3/2

  33. Today was a mish mash of wednesday and today. Mostly I just wanted to make up the conditioning workout.

    1) 210, 225, 240, 260
    2a) 140 across. Last set was spicy.
    2b) 174, 195, 205, 205

    3 rounds for time of:
    12 Deadlifts @ 315/225#
    24 Bar Facing Burpees


    Never stopped moving in burpees. Deads went UB, 7-5, 7-5.

    3a) 53#, 60#, 60# (7 reps)
    3c) 4, 3.5, 4

    Skipped the rower to make room for metcon.

    M/F/S: 3/3/4

  34. 1) Olympic Squat
    1RM 475: 270×10, 315×10, 335×8, 355×8

    2a) Press
    190x5x3, 195×5

    2b) Front Squat
    1RM 425: 255, 275, 300, 300

    3a)Weighted Pull-ups
    53×8, 53×6, 35×7

    3b) Row
    20, 20, 19

    4) 6, 4.5, 4.5

  35. 1) 145, 155, 165, 175
    2a) 85, 90, 95
    2b) 140, 155, 165, 170
    3a) 18, 23, 28 (7)
    3b) 30, 31, 30 damper on 10
    3c) 3, 4, 3
    MFS- 3, 6, 5 not feeling so hot today. Very fatugued. Maybe it’s school starting back. Need to HTFU.

  36. 1) 145 / 155 / 165 / 180 – Felt light?

    2a) 90 / 90 / 90 / 90
    2b) 125 / 135 / 145 / 145

    3a) 15 / 15 / 15 – went too light
    3b) did airdyne bike 20cals (then my training partner said that was too many and go hard for 10 cals so I did 10 the next two rounds- not sure what’s equal to the rower?? Anyone have an idea?
    3c) 3 or 4 ??(my brain shut off) / 3 / 3 – those were terrible

    Nice work EA!!

  37. Strength
    1) Used 100% of 275. Felt too light.

    2a) 135lbs. Perfect weight.

    2b) Used 100% of 275. This was a perfect weight.

    3a) 20lbs vest. Did 2 rounds normal grip. Last round alt grip.

    3b) 16,16,16. Fell off seat a few times…

    3c) 4,3,2. Much harder than I thought.

  38. Strength
    1) HBBS: 155, 170, 182 (6/2), 195(4/4) – 2nd time ever doing HBBS. Still getting used to keeping the heavier sets on my neck.

    2a) 95, 100, 100, 100 – 4th and 5th reps were tough.
    2b) 125, 135, 145, 145

    3a) no weight ub, 6/2, 4/2/2
    3b) 20@7damper, 21@6, 21@ low8
    3c) 5, 3, 3 – super nasty burn.

  39. 1. 155, 175, 185, 200
    2.a)135, 135, 135, 135
    b)155, 155, 155, 155
    3.a) 5, 10, 15
    b) 29, 28, 28 (damper of 6)
    c) 5, 4, 3

    Man, I have a long way to get competent at squatting!
    My rowing also clearly needs some work based on the other people’s pulls…
    The ring dips were very challenging, but a really great exercise!
    Thanks for such an interesting workout.

  40. 1) 185, 195, 210, 225
    2a) 125
    2b) 155, 165, 185, 185

    Pull ups- 25, 30, 30 (5/2/1)
    Row- 24, 22, 25
    Dips- 5, 3, 3

  41. 1) 185, 195, 215, 225 – Last set was heavy
    2a) 112#
    2b) 160, 175, 185×2
    3a) 20# for all. Not terrible
    3b) 20, 20, 21. Tried different dampers, best set was at 3
    3c) 5, 5, 4

    M/F/S – 1/3/7. Lower back is smoked…I could feel myself leaning forward on last set of squats

  42. 1.) Squat added 5%, 225, 245, 265, 285
    2.a. ) 125, 5, 3 (failed on last 2), dropped weight to 115 5, 5
    2b.) 180, 195, 210, 210

    Pull ups 3×8 with 20lbs
    Row, 21-20-22
    Dips, 5, 3, 2.5 (failed on way up)

  43. 1) 225, 245, 260, 280 – these felt good, even though I started to run out of steam on the last few reps.

    2a) 150 x 4 – only 4 on the 2nd set
    2b) 190, 205, 220, 220

    3a) 20, 25(7), 15(7)
    3b) 16, 16, 17 – 2nd rd should have been in 15
    3c) 4.5, 3, 2 – these….well…..sucked

  44. Ok so I know I’m not supposed to post previous days work but I’m pretty proud of myself…225# deadlifts … Not something I ever thought I would do in a WOD… And had I my committed to being one of the “outlaws” I probably wouldnt have… Not as kick ass as hoggan or ea!! But I’m happy with it

  45. 1) 210, 225, 245, 265
    2a) 45
    2b) 195, 215, 225
    3a) 70, 80, 80. The Mayo no-repped me on a couple so this is kinda bull
    3b) 17, 17, 18
    3c) 5, 5, 5

  46. In order of appearance

    At company gym in the morning.
    3a. 25# each round with fat and square bar
    3b. 21, 23, 21, damper 9, model B rower
    3c. 5, 3, 4. Counted the seconds in my head but my 5 seconds were like 3 seconds in reality.

    Some lady came up to asking me how she could spot reduce her belly. I told her to read EPIC’s blog post.


    Then at my gym in the evening,

    2a. 155

    Didn’t do 2b. Front squats. Instead did my gym’s workout, which was:

    On the minute for 12 minutes:
    135# hang power cleans
    10 squats


    1. 255, 275, 295, 315 (based on 420 1RM. Felt closer to correct but still feels a little low.)

  47. I’d like to bask in this moment. This must be how Rudy feels all the time.

    I got to own all you motherfuckers TWICE in one day. I am a mediocre rower, but seriously, not a single one of you knows a damn thing about a C2 rower. See 3B below.

    1. 175, 190, 205, 220
    2A. 150
    2B. 165, 175, 190
    3A 55
    3B. 14, 12, 12 Seriously, anyone 6′ tall should be ashamed for going over 15 pulls on this. 5 damper, pull the fuck out of it, then wait, and wait, and wait…then pull again. Each round took about 1:20-1:30.
    3C. 6, 3, 3. Total chest burner.

    This will probably never happen again so let me be obnoxious and have my moment.

  48. 1. 140, 150, 165, 175

    2a. 65 (my former PR)
    2b. 125, 135, 145, 145

    1x 5#, 4x BW, 8x with the cheater machine
    4x BW, 8x with the cheater machine
    3x BW, 8x with the cheater machine

    33, 32, 32

    2.5, 3.5, 3

    M/F/S: 2/3/2

    • BTW, chiropractor says one of my legs is 1/2 inch shorter than the the other when I’m laying on the the table because my sacrum is tilted. Result: a pretty significant spasm has returned in my low back. 4-6 visits over the next month and he’ll have me back in shape and spasm reduced. I’ll never quit him again. My back has gone to hell since I thought taking care of myself wasn’t a priority.

  49. Back Squat: 190-205-225-240
    Press: 155
    Front Squat: 165-175-195-195

    Pull ups: 25lb plate all rounds
    Row: :45 :46 :45, screwed up and counted time
    Ring Dips: 5-5-3

  50. High bar squats 225-240-260-275
    Press 165
    Front squat 165-205-225
    Weighted pull UPS 22lb
    Row 20 cal strokes 20-19-20
    Strict ring dips ub 11-9-8

  51. AM

    2a) 120
    2b) 145, 160, 170×2

    3a) 20 lbs
    3b) 20, 23, 21
    3c) 4, 3.5, 3(DECEPTIVELY HARD!)

    short met-con for finisher
    10,8,6,4,2 Stone shouldering(half each arm)
    5,4,3,2,1 Muscle Ups
    Time 5:54


    1) 170, 185, 200, 215

    WODClub Open workout #2
    13 rounds @ 115 lbs for a total of 8970. Probably not the smartest thing to do after back squats..My legs were toast after the first minute

    4/7/4..Didn’t sleep very well last night. I ate some cornbread at dinner which really effed my world up

  52. 1) High-Bar Back Squat:
    1×10 @ 200 lbs
    1×10 @ 220 lbs
    1×8 @ 235 lbs
    1×8 @ 250 lbs
    (low back still smoked from the deadlifts)

    2a) Shoulder Press:
    4×5 @ 120 lbs (only got 2 on my last set)

    2b) Front Squats:
    1×5 @ 160 lbs
    1×5 @ 175 lbs
    2×5 @ 190 lbs

    Skipped the rest because of my tendonitis. I’m starting to feel it on more and more exercises, so I’m probably going to have to take at least a week off to recover. Probably a good idea since my whole body just feels like it’s disintegrating at the joints. Lack of sleep really takes its toll.

  53. 1) hbbs: 120-130-140-155
    2a) shoulder press: 115-120-120-120
    2b) front squat: 120-135-145-145
    3a) weighted pull ups: 45-35-35 had to break up last set 5-3
    3b) rows 18-19-19
    3c) tempo ring dips: 5-4-3

  54. EA is clearly just a shit load cooler than all of us. Scientific fact. Get strong, learn patience, understand your own body and how it reacts to specific stresses and combinations of stresses, act accordingly. Do all that and add a little “crazy” (because you have to be a little extra-intense to not stop when everything in your world is screaming at you to just die already) and you will be an elite exerciser. Honestly, some people are quite simply built for this, just like any other sport (ahem, sorry, just like all those REAL sports). Combine being a beast with having a brain and working your ass off to make up for something missing in your life (most of us are definitely able to find something negative in our lives that pushes us beyond), and scary things happen.

    Trust me on all that. I have a sub-3 Fran, I know what I’m talking about…

    1) 240, 270, 290, 305 (felt WAY better than last week. Zero Jesus sightings, want more weight!)
    2a) 155 across the board (fired up)
    2b) 190, 205, 220×2 (ready to move this up a bit for sure)

    3a) 40, 40(6+2), 30
    3b) no rower, subbed 15 max output UB broad jumps for distance – 110′, 112′, 115′
    3c) 4, 3.5, 3 (youch is effing right!)

    Pre-workout I worked 5×5 assisted strict chest to bar pull ups and 5×5 cable pull downs. Upon lengthy conversation with my buddy Jim over at http://www.BeastSkills.com I concluded that I had zero lower trap activation with any pulling and pushing (thanks baseball, kipping/butterfly pull ups, kipping muscles ups and forced high rep HSPU failures for exacerbating my sequencing malfunctions!). I proptly found a major deficiency, and quite honestly, potentially the reason I suck at strict body weight movements like pull ups, muscle ups and HSPU (besides being a bottom-heavy 220 pounder…). I have a good collection of focused work to do and I will keep note on here on my findings.

  55. Deadlifts were touch and go without wasted time on an exaggerated lockout.… consistent speed.. Listening to the Fugees helped I’m sure. Did deadlifts fast enough and unbroken while not tiring herself out and then being gassed on the Burpees. The burpees were essentially unbroken and she never looked like she was trying too speed through them. She stayed relaxed and didn’t waste movement or energy. The burpees very consistant speed.. went all the way down and then used your legs to get up not just her upper body… instead of going 100% and then resting every 45 seconds, she paced herself.. such a good tempo all around.

  56. Also, she kept her hamstrings under tension while deadlifting,.. allowing for maximal speed and force to every rep.

  57. 1)245, 265, 285, 305

    2a) 4×5 @ 160

    2b) 235, 250, 270, 270

    3a) 16lb for all (only thing I had readily available)
    3b) 16,16,16
    3c) 9,9,7

    Wheelhouse night for me!

  58. Made up the DL / Burpee WOD from the other day when I was gone on a ski trip. Strategy wasn’t nearly as good as Elizabeth’s, but I’m a burpee ninja.


  59. 1)High Bar Back Squat: 1×10 @ 155#, 1×10 @165#, 1×8 @180#, 1×8 @190#

    2a)Shoulder Press: 85#, 85#, 90#, 90# (did an extra set at 95# to see if I could)
    2b)Front Squat: 135#, 145#, 155#, 155#

    3a) Just did these with my BW. It’s already a challenge this way. Just made sure to try to do them with as little breaks as possible.
    3b) 23, 24, 23
    3c) 3, 2, 2

    mfs: 132

  60. 1) 175/ 190/ 210/ 225

    2a) 135 x 4
    2b) 170/ 190/ 205/ 225

    3a) 16lb x4, UB on 1rd and 2rd
    3b) 20, 18. 19
    3c) 3,2.5,2


    M/F/S 3/4/7(low back)

  61. Strength

    1) 1×10@190# – 1×10@205# – 1×8@220# – 1×8@235#

    2a) 2×5@125# – 1×4@125# – 1×5@115#

    2b) 1×5@165# – 1×5@180# – 2×5@190#

    3a) 2×8@10# – 1×6@10#

    3b) 19 – 19 – 20

    3c) 3+9 Seconds – 2 – 2

  62. m/f/s – 3/7/8 back was very sore still from the deadlifts on wednesday

    High Bar Back Squat
    200, 215, 230, 250

    2a)Press 4 x 5 – 140

    2b)Front Squat – 170, 185, 200 x 2

    3a)3 x 8 Weighted Pullup – 45, 55, 65

    3b)3 x 20 cal row – 22, 21, 20 strokes

    3c)Tempo Ring Dips – 5, 5, 6

  63. HB Back Squat 225, 235, 245, 265
    2a) 135, 135, 135, 135
    2b) 165, 175, 195, 205

    Noticing a huge difference in FS due to doing the HB Squats.

    3a) All no weight strict pus
    3b) 21, 20, 22
    3c) 4, 3, 2 (Absolute suckfest!)

  64. 1) 230-250-275-290

    2a) 4×5 @ 150 (light, going up next time)
    2b) 190-205-225-225

    3a) 25-25-25 (chin ups)
    3b) 20-19-18 (damper on 5)
    3c) 4-4-3

  65. Strength

    1) Hi Bar (based off 365)
    220 x 10
    240 x 10
    255 x 8
    275 x 8


    2a) Shoulder press (90% based off 3RM of 165)
    150 x 4 x 5 (easier than last week….good pressing day)

    2b) Front Squat
    190 x 5
    210 x 5
    225 x 2 x 5

    Easy. Done dynamic, bounce and top and bottom no pause.

    3a) Wtd. Pullups
    16kg x 8
    20kg x 8
    20kg x 4,f

    3b) Row 20 cals
    16 strokes
    17 strokes
    18 strokes

    3c) Tempo Ring Dips

    Found these super hard. Chest was spasming by the end of each….
    I’m usually very strong at BW pressing movements, but I think its because I can cycle them super fast…..tempo is brutally hard.

  66. 1. 136, 146, 157, 170
    2a. 87 for all sets
    2b. 116, 126, 136, 136

    3a. Body weight for all sets
    3b. 25, 27, 25
    3c. 10 (forgot about tempo), 4, 4

  67. 1) 185-200-215-230
    2a) 115-125-125-125
    2b) 160-175-185-185
    3a) 35-35(7)-35(5)
    3b) approx 40 pulls per 1 minute row sprint at hardest setting (don’t have the concept 2 rower)
    3c) no rings, did max reps of dips 28-23-20

  68. 1)High Bar Back Squat 230, 250, 270, 290
    2a) Overhead Press 155 (4). 90% should have been 185 but right shoulder along with right hip causing problem. Need to visit chiro.
    2b) Front Squat 190, 205, 220 (2)
    3a) 20# vest, 20# vest + 25kb (2)
    3b) 21 spm@1min. 23spm@:59, 23spm@:57
    3c) 6,4,4

  69. 1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X10 @ 60%, 1X10 @ 65%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X8 @ 75% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
    1 = 10 @ 102.5kg, 10 @ 110kg, 8 @ 120kg, 8 @ 127.5kg

    2a) 4X5 Shoulder Press @ 90% of 111230, rest 60 sec. = 62.5kg (failed rep 5 of set 3, dropped set 4 to 60kg, failed rep 5 again
    2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec. = 5 @ 90kg, 5 @ 97.5kg, 5 @ 105kg, 5 @ 105kg

    3a) 3X8 Strict Weighted Pullups (any grip) – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
    3b) 3X20 Row for Calories (any damper) – rest 60 sec.
    3c) 3XME UB Tempo Ring Dips – rest 45 sec.
    3a = pronated pull ups 10kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg
    3b = 15 @ damper 10, 15 @ damper 5, 14 @ damper 7
    3c = 3, 3, 3

    MFS = 3/4/2

  70. BS: 185, 200, 215, 230

    Press: 125
    FS: 155, 165, 175

    Weighted Pull-up: 35×8, 35×8, 25×8
    Row: 24,24,24

    Dips: 6,6,4

  71. 1. 130,140,155,165
    2a. 80# felt easy
    2b. 135,145,155,155
    WOD – 7xs 35 double unders 1 full snatch (105) 6:14
    3a. No weight just strict
    3b. 28/28/29 suck at this!
    3c. 5/4/4

    Practiced some handstand walking and bar muscle ups

  72. Did this Sunday…
    1) 140 155 165 175
    2a) 95
    2b) 135 145 160

    3a) 15 all
    3b) 23  23  23
    3c) 4.5  3.5  3.5 – wow those last eccentric holds felt like my chest was gonna split open!

    MFS: 3/6/5 – legs a little sore from the spider monkey workout. Also tired after attending a bonfire last night only to discover at 2am I’m allergic to pine tree pollen, especially if I’m bathed in its ash. I woke up with an itchy rash and swollen lips and eyes. Great time!

  73. 1) 200,220,230,250

    3a)20lb vest, <+5lbx2
    3b) 15,14,13
    3c)5,4,4- unreal how fast those got spicy

    ghd-body weight, 15lbx2
    tgu's 3x55lb

    m/f/s 3/3/3- Starting to come back around from getting my ass handed to me on all levels the past couple weeks.

  74. 1) 215-235-255-275
    2) 95# still dealing with shoulder injury, this was heaviest possible with no pain
    2b) 185-205-215-215

    3a) 44# KB overhand grip, sets of 6-2
    3b) no rower at work
    3c) 2-2-2 I have not done ring dips in 7 months with shoulder

    To make up for no rower…

    70# KB swing
    Rest 2:00mins
    KB swing


  75. 1) 140, 155, 165, 175
    2a) 85, 85, 85, 85
    2b) 120, 125, 135, 135

    Squats are feeling light, may go up again next week.

    no rower so did four sets of a and c.

    3a) 5, 10, 10, 10
    3c) 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5

  76. 2.5 mile run then
    1) 235, 265, 280, 295 (these are feeling really good, going to move up a bit more next week)
    2a) 155 (think I can go up a bit more here as well)
    2b) 185, 205, 225, 225 (up here as well)

    3a) 20, 40, 40lbs
    3b) 18ish
    3c) 3,3,2 (these were friggin’ hard)

    2.5 mile fun home

  77. Catching up on posting…
    1) 205 – 220 – 240 – 255

    2a) 125 – 125 – 125 – 120 (f4)
    2b) 180 – 195 – 210 – 210

    3a) 8 – 5,1,1,1 – 4,1,1,1,1 zero weight for all
    3b) 15 – 15 – 15
    3c) 3 – 2 – 2 should have used a mini band

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