We have gotten A LOT if questions about having a coaching and programming seminar. The idea of this literally makes me giddy (like a fucking small schoolchild). The fact that I could get to nerd out for a couple days with a bunch of like-minded individuals is the best thing I can think of. So… If we get 20 or so comments/emails saying that you guys really want this, then we’ll find a date. Don’t know what we’ll charge, but again—it won’t be ridiculous. Post your interest to comments or email me at Rudy@OutlawCrossFit.com.

We’re going to continue with the normal rest day schedule through the Christmas weekend. Don’t worry, Christmas Eve will be a wonderful present to you all.

Make sure you get your registrations in for whatever Training Camp you are planning to attend. There WILL be more camps added before the end of the year. We are discussing two more right now and should have some other fun stuff on top of those.

This past weekend Talayna competed in the Florida Holiday Cup Open.
This was her first Weightlifting competition. I asked her to do it so I could possibly get 3 lifters qualified for Nationals, which is a requirement to become a USAW Level 3 coach. I thought… I already have Elisabeth Akinwale qualified, and T’s numbers are easily good enough to make it also.

She needed a 148kg total (roughly 326#), and she got 160kg (roughly 352#). She PR’d her Snatch—again—by getting 74kg (163#), and just missed a 91kg (201#) Clean and Jerk. Not only was her total high enough to qualify for Nationals (significantly more difficult than qualifying for the American Open), but—you already know what’s coming—she also WON best lifter. This is the distinction given to the lifter with the best Sinclair Coefficient, and long story short it means she did it again…


(Shhhh… And don’t forget… She’s got a 2:26 Fran.)

WOD 111219:

*Some of you have been posting your WOD videos in the comments (YouTube works best). This is a spectacular idea, and I would encourage you to video all lifts today and post them. If I don’t get a chance to watch them, Corey, Brandon, Laura or someone else who can critique them will.

Barbell Gymnastics

Take 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
Take 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.

Notes: Take 5-10 minutes between the lifts to transition. Limit yourself to 3-5 lifts of each movement. DO NOT take more than 5 attempts of either lift. There is no distinction for the lifts, but using the squat is HIGHLY recommended.


Compare to: HQ 111215

3 rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-Ups
21 DB Thrusters 35/20#


10 minutes to establish a 3rm BB TGU.

Notes: This lift must be completed on BOTH ARMS. The barbell MAY NOT be dropped in between reps. You must finish the 3rd rep by returning to the floor with the BB, you may not drop after standing on rep 3. You (obviously) may put the bar down to switch hands.

Jason Hoggan on 111217 WOD 1:

Thomas Hanson on 111217 WOD 2:

62 responses to “111219

  1. I totally read, “the idea literally makes me giddy (like fucking a small-school child).” Had to do a double take there lol.

    Congrats to Talayna! Exciting stuff! Let’s go kill it tomorrow guys!

  2. 1) 151#
    2) 196# (1# PR)
    Conditioning: 8:46 (25# dbs/bar muscleups)
    TGU: 45# (got 55# on left, right shoulder way more unstable)

  3. Snatch= 155( felt really off on technique, caught 165 3-4 times but every one was lost to the front)

    Clean&jerk= 225( 15lb PR, attempted 235 but it crashed on me and ran out of time)

    Conditioning= 9:00 ( had to do singles on MU’s, all thrusters UB)

    Midline= 75lbs for 3RM on left arm but lost it on the 3rd rep on the right arm, so did 75lbs UB on left and 65lbs UB on the right.

  4. 1)155# PR by 10#
    2)215# should have gotten 225# for another 10# PR but missed the lockout with the right arm my 1/4″ will get it next week for sure!!!!
    Conditioning: 8:37
    Midline: 65# on both arms
    Cliff Lewis

    • Cliff,
      Couple of things really stick out at full speed. First it looks like your bouncing it off you thighs which is pushing the bar way out from. On the set up point knuckles down and focus on a straight bar path all the way through.

      Second. You are no where near open. As a mater of fact your not even 3/4 of the way open. Your losing ALOT of power. Stop worrying about getting under the bar and more staying in that second pull for triple extension.. High pulls should help with this.

  5. Another day of un PRs
    1) Snatch 185. Missed 195 3x
    2) 245; went for a 5lb pr @ 265 but didnt get underneath it. Bar was high enough
    Conditioning: 7:28

    TGU-45 lbs. really showed my instability in my left shoulder. Stupid slap tears

  6. 1. 170#
    Way below pr. Elbow started to flare-up and couldn’t get 175 due to pain. might be tendinitis 😦
    2. Couldn’t hold the clean at all without any pain.So got a freaking DNF

    First round was all UB, but the next rounds of muscle ups in singles.

    TGU: 65# on both sides. Tried 95# and just couldn’t stabilize at all.

  7. Very SAD day right bicept, still hurting!
    1 round of Metcon (bicept)

    All around just not feeling it (also at home today with a sick child)


  8. A make up day with some lifts

    -15 min Snatch off blocks. worked up to 205# with good form. Rudy, held it at the bottom like you said. It felt good.

    -15 min Jerk- 275# Boxes were to high. Kept hitting them on the dip. Didnt have time to adjust them. (its a son of a bitch)

    -2a)Front and back split jerk@ 225
    -2b)clean pulls at 315. No straps

    -20 min swinging from the bars. Got easier the more my shoulders loosened up.

    m/f/s 2/3/4

  9. 135 snatch, 185 CNJ. Tough time getting under the bar today. I have a lot of bitch in my heart after how shitty my Ravens played last night.

    Conditioning- 7:20. Felt solid on that.


  10. 1) 170 snatch. Caught 175 3 times and lost it.
    2) 215 C&J. Don’t know what was going on but didn’t have any speed under the bar
    3) conditioning- 7:38

    It really sucks getting back into oly lifts after not doing them for so long. I learned my lesson and will never neglect them again

  11. BB Gymnastics

    1) 230 Snatch, PR by 5#, almost caught 235. I’ll post video later when it’s uploaded.
    2) 275 C&J, Made a 285 Clean, failed jerk. Neither part felt good today.




    65lbs x 3 each side

  12. 200# snatch. 15# under pr.
    265# C&J. 10# under pr. Probably should have rested another day after this weekend’s competition. Was slow on everything

    Conditioning: 6:59

  13. Set up a youtube channel today.
    Hopefully I can figure out how to embed the videos.
    Snatch 135

    Clean & Jerk 175

    WOD Time: 9:39

    On the c&j my shoulders were super painfully on the first dip of the jerk. Very not cool.

  14. 1) 175. 185 was there…but I went ahead and missed it 6 times anyway.
    2) 265. 10# PR
    3) 6:38 – I was exhausted at the start of this, plowed through the first round UB, and then the wheels came off.

    MFS – 3/6/4 – Bad sleep and sore hammie

  15. 1) 155 (165FF) – playing with a new set up from the bottom up. Back on my heels more but no gas on the pull today. 
    2) 185 – 10# PR for my squat clean. Only 5# under power clean now 😛

    5:49 – MUs were 4/3, 3/2/2, 3/2/2 all thrusters UB. 

    45# BB

    MFS: 4/5/3 – still catching up on sleep from the weekend

  16. Since everyone’s complaining today, here’s something to lighten the mood: http://devour.com/video/best-fails-of-2011/

    I have to say, this video is almost as good as watching you guys work out. Look for crossfitters ™ to make appearances at 3:27 and 7:59. Even if you didn’t PR your snatch today, Corey, you’re still cooler than most of these people.

  17. 1) 220# (5# PR… Finally. Caught 225# a couple times, but wasn’t low enough)

    2) 275# (PR… Again, finally.)


    Tgu’s- 75#x3 on both. Really hate those.

    M/F/S – 1/4/3

  18. Snatch: 100, got 105 but didn’t sit in it. not a pr. felt good though, just ran out of time.
    C&J: 130, 5 off of my pr. shoulder felt funny

    wod: 11:18 with rowing MUs

    tried 35 with TGU

    mfs: 2/2/1

  19. Great day for snatches. Shitty day for Clean and Jerks.

    Snatch 235

    Clean and Jerk 310

    Pissed about this. Cleaned 330 last week. Jerked 335 last week. Thought I had 325 for sure. Legs spent after the snatches I guess. Frustrating.

    Metcon this evening.

  20. Pretty unfocused today on the Oly lifts.

    1. 165# in a squat, 175# power. Not a good day. Was focused on opening the hips, actually got MORE drive than usual and it threw everything off.
    2. 235#, 5# PR but still sucked. Did not get under split jerks at all, missed 245# which I hit several times recently

    Conditioning 11:50. Figured out how to chain MU’s well when I’m rested (first round 2-5) but mostly singles once I was fatigued. Progress but still frustrated.

    Midline – Failed at 45#, got pissed and said fuck it.

    Not a very good day.

  21. First day on the programming! Seeing how I like it..weighed in at 168

    Snatch-200 lb’s!! (been chasing this for quite a while now…caught 205 twice but shoulders were fatiguing)

    C&J-235 lb’s (cleaned 250 twice but the shoulders were smoked and i couldn’t breathe! I’ve cleaned 265 and Jerked 250..should’ve had it!!)

    Skill/Cond(My sinuses are still are fucked up so the programmed metcon would have been terrible since I can barely breathe. Did the 15 min. ME/UB MU and DU WOD. Got a new pair of wood rings so they were a tad slippery)

    set 1-7,87
    set 2-6,62
    set 3-4,11(i fucked up i know!)
    set 4-5, 95
    set 5-3,116


    -Felt good today! Took two complete days off with lots of sleep. Still my sinuses are are messed up though

  22. Snatch: Hit 205 with ease! Felt fast and light so jumped to 225 and can not believe the ways I missed it. Pull feels super light. Its going down next week FO SHO!

    C&J: Hit 275 easy, jumped to 295 and missed jerk. Ran out of time and quite frankly just pooped since today was first day back after an extended bout with the funk. Confident in this lift anyway, 315 coming soon 😉

    Wod: 7:15 with 40lb. db.

    Felt ok about this considering my diet has been crap and a total lack of training in last few weeks!

    Good to be back feeling well though!

  23. Snatch: 85. Missed 90 and 95 out front. Caught 100 and lost it standing up cause I got all excited. PR is 100kg.
    Clean and Jerk: 125kg. PR BABY. About time. Thanks Rudy.

    3 hours later after coaching classes.

    WOD: 8:58 with 40lb DB’s.

    My conditioning blows. Was playing with neutral grip a lot though. First set was UB neutral grip. Went 5-2 and 4-3 for the other two sets. 15-6 for first 2 sets and 11-10 for the last on thrusters.

    TGU: 35kg both sides.

    Actually dropped the 2nd on the left side on the very last portion of the descent. Took a second and refocused and hit the 3rd.

  24. first day posting and first day back from being sick since Wed.
    starting my 4th week on the program

    Snatch: 210 felt good 15# short of my PR, was happy bout it.
    C&J: 263.5 clean was quick, slow coming up with it and jerk was quick. tried 275 quick elbows, but came up on the toes coming up and lost the grip on the jerk in the rack position. 6.5# shy of PR after week off was fine by me.

    started stringing muscle-ups together couple weeks ago and my lungs were shit today from being sick. a pathetic 13:27

  25. Snatch 175 – 10lbs under PR – pulls were slow @185
    C&J 215 – 5lb PR – really need to improve my footwork on SJ
    MetCon: mini banded MU bc I suck – 12:39
    TGU – 55

  26. Not super sore from last weekends comp but didnt want to push it super hard today, so just did the metcon and some mobility. 7:50, Mu’s were UB/3,4/3,2,2. Thrusters were UB/UB/11,10. First two rounds felt good but the wheels feel off on round 3, wasted about a minute staring at the rings before starting the third round.

  27. Lifting posted above.


    Had to sub 95lb barbell thrusters since I don’t have dumbbells.


    Done by myself at 11:00 at night outside in the rain. Awesome.

  28. Snatch – 190lbs, felt great, 200 was close
    C&J – Different story, actual C&J was 225, but I got pissed later and ripped up 250 and push pressed it…so however we count that. Feet were glued to the ground on the Jerk today.

    MetCon: 6.47 – MU’s – UB, UB, 4/3 – Thrusters – UB, 11/10, 7/8/6 – suck at DB thrusters

    TGU – 75lbs x 3 both arms…only one set right after the metcon, could’ve hit higher for sure, had to coach though. Video of full day coming later.

  29. Day late…was in chicago this weekend and did a workout at CF Carbon yesterday.

    1) 175 (un PR by 10)
    2) 215 (un PR by 20)

    Felt good warming up but just didn’t have the power today

    WOD: 5:58

  30. 1)135 fuck snatches, and my shoulders.
    2)205 20# PR. Cleaned and Jerked this weight many times, just never together.

    would have gone for more on both, and definitely got more on the snatch, but ran out of time. then i got stuck doing our regular metcon.

    Three rounds for time of:
    35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
    15 sit-ups
    35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
    15 Toes to bar

    12:05 (or something like that) should have been faster but have never done one arm snatch so it took me a few to get the balance figured out. T2B still suck but are getting better.

  31. Spent the night trying to figure out how to get the crazy blu-ray format onto a program to edit it and get it on youtube…have the MU WoD, probably won’t upload it, its semi-boring outside of the two unbroken sets of MU’s — M/F/S – 1/1/1 before training today — Here are the Snatches

  32. Tuesday:
    1.) Snatches, worked to 105kg, this is a 10kg PR for me, pretty stoked.
    2.) Did power cleans Monday, worked up to 130kg, definitely think I have more on this.
    3.) Day four on so, decided to take off on the metcon. Also managed to hurt my wrist on the snatches, now I know why folks where those wrist things.

  33. snatch 165 matched pr but ugly so I think I get more soon
    C&J 215, the jerk is the issue

    conditioning 6:47

    midline: no bars available due to the gym WOD being diane so 3×15 ghd with dead stop at bottom 60sec rest

  34. 1)235! hell yeah
    2) only completed 275. Missed 295 a couple times then moved on. Need to work on clean technique more


    m/f/s 3/2/3

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