>Lunch with the exercise superfriends…

WOD 130510:


1a) 3X10 Deadlifts @ 70% – rest exactly 2:00.
1b) 3X10 Bench Press @ 70% – rest exactly 2:00.

*Notes: A and B should be UB touch & go reps.


15 minutes alternating ME L-Sit Hold and Freestanding Handstands (no HSPU).

*Notes: spend roughly 1:30 alternating between each movement.

Conditioning (2 parts)

Part 1-

For time:

100 Double-Unders
50 HSPU (regionals standard)
40 TTB
30 Shoulder to OH 160/100#
90′ Walking Lunges (front rack) 160/100#

*If you have one, try to use an axle bar for this piece.

*Notes: Part 2 should be done separately if time allows. Also, if you are able, the preference is for it to be performed on a track to allow for exact measurement.

Part 2-

4X400m Run – rest 1:1 in between all, all repeats should be at 100% effort.

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Extra 130510:

*Note: Group 2 will have two extra pieces for Saturday.

GROUP #3 Conditioning

*Ideally this work would be performed approximately four hours after the day’s template.

For time:

Row 500m
30 Pistols (alternating)
20 Push Press @ 115/75#
Row 500m
20 Pistols (alternating)
15 Push Press @ 115/75#
Row 500m
10 Pistols (alternating)
10 Push Press @ 115/75#

50 responses to “130510

  1. The #3 looks good…actually I just like all of their conditioning stuff.  We could do Jackie, or that row piece below.

    Anne-Marie Vaughan Crossfitin’ Yogi


  2. Strength
    1a) 180kg
    1b) 90kg

    Practiced Pistols for 15 Minutes

    9 minutes to do the HSPU! What the fuck! Why have they brought the box in even more? Wasn’t it 36″ x 24″ Now its 34″ by 24″…. I just got my 2012 Regional standard ‘Diane’ down to 3:59.. But with the extra 2″ off the sides of that box, forget about it…
    I’m 6’3″ and 103kg… Whinge over.

    Running in afternoon

  3. Strength
    1a) 125 kg (Based of 180)
    1b) 65 kg (Based off 92.5)

    Skills later

    No conditioning today

  4. Strength:
    1a) 330 lbs
    1b) 210 lbs

    Conditioning Part 1:
    I don’t think this is a hugely competitive time. I think there will be several sub-10:00. HSPU’s were tough. I am chalking it up to the Bench Press right before but really I am HSPU pansy.

    Skill, 4x400m Runs, and Extra Group #3 this evening.

    • Extra Group #3 Conditioning:
      Did the push presses with a makeshift axle bar. Didn’t seem to make a big difference. Just a slightly more difficult clean to front rack.

      400m Runs – Gym Route:
      1:15 across
      I think I cheated and probably went more like 90-95%

      • If your a taller athlete, then keep your HSPU broken into small sets. When you get to the axle, maybe push press some of the reps. I did all push jerks, which I think wore me out from the start

  5. Str-
    335 pulls
    210 bench
    No misses

    W/ axle
    No excuse for time, went hard shit result.

    Runs and stuff later.


  6. deadlift 255, lost grip about halfway through the last set
    bench 185
    L sit high score 30 seconds

    scaled down the hspu. did em with my head on a 25lb plate. everything else rx’d but no axle

    400s- after about 15 minutes rest
    1:22, 1:29, 1:35, 1:35
    shoulda ran that first one faster. ran in the wind and rain today


  7. Strength:
    1a. 160#
    1b. 100#


    Part 1
    22:22 Rx
    Part 2
    All between 1:30 and 1:40

  8. Strength:
    1a) 100/100/110 (more like 60%, sore back)
    1b) 60/60/65 (need to establish a 1rm)

    Best L-Sit) 12
    Best HS) 15

    23:18 (60k) – HSPU’s crap! Scaled the weight due to back.

    No time for part 2

  9. 405lbs for deadlift, 270 for bench. Not as bad as I expected.
    15 minute cap on WOD, almost got through TTB. HSPU suuuuuuuucked!

  10. Deadlift @ 385
    Bench press @ 195

    Skill: done

    Conditioning #1: 15:50 at about 80% (still getting the cobwebs off from travel) I think wel will see quite a few people under 10 on this. HSPU took the longest.

    Group three conditioning: 12:25: push presses all unbroken, pistols were Brutal.

    No runs tonight.

  11. Deadlift at 185
    Bench at 100
    Both done ub. Both were pretty smooth

    22:?? Missed the seconds
    Du 1:30 hspu 6:30 ttb 3:30 and somehow the shoulder to oh and lunges took 10 min. I felt extremely nauseated again. Lack of food and sleep to blame.
    Bad week

  12. 1a) off 600# – 420/315/315….420 would have blown me out for the day for 20 more reps
    1b) off 335# – 235# no misses
    Skill – skipped today, did OHS last two days, shoulders torched
    1) 11:30 rx. HSPU and for some reason ttb killed me. GTOH and Lunges not too rough.
    2) Later tonight

  13. Strength:
    1a.)Clean DL: 285
    1b.) 170
    2.) (Smolov FS Week 4 Day 3: 7×5@230)

    Skill: completed

    Part 1.) 15:52 ~ no axle
    Part 2.) 1:23, 1:30, 1:25, 1:24

  14. Strength
    1a) 300#
    1b) DB’s; 65’s
    Conditioning: Broke into 5 rounds: 115 on S2OH; 100 on Lunges. 19:20
    Well, I started Outlaw to work on my weaknesses. It’s looking like that’s all I have here.

  15. 1) 275
    2) 160
    Both felt extremely light today

    L-Sit/HS practice done

    Cond 23:57 Rx
    Did I miscount? There is barely an explanation why I was so bad at this. Off day.

    4×400 done but untimed. Slow.

    Group 3 work 12:27
    Redeemed myself a bit, everything UB here.

    Assemble new Pendlay rig for time – 3hrs 47mins

  16. Strength:
    1) 325
    2) 150


    P1) 25:44 Rx (guess i’ll provide data for a non elite competitive exerciser, you’re welcome)

    P2) 1:29, 1:31, 1:32, 1:30
    -had to dodge oblivious morons watching a tee-ball game


  17. Stayed lighter today as my elbow is lit up.


    Deads – 315
    Bench – 205


    Runs – 1:15, 1:17, 1:18, 1:19

    Team Regional Practice

    50 Double Unders
    HSPU in sets of 10 alternating with holds up to 50
    Toes to Bar in sets of 10 alternating with holds up to 50
    Played with Fat Grips on 160# Bar but elbow was too lit up to do much volume.
    Another 50 Double Unders and more HSPU practice.

    Taking care of the elbow as Regionals is next weekend.

  18. been a while since ive posted,
    strength- 1a: 150 off of 215
    1b: 245 off of 345

    conditioning: around 26 min. scaled shoulder to overhead and lunges to 115#
    DU’s up to 85 unbroken
    handstand pushups took wayyyy too long, like almost 10 min and shoulder to overhead took a little while

  19. dead lift at 295
    bench at 185
    skipped skill work, no time
    conditioning part one with axle bar 26:20
    skipped conditioning part two.

  20. dead @350
    skipped bench and practiced 3x OHS

    conditioning: 12:12 w/ fat bar thought you had to drop fat bar every 10 and progress your bar

  21. Strength
    Deads – 160KG
    Bench – 100KG

    Conditioning #1
    21:04 Very slow through HSPU.

    Conditioning #2
    1:09, 1:10, 1:11, 1:09

    Group 3 Cond:
    12;18 woo those pistols lit my right patellar tendon up!

  22. 400’s ran while dodging cars… 1:40, 1:35, 1:30, 1:25
    1st: 10:30 My shoulders were ON FIRE… Damn push presses.
    2nd: 11:15

  23. Strength:
    Deads 240
    Bench 160 all three sets of each unbroken.
    Skill: still need work
    Conditioning: used women’s weight for lunges and shoulder to oh. Was gonna scale to 135 then got under the weight after my shoulders, forearms, and midline was fried and my body said nope. 25:10.

  24. Just started following today.
    Deadlift 140kg UB
    Bench 85kg UB

    ME Lsit – 48secs
    ME HS Hold – 9secs

    c1) 23.38 – 30 secs to do DU, 14 Minutes to do hspu..

  25. 1a) 315
    1b) 185 (10-7-6)
    L-sit (30 sec holds) and HS work
    3 rounds
    Row 500/15 pistols/20/15/10 PP – 10:32

  26. m/34/5’8″/170lb
    1a) 10×3 Sumo DL @50% 195lb
    1b) 165-165-165 (no fail)
    Skill Skipped
    only had enough time for
    – 100 DU
    – 25 HSPU
    – 15 S2OH 160#
    – 45′ walk lunge 160#
    No sprints

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