>Kevin Ogar – 3-pos Snatch @ 250# (technically yes, he does the first rep wrong, but I’m still impressed):

WOD 130508:


1) 7X1 3-Position Clean + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

*Notes: Position #1 is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. Position #2 is the traditional hang (just above the knee), and position #3 is the hi-hang (mid-way down the thigh. All sets should be done without dropping the bar. The Jerk should be performed after the hi-hang Clean.

2a) 5X3 Clean First Pulls w/ 3 count pause at the knee – heavy, rest 60 sec.

2b) 5X2 1&1/4 Front Squats – VERY heavy, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO

*Notes: Straps should be used for Clean First Pulls.


For time:

7 Rope Climbs 15′
14 Thrusters 115/75#
25 HR Pushups
5 Rope Climbs 15′
10 Thrusters 115/75#
25 HR Pushups
3 Rope Climbs 15′
6 Thrusters 115/75#
25 HR Pushups


1a) 3X12 Weighted GH Raise – heavy but fast, rest 45 sec.
1b) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – very heavy, rest 45 sec.

Extra 130508

GROUP #1 Conditioning


Row 1k
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups

GROUP #2 Conditioning

3 rounds for time of:

20 HSPU (’12 Regionals standard)
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65#
20 Triple-Unders

GROUP #4 Conditioning

3 X Row 1k @ 90%, 100%, 90% – rest 1:1

54 responses to “130508

  1. 1) 215 225 245×2 260 275×2 (fails at hi hang- pinned, wakass legs)

    2a) 315
    2b) 255×1 265

    Cond: 13:06
    Didn’t rush, pushups sucked anyways.


  2. Hi Coach-
    I realize this question doesn’t relate to todays workout but I have to ask. Background: I am 6’5 3/4″ and I am having trouble dialing in my snatch despite having good strength in the overhead squat (I’ve done 245 for doubles, 225 for triples) and snatch balance (did 225 easily recently). My back squat is 405, front squat 325, clean 275, sumo deadlift 500, so I know I have the strength to pull some heavy snatches. Here’s where I am having trouble: At 6’5 3/4″ I have a big wingspan. When I grip the bar as wide as I can, even lifting my pinky fingers and jamming my ring fingers into the bushing, the bar still falls below my pubic bone when I’m standing tall. Because of this I am having a hard time making contact with the bar without either hitting it too low on the thighs and shooting it out away from the body, hitting myself in the pubic bone directly, or bending my arms early in order to pull the bar above my pubic bone and make good hip contact. Do I need a specialty bar or what?

    Thanks for doing you.

    Best- Max Lipset, Kaizen Coaching

    • The only option you have left is to utilize the “arm bend” to get the bar into the correct place in the “power position”. Jon North talks about this in his seminars. It is completely ok to do.. certain elite level lifters do it. It’s going to be all about timing..

  3. BBG
    1) 100- 102- 105- 107 F HiHang- 107- 107- 110kg F HiHang
    2a) 160kg
    2b) 110-115-120-122.5-125kg

    Conditioning/ Strength/ Extra to do later.

    • Conditioning

      1a) Done with assistance
      1b) 110kg

      No fucking time to do it…

    • Conditioning
      12:03 w/ 12″ climb

      Group 2
      16:00 w/ 10 HSPU and 40 DU

      1a) 3 x 12 hip ext w/ 20 kg
      1b) 70 kg

  4. Wish I didn’t have to work 24 tomorrow, ready for another day of Outlaw. Really enjoying it, just letting y’all know. Thanks.

  5. Is everyone sticking to the prescribed 60s rest between sets for these 3 position lifts? Only 1 minute rest is killing my wind on these lifts, and I can’t fathom how people are crushing 225+ on these lifts with only 60s rest.

    • this was addressed way back, but the 60s rest (or 30/45/90) is crucial to help build ‘work capacity’. you’re not going to get very many fresh lifts in CF so practicing them fatigued is pretty important. they are basically EMOM style sets minus the time in take to do the lifts. that being said, you can always experiment based on what you want to prioritize, strength or volume (even though rudy would probably say otherwise…)

      really need to improve your strength? rest a tad longer so you can go as heavy as possible. need to improve your wind? stick hard to 60s rest, but this will probably mean slightly lighter sets overall. regardless, if you are keeping your working sets around 75-85% you are still getting benefit. but when people complain that outlaw ‘doesn’t do enough cardio’ they are usually missing out on the fact that these prescribed rests are not an afterthought, but an intentionally key aspect of the program. eventually your goal should be able to stick to the rests AND do these lifts heavy, but that takes some time…

  6. 3 pos clean worked up to 265 hit 1&2 failed 3rd

    1st pull clean 5×3 +3s pause ( strapped) #415
    1.25 fsquat 315 through 5 sets

    Hr push-ups sucked ass!!!!

    Good day so far.. Finish up in pm….

  7. 1) 185-225-225-245-245-265-275 (failed hi hang due to grip)

    2a) 345 for all
    2b) 275-285-285-285-285 (no fails)

    12:34 (12′ climbs but did one extra each round)

    Strength later…

  8. hey coach what do you think about doing the steinborn lift for the ohs 3rm at regionals. i think i might try it. do you think they will have a problem with it thanks.

  9. BBG
    1) 50kg, 60, 70, 75, 75, 75, 75
    2a) 110kg, 120, 120, 120, 120
    2b) 185#, 215, 225, 235, 240

    15:47 (didn’t complete all the rope climbs. hate them and got a nice raspberry on the outside of my ankle)

  10. Running on 2 hours sleep and no food due to family emergency. Sciatic and knee pain adding to everything. So needless to say today didnt go well.
    Clean complex
    85-95-105-115-125-130-130 (fail on high hang)
    Skipped part 2
    Did ctb pull-ups instead of rope climbs but did thruster rep scheme.
    Midline complete with 10 and 150

  11. BBG
    1) Worked up to 255. Jerk was heavy today.
    2a) 365
    2b) 290


  12. 1) 185/190/200/205/210/215/225
    felt heavy today but jerks were awesome

    a) 295
    b) 210

    Cond 9:27 – Outlaw Crossfit version w 32kg/115#

    GHRs bodyweight
    RH 175#

    need a rest day meow.

  13. BBG:
    1) 185 across. 1 miss. I definitely rested a little longer than 1 minute after each set. This was tough.
    2a) 275 across
    2b) 225 across.

    My forearms were killing me today, and my grip strength subsequently suffered. So, I made the decision to sub L-pullups for rope climbs (doubled the amount of reps; 7 climbs = 14 L-pullups). Didn’t want to get 15′ up the rope and have my grip fail me.


    Skipped strength. I suck today.


  14. 1) Up to 195
    2a) 255*1, 265*4
    2b) 225, 235, 235, 245, 245
    GH Raises with BW
    Conditioning later (No rope at the gym this afternoon)

  15. Bbg-
    265×5 270×1.1.1 j-x

    Squats 305-310-315-320-325-330

    Pulls- 345

    Thrusters UB
    Hrpu broken…..a lot

    Hypers 250#
    Ghr 10#

  16. BBG:
    1.) 195, 195, 205, 205, 220, 220, 220
    2a.) 260, 260, 260, 275, 275
    2b) (Smolov FS Week 4 Day 2: 5×7@215)


    1a.) 27.5x12x(9fxBWx3), 25x(4fxBWx8)
    1b.) 65, 70, 70

    MFS 8/8/7

  17. m/34/5’8″/170lb
    1) 185-195-205-215-215-225(1+F)-205
    2a) 255-275-295-315-325
    2b) 205-215-225-235-245F
    sub’d 3 towel pull ups for 1 rope climb
    1a) BW, 10lb, 10lb (just starting to do this correctly so didn’t want to go to heavy)
    1b) 8lb, 12lb, 12lb
    Extra Group 4 (not going to regionals)
    4:13 – 3:50 – 4:16

  18. c+j 4/185, 3/190
    front squats 255-260
    pulls 315

    con- subbed jumping muscleups for rope climb
    i dont remember pushups being that hard

    ghr 20#
    rev hypers- rigged 2 mini bands to the ghd

    group 2
    10 minutes triple under practice. scored more 4 letter words than 3U’s
    subbed doubles for triples

  19. BBG
    1) 245-265-275-285-300-305-315
    2a) 365
    2b) 335


    No Midline today…

  20. BBG
    1) 40/60/70/80x/80/82.5/70
    2a) 70/80/90/90/100 – should have pushed this more
    2b) 60/80/80/85/85 – took these easyish – my first attempt

    13:09 (50k)

    Was short on time so subbed the GHR and hypers for 3 x 15 ab roll outs.

  21. Felt trashed coming into this today…
    1) 175×2, 185×2, 195×2, 200(f-jerk)

    2a) 305
    2b) 205, 215, 220×2, 225


    1b) GM’s@ 150


  22. BBG:
    1) 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 275

    2a) 385 across
    2b) 315, 315, 325, 335, 340 (thought it was 345 but left a 5 lb plate off one side – idiot)

    Had to work rope climbs in around the class. This, however, did not make those god damn HR push ups any easier.

    1a) 5, 5, 5
    1b) 320 lbs

  23. BBG:
    1) 100KG across. These were awesome! Terrible but awesome!

    2a) 140KG across
    2b) 120KG across

    Scary being up on that rope with smoked grip. 11:41

    1) 25#
    2) 50#

  24. bbg
    1. 100 100 110 115 121kg f jerk

    strength: skipped and practiced 3 rep ohs form ground

    conditioning: 9:08rx
    extra #2 12:26 triple unders were fun……

  25. Regional workouts were announced while at the gym training, so our team messed around with them a bit for conditioning


    3 rep OHS from the ground up to 262#. Nearly dislocated my elbow on my first attempt by letting the bar slip off my back. It will definitely hurt tomorrow.

    3 Position Clean up to 242 (elbow was hurting)


    Pulls – 355
    FS – 295, 305, 315, 325 (1)


    30 Wall Balls
    30 Chest to Bar
    30 Pistols
    30 70# KB Snatch from ground


    – 20 minute rest –

    3 Rounds:
    2 Rope Climbs
    4 Squat Cleans @ 225#


  26. BBG
    1) Worked up to 170
    2a) 220
    2b) 170-175-180-180-180

    12 minutes

    Skipped it

    GROUP #2 Conditioning

  27. BBG
    1) 95-100-105-110-115-120-125 (125 was plenty, nearly missed hi-hang)
    2a) 205,210×3,215
    2b) 145
    Conditioning: Did Row/Burpee from last week with a 2 min max per round. Got through 73 burpdawgs.

  28. BBG: 1)115,135,155,175f,165,165,175f,170 ( position two was giving me trouble)
    2a) 205,225,235,255,255
    2b) 155,155,155,155,165( should’ve gone heavier)
    Cond: 20:11
    Extra: no gas in the tank.

  29. BBG
    1) 205,215,220,225,230,235,240(failed hi-hang)

    2a) 315 – clean 1st pull + high pull
    2b) 285

    Conditioning – did 14/10/6 C2B pull ups instead of rope climbs

    Strength –
    1a) 15# plate behind head
    1b) 185 fat bar RDL

    Extra 1
    Stopped after 5 pull ups @ 6:30

    Today was a shit day. Worst i felt working out EVER i think!

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