Yes, we have had multiple snafus with the live stream of the inaugural Outlaw Open. However, it looks like we’ve gotten everything fixed and should be ready to roll for our morning lifting session. As I said above, we will not start tomorrow’s event until the live stream is working. Our projected start time is 8:30AM PST, but if there’s any issues I will keep you all updated as much as possible. Thanks for not being jerks and being patient with us. There’s ZERO corporate money funding this thing, and we want to make it accessible for everyone, so we’ll keep trying our damnedest to make you all a part of what we think will be one of the best events in the history of mankind (hyperbole alert).

Side note: for all if you iPhone nerds (points at self), Livestream has an app which will allow you to watch the feed on your phones. Awesomeness.

Satuday’s Outlaw Open schedule:

9:00am – 12:00pm – Weightlifting Total: 3 sessions run on 2 platforms, based on opening numbers.

12:00pm – 2:00pm – Agility test + 3 minute Row for meters: heats of 5, every 8 minutes (heats announced during WL total).

2:00pm- 4:00pm – Med-Ball Toss (for distance) + Muscle-Up/Front Squat workout: heats of 10, every 12 minutes.

*All times are PST.

Elisabeth Akinwale totalled 181kg tonight. This was 20kg better than her total at last year’s American Open, and she was red-lighted on a 105kg Clean & Jerk that would have given her a 185kg total (she completed the lift, as you’ll see below, but was red-lighted for a slight press out). Even though it didn’t count for USAW standards, the 105kg (231#) was a lifetime PR for Elisabeth.

Elisabeth Akinwale – 105kg Clean & Jerk at the American Open:


WOD 121201:

BB Gymnastics

3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.

3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.


15 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat.


100′ Farmers Carry 135/95#
100′ Farmers Carry 135/95#
100′ Farmers Carry 135/95#

For time.

Notes: Farmers Carries should be performed with two barbells. The 100′ should be broken into a 50′ down and back. HSPU are Regionals standard.

51 responses to “121201

  1. Snatch EMOM (kilos) 61/3ubx5 71/2ubx5 76/1×5 79 82 85 88 91 94 97ff (207 & 213)
    C&J EMOM (kilos) 81/1×5 91/1×5 96/1×5 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 (258)
    Was feeling those 15 C&J @ 225 from yesterday. Was supposed to hit 220 & 264 (hit 216 & 260 last week), but alas

    3×3 Snatch High Pulls @ 100 kg with straps

    PR’d my FS yesterday @ 145 kg (319 lbs)

    WoD: 10:37

    Didn’t pay attention & did Farmers walks after HSPU’s not prior to. Been a long week.

  2. BB Gymnastics

    3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch.- 140# PR

    3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk. 205# (10 under PR) Shoulders are feeling terrible at the top of the jerk, very achy.


    15 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat.- 275# 10lbs PR


    100′ Farmers Carry 80# DB’s
    30 HSPU
    100′ Farmers Carry 80# DB’s
    20 HSPU
    100′ Farmers Carry 80# DB’s
    10 HSPU

    Used both facing away and towards the wall. After your shoulders get fatigued it’s game over, I was doing 2’s the last two rounds.


  3. BBG: since I did this on Monday I worked on mechanics with my Snatch.

    205# Front Squat.. New PR. Tried 215# and just missed it. Very excited!

    Lets just say me and the farmers carry weren’t getting along today! Clamps sliding and weights falling off.

    Done at 17:07 at 75# HSPU were strong though!

  4. BBG
    1) Mind f$&@ed after hitting myself with the first one.
    2) Still no jerks. 320, #5 PR
    1) 350. Just a run-of-the-mill #25 PR!
    100′, 20HSPU, 100′, 30 ring dips, 100′, 40 hand release pushups—12:25

  5. Snatch – 185 PR, fucking stoked!
    Skipped C&J
    Front Squat – 245, failed 255, no PR
    Cond – did Filthy Fifty instead, 22:16 PR

  6. BB Gymnastics:
    Snatch- 205 (5# PR)
    Clean- 255 (5# clean PR. Skipped jerks)

    Front squat – 275 (matched PR)

    27:17 Rx

  7. 29/m/5’11″/180
    Fun bro session today!
    1) 200 (failed at 215 twice for PR)
    2) 265 (PR almost had 275 yessir)


    28:27 (ouch my body)

  8. BBG:
    Snatch 155lb PR
    Clean and Jerk 205lb

    Front Squat 255lb PR

    32:15 w/ 100 lb dumbbells rx handstand pushups

  9. Well I did the bbg- hit 200lb snatch which is a 5lb PR, went to stand up with it and my low back totally gave out, It seized up, and I was stuck on the floor and couldn’t move for 20 minutes. Been on the floor at home all day. I have had disc issues in the past and I think I totally fucked up everything today.

    No outlaw for this guy for a while. I’m pretty upset, was making some soild gains.

    Any input advice or injury help would be apperciated. I have the snatch on video.

  10. BBG:
    1. 165(F) – 165 – 175
    2. 215 – 225 – 235(F)

    Did back squats instead of front
    Got sooo close to a PR at 305.

    19:58 w/ 100# KBs for farmer carries

  11. BBG:
    Snatch- 185, couldn’t pull anything heavier today down -30lb
    Clean and Jerk, 275, again, -25 off PR

    Debating Scaling back to these #s for the next round of strength %ages for the week. Anyone think this is a good idea?

    FS: #315 possible PR.


    Keeping those barbells balanced was a m-fer.

  12. BBGym:
    Snatch: 150 (10# under)
    C&J: 195 (15# under)

    240 (5# pr) -not happy with this, my 3 rep pause FS’s were done at 220 this week.

    18:19 Rx
    -Farmer carries done in 2″ of snow, hate the northeast.


  13. BBG


    335 Clean. Missed the jerk and shit myself on the way up. 😦

    Front Squat – Later

    Conditioning – Later

  14. Good luck this weekend! A ridiculous undertaking that you should be extremely proud of.
    CF L1 cert this weekend so couldn’t get to the barbell work, but did PR Fran by 52s at 4:03, that’s the only data point I have for today.
    I’m expecting a big Medball Clean PR tomorrow.

  15. Had “Fuck Yea” kind of day

    Snatch: 205# / 215# / F-215# (after the three snatches I spent another 15 min or so working at them because I’ve been trying to snatch 225# before 2013, i failed the first two attempts at it but got 2 successful lifts after)

    C&J: 255# / 275# (10# PR,this too was a set goal to have before 2013. No third attempt, had to teach a foundations class.)

    Strength: 230# (15# PR)

    Conditioning: 13:45

    Started Outlaw mid july with a Snatch of 185# and C&J of 235#, after seeing some numbers go up after the first month or so i figured a couple things. 1. Rudy, your a damn super genius, 2. I was going to snatch 225# and and C&J 275# before the years end. Today I achieved those goals so even though there’s days I want to punch you in the face rudy, today I could hug you. So thank you and the Outlaw community, this shit roolz.

  16. 1) 225
    2) 280 5lb PR
    3) 305 5lb PR
    What a great lifting day today.
    Did different cond.

    Also huge congrats to Spencer Arnold for winning the AO!!!

  17. bbg:
    snatch145 (5 off pr) then did another 3 attempts and hit 155 5lb PR stoked!
    c&J 165 185 f 185 f worked from jerks yesterday

    front squat 200 15lb pr

    did a few hspu and felt fried, had already done 4 hours of rock climbing. psyched to finally hit 155 snatch.

  18. BBG:

    1.) 215 PR
    2.) 280



    Farmer walks slowed me down…a weakeness was definitley exposed. Couldn’t find a balance point. HSPU technique/strength has significanly improved.


  19. BBG

    Snatch to 230 – no misses.
    No C&J

    Front Squat – Did triples, with 1st rep 3 sec pause.




    *subbed 32kg KB’s, and went 200 ft instead of 100ft.
    HSPU to abmat and plates.

  20. I live in TX and I was wondering how I could get a hold of a “TX Outlaw” t-shirt? Are they still available?

  21. I Prd my snatch by 10Lbs today at #220. Been following outlaw for 2 months. I never doubted any of the programming and It is paying off 10 fold. Thank you for this.

  22. You, Sir. Are pushing my limits! I love it.
    **had the rest day on Tuesday instead of Thursday… that hurt.

    1) Snatch 185/200(f)/200(f) i have the height on the pull but I’m not dropping underneath the bar. 5# short of PR last week ,to be fair the 185 went up stupid easy
    2) C&J 245/255(f)/255(f) i was failing on the clean @255
    **back was breaking form, losing the bar forward.. i think it was fatigue. 10# off of PR from last week.

    Front Squat
    335 (PR)
    ** prolly coulda done a little more, but my back was breaking forward so I called it quits.

    18:56 **i did not believe i was going to finish with 90 HSPU. obviously, I did. sweet!

  23. Saturday:
    BBG –
    1) 185# – Was relaxing on the way down and dropping in squat. Need to think power snatch speed and the squat will happen.
    2) 245# (PR for Sq clean/Jerk); 255# Sq cln (PR)

    Str –
    Instead of FS – Did our own competition, had 7 min to 7RM Back squat – 295# in WL shoes

    Also did 47 pull ups in 90 seconds immediately following squat; 1250m Row in 4:26 and a couplet. Rested til next day for Cond.

    BB Farmer carry is tough as shit. Figured out in 2nd round I need to start moving forward when I pick them up, they’re gonna tip whether you’re moving or not, and at least I was heading forward.

    Did only 20 HSPU’s. Neck was bothering me quite a bit.

  24. BBG:
    1.) 180, 190f, 200f (*210 is PR)
    2.) 205, 225, 250 (f on jerk)

    1.) 225, 245, 265ff (*260 is PR)

    21:22 as Rx

  25. BBG
    1.) 165, 175, 185 (tied PR), (tried 195 for kicks but a close fail)
    2.) 235, 245, 255 (current PR but failed)

    1). 245, 255, 265 (10# under PR)

    22:24, HSPU really struggled here, ouch! Did FC with handles (160# on each)

  26. Snatch was awful today still but forms improving
    155 160 165

    245 255 265(F) missed Jerk New Clean PR

    1RM Front squat
    305 failed at 315 would’ve tried for 310 but ran out of time
    btw still a 20# PR

    for some reason couldn’t get my kip straight for the first set of 40 HSPU’s so as a result did way too many strict too early on, basically i fucked up on this….
    time: 16:50

  27. BB Gymnastics:
    Snatch: 80lb
    C&J: 115lb
    have done better, was exhausted.


    11 HSPU than went to strict press @55lb
    95lb farmers walk

  28. BBG

    Snatch-145-20lbs under PR. brutal

    Clean/Jerk 185-30lbs under pr!!!!!!

    mechanics and mobility is horrawful right now


    FS-275-30lb PR!!!

    no time for cond.

  29. BB Gymnastics
    Snatch: Shoulder injury
    C+J: 115/145/165/195/210/225/240, 255 Failed x 3
    265/295/315/335 Failed x 2
    19:57 RX, not to happy with HSPU today

  30. Snatch: 207, 217 (f)
    C & J: 275, 300 (f jerk) PR on clean
    Strength: 335 only one attempt (right after 300 lb clean)
    Conditioning: 13:00 Rx

  31. BBG
    snatch 100kg (equaled PB.. Been struggling to hit this for about a month. Been getting 95kg easy though but was good to get this again today)

    Clean and jerk 125kg (2.5kg PB)

    Front squat 155kg (5kg PB)

    12.24 (HSPU suck balls. Need to keep working on them but they are improving)

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