The final data form will be posted tomorrow.

For those of you attending the Raleigh “Doomsday” World Tour date; we cannot wait to hang out with you. Seriously, our entire staff is currently peeing our collective pants.

From Ryan Bush…

Hey Rudy,

I’ve been following the outlaw way for about 3 months now and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I know you get a shit ton of emails everyday, but I just wanted to reach out to you guys and say thanks for all the time and effort you put in to making this community that much better. Attached is a video of me pulling 500 pounds at a BW of 166 lbs. Before I started the outlaw way I was pulling 425. Thanks for helping me blow the F out of my PR!

Ryan Bush

WOD 120914:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 Power Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2) 7X1 Power Clean & Power (Push) Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.


For time:

7 Push Press 185/120#
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B
7 Push Jerks 185/120#
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B
7 Split Jerks 185/120#
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B

Notes: Lateral Box Jumps should be performed with both feet touching the top of the box, however, full hip extension on top of the box is not necessary.


10 minutes to work up to a 1RM BB Turkish Get-up.

Notes: This should be performed as a continuous effort. Once you have performed the movement with both arms, add weight immediately and continue until time expires.

110 responses to “120914

  1. A few questions, for the push press, jerk and split jerk is the bar taken from the rack or ground? For the lateral jump we should be going over the box and jumping back from the other side (like the burpee over box jump)? Is the TGU successful lift just standing up with it or up and back to the floor?

    • Press/Jerk/split Jerk – can probably pull from rack (this is the only one I’m not 100% about)
      Lateral box jumps – back and forth, just like burpees
      TGU ? – it’s up and then back down.

  2. BBG

    Conditioning 16:05

    Mid line 50lbs. Never had done these before and had only 5 minutes to get them in, not that I would have be able to get much more.

  3. I add an other question about the conditioning : what percentage of 1RM jerk should be used on the bar if i want to scale the 185# ?

  4. BBG

    Snatch 65kg, tried one at 67.5kg caught it but it wasn’t pretty so stuck to 65
    C&Push Jerk 65,65,65,70,70,70,70kg


    Scaled weight to 55kg



    had to skip today


  5. Quick question…on the 7×1, am I basically working up to a 1rm on a condensed timeline? Or am I doing the same pre-established weight 7 times?

    Thanks for the help.

  6. Outlaw team, I started following probably 2-3 weeks ago, but I am one cycle behind. I think I’m on page 6 or so right now.

    Would it be beneficial for you guys if I were still posting my times/efforts on the posts even though they are 2 months old?

  7. 7×1 power snatch

    7×1 power clean + push jerk
    Both f were on jerk

    conditioning: 9:06
    from floor; should be done lot faster; t2b were bad today


  8. BBG:
    1) 185, 195, 200, 205(F), 205(F), 205(F), 205 PR!!
    (I have added 20lbs to my snatch since Mid-August! better technique and getting stronger! Thank you Rudy!)

    2) 245(F), 245(F) 240, 240, 240, 240, 245
    (felt a some pain in the shoulders on jerk today and was dropping before lockout. Its rainy in Detroit. These should be higher.)

    -Still need to improve T2B, I never linked more than 15. Enjoyed this triplet. EPOC the rest of the morning.

    Midline: No Time. Possibly later.

  9. Feeling weak this morning
    2)135/155/166/185/190fail jerk/185fail jerk/185

    Cond later

  10. Snatch – 85kg

    Power Clean and Jerk – 110kg

    Conditioning – 8:57 (slow on transitions, lack of sleep this week killed me)

  11. bbg (totally hypocrite on this one from my comment the other day, weight just kept feeling lighter as i went and i never went over the 1 min rest time, had plates right next to me.)
    1) 205, 205, 205, 215, 215, 225, 225
    2) 245, 245, 245, 245, 245, 255, 255

    Conditioning 10:14 rx

    Midline: worked up to 95# ties p.r. for bb tgu, felt way easier than last time i got it. could have hit a new p.r. just ran out of time.

  12. Female/5’3/120#

    BB gymnastics
    a) 95,95,95,100,105,110,115 missed it would have been a PR
    b) 115,125,125,125,130,130,130 shoulder didnt feel right

    Conditioning scaled to 85#… could have jerked but not push press… 8:15

    Midline 53#

    And after I got my first bar muscle up! Big deal for me…

  13. gonna start this post off today with a quote, it’s the first thing I heard as I walked into the gym today from one of the younger fellas I train with:

    “Steve, dude, I hope I look like you when I am as old as you are; and still train” I think it was a compliment. LOL

    Pwr Sn: worked hard and heavy on this one with several failures: ended up hitting 83kg (1 kg off my snatch PR), then proceeded to miss 85 4 times. FML

    Pwr Cl+jk: same as above, worked hard with failures. got 115 (solid), went for 118 (which would be a 1kg pr over my current best CJ: failed the jerk once the clean once, and the jerk again) (Tired?)

    Cond: 9:52 (totally lost my game plan here because I was trying to show-up; stupid)

    TGU: 35kg, no probs, 40 kg left arm, not even close in right.

  14. BBG:
    1) 135-155-165-170-175-180-185-190(X)
    2) 215-225-230-235-240-245-250(X)-250

    STRENGTH-made up Tuesday’s HBBS’s
    2×8 @ 235
    2×5 @ 255
    1×5 @ 275


    Midline later..

  15. BBG
    1) 145#, 6×150
    2) 185#

    Scaled to 135#, thought it was best to go unbroken.

    Made 45, 65, 75, 85
    Failed 90 twice

  16. BBG

    Snatch 50 kg – 55 kg – 60kg – 60 kg – 62 kg – 62 kg – 62 kg

    C&J 85 kg – 90 kg – 90 kg – 95 kg – -95 kg – 92 kg – 92 kg

    conditioning : 16:42 rx

    midline – worked up slow, because i had never done this before with a BB – 27,5 kg. – weak shit!!

  17. BBG:

    1) 165#/165/175/175/175/185/185
    2) 185#/185/205/205/205/215/215

    Conditioning; 7:50 Rx

    Midline/TGU: Worked up to 95#

  18. BBG:
    1) 165/175/185×5
    2) 245×5/255×2

    8:13 – did it as a couplet, without box jumps – patellar tendinitis


  19. BBGym:
    1) 5×130, 135, 140
    2) 3×165, 170, 180, 185, 190(15lb PR)- which is also my full clean PR, looks like someone needs to learn how to get under the bar.

    Conditioning: 155# BB
    17:02-first time doing legit T2B

    Midline: L: 65# R:80#


  20. BBG – P Snatch- 75kg, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 90
    P-C&J – 95kg, 100, 105 110, 115, 120, 125
    felt fast and light today

    115 lbs
    Those toes to bar wrecked me. Damn.

  21. Both of my shoulders feel like they are hanging on by threads. KB snatches ate me up.
    C&J-1 attempt at 155, thought about dying, and skipped it.

    9:38 @ 125# and T2R (toes to rings, no bar)


  22. Pwr-Snatch 155×2 160×2 165×2 170
    Pwr-Clean+PJ 185 205 215 220 225 230(F) 230(PR)

    8:59 RX

    105 LB

  23. First time poster, followin for a few months. What the hell.

    1) 165 x3 175 x 3 185 x1 new pr for p. snatch
    2) 225 x 3 235 x3 245 x1

    7:04 rx

    Midline:ran out of time

  24. 1) 140, 140, 145, 145, 150, 150, 155
    2) 185, 185, 190, 195, 195, 200, 205

    cond: 165lb, all power jerks (7, 4+3, 4+3)

    Forgot TGU

  25. bbg
    1) 135 155 165 175 185 195PR 205F
    2) 135 185 205 225 245 255f 255PR

    conditioning) 4:55

    185 felt super light today. I still can’t believe I did all the push presses unbroken (i had trouble doing them for 3’s on tuesday). fun workout!

  26. BBG


    115# on jerks, don’t have a plyo box-had to emprovize with 28×12″ jumps onto extra plates instead of the 14. Didn’t have a pull up bar-used rings and did toes to rings.

    It was pouring and my shed doesn’t have enough room to midline

  27. Power snatch EMOM for 7
    85kg for 6 minutes and then a brain fart

    Power clean and push jerk EMOM for 7
    110, 110, 110, 115, 115, 115, 120kg = PB

    Damn TTB

    MFS = 456

  28. m/25/188/6’2″

    1) 115×2 135×3 145(f) 135
    2) 155×2 165×3 175×2

    12:46 @ 155#


    In my haste to get to the gym I missread the Cond and ML. Cond I did push press all three rounds (was wondering why it didn’t just say ‘three rounds of’) and for ML I did dumbbell instead of barbell. Small mistakes… and stupid mistakes.

  29. BBG:
    1) 125/135/145/150/155/160/170
    2) 155/165/175/180/185/195/200

    10:06 w/ 135#
    (I think that was the fastest I’ve EVER gotten under a split jerk. They felt really good. GENIUS programming, Rudy!)

    Arm hurts. I’ll do it later.

    MFS: 2/4/9

  30. BBG:
    1) 82.5kg, 82.5, 85, 85, 87.5 PR, 90 PR, 90. Wanted to make sure at 90 so I did it twice. MMMya.
    2) 110kg, 115, 115, 115, 120, 120, 125

    Then jumped in with an affiliate workout that was similar but not totally the same and just scaled up the weight.

  31. BBG
    Power Snatch: 155,155,155,155,165F,165F,155,155,155
    Power Clean+Power Jerk: 185,185,185,205,205,225,225

    Condtioning: 10:47

    Mid Line: 95

  32. BBG
    1) 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225 caught nice and high.
    2) 255, 265, 275, 285, 295, 285f, 275

    Will finish the rest tonight.

  33. Ps- 155-155-165-165-175-175-175
    Pc+pj- 185-195-215-215-220-225pr-235pr

    Metcon- 8:20 rx
    Bar off floor

    Tgu- worked up to 70. That’s all we have

    Coming off an Injured wrist that is almost 100%. Numbers are ok. New to outlaw – I like it!!!

  34. BBG:
    1) 2×165, 1×170, 1×175, 1×180, 1×185, 1x190lbs pr
    2) 2×205, 1×215, 4x225lbs (missed the push jerk on round 5)

    7:25 at 165lbs

    Never really done heavy TGUs so mostly just worked form


  35. ps-115,135,145,145,150fff shoulder still healing
    pc+pj 165,185,190,195,205f,205,215pr

    10:27 Rx
    bar from the floor
    My max clean and jerk was 195lbs in january.

  36. 29/m/5’11″/174
    1) 135-155-155-185-185-195(f)-195-205(f)
    2) 135-185-185-195-205-225-245(failed on jerk twice)

    14:24 (overhead weekness and cramping in abs, wussitis)


  37. BBG:
    7×1 power snatch – 175#
    7×1 power clean and push jerk – 225#

    No misses but they weren’t pretty. Too many press outs.

    Conditioning – 13:47

    BB stuff unbroken. Slow otherwise.

  38. BBG


    Scaled to 115# on jerks, don’t have a plyo box so improvised with 28Ă—12″ jumps onto extra plates instead of the 14. Used rings instead of bar- scaled to knees to elbows.

    It was pouring and my shed doesn’t have enough room to midline

  39. Power snatch up to 195lbs, then split power snatch up to 205lbs.
    power clean and push jerk up to 255lbs

    metcon as rxd: 5:54

    skipped tgu wrist sore, pr is 145lbs a couple weeks back

  40. Snatch – 105#
    Clean and Jerk – 135#
    Conditioning- 5:44 heavily modified since I have a comp tomorrow.
    No midline

  41. BBG
    1) 155,185,185,205,205,225(m),205
    2) 205,205,225,225,245,265(m),245

    Front Squats (I am not able to workout tomorrow so I assumed some front squats would be programmed)

    5×3 (90-2min rest)



    8:03 Rx’d – Hips were gone.

    No midline. Had to coach class.

    – I am going to an Attitude Nation Seminar with Jon North on Sunday in San Diego. I am pumped and will let you guys know how it goes. Also, if any Outlaws happen to be attending, let me know!

  42. BBG

    1) 75kg, 77.5kg, 80kg, 82.5kg, 85kg, 87.5kg, 90kg (F) – Everything above 77.5kg was a PR
    2) 90kg, 95kg, 97.5kg, 97.5kg, 100kg (at parallel), 100kg, 102.5kg (PR but just at parallel)

    Very happy with the BBG today. Although I still can’t clean for crap

    Conditioning – RX


    All the time (probably 7 minutes in total) was taken up by Toes to Bar. I really suck at them.

    No time for TGU’s

  43. Snatch

    Clean & Power Jerk
    155#,185#,195#,195#,205#f,205#f,205# got the last one, push jerks are way out of my wheel house!

    Conditioning (brutal)

  44. Power Snatch:
    135-135-145 (f) – 145 (f) -135-135 -135#
    I didn’t have anything in my snatch today. I did some Oly work the other night at another gym for fun and I guess even going light it kind of fried me a bit.

    PC + PJ:
    Was feeling pretty slow on my power cleans. Jerks weren’t half bad… I think I could of gone heavier by 10-20 lbs.

    145 for push press
    185 for 3 Push Jerks then went down to 165 for 4
    175 for all 7 split jerks.

    I thought I could honestly do the 7 PJ at 185 but I just couldn’t get lock out. Made me feel good though that I could do 3 in a row. Split jerks were hard, couldn’t get my ass under that bar. Push press was pretty low as I never have done that much weight for reps in a WOD I think… I could of gone 155 I think. Over all was fun.

    Skipped midline to coach.

  45. 1) 115-125-135-145-145-145-145 (PR for power snatch)
    2) 185-185-185-195-195-200(failed Jerk)-200(PR, 15#)

    Cond: 13:15 with 165lbs…couldn’t maintain 185

    Midline: 60#

  46. Strength: (Lunch Time)
    Bench Press 531
    50 Pullups (Strict)

    Only had time for Snatch

    Toes to bar were wicked slow, all presses unbroken. Went into it cold, could have done 10, maybe 20 seconds better. Goal was sub 7

  47. 7 x 1 power snatch
    115, 135, 135, 135, 135, 155, 165(f)

    7 x1. Power clean & jerk/press
    165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215(f) 185

    Conditioning: Scaled and slow

  48. BBG: snatch 95,105,115,125,130,130135 tie PR
    C&J 145,155,160,165,175,185,195(f)

    Conditioning @155# 17:00 (ugh)

    Midline: 65 right arm 50 left arm (first time doing these)

  49. Comfartble 200 for the PS and 220 PC & J.
    Still working on that external rotation under load…
    Replaced HSPU with kip in metcon @ 220#, my Achilles!!!
    Time: 11:40

  50. Dynamic FSQ 225+#80 chains (12×2)
    Power snatch
    Power clean + jerk
    1 FSQ Every :30 for 7min
    (85%) #345
    GHD raise (4×10)

    Conditioning: 5:12 RXd

  51. BBG
    1. 165, 176, 181, 185, 185, 190, 196
    2. 225, 230, 236, 241, 245(f-pj), 245, 250(f-pj)
    9:46 those T2B really slowed me down
    75lbs I started with my left hand because it was not as strong as the right.

  52. BBG: Snatch – worked up to 82.5 no fails
    C&J – worked up to 107.5 no fails

    Obviously need to work heavier, but I’ve been trying to focus on changing my form.

    Midline: worked up to 60lb each hand (used KBs)

    Cond: 12:55

  53. BBG-
    Snatch -155 x 7 Should have tried to go a heavier no fails.
    Clean- 225×5, 235×1, 245×1

    Conditioning- 15:00 So it took me around 2min total to do my presses and jerks for all rounds. Maybe 1 min or so for all rounds on the jumps. Leaves 12 minutes for my T2B major suck fest. Really need to work on these.

  54. 1) 65kg
    2) 90kg

    COND: 8:08; that was a whole damn lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

    TGU 27.5kg; lot less than last 1RM. Found this pretty tough.

    MFS 3/4/3

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